Oasis / Munich 1997 / 1CD+2Bonus CDR

Oasis / Munich 1997 / 1CD+2Bonus CDR / Wardour

Olympia Hall, Munich, Germany 19th November 1997 plus Bonus 2CDR “Munich 1997 Audience Recording”.  STEREO SBD

Play sample :

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The 1997 “BE HERE NOW” tour, which is very popular with enthusiasts. Fortunately, the performance that was overwhelmed by the high tension has abundant broadcast sound sources in the rear tie, and Hammerstein Ballroom, Den Bosch, and G-MEX are all classics. There is no doubt that these are the three biggest giants of the 1997 tour, but in fact there are other performances that were being broadcast. That is Olympia Hall in Munich on November 19th. It was also a performance a week before the previous Den Bosch.
Although the narration ended in the latter half of “Live Forever”, the item was released in the rear tie because it was broadcast on the radio, and the name is “OLYMPIA HALL”. However, this title was based on a version of the broadcast that faded out with narration as soon as “Don’t Go Away”, which was the highlight of the day, started, and “Wonderwall” and later were not recorded. .. I can’t say that it was released with the great stress of monaural sound skipping. Later, when the title “THE BEST ACT IN THE WORLD” was released, the opening “Be Here Now” was not recorded this time. The sound source, which was originally incompletely broadcast, was released with some problems, so it was completely overlooked.

It is true that the imperfect state is regrettable, but the content and sound quality are still very good. First of all, the guitars of Noel and Bonehead are neatly sorted on the left and right, yet they are captured with a very powerful sound pressure. Probably because of that, at the beginning of the song, Liam’s vocals were pushed by the guitar and there were some parts that seemed to be pushed, but that also recovered as the performance progressed. In addition to the guitar, the strings played by the support keyboard are also noticeable. And above all, the very warm sound quality is a big attraction, which creates an exquisite taste along with the sound pressure of the guitar.
In addition, the performance content is full of 1997 tour-likeness. First of all, the two brothers are screaming in the intro from “Be Here Now”, and the scene where Liam stirs up after singing “Stand By Me” is exactly the scene of 1997. He is in agony from the intro in “D’You Know What I Mean?”, And the overall performance is very exciting. It seems that it was 1997 that Noel interrupted and introduced “Wonderwall” as “Anarchy in the U.K.” while Liam was enthusiastic about what went wrong.
And the most important thing is the problem “Don’t Go Away”. It was introduced into the repertoire from the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York, which I first mentioned, and is performed every night on European tours. However, at the Berlin performance a few days after the Olympia Hall, Liam’s voice broke down (due to the runaway), and it was a terrible masterpiece that fell off the set. Later, the special performance only by G-MEX was an exception among the exceptions that also served as a promotion for television broadcasting, and the regular revival in the form of Liam’s singing did not come true.

Because it was such a valuable repertoire, it was a big drawback that the rear tie “OLYMPIA HALL” recorded a version that ended immediately with narration. However, since there is also a version in which “Don’t Go Away” was completely broadcast, a limited press CD release will be realized for the first time in the form of the longest recording of the broadcast. Not only is the sound quality very good on a stereo sound board, but his voice can be seen from the fact that Liam sang “Don’t Go”, which he failed to sing a few days later. I’m in good shape. The difference is clear even when compared with the classic Den Bosch broadcast. Actually, the same song of G-MEX was a masterpiece during a masterpiece, but the same song here in Munich is also quite wonderful, and the appearance of Liam singing this song and the band backing it up is special.
Of course, this time there was no place where it would fall into monaural, yet it was recorded properly from the opening. “Be Here Now” is another very exciting performance, so “THE BEST ACT IN THE WORLD”, which was missed, was also painful. Despite being a good sound source on a stereo soundboard (it’s strange that the echo gets deeper when it comes to MC), the Munich 97 radio broadcast, which has been unfavorable for over 20 years, is finally satisfying. It will be released in the form. I’m really sorry to have kept you waiting. You may have kept you waiting too long!

マニアには大変人気の高い1997年の「BE HERE NOW」ツアー。そのハイテンションに振り切れたパフォーマンスぶりは幸いなことにリアタイでの放送音源も充実しており、ハマースタイン・ボールルーム、デン・ボス、そしてG-MEXはどれも定番中の定番でしょう。これらが97年ツアーの三大巨頭であることは間違いないでしょうが、実は他にも放送されていた公演があるのです。それが11月19日のミュンヘンはオリンピア・ホール。先のデン・ボスの一週間前の公演でもありました。
「Live Forever」後半のところでナレーションが入って終わってしまったものの、ラジオで放送されたということからリアタイでもアイテムがリリースされており、その名も「OLYMPIA HALL」というもの。ところが本タイトルはこの日の目玉であった「Don’t Go Away」が始まるや否やナレーションが入ってフェイドアウトするバージョンの放送を元にしてしまい、「Wonderwall」以降が未収録という状態だったのです。それ以上にモノラルで音飛びが生じるという大きなストレスを抱えたままリリースされてしまった点もいただけない。後になって「THE BEST ACT IN THE WORLD」というタイトルがリリースされてみれば今度はオープニングの「Be Here Now」が未収録。元々が不完全放送だった音源が何かしら問題を抱えたままリリースされてしまったせいで、すっかり見過ごされてしまったのでした。

それに演奏内容も97年ツアーらしさが溢れている。まず「Be Here Now」からしてイントロで兄弟二人が絶叫していますし、「Stand By Me」を歌い終えた後のリアムがまくし立てる場面なども正に97年的な光景。彼は「D’You Know What I Mean?」でもイントロからして悶えていますし、全体的な演奏も非常にテンションが高い。何をとち狂ったか、リアムがまくし立ててる間からノエルが割り込むようにして「Wonderwall」を「Anarchy in the U.K.」と紹介してしまうのも97年らしい。
そして何より重要なのが問題の「Don’t Go Away」。最初に触れたニューヨークのハマースタイン・ボールルームからレパートリーに導入され、ヨーロッパ・ツアーでも毎晩演奏されています。ところがオリンピア・ホールの数日後に行われたベルリン公演で(それまで暴走がたたって)リアムの声が玉砕してしまい、それを機にセット落ちしてしまった悲運の名曲だったのです。後にG-MEXだけで特別に演奏されたのはテレビ放送のプロモーションを兼ねた例外中の例外であり、リアムが歌う形でのレギュラー復活は叶いませんでした。

そんな貴重なレパートリーだっただけに、リアタイ「OLYMPIA HALL」がナレーションですぐに終わってしまうバージョンを収録していたのは大きな欠点だったのです。しかし「Don’t Go Away」が完全に放送されたバージョンも存在することから、今回初めて放送を最長収録した形で限定プレスCDリリースが実現することになりました。音質がステレオ・サウンドボードで非常に良いというだけでなく、数日後に歌い損ねた「Don’t Go~」をここでは楽々とリアムが歌いあげてくれたことからも解るように、彼の声の調子がいい。定番であるデン・ボスの放送と比べてもその違いは明白。実際G-MEXの同曲は名演中の名演だった訳ですが、ここミュンヘンでの同曲もなかなか素晴らしく、やはりこの曲をリアムが歌いバンドがバックアップする姿は特別なものがある。
もちろん今回はモノラルに墜ちてしまうような個所もなく、それでいてオープニングからちゃんと収録。「Be Here Now」がまた非常にテンションの高い名演ですので、それを収録しそびれていた「THE BEST ACT IN THE WORLD」もまた痛かった。ステレオ・サウンドボードの優良音源(MCになるとエコーが深くなるのが不思議です)だったにもかかわらず、こうして今まで20年以上に渡って不遇を受けたミュンヘン97のラジオ放送がようやく満足のいく形でリリースされます。本当にお待たせしました。お待たせし過ぎたかもしれません!


01. DJ Intro
02. Be Here Now
03. Stay Young
04. Stand By Me
05. Supersonic
06. Some Might Say
07. Roll With It
08. D’Ya Know What I Mean?
09. Magic Pie
10. Don’t Look Back In Anger
11. Don’t Go Away
12. Wonderwall
13. Live Forever

Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums





Oasis / Munich 1997 Audience Recording / 2CDR / Non Label
Olympia Hall, Munich, Germany 19th November 1997

Click Image To Enlarge

The first delivery of “MUNICH 1997” comes with a CD-R “MUNICH 1997 AUDIENCE RECORDING” containing a recorded version of the audience on the same day that captured all of the Munich stage. In this way, the 1997 Munich performance released this time has an audience recording of the same day, but this is a rare sound source that is not widely distributed among traders, and of course it can not be found even if you search on the net.
Of course, it was a big factor that most of the live performances were broadcast on the radio, but more than that, there was a problem that noise like metal sound was mixed in most of the recordings.
Maybe there was a problem with the connection with the microphone during recording, and the taper continued recording without noticing the trouble? What can be guessed. This very unique texture noise started to stand out around “Some Might Say”, and when it became “Don’t Look Back In Anger”, it eroded until the performance.
Although it was an audience recording of all the precious songs, it must be convinced that the distribution level among traders is extremely low.

Even so, a long version was made that was supplemented with this sound source because songs that were not broadcast among overseas enthusiasts were heard, but as expected, the noise in the example was “It’s Gettin’ Better (Man! !) ”is ringing loudly around. However, from “Fade In-Out”, the noise of the example finally subsides (however, it reoccurs after the performance), so I can understand the feeling that the maniac tried to use as a supplement. But this time the sound is far away. Perhaps the poor connection of the microphone was resolved when the taper changed position and moved. Instead, it’s ironic because the sound is far away.

In addition, there is a mystery process that there is evidence that Noel’s speech is rotated in the reverse direction and overdubbed to the sound source at the beginning and the end. In this case, it is still a sound source for enthusiasts by all means, and it was sent as “material” from the British oasis researcher who bundled it with the broadcast sound source at the time of this release.
However, it is a fact that it is a valuable sound source, and above all, it is highly rare that it is not widely distributed. Rather, most people will be able to touch it for the first time by attaching it in this way. And above all, it is also valuable in that you can hear songs that were not broadcast. Therefore, at the time of this release, we decided to attach this audience recording version only to the first delivery. Mania must not miss this valuable material, which is indispensable for getting a complete picture of Munich!

「MUNICH 1997」の初回納品分にはミュンヘンのステージのすべてを捉えた同日のオーディエンス録音版を収めたCD-R「MUNICH 1997 AUDIENCE RECORDING」が付属します。このように今回リリースされる1997年のミュンヘン公演は同日のオーディエンス録音が存在するのですが、これがトレーダー間にあまり出回っていないレア音源でして、当然ネット上で検索しても見つかりません。
恐らくは録音時にマイクとの接続に問題が起きてしまい、テーパーがトラブルに気付かないまま録音を続けていたのでは?と推測できるもの。この何とも独特な質感のノイズは「Some Might Say」辺りから目立ち始め、これが「Don’t Look Back In Anger」になると演奏中まで浸食してしまった。

それでも海外のマニア間では放送されなかった曲が聞かれるという事から本音源で補填させたロングバージョンが作られていたのですが案の定、例のノイズは放置プレイで「It’s Gettin’ Better (Man!!)」辺りになると盛大に鳴っている。ところが「Fade In-Out」からは例のノイズがようやく収まってくれる(ただし終演後に再発)ので、確かにマニアが補填要員として使おうとした気持ちは解ります。しかし今度は音が遠くなってしまう。恐らくテーパーがポジションを変えて移動した際にマイクの接続の不良が解消されたのでしょう。その代わり音が遠くなってしまうから皮肉なものです。


Disc 1 (74:09)
1. Be Here Now
2. Stay Young
3. Stand By Me
4. Supersonic
5. Some Might Say
6. Roll With It
7. D’you Know What I Mean?
8. Magic Pie
9. Don’t Look Back In Anger
10.Don’t Go Away
12.Live Forever
13.It’s Getting Better (Man!!)

Disc 2 (37:16)
1. All Around The World
2. Fade In-Out
3. Champagne Supernova
4. Acquiesce

Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums


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