Oasis / Marseille 2000 / 1CD+1Bonus CDR

Oasis / Marseille 2000 / 1CD +1Bonus CDR/ Wardour
Le Dome de Marseille. Marseille, France 19th June 2000 plus Bonus CDR “VIENNA 2000”. STEREO SBD

Play sample :

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This month’s oasis will be released in an unprecedented pattern of double sound source and video! As for the sound source, enthusiasts all over the world may be surprised by the unexpected selection of the times. The 2000 album “STANDING ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS” started its world tour in Japan, then the tour went to Europe and then to the United States, but the incident broke out in May when he returned to Europe. When I went out for a drink in a band on the night when the live was canceled due to the injury of drummer Alan White, the rant about the drunk Liam’s family (this is the harmful effect of forming a band with the family) developed into a brother quarrel. The trouble that has been repeated in their history, that angry Noel throws out the tour, reignites on this tour. Already in 1996, the US tour was interrupted due to a brother quarrel, and the timing of the break in the country was delayed, so it is not possible to end the tour again with a brother quarrel.
Therefore, the tour was restarted due to the painstaking measures of the remaining members. It is to digest the tour contract by continuing the tour without Noel. Needless to say, canceling a tour will of course cost you business. In that case, as long as the band has not disbanded without Noel, there is no choice but to continue the tour (this area is different from 2009 when the brothers quarrel at the end of the tour led to the disbandment).
Matt Deighton stood on behalf of Noel’s guitarist in order to overcome this predicament. He led a band called Mother Earth in the late 1990s and was also a guitarist for Paul Weller’s band. Looking back, he is keenly aware that he was the right person to choose. At that time, he had a wild look with long hair and a beard, but when he joined Oasis on behalf of Noel, his hair was short and his beard was shaved off, making him look like a different person. Thanks to that, I was misunderstood that I had my hair cut to enter the oasis, but in recent years, he revealed that he had a refreshing look two days before the oasis contacted him. What was the goodness of?
The wavelength was not limited to looks, but as soon as Matt joined the band, the members became friendly and taught us the repertoire and part allocation.

The tour that was repartitioned in this way resumed from the end of May, but fortunately, there were many summer festivals around this time, and the performance time of one stage was short. In that case, the burden on Matt will be reduced, and this is also the reason why the tour could be continued with a substitute guitarist. The live sound source of the “STANDING ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS” period is often overlooked now, but when it comes to the Noel withdrawal period, there are no items available now. ..
The British oasis researcher who provided the sound source every time sent me “I want to throw a stone in such a situation”, which is a stereo that captured the performance of Marseille on June 19th, which is a precious time. -Sound board recording. The sound source was on the market among traders, but it was an incomplete one from “Who Feels Love” to “Stand By Me”. However, this time it is a shocking version that includes all songs from the opening “Go Let It Out”, which will be released for the first time in Japan, to the finale “Rock’n’Roll Star”. Since it faded out at the ending of the last “Rock’n’Roll Star”, it was not a step towards complete recording, but since even the audience recording was not excavated on that day, this is a surprising sound source.
It is the stereo sound board recording with the highest sound quality that gives an even greater impact. Since it is a PA-out sound board recording, the sense of presence is thin, but compared to similar sound sources that captured the stage of the ZEP 70’s, for example, the stereo feeling and clearness have been greatly improved due to the evolution of technology, and it is the best with plenty of power. A level that can be enjoyed by beginners and enthusiasts as a clear sound board recording.

Ironically, it is only at this time when Noel is absent that the merits of recording with the highest sound quality, real stereo sound board, can be fully utilized. This is because the rare formation in which Gem plays his part and Matt plays instead of the rhythm-centered part that Gem usually plays is extremely clear and enjoyable in stereo. In the first place, I can’t help but be surprised by the dexterity that Gem converted to Noel’s part in less than a week after calling Matt. I think there is no better sound source to taste the strangeness of this short-lived combination.
Of course, Liam’s voice is also pushed to the front, so in the first half of the live songs such as “Who Feels Love?” And “Shakermaker”, it seems that his throat engine is not fully started, but “Roll With It” From around, it’s going well. Also, when I hear “Stand By Me” and “Cigarettes & Alcohol”, I realize that Liam’s voice quality itself was still young, and that he was also young enough to sing without throwing away the melody. Also, “Acquiesce” at this time, which survived by letting the audience sing Noel’s part, is a pattern only for this time.
And the real stereo sound with psychic sound decorations unique to “STANDING ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS” such as “Who Feels Love” and “Gas Panic!” Is a masterpiece! Matt himself, who acted as a substitute for the heartwarming episode that “every stage was a great success” and “at the end, Noel came back and we all went to see Peter Green’s live”, even though it was a quick fix. The first appearance stereo sound board album of shock from Noel’s absence stage that it is an overwhelmingly good memory. Please enjoy the rare stage that can only be heard at this time with perfect sound quality.

今月のオアシスは音源と映像の二本立てという今までにないパターンでリリースが実現します!こと音源に関しては意外な時代選択から世界中のマニアが驚かされるのではないでしょうか。2000年のアルバム「STANDING ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS」はワールド・ツアーのスタートが日本、その後ツアーはヨーロッパを経てアメリカを回りましたが再びヨーロッパに戻った5月に事件が勃発。ドラマー、アラン・ホワイトの怪我によってライブが中止となった夜にバンドで飲みに出かけたところ、酔ったリアムの家族に関する失言(こういうところが家族とバンドを組む弊害ですね)から兄弟喧嘩へと発展、怒ったノエルがツアーを投げ出すという、彼らの歴史で繰り返されてきたトラブルがこのツアーでも再燃。既に1996年にも兄弟喧嘩でアメリカ・ツアーが中断、同国でのブレイクのタイミングが遅れる事態を経験していただけに、再び兄弟喧嘩でツアーを終わらせる訳にはいかない。

こうして仕切り直しで行われたツアーは5月末から再開されたのですが、もう一つラッキーだったことに、この時期は夏のフェス回りが多くて一回のステージの演奏時間が短かったのです。となればマットの負担が軽減される訳で、この辺りが代理ギタリストを入れてツアーが続行できた要因でもある。ただでさえ「STANDING ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS」期のライブ音源は現在見過ごされがちなのですが、それがノエル離脱期になると今や手に入るアイテムがない現状。。
毎回音源を提供して頂いているイギリスのオアシス研究家から「そうした状況に一石を投じたい」と送られてきたのは、この貴重な時期である6月19日のマルセイユ公演を捉えた何とステレオ・サウンドボード録音。トレーダー間にも音源は出回っていたのですが、それは「Who Feels Love」から「Stand By Me」までという不完全なもの。ところが今回は本邦初公開となるオープニング「Go Let It Out」からフィナーレ「Rock ‘n’ Roll Star」まで、全曲を収録した衝撃のバージョン。ラスト「Rock ‘n’ Roll Star」のエンディングでフェイドアウトするので完全収録には一歩及ばなかったのですが、そもそもこの日はオーディエンス録音すら発掘されていなかっただけに、これぞ驚きの音源。

もちろんリアムの声も前面に押し出される録音状態ですので、ライブ前半「Who Feels Love?」や「Shakermaker」といった曲では彼の喉のエンジンがかかり切っていない感が伺えますが、「Roll With It」辺りから快調に。それに「Stand By Me」や「Cigarettes & Alcohol」などを聞くとまだリアムの声質そのものが若く、なおかつメロディを吐き捨てずしっかり歌い切れる若さも兼ね備えていたことを思い知らされます。またノエルのパートを観客に歌わせることで乗り切ったこの時期の「Acquiesce」もこの時期だけのパターン。
そして「Who Feels Love」に「Gas Panic!」といった「STANDING ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS」ならではのサイケなサウンドのデコレーションが左右を飛び交くリアル・ステレオ・サウンドは圧巻!急場しのぎでありながら「毎回のステージは大成功だった」、さらに「最後はノエルも戻ってきて皆でピーター・グリーンのライブを見に行った」という心温まるエピソードなど、代打を務めあげたマット本人をして圧倒的にいい思い出だというノエル不在期ステージから衝撃の初登場ステレオ・サウンドボード・アルバム。この時期しか聞けないレアなステージを完璧な音質でお楽しみください。


1. Intro.
2. Go Let It Out
3. Who Feels Love?
4. Supersonic
5. Shakermaker
6. Acquiesce
7. Gas Panic!
8. Roll With It
9. Stand by Me
10. Wonderwall
11. Cigarettes & Alcohol / Whole Lotta Love
12. Live Forever
13. Champagne Supernova
14. Rock ‘n’ Roll Star

Liam Gallagher – vocals, tambourine
Matt Deighton – guitar
Gem Archer – guitar
Andy Bell – bass
Alan White – drums




Oasis / Vienna 2000 / 1CDR / Non Label
Wiener Stadthalle – Halle D, Vienna, Austria 2nd June 2000 STEREO SBD

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The first appearance of the sound board shock that captured the stage at the time of Noel’s departure It is suitable for the release of the long version, and only with the first limited number sticker, the first appearance sound board recording will be attached. Another British oasis researcher sent me this time, the 2000 Noel absent stereo soundboard recording in Vienna on June 2nd. There is an audience recording here, but the excavation of the shock that the sound board was not distributed among traders.
This is also a PA-out stereo sound board recording, and the sound quality is extremely clear and the stereo feeling is outstanding. However, unlike the conventional audience, it is the rough voice of Liam that has been highlighted by PA out recording. It is remarkable from the opening “Go Let It Out”. Even so, the beginning of the live was more stable than Marseille, and “Who Feels Love?” Sounded better than Marseille.

However, when it became a “Shakermaker”, the harsh voice that was tingling further escalated. And in “Gas Panic!”, The voice finally turns inside out. This scene was clearly noticeable in audience recordings, but when it came to PA-out soundboards, it was pushed to the front. Because of that, the scene where Liam’s voice is turned over again in “Cigarettes & Alcohol”, which was not so noticeable to the audience, stands out.
Even if the voice is not turned inside out, Marseille can clearly sing “Stand By Me” and “Live Forver”. This must be a valuable stereo sound board recording, but is this Liam’s tone suitable for a limited press CD … lol. Also, at this time of year, the compactness of a full gig that fits on a single CD is attractive, and it’s a little different to put it out as a two-disc set.
Therefore, it is a super valuable stereo sound board recording that first appeared, but it was luxuriously released in the form of a bonus CD-R for the first delivery of this “MARSAILLE 2000”.

Therefore, it is regrettable that Liam’s voice is not good, but this also has an outstanding stereo feeling, and you can clearly hear the guitar combination of Gem & Matt Deighton only at this time. When asked in this way, it was found that Gem was not limited to a complete copy of the Noel phrase, for example, the ending of “Live Forver” added a unique phrase, and on the contrary, Matt did not speak out and devoted himself to Kuroko comfortably. The state of being is captured. It can be said that it is a first-class research material.
Vienna was treated as a crying bonus because it was inferior to Marseille in total, but after all, there were extremely few items even in real time due to the happening of Noel’s withdrawal in the middle. If it is possible to arrange two performances at once with the highest sound quality stereo sound board recording, the first delivery can never be overlooked. What a luxury it is to have a first-appearing stereo sound board as a bonus gift!

こちらもPAアウトのステレオ・サウンドボード録音で音質は極めてクリアーでステレオ感も抜群。ただし従来のオーディエンスと違いPAアウト録音によってクローズアップされてしまったのが荒れ気味なリアムの声。それはオープニング「Go Let It Out」から顕著。それでもライブ序盤はマルセイユより安定していて「Who Feels Love?」に至ってはマルセイユよりイイ感じに聞こえるくらい。

ところが「Shakermaker」になるとうずいていた声の荒れがさらにエスカレート。そして「Gas Panic!」では遂に声が裏返ってしまいます。この場面はオーディエンス録音においてもはっきり目立っていたのですが、これがPAアウトのサウンドボードになると前面に押し出されてしまう。そのせいでオーディエンスではあまり気にならなかった「Cigarettes & Alcohol」でリアムの声が再びひっくり返ってしまう場面まで目立ってしまう。
また声が裏返らなくとも「Stand By Me」や「Live Forver」などは明らかにマルセイユの方が歌えている。こうなると貴重なステレオ・サウンドボード録音には違いないのですが、このリアムの調子が限定プレスCDに相応しいかどうか…笑。またこの時期はフル・ギグがCD一枚に収まるコンパクト感も魅力であり、二枚組で出すのもちょっと違う。
ということから初登場の超貴重なステレオ・サウンドボード録音ではありますが、贅沢にも今回の「MARSAILLE 2000」の初回納品分ボーナスCD-Rという形でリリースさせていただくことに相成りました。

よってリアムの声がイマイチな点は惜しまれますが、こちらも抜群のステレオ感でゲム&マット・デイトンというこの時期だけのギター・コンビネーションがクッキリと聞き取れる。こうして聞いてみるとゲムはノエル・フレーズの完コピにとどまらず、例えば「Live Forver」のエンディングなどは独自のフレーズを加えていたことが解り、反対にマットは出しゃばることなく気持ちいいほど黒子に徹している様子が捉えられている。もはや一級の研究資料だと言えるでしょう。

1. Intro.
2. Go Let It Out
3. Who Feels Love?
4. Supersonic
5. Shakermaker
6. Show stopped due to overcrowding near stage/front barrier ★観客が殺到して柵が壊れたため、後ろに下がるようにアナウンス
7. Acquiesce
8. Gas Panic!
9. Roll With It
10. Stand by Me
11. Wonderwall
12. Cigarettes & Alcohol / Whole Lotta Love
13. Live Forever
14. Champagne Supernova
15. Rock ‘n’ Roll Star

Liam Gallagher – vocals, tambourine
Matt Deighton – guitar
Gem Archer – guitar
Andy Bell – bass
Alan White – drums


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