Metallica / McGovneys Garage 1982 40th Anniversary Revised / 2CDR

Metallica / McGovneys Garage 1982 40th Anniversary Revised / 2CDR / Non Label
Recorded at Ron Mcgovney’s Garage, CA, USA March & April 1982

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The main press CD is a collection of Dave Mustaine era METALLICA studio recordings with the highest quality. It is exactly the best masterpiece in heavy metal history. As I mentioned in the commentary, our store strictly divides the early METALLICA demos into “studio recordings” and “garage recordings”, but they are generally treated together. Therefore, the main press CD that summarizes “studio recording” also comes with a bonus for this work that summarizes “garage recording”. You can collect the initial demo at once.
In the first place, the circumstances surrounding the initial METALLICA demo boot were extremely complicated, and many people probably have no idea how many takes there are. First, organize the demo information. There are three major demos of early METALLICA as follows.

・A: Garage Demo ← ★This work★
・ B: Studio demo “Main press CD”

“B: Studio Demo” is the main press CD “NO LIFE ‘TIL LEATHER: DEFINITIVE EDITION”, and “C: Live Demo” is a gift title “LIVE METAL UP YOUR ASS”. OK. The concept of this work is a general overview of the remaining “A: Garage Demo”. The initial demo of METALLICA has had countless titles for a long time, but the last “McGOVNEY’S GARAGE 1982” was the best master collection. This work has increased by more than 37 minutes from the previous edition, which was a single piece. It is a two-disc set that has evolved from 1982 to a suitable decision board to commemorate the 40th anniversary. Its content is divided into five main categories. Let’s introduce them individually.

[DISC 1: Garage Demo +1 (about 63 minutes)] ● Audition tape for the first live (2 songs)
The first to appear is the so-called “WHISKEY AUDITION TAPE”. Metallica, who solidified the lineup with James Hetfield, Lars, Mustaine, and McGoverny, started live activities in March 1982. The first live was the opening act of SAXON held at the club “Whiskey A Go Go”. This tape is from when I sold it to the club to get the undercard. The NWOBHM band SWEET SAVAGE and SAVAGE’s cover, not only the fresh performance but also the famous song “Let It Loose” which has not been officially re-recorded is a delicious tape (prayer, re-recording!).

● Practice tapes in the garage (6 songs)
Around this time, Metallica explored their individuality while practicing in McGoverny’s garage. Next is a demo that captures the rehearsal and practice scenery. The DIAMOND HEAD cover and the first original “Hit The Lights” and “Jump In The Fire” are also very fresh versions, still before dawn. James concentrates on vocals and Mustaine plays all the guitars. You can fully enjoy the growth process of getting used to the instrument itself.

●Legendary demo “POWER METAL” (4 songs)
So far, it was recorded in March 1982, but the following four songs were recorded in April and are demos commonly known as “POWER METAL”. There is still a feeling of fumbling in the guitar solo, but James has picked up the guitar again and has improved like a different person in just one month. This super-fast growth accelerated further through live activities, and three months later in July 1982, it came to fruition in the historic “NO LIFE ‘TIL LEATHER”.

-Bonus: Soundboard Live (1 song)
The bonus recording at the end of DISC 1 is the live performance of “No Remorse recorded on August 4, 1982 Whiskey A Go Go”. Speaking of the soundboard live of the Mustaine era, “October 18, 1982”, which is also sold at, is famous, but this is the only soundboard other than that.
This work is basically summarized as “McGoverny’s garage recording”, but this track is the only exception. Because there are many cases where the version of this track with the cheers cut is distributed as a demo, and it is introduced as the above “part of the garage practice tape” in English wikipedia. I recorded it here in the longest version in the sense of saving the trouble of being searched as a collection. In addition, it is also this increased take that I could not listen to on the previous edition.

[DISC 2: Riff tape for composition (about 50 minutes)] DISC 2 is the key to increasing the volume beyond such a bonus live. A tape on which riffs and phrases are recorded instead of memos for composing. The same kind of recording was recorded for about 17 minutes on the previous edition, but after that, a tape owned by McGoverny was discovered. The dose was increased to 50 minutes or more at once.
What’s more, the content is extremely deep. Since it is a tape owned by McGoverny, it will be the Mustaine era, but the riff is not limited to the songs recorded in “KILL ‘EM ALL”. “RIDE THE LIGHTNING”, “… AND JUSTICE FOR ALL”, “BLACK ALBUM”, and even “HARDWIRED… TO SELF-DESTRUCT” riffs have appeared. And more interesting than that is that MEGADETH’s riffs also appear in large quantities. If you are a fan of both bands, everyone is concerned about “Which riff was devised by James and which riff was Mustaine’s souvenir?” This tape is also an important piece of evidence for the elucidation (In addition, this work is divided into 26 tracks according to the research of overseas maniacs, but in reality more various riffs will appear. Some of them have not been used yet. There are riffs that seem to be, and there are variations that are quite different from the final version).

Unlike the main press CD “NO LIFE ‘TIL LEATHER: DEFINITIVE EDITION”, this garage-recorded work cannot be said to have a demo-like sound for everyone. However, that is why their roots, the situation at the time when they were amateurs, are directly transmitted, they improve with each take, the songs are elaborated, and the sounds are getting better. If you’ve ever played in a band, I’m sure you’ll feel even more familiar with METALLICA by linking it with your memories.
It’s full of romance like this (unlike many demo boots), which is neatly organized and can be listened to in chronological order. If you listen to this work → “NO LIFE ‘TIL LEATHER: Definitive Edition” → “KILL ‘EM ALL” in order, you can accompany the progress from the first step to the debut. After that, METALLICA caused numerous revolutions, and Mustaine who pursued them. Please check with your own ears how the heroes who will change even the music industry will start their careers!


・A:ガレージ・デモ ←★本作★

「B:スタジオ・デモ」は、本編プレスCD『NO LIFE ‘TIL LEATHER: DEFINITIVE EDITION』に総てがまとめられ、「C:ライヴ・デモ」はギフト・タイトルの『LIVE METAL UP YOUR ASS』1本でOK。残る「A:ガレージ・デモ」を総ざらいしたのが本作のコンセプトなのです。METALLICAの初期デモは古くから無数のタイトルが存在してきましたが、そのベスト・マスタ集だったのが前回の『McGOVNEY’S GARAGE 1982』。本作は、1枚物だった前回盤から一気に37分以上も増量。1982年から40周年を記念するのに相応しい決定盤へと進化した2枚組なのです。そして、その内容は大きく5つに分けられる。早速、個別にご紹介していきましょう。

【DISC 1:ガレージ・デモ+1(約63分)】
まず登場するのは、通称「WHISKEY AUDITION TAPE」。ジェイムズ・ヘットフィールド、ラーズ、ムステイン、マクガヴァニーの4人でラインナップを固めたMETALLICAは、1982年3月にライヴ活動を開始。初ライヴはクラブ「Whiskey A Go Go」で行われたSAXONの前座でした。このテープは、その前座枠を獲得すべく、クラブに売り込んだ際のもの。NWOBHMバンドSWEET SAVAGEとSAVAGEのカバーで、初々しい演奏ぶりだけでなく公式には再録音されていない名曲「Let It Loose」も美味しいテープです(祈・再録音!)。

この頃のMETALLICAは、マクガヴァニーのガレージで練習を重ねながら自分たちの個性を模索していきます。続いて登場するのは、そのリハーサル・練習風景を捉えたデモ。DIAMOND HEADのカバーや最初のオリジナル「Hit The Lights」「Jump In The Fire」も非常に初々しいバージョンで、まだまだ夜明け前。ジェイムズはヴォーカルに専念し、ギターは総てムステインです。楽器自体に慣れていく成長過程がたっぷり楽しめます。

●伝説デモ『POWER METAL』(4曲)
ここまでは1982年3月の録音ですが、続く4曲は4月録音で通称「POWER METAL」として知られるデモ。まだギターソロに手探り感が残りますが、ジェイムズが再びギターを手にとっており、たった1ヶ月で別人のように上達。この超速な成長はライヴ活動を経てさらに加速し、3ヶ月後の1982年7月には歴史的な『NO LIFE ‘TIL LEATHER』へと結実するわけです。

DISC 1の最後にボーナス収録されているのは「1982年8月4日Whiskey A Go Go」で録音されたNo Remorse」のライヴ。ムステイン時代のサウンドボード・ライヴと言えば、livemetallica.comでも販売されている「1982年10月18日」が有名ですが、それ以外のサウンドボードはこの1曲だけです。

【DISC 2:作曲用のリフ・テープ(約50分)】
そんなボーナス・ライヴ以上に増量の要となっているのがDISC 2。作曲のためにメモ代わりにリフやフレーズが録音されたテープです。前回盤でも同種の録音が約17分収録されていましたが、その後にマクガヴァニー所有のテープが発掘。一気に50分以上に増量されたのです。
しかも、その内容は極めてディープ。マクガヴァニー所有のテープなのでムステイン時代となるわけですが、そのリフは『KILL ‘EM ALL』収録曲に留まらない。『RIDE THE LIGHTNING』や『…AND JUSTICE FOR ALL』『BLACK ALBUM』、果ては『HARDWIRED… TO SELF-DESTRUCT』のリフまで登場しているのです。そして、それ以上に興味深いのがMEGADETHのリフも大量に出てくること。両バンドのファンであれば、「どのリフをジェイムズが考案し、どのリフがムステインの置き土産だったのか」は誰もが気になるところ。このテープは、その解明の重要な証拠品でもあるわけです(なお、本作は海外マニアのリサーチに従って26トラックに分けていますが、本当はもっと多彩なリフが登場します。中にはまだ未使用と思われるリフもありますし、最終版とはかなり違った変奏もあります)。

本編プレスCDの『NO LIFE ‘TIL LEATHER: DEFINITIVE EDITION』と違い、ガレージ録音の本作は、いかにもデモらしいサウンドが万人向けとは言えません。しかし、だからこそ彼らのルーツ、素人だった当時の様子がダイレクトに伝わり、1テイクごとに上達し、曲が練られ、音も良くなっていく様もリアル。バンド経験のある方なら、思い出とリンクしてより一層METALLICAに親しみが湧くのではないでしょうか。
こんなロマン溢れるのも(幾多のデモ・ブートとは違い)キチンと整理され、時系列で聴ける本作ならでは。本作→『NO LIFE ‘TIL LEATHER: Definitive Edition』→『KILL ‘EM ALL』の順に聴けば、第一歩からデビューまでの歩みを伴走できる。その後、数々の革命を起こすMETALLICA、そして彼らを追撃することになるムステイン。音楽業界さえ変えてしまうヒーロー達の門出を、ぜひご自身の耳でお確かめください!

Disc 1 (63:12)

1. Killing Time
2. Let It Loose

3. Hit The Lights
4. Jump In The Fire
5. Sucking My Love
6. The Prince
7. Am I Evil?
8. Helpless

9. Hit The Lights
10. Jump In The Fire
11. The Mechanix
12. Motorbreath

Whiskey A Go-Go, Hollywood, CA, USA 4th August 1982
13. No Remorse

Disc 2 (50:25)

1. Seek And Destroy’s Outro
2. Chosen Ones
3. Whiplash
4. Seek And Destroy
5. Chosen Ones
6. Rust In Peace
7. Seek And Destroy’s Outro
8. Curse Of The Pharaohs
9. Spit Out The Bone
10. Rattlehead (“Use Your Head” Section)
11. Bad Omen (“No One Can Save” Section)
12. Chosen Ones
13. My Last Words Arpeggio
14. Ride The Lightning
15. To Live Is To Die
16. Spitfire Cider
17. To Live Is To Die
18. Ride The Lightning
19. Seek And Destroy
20. Rust In Peace
21. Of Wolf And Man
22. Bad Omen
23. Creeping Death
24. Fight Fire With Fire
25. Call of Ktulu Intro
26. Ron & James’ “Unfinished Song”

James Hetfield – Vocals, Guitar(Track 10-15)
Dave Mustaine – Guitar
Ronald McGovney – Bass
Lars Ulrich – Drums

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