Paul McCartney / Boston 2022 2nd Night / 3CD

Paul McCartney / Boston 2022 2nd Night / 3CD / Non label
Fenway Park, Boston, MA, USA 8th June 2022

Play sample :

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came! Finally, the best audience & limited press CD release from Paul’s latest tour! Until now, the fastest release of very high quality audience recordings has continued from the UXBRIDGE label, but this time it was just that it was suitable for the glasses of the press CD release for the first time, so it is a powerful sound pressure & sound image. I think the compatibility between the taper position that made the recording and the sound output at the venue was good right after the live started. The highest quality that the press CD release is confirmed only by that. “Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five”, which is an ensemble with a slight restraint, is finally a sound board-like dense sound image.
Among the wonderful recording conditions, it is noteworthy that the bass line played by Paul is captured with clear and plump sound quality. If it is a 2022 stage record, it is natural that the audience recording with a high average score will be rumbling. Under such circumstances, it seems that there are not so many sound sources that capture the sound of the bass he plays with a good feeling. Listening to the bouncy bassline in songs like “Can’t Buy Me Love”, “Got to Get You into My Life”, or the encore “Birthday”, I really feel like this person is active all his life. You will be impressed that it is full. However, in “Getting Better”, I love the smiley scene where Paul starts singing like flying.

From the latest album “McCARTNEY III” at the moment, “Women And Wives” was added to the repertoire at the beginning of the tour, but it was originally a song that could not be said to look live, and it was already cold to new songs. Due to the reaction of the American audience (bitter smile), I was demoted to the sound check repertoire. It was
However, in Boston on June 8th, which will be released this time, “Jet” will appear for the first time as this year’s repertoire from the second day performance at Fenway Park. Moreover, the performance in the middle of the live, which is next to “Fuh You”, is fresh and effective, not in the position of the early stage of the live as in the past. Because in the early stages, Paul’s throat had to sing before the engine was fully opened, so depending on the day, it seemed to be difficult for Paul to sing.
Because it was shown in the middle of the set this time, he also sang nicely. But that’s not all, thanks to the addition of the horn corps that accompanied us on the tour after 2018, it’s a live version reminiscent of the Wings of 1976, so you can’t miss it. .. It’s a wonderful stage performance, and I can’t help but hope that you will continue to play.

And I’m glad that Paul is in great shape throughout the live, and when he finishes “Dance Tonight”, he talks to Ave on drums, which is a rare scene in recent years. The most surprising thing is “Maybe I’m Amazed”. It’s a repertoire that has become a “barrier to the first half of the live” for Paul for many years, not recently, but it’s been more than a month since the tour started, so it’s a singing that hasn’t been seen recently. I can’t help but be surprised at the person, that is, the voice.
Paul finally turned 80 at the time of writing this, of course there are scenes that seem to be painful depending on the song. Even so, the condition is overwhelmingly good from the whole live, and it is obvious if you compare it with the sound source at the beginning of the tour released from the UXBRIDGE label. This is remarkable in “Maybe I’m ~”, and in the case of Paul, the schedule of two consecutive performances seems to be rather successful.
And you can see that the production of the virtual duet of “I’ve Got a Feeling”, which has become a hot topic in this tour, has become quite familiar. After all, the sound is so good that I’m always impressed by Paul’s attitude toward live performances, which he never forgets his aggressive attitude even when he turns 80 (although he was still 79 at this point). At the time of release, the song order before and after “You Never Give Me Your Money” was different from the actual one due to a mistake when it was released, but of course it was an adjustment. More than a month has passed since the start, and the audience album that captured the full engine opening with excellent sound quality from the tour that has already gained popularity among fans all over the world is finally released on a limited press CD. Not only the recording quality but also the performance content is fulfilling suitable for the latest Paul’s press CD definitive edition, especially the 2022 version “Jet” is a must listen!

★ Tour No.1 miraculous ultra-high sound quality

来ました!遂にポール最新ツアーからの極上オーディエンス&限定プレスCDリリースが!これまでもUXBRIDGEレーベルから非常にクオリティの高いオーディエンス録音の最速リリースが続いていましたが、今回は初めてプレスCDリリースのお眼鏡にかなったというだけのことはありド迫力の音圧&音像。録音を敢行してくれたテーパーのポジションと会場の出音の相性がライブ開始直後から良かったのでしょう。それだけでプレスCDリリースが確定という最高のクオリティ。これが抑え気味なアンサンブルとなる「Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five」などはいよいよサウンドボードチックな密度の濃い音像。
 その素晴らしい録音状態の中でも特筆すべきは、ポールが弾くベースラインを明瞭かつふくよかな音質で捉えてくれているということ。2022年のステージの記録であれば平均点の高いオーディエンス録音がゴロゴロするのは当たり前。そんな中でこれほどまで彼の弾くベースの音をイイ感じで捉えてくれている音源というのはそうそうないのでは。「Can’t Buy Me Love」や「Got to Get You into My Life」、あるいはアンコールの「Birthday」といった曲での弾むようなベースラインを聞いていると、本当にこの人は生涯現役でいる気が満々なのだな…と感動させられることでしょう。とはいえ「Getting Better」ではポールがフライング気味に歌い出してしまうという微笑ましい場面はご愛敬。
 現時点での最新アルバムである「McCARTNEY III」からは「Women And Wives」がツアー開始当初はレパートリーに加えられていたものの、元々ライブ映えするとは言い難い曲調だった上、ただでさえ新曲に冷淡なアメリカのオーディエンスの反応を受け(苦笑)サウンドチェック用レパートリーに降格してしまいます。 
 ところが今回リリースされる6月8日のボストンはフェンウェイ・パークでの二日目の公演からは「Jet」が今年のレパートリーとして初登場。しかも従来のようなライブ序盤という位置ではなく「Fuh You」の次というライブ中盤での演奏が新鮮かつ効果的。というのも序盤ですとポールの喉がエンジン全開とならない内に歌わなければならないせいで、日によっては今のポールが歌うのに厳しそうな風に映ったこともありました。
 そしてライブ全体を通してポールが絶好調な様子が伝わってくるのも嬉しいところで、「Dance Tonight」を終えたところで彼がドラムのエイブに語り掛けるという、近年では珍しい場面がまた微笑ましい。何より驚かされるのが「Maybe I’m Amazed」。最近どころか何年も前からポールにとって「ライブ前半の関門」と化した感のあるレパートリーですが、ツアー開始から一か月以上が経過したこともあり、ここ最近では見られなかったくらい攻めた歌い方、つまり声が出ていることに驚きを禁じえません。
 これを書いている時点で遂に80歳を迎えたポールです、もちろん曲によっては苦しそうな場面もある。にしてもライブ全体からすると圧倒的に調子がよく、それはUXBRIDGEレーベルからリリースされたツアー序盤の音源と聞き比べてもらえば歴然としている。これが「Maybe I’m~」では顕著になっていて、ポールの場合は二日連続公演というスケジュールがむしろ功を奏しているように思えるほど。
 そして今回のツアーで話題の演出となっている「I’ve Got a Feeling」のバーチャル・デュエットの演出もすっかりなじんできたことが解ります。何しろ音がいいので、80歳を迎えても(この時点ではまだ79でしたが)攻めの姿勢を忘れることのないポールのライブに対する姿勢に感動させられることしきり。リリースに際しては、公開された際のミスで「You Never Give Me Your Money」前後の曲順が実際と違った状態となっていましたが、そこはもちろんアジャスト。開始から一か月以上が経過し、既に世界中のファンの間で評判を呼んでいるツアーからエンジン全開ぶりを素晴らしい音質で捉えてくれたオーディエンス・アルバムが遂に限定プレスCDでリリース。その録音クオリティだけでなく演奏内容がまた最新ポールのプレスCD決定版に相応しい充実ぶり、中でも2022年版「Jet」は必聴!
Disc 1 (59:42)
1. Intro
2. Can’t Buy Me Love
3. Junior’s Farm
4. Letting Go
5. Got to Get You into My Life
6. Come on to Me
7. Let Me Roll It
8. Getting Better
9. Let ‘Em In
10. My Valentine
11. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five
12. Maybe I’m Amazed
13. We can work it out
14. In Spite of All the Danger
Disc 2 (47:12)
1. MC
2. Love Me Do
3. Dance Tonight
4. Blackbird
5. Here Today
6. Queenie Eye
7. Lady Madonna
8. Fuh You
9. Jet
10. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite
11. Something
12. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Disc 3 (52:45)
1. MC
2. You Never Give Me Your Money
3. She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
4. Get Back
5. Band on the Run
6. Let It Be
7. Live and Let Die
8. Hey Jude
9. I’ve Got a Feeling
10. Birthday
11. Helter Skelter
12. Golden Slumbers
13. Carry That Weight
14. The End
Non label

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