Ozzy Osbourne ,Motorhead & The Good Rats / Bethlehem 1981 / 3CDR

Ozzy Osbourne ,Motorhead & The Good Rats / Bethlehem 1981 / 3CDR / Shades

Stabler Arena, Bethlehem, PA, USA 26th April 1981

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Ozzy Osbourne, who got Randy Rhoad and achieved his independence, and MOTORHEAD, who was about to release “NO SLEEP’TIL HAMMERSMITH” to the world. Introducing a new excavation live set where you can experience the full show where both males collided.
This work was recorded in “April 26, 1981 Bethlehem performance”. It is an audience recording set that vacuum-packs the whole story. At that time, Ozzy had just embarked on a national domination with “BLIZZARD OF OZZ TOUR”, but various bands supported the tour. DEF LEPPARD is supported at the South Fallsburg performance of the new masterpiece “SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981 (Zodiac 363)” that was permanently preserved this week, and their recording “SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981 (Shades 1140)” will be released at the same time. I will. On the other hand, the Bethlehem performance of this work is supported by two groups, MOTORHEAD and THE GOOD RATS. This work is a complete recording of the total of 3 sets. Here, let’s briefly organize the contents of this work.


… And it looks like this. Each band is a valuable new excavation master, but this work will allow you to fully experience “One Night in 1981”.

[New excavation master who can directly taste Randy’s guitar] Moreover, its quality is not hampered. In fact, all three were excavated from the route that is currently being talked about. It is a transfer of the “luv sufo” collection and the prestigious “Krw_co” excavation. Yes, it’s the same route as Ozzy and DEF LEPPARD’s sister work “SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981”, which will be released at the same time this week. In fact, the sound of this work is excellent. It’s a vintage audience, but the most wonderful thing is the powerful core. Anyway, the thick and thick core attacks with Guigui. What’s more, it’s so powerful that it’s going to make a roaring sound … but it doesn’t. It reaches the details clearly so that it can be pulled by a thick core. Especially wonderful is the guitar. The melody that dances brilliantly and the riff work that goes wild are exquisite to the subtleties without leaving a single note. It is a guitar recording that Randy can taste vividly, whether it is due to the position or the intention of the recorder (the pitch that was significantly crazy in the original sound of the excavation master is also adjusted accurately).
Such a guitar and on-personity are similar to “SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981”, but if you listen to it at the same time, you can feel the distance (slightly) to Ozzy’s vocals. This is the reason why the close-knit “SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981” was made into a press and this work was introduced from the Shades label. However, this work also has points that exceed “SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981”. That is “No Bone Movies”. The song itself isn’t touted as “super rare!” Because it can be heard in “TRIBUTE”, but it wasn’t played in “SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981”. Of course, Randy’s live performance is valuable even for one take, and you can enjoy it with a powerful sound that approaches you.

[THE GOOD RATS with Bruce Kulick and MOTORHEAD in the Golden Age] Actually, it is MOTORHEAD that makes this sound especially happy. Anyway, the powerful and “push” sound image suits the noise-stopping band sound. Animal Taylor’s drumming rampages up to one stroke, and the noisy Eddie Clarke’s guitar and Remy’s roar are powerful. And above all, the base. Rhythm guitar-like cutting is rugged. The vividness of this bass surpasses that of “SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981”, and it shines in MOTORHEAD (from the second song “Stay Clean” to the middle of the next song “Over The Top”, it becomes a little lighter. But). The main act of this work is Ozzy, but the best act may be MOTORHEAD (sound boosted).
Moreover, the MOTORHEAD edition has a delicious set. It’s a show about two months before the release of “NO SLEEP’TIL HAMMERSMITH”, but the content is different while having the same tension as that historical masterpiece. “Over The Top,” “Leaving Here,” “Jailbait,” “Bite The Bullet,” and “The Chase Is Better Than The Catch,” which you can’t hear in “NO SLEEP’TIL HAMMERSMITH,” are also cheated.
The story was mixed up, but it is probably the best THE GOOD RATS that is by far the most valuable. NY’s long-established hard rock band debuted in 1969, but 1981 was the era of their 6th album “GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC”. Bruce Kulick, who also participated in the album, is accompanying the tour, and you can meet “Blues before KISS” with 100% sound. Of course, the set is different from “LIVE AT LAST” which was born from the previous tour, and you can enjoy numbers such as “Beethoven”, “Icy Cold”, “New York Survivor” and “Mr. Mechanic”.

THE GOOD RATS with Ozzy from the Randy era, MOTORHEAD from the golden trio, and blues. It is a 3-disc set that allows you to fully experience a valuable live performance of a level that is appreciated just by listening to it with a powerful master sound. “1981” was more mellow than the golden age, even though it was the eve of the heavy metal explosion. A gorgeous set where you can enjoy the taste with the on-site sound of the same recorder. Please fully enjoy it.

★ First appearance sound source. Pitch fixed

ランディ・ローズを得て独り立ちを成し遂げたオジー・オズボーンと、今まさに『NO SLEEP ‘TIL HAMMERSMITH』を世に送り出そうとしていたMOTORHEAD。両雄が激突したフルショウを体験できる新発掘ライヴセットが登場です。
そんな本作が記録されたのは「1981年4月26日ベツレヘム公演」。その一部始終を真空パックしたオーディエンス録音セットです。当時のオジーは”BLIZZARD OF OZZ TOUR”で全米制覇に乗り出したばかりでしたが、そのツアーには様々なバンドがサポートに付きました。今週永久保存された新名盤『SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981(Zodiac 363)』のサウス・フォールズバーグ公演ではDEF LEPPARDがサポートに付いており、彼らの同日録音『SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981(Shades 1140)』も同時リリースとなります。それに対し、本作のベツレヘム公演ではMOTORHEADとTHE GOOD RATSの2組がサポート。本作はその合計3組を完全収録しているのです。ここで、本作の内容を簡単に整理しておきましょう。



しかも、そのクオリティもハンパではない。実は、3本とも今話題のルートから発掘された。それは「luvsufo」コレクション&発掘の名門「Krw_co」トランスファー。そう、今週同時リリースとなるオジーやDEF LEPPARDの姉妹作『SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981』と同じルートなのです。実際本作のサウンドは絶品。あくまでもヴィンテージ・オーディエンスの範疇ではありますが、何よりも素晴らしいのは力強い芯。とにかく骨太で肉厚な芯がグイグイと攻め立ててくる。しかも、あまりにもパワフルなために爆音になりそう……と思わせつつ、そうはならない。極太な芯に引っぱられるようにディテールまでクッキリと手元まで届くのです。特に素晴らしいのがギター。華麗に舞うメロディも、荒れ狂うリフ・ワークも1音残さず機微まで絶品。ポジションのせいか、録音者の意図によるものか、とにかくランディが鮮やかに味わえるギター録音です(発掘マスターの原音では大幅に狂っていたピッチも正確に整えています)。
そんなギターやオンな個性は『SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981』にも通じるものですが、同時に聴いてしまうとオジーのヴォーカルに(わずかに)距離が感じられなくもない。ド密着な『SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981』がプレス化され、本作はShadesレーベルからのご紹介となった所以です。とは言え、本作にも『SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981』を超えるポイントがある。それは「No Bone Movies」。曲自体は『TRIBUTE』でも聴けるために「激レア!」と喧伝するものではありませんが、『SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981』では演奏していなかった曲。もちろん、ランディの生演奏は1テイクでも貴重ですし、それを目の前に迫るパワフル・サウンドで楽しめるのです。

【ブルース・キューリックも参加したTHE GOOD RATSと黄金時代のMOTORHEAD】
実は、このサウンドが殊更嬉しくなるのがMOTORHEAD。とにかくパワフルで「押し」の音像がノイズ寸止めのバンド・サウンドにメチャクチャ似合う。アニマル・テイラーのドラミングは1打1打まで超克明に暴れ回り、ノイジーなエディ・クラークのギターもレミーの咆哮もド迫力。そして何より、ベース。リズム・ギター的なカッティングがゴリッゴリのバッキバキ。この低音の鮮やかさに関しては『SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981』をも凌駕しており、それがMOTORHEADで映えまくるのです(2曲目の「Stay Clean」から次曲「Over The Top」の途中までナゼカ少し軽くなりますが)。本作のメイン・アクトはオジーなのですが、ベスト・アクトは(サウンドが後押しする)MOTORHEADかもしれません。
しかも、MOTORHEAD編はセットも美味しい。『NO SLEEP ‘TIL HAMMERSMITH』リリースの約2ヶ月前となるショウなのですが、あの歴史的名盤と同じテンションでありつつ、内容は異なる。『NO SLEEP ‘TIL HAMMERSMITH』では聴けない「Over The Top」「Leaving Here」「Jailbait」「Bite The Bullet」「The Chase Is Better Than The Catch」もブチかましてくれるのです。
話は前後してしまいましたが、貴重度で群を抜くのは一番手のTHE GOOD RATSでしょう。1969年にデビューしたNYの老舗ハードロック・バンドですが、1981年と言えば6thアルバム『GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC』時代。アルバムにも参加していたブルース・キューリックがツアーにも同行しており、「KISS以前のブルース」に本生100%サウンドで対面できる。もちろん、前ツアーから生まれた『LIVE AT LAST』ともセットが異なり、「Beethoven」「Icy Cold」「New York Survivor」「Mr. Mechanic」といったナンバーも楽しめます。

ランディ時代のオジー、黄金トリオのMOTORHEAD、ブルースもいたTHE GOOD RATS。とにかく聴けるだけでもありがたいレベルの貴重なライヴをパワフルなマスターサウンドで完全体験できてしまう3枚組です。ヘヴィメタルの爆発前夜でありながら、黄金期以上に芳醇だった「1981年」。その旨みを同一録音家の現場サウンドで味わえる豪華セット。どうぞ、たっぷりとご堪能ください。


Disc 1(37:08)


1. Intro
2. Beethoven
3. Icy Cold
4. Reason To Kill
5. New York Survivor
6. Mr. Mechanic
7. Victory In Space
8. Klash-Ka-Bob incl. Bass & Drum Solo

Peppi Marchello – Lead Vocals
Bruce Kulick – Guitar ★
Mickey Marchello – Guitar, Vocals
Joe Franco – Drums
Schuyler “Shady” Deale – Bass

Disc 2(43:33)


1. Intro
2. Ace Of Spades
3. Stay Clean
4. Over The Top
5. The Hammer
6. Leaving Here
7. Jailbait
8. Capricorn
9. Bite The Bullet
10. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
11. Overkill

Lemmy Kilmister – vocals, bass
Fast Eddie Clarke – guitar, vocals
Phil “Philthy Animal” Taylor – drums

Disc 3(70:52)


1. Carmina Burana
2. I Don’t Know
3. Crazy Train
4. Believer
5. Mr. Crowley
6. Flying High Again
7. Revelation (Mother Earth)
8. Steal Away (the Night)
9. Drum Solo
10. No Bone Movies
11. Suicide Solution
12. Guitar Solo
13. Iron Man
14. Children Of The Grave
15. Paranoid

Ozzy Osbourne – vocals
Randy Rhoads – guitar
Rudy Sarzo – bass
Tommy Aldridge – drums
Lindsey Bridgwater – keyboards

Shades 1143

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