Oasis / Baltimore 1995 Dat Master / 1CD+1Bonus CDR

Oasis / Baltimore 1995 Dat Master / 1CD+1Bonus CDR

Hammerjacks, Baltimore, MD, USA 10th October 1995.plus Bonus CDR “NANTES 1995″*


Play sample :

Click Image To Enlarge

Last month, we released the helper period sound board album “MARSEILLES 2000” that Matt Deighton joined when Noel temporarily left on the 2000 tour, but this week we also released the helper period live sound source of Oasis. I will. In the first place, the “helper period” in the live performance of Oasis is a precious time, and the first example happened in 1995. I have a strong impression that this year was a great success with the release of the second album “MORNING GLORY”, but it was also a turbulent year. Let’s look back on the middle of 1995.

・ End of January-March America # 1 (30 performances)
・ Late April Short-term Europe & First Arena
・ Withdrawal from Tony McCarroll → Joined Alan White
・ June-July Festival around & REM undercard
・ August Japan Tour (second time after 1994)

Looking back now, the schedule was not as strong as the artists in the 1960s and 70s, but it is still true that the popularity explosion accompanying the release of “MORNING GLORY” made me busy from June. It was the base giggie that was at the mercy of this situation, and after the performance in Japan, he temporarily withdrew. However, the tour was waiting again from October, starting from the MV shooting of the new single “Wonderwall”. Changing the schedule while the band is in the updraft is a management impossible story, and we hurry to hire a bassist to replace Gigsey. There, Scott McCloud, who was in a band called Yayaz, was struck by a white arrow.

The problem is the tour from October when he joined. First, a warm-up gig was held twice in my home country, and then the second landing in the United States in 1995. However, the members at that time were still young and had a strong sense of companionship, and the helper Scott did not get used to the band, and above all, it hindered the performance. In addition, because I was thrown into the United States where I don’t know right or left, I became homesick. Eventually, after the Pittsburgh performance on October 16th, he returned to England to escape, forcing Scott’s too short-lived helper period to end.
In the end, when the gigs returned, they literally returned to their original pods, but during this Scott helper period, the number of gigs themselves was small and the number of items was small. Especially in the United States, when Liam went up to the stage, he was already in a bad condition, and after all, the happening that Noel took over from the middle was broadcast on the radio, and the Boston performance was a standard.
Other than that, the only audience recording that was released was the Baltimore performance on October 10. An audience recording with surprisingly good sound quality was released under the title “GETTING HIGH”, but for some reason it was a mysterious content filled with an official single B-side song copy instead of an incomplete recording with 3 songs cut. .. Even though I was recording a very valuable time with good sound quality, such a recording condition was a big deduction. However, the original sound source has been on the market among traders and on the net for a long time, and this time the first full version release will be realized based on it.

What surprised me most when I heard this sound source was the quiet recording of the surroundings, which I couldn’t think of as an American audience recording. Maybe it’s not exciting? It’s an illusion, but you can see the excitement in the distance, and there are female fans on the left side who cheer cheerfully. It’s nice to see Noel calling the song and she’s overjoyed right after she shouts her song for “Some Might Say”.
Therefore, it can be inferred that it was recorded from a special position not only from the surrounding situation but also from the sound of Noel’s guitar as if it picked up the sound from the amplifier instead of the PA. Although it does not reach the sound image of the range described as “sound board”, it is really easy to hear because the surroundings are quiet.
However, it is undeniable that the treble is conspicuously balanced, which seems to be recorded by the DAT audience in the mid-1990s, and this has been relaxed by adding some equalization to this release. I wonder if this change can be felt from around the sound of Whity’s cymbals. In addition, the digital noise that occurred at the beginning of “Cigarettes & Alcohol” due to the aging of DAT has been processed to make it less noticeable.

Thanks to the quiet surroundings, Liam’s voice was a little rough on that day … In other words, it seems that it wasn’t perfect from the first day of the US tour. That was so bad on the radio broadcast in Boston four days later, but fortunately I didn’t escalate to that point and stayed and sang to the end. Rather, it is getting closer to normal business from around “Roll With It”. Since Boston had such an ending, it is also valuable that Liam captured the day when Liam was on stage until the end with high sound quality on this tour.
And ironically, you can even hear Scott not blending into the band because of the excellent sound quality. First of all, in “Cigarettes & Alcohol”, you can hear that he made a mistake in the composition, but even more serious was “Champagne Supernova”.
While Noel was playing the guitar solo, Scott lost sight of the composition and missed the sound, and finally stopped playing. Not only did Noel get distracted by his mistakes and almost miss the sound, but the other members were naturally in a state of donning, and the timing to return to the song to Liam was delayed. From this scene, it seems that there is anxiety about Scott asking “Is he okay?”
At this time, the finale “I Am The Walrus” was rarely removed from the set list, and instead it was a pattern that ended with “Rock’n’Roll Star”, but also in this regard, “I Am The Walrus” Isn’t it difficult for Scott? It may have been considered.

For that reason, the persuasive power of the Noel playing talk corner, which is not confused by the clumsy bassist (bitter smile), is wonderful, and the sound image is even closer, making it easier to hear. Even if you listen only here, it realistically captures the electric-acoustic sound of Noel, and it tells you that it was probably recorded from a special position. In addition to that, you can see a glimpse of the audience reacting enthusiastically beyond the performance.
And at the end of the game, which wasn’t heard in the already released “GETTING HIGH”, Liam completely demodulated and did the gig to the end. After all it was a mistake that this part was not recorded. In this way, the excellent audience of the precious time is released in the full version for the first time, which is enriched in both content and sound quality!

先月は2000年のツアーでノエルが一時離脱した際にマット・デイトンに加わってもらった助っ人期サウンドボード・アルバム「MARSEILLES 2000」をリリースしましたが、今週もまたオアシスの助っ人期ライブ音源をリリースいたします。そもそもオアシスのライブにおける「助っ人期」というの自体が貴重な時期なのですが、その最初の例が1995年に起きています。この年はセカンドアルバム「MORNING GLORY」をリリースしたことで大成功の一年という印象が強いのですが、実は波乱万丈な一年でもありました。ここで1995年の途中まで振り返ってみましょう。
 今振り返ってみれば60年代や70年代のアーティストほどスケジュールが強行軍だった訳ではないのですが、それでも「MORNING GLORY」リリースに伴う人気の爆発によって6月から忙しくなったのは事実。この状況に翻弄させられたのがベースのギグジーで、来日公演後、一時的に脱退しています。ところが既にニューシングル「Wonderwall」のMV撮影から始まって10月からは再びツアーが待ち構えていた。バンドが上昇気流に乗った中でスケジュールを変えるということはマネージメント的にありえない話であり、ギグジーの代わりとなるベーシストを急遽雇い入れます。そこでヤーヤーズというバンドにいたスコット・マクラウドに白羽の矢が立てられました。
 それ以外にオーディエンス録音で唯一リリースされていたのが10月10日のボルチモア公演。驚くほど音質の良いオーディエンス録音が「GETTING HIGH」というタイトルでリリースされていたものの、何故か3曲カットされた不完全収録な代わりにオフィシャルのシングルB面曲コピーで埋められた不思議な内容だったという。非常に貴重な時期を良好な音質で収録していたにもかかわらず、そのような収録状態は大減点でした。しかし元音源は以前からトレーダー間やネット上に出回っており、今回はそれを元に初の完全版リリースが実現するのです。
 この音源を聞いて何より驚かされるのは、アメリカのオーディエンス録音とは思えないほど周囲の静かな録音状態。もしかして盛り上がっていないのでは?と錯覚しそうなほどの臨場感なのですが、遠くで盛り上がっている様子も伝わってきますし、左側には健気に声援を送る女性ファンもいる。彼女が「Some Might Say」を求めて曲目を叫んだ直後にノエルが同曲をコールして彼女が大喜びする場面は素敵。
ただし1990年代半ばのDATオーディエンス録音らしく高音が目立つバランス感が否めず、そこに関しては今回のリリースに際して若干のイコライズを加えて緩和させています。この変化はホワイティのシンバルの響き辺りから実感してもらえるかと。さらにDATの経年により「Cigarettes & Alcohol」の冒頭で生じていたデジノイズも目立たなくなる処理を施しています。
 周囲の静かなおかげもあり、この日はリアムの声が少し荒れていた…つまりアメリカ・ツアー初日から既に完ぺきではなかった様子も伺える。それが4日後のボストンでのラジオ放送であそこまで悪化してしまった訳ですが、幸いにもこの日はそこまでエスカレートせず踏みとどまって最後までちゃんと歌い切っている。むしろ「Roll With It」辺りから通常営業に近づいているほど。何せボストンがあのような結末でしたので、このツアーでリアムが最後までステージにいた日を高音質で捉えてくれているというのも価値が高い。
 そして皮肉なことに、音質が秀でているせいでバンドに溶け込めていないスコットの様子まで聞き取れてしまう。まず「Cigarettes & Alcohol」で彼は構成を間違えてしまった様子が聞き取れますが、それ以上に深刻だったのが「Champagne Supernova」。
 この時期は珍しくフィナーレの「I Am The Walrus」がセットリストから外されており、代わりに「Rock ‘n’ Roll Star」で締めくくるというパターンとなっていたのですが、この点に関しても「I Am~」がスコットには難しいのでは?という配慮があったのかもしれません。
 そして既発「GETTING HIGH」で聞かれなかった終盤になるとリアムはすっかり復調してギグを最後までこなしてくれたのですね。やはりこのパートが収録されないというのは片手落ちでした。こうして内容面と音質面の両方で充実し、なおかつ貴重な時期の優良オーディエンスが初めて完全版にてリリース!
01. The Swamp Song
02. Acquiesce
03. Supersonic
04. Hello
05. Roll With It
06. Shakermaker
07. Some Might Say
08. Slide Away
09. Cigarettes & Alcohol
10. Champagne Supernova
11. Wonderwall
12. Cast No Shadow
13. Don’t Look Back In Anger
14. Live Forever
15. Rock ‘N’ Roll Star
Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – guitar
Alan White – drums
Scott McLeod – bass★

Oasis / Nantes 1995 /1CDR
La Trocardiere, Nantes, France 14th November 1995 TRULY AMAZING SOUND


Click Image To Enlarge

The November 1995 oasis, when the giggie returned and settled in its original scabbard, opened a glorious two-day gig at Earl’s Court. Therefore, it is generally thought that it was a time when the impression of joining the big name was strong (the two days of Earl’s Court were widely reported in Japan), but that is only in the UK. On a global scale, we are still in a state where we are actually gigging at a theater class venue in France 10 days after Earl’s Court. Nowadays, the impression of Earl’s Court is so strong that when it comes to the sound source of November 1995, I even felt that the items were concentrated in those two days.
In real time, some items that recorded the sound source after Earl’s Court were released, but that is also old days. What is the precious sound source attached to the first delivery of “BALTIMORE 1995 DAT MASTER” this time! It contains an audience recording of a theater gig performed in Nantes, France (sorry, bitter smile).

It was an audience recording like the one recorded on the Cassette Walkman at that time, and there is no hope for clearness like the DAT audience that was emerging at that time. It may be said that it is a slightly rough recording. However, the sound image is surprisingly close, and Liam’s voice and Noel’s guitar are surprisingly on sound images, so if you are a maniac, you should rather enjoy it.
Above all, it is very interesting that the gig with a homely atmosphere was performed so far in less than 10 days from that Earl’s Court. It is unusual for Noel to start instrumental after introducing the song title, “The first song is’Swamp Song'” from the opening. On the other hand, in “Cast No Shadow”, Noel and the audience are already in a call and response state, and more than a month has passed since the album “MORNING GLORY” was released, and it seems that it has penetrated among fans. Let me know.
However, it seems that the venue itself was lively with some female fans screaming persistently (or screaming level) between songs. I said “it seems” because the balance of the sounds produced by the brothers is so great that the surrounding sounds are not picked up at all during the performance, so at first glance it seems like “Isn’t it exciting?” Because it will end up.
Even so, it’s really interesting that during the glorious period of two days of Earl’s Court with the release of “MORNING GLORY”, the live performance was so humorous. Therefore, it is different from the high tension performance like that time, but it seems that the band is also challenging the stage while relaxing at a venue of a moderate size, and the scene of Noel’s song introduction heard at the beginning is that. This is the best example.

And Liam was also in great shape on this day, and he will let us hear a relaxed singing voice in a relaxed atmosphere. Attack with the singing voice of “MORNING GLORY” mode. After all, the few months remaining in 1995 after the release of the album seems to have been a special time. The audience gathered in Nantes in front of this cool singing voice may be responding with screaming.
It’s true that it’s a rough recording (maybe it’s like AM radio) that is different from the DAT recording honor student audience, but the closeness of the sound image like the one above is effective and you can fully enjoy the rare live sound source in November 1995. .. Therefore, although it is a sound source for enthusiasts, the content is the best!

 リアルタイムではいくつかアールズ・コート後の音源を収録したアイテムもリリースされていましたが、それも今は昔。今回「BALTIMORE 1995 DAT MASTER」の初回納品分に付く貴重音源は何と!フランスのナントで(すいません苦笑)行われたシアターギグのオーディエンス録音を収めているのです。
 何よりあのアールズ・コートから10日足らずというタイミングに、ここまでアットホームな雰囲気のギグを行っていたというのがとても面白い。オープニングからしてノエルが「最初の曲は’Swamp Song’だ」と曲名を紹介してからインストゥルメンタルを始めるという場面が珍しいもの。その反面「Cast No Shadow」では既にノエルとオーディエンスがコールアンド・レスポンス状態となっており、アルバム「MORNING GLORY」がリリースされて一か月以上が経過し、ファンの間に浸透していた様子を伺わせてくれる。
 それにしても「MORNING GLORY」リリースにアールズ・コート二日間といった栄光に溢れた時期の中、ここまでハコっぽい雰囲気のライブを繰り広げていたというのが本当に面白い。よってあの時のようなハイテンション・パフォーマンスとは違うのですが、バンドも程よい大きさの会場でくつろぎながらステージに挑んでいる様子が伺え、冒頭で聞かれたノエルの曲紹介の場面などはその最たる例でしょう。
 そしてリアムもこの日は絶好調で、やはりくつろいだ雰囲気の中で伸びやかな歌声を聞かせてくれます。正に「MORNING GLORY」モードの歌声で攻めまくる。やはり同アルバムリリース後、1995年の残り数か月というのは特別な時期だったように思えます。このカッコイイ歌声を前にしてナントに集まったオーディエンスは絶叫で応えているいるのかもしれません。
01. The Swamp Song
02. Acquiesce
03. Supersonic
04. Hello
05. Some Might Say
06. Shakermaker
07. Roll With It
08. Cigarettes & Alcohol
09. Live Forever
10. Champagne Supernova
11. Wonderwall
12. Cast No Shadow
13. Morning Glory
14. Don’t Look Back In Anger
15. Whatever
16. I Am The Walrus
Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums

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