Metallica / Toronto 1989 / 2CDR

Metallica / Toronto 1989 / 2CDR / Shades

Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, ON, Canada 7th April 1989

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METALLICA from the “…AND JUSTICE FOR ALL” era overcame Cliff Burton’s death and climbed to heights that no one else could reach. Introducing the original master that allows you to experience the glorious “DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour” at its finest.
What is inscribed in this work is “Toronto performance on April 7, 1989.” This is a powerful audience recording. Speaking of “DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”, it is a historical tour in which the heavy metal feel reached its peak in METALLICA’s live history. We have archived as many masterpieces as possible at our store. This is also a good opportunity, so let’s first take a look at the entire world tour together with the representative works of each leg and check the position of this work.

・May 23rd – July 30th: MONSTERS OF ROCK TOUR (30 performances)
[“…AND JUSTICE FOR ALL” released on August 25th] ・September 11th – November 5th: Europe (41 performances) ← *DAMAGED BRITISH and others
・November 15th – December 18th: North America #1 (23 performances) ← *CHICAGO 1988
・January 11th – April 21st: North America #2 (63 performances) ←★Here★
・May 1st-6th: Oceania (4 performances)
・May 11th-18th: Japan (6 performances) ← *DAMAGED JUSTICE JAPAN TOUR 1989
・May 24th – September 23rd: North America #3 (79 performances) ← *Official video
・October 4th-7th: South America (3 performances)

This is the whole picture of “DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”. Although it ran through a tremendous number of performances all over the world, the Toronto performance of this work was one of the main legs among them, “North America #2”. This was the 52nd concert.
This vacuum-packed show is a clear recording with a deliciously transparent atmosphere. This show itself has long been known for its famous recordings, but this work is a masterpiece that has been digitized directly from the original master excavated through a unique route. Moreover, that unique route is the route of those involved who are shocking the whole world with KISS’s newly discovered soundboard. It is a sound that seems to be an audience that firmly sucked in the sound of the hall, but the freshness with no dubbing traces is exquisite because it is the original master. The core that penetrates the clear atmosphere is as clear as a laser beam, and the details are extremely fine. On top of that, the sound of the hall adds luster to the harsh riff, and the edges shine with a metallic luster.
And the excitement of being surprised and delighted by the onslaught of such riffs is so real. METALLICA is still very popular all over the world, but the enthusiasm that comes out of this work is of a different quality. While boasting the energy of a band that is on the rise, it is also filled with the fresh joy of witnessing new music, “thrash metal.” The performance itself is youthful, but the audience surrounding it is also fresh. And it’s amazing that this enthusiasm is creating even the chaos of the times. Violent riffs and distant enthusiasm build up a huge wall of sound that rushes in and out, and the sense of perspective with the nearby enthusiasm creates a spectacle at the venue. Precisely because it is 1989, the “DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour” has a solid sound that comes out of the speakers.
With such a scorching metal sound, it is a full show where the word “heavy metal” itself becomes music. Speaking of “DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”, the Seattle video pro shot included in the official box “LIVE SHIT: BINGE & PURGE” is the symbol. Finally, let’s organize the sets while comparing them.

●Metal Justice (5 songs + α)
・Blackened/Harvester of Sorrow/Eye of the Beholder (★)/To Live Is To Die Jam/One/…And Justice for All
●Others (11 songs + α)
・Blood-stained iron hammer: Seek & Destroy/Whiplash
・Ride the Lightning: For Whom the Bell Tolls/Creeping Death/Fade to Black
・Metal Master: Welcome Home (Sanitarium)/Master of Puppets/Battery
・Cover and others: Black Night Jam (★) / La Bamba-Helpless Jam (★) / Last Caress / Am I Evil? / Breadfan
*Note: Songs marked with “★” were not included in the Seattle video of “LIVE SHIT: BINGE & PURGE”.

…and it looks like this. The precious “Eye of the Beholder” is also delicious, but above all, the sound and performance that runs through the entire volume are amazing. Too amazing. The ensemble, which has improved since the Cliff era, exudes a ruthless mechanical feel, and the new songs, which have awakened to mid-tempo, are extremely heavy. Despite this, there is no “looseness” that would become a problem after their next album “BLACK ALBUM”, and in fact, it is the tightest and tightest in METALLICA’s history. Their best tour varies from person to person, but the “DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour” is particularly popular. It is also a live album that explains the reason more eloquently than a thousand words.
A great recording of real metal that even smells like welding in a metal processing factory. Please enjoy this work created by Master Omoto to your heart’s content!

★Powerful audience recording of “April 7, 1989 Toronto Performance”. This is a masterpiece directly digitized from the original master excavated through a unique route, and a fresh clear recording with no dubbing traces. The core that pierces through the transparent atmosphere is as clear as a laser beam, and the details are extremely fine. On top of that, the hall sound adds luster to the harsh riff, and the edges shine with a metallic luster. This is the birth of a cultural heritage album that lets you experience METALLICA’s tightest and tightest “DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour” in real life.

クリフ・バートンの死を乗り越え、誰にも届かぬ高みへと登り詰めた『…AND JUSTICE FOR ALL』時代のMETALLICA。栄光の“DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”を極上体験できるオリジナル・マスターが登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1989年4月7日トロント公演」。その強力オーディエンス録音です。“DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”と言えば、METALLICAのライヴ史でも重金属感が絶頂に達した歴史的ツアー。当店でも可能な限りの名作でアーカイヴして参りました。良い機会でもありますので、まずはワールド・ツアーの全景を各レッグの代表作と共に俯瞰し、本作のポジションも確かめてみましょう。

・5月23日ー7月30日:MONSTERS OF ROCK TOUR(30公演)
・9月11日ー11月5日:欧州(41公演)←※DAMAGED BRITISH他
・11月15日ー12月18日:北米#1(23公演)←※CHICAGO 1988
・1月11日ー4月21日:北米#2(63公演) ←★ココ★
・5月11日ー18日:日本(6公演)←※DAMAGED JUSTICE JAPAN TOUR 1989

これが“DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”の全体像。世界各地を凄まじい公演数で駆け抜けたわけですが、本作のトロント公演は、その中でもメインレッグのひとつであった「北米#2」。その52公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そして、そんなリフの猛攻に驚喜する熱狂がリアルでもある。今なお世界中で大人気のMETALLICAではありますが、本作から吹き出す熱狂は質が違う。いかにも上り調子な旬のバンドだけの熱量を誇りつつ、新しい音楽「スラッシュ・メタル」を目の当たりにした新鮮な喜びにも満ちている。演奏自体も若々しいわけですが、それを囲む観客もフレッシュなのです。そして、その熱狂が時代の混沌まで生み出しているからスゴい。暴虐なリフと遠くの熱狂が巨大な音の壁を築き上げては押し寄せ、近くの熱狂との遠近感が会場スペクタクルを演出する。まさに1989年だからこそ、“DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”だからこその剛鉄サウンドがスピーカーから吹き出してくるのです。
そんな灼熱メタル・サウンドで描かれるのは、「重金属」という単語そのものが音楽になったようなフルショウ。“DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”と言えば、公式ボックス『LIVE SHIT: BINGE & PURGE』に収録されたシアトル映像プロショットこそが象徴。最後に比較しながらセットを整理しておきましょう。

・Blackened/Harvester of Sorrow/Eye of the Beholder(★)/To Live Is To Die Jam/One/…And Justice for All
・血染めの鉄鎚:Seek & Destroy/Whiplash
・ライド・ザ・ライトニング:For Whom the Bell Tolls/Creeping Death/Fade to Black
・メタル・マスター:Welcome Home (Sanitarium)/Master of Puppets/Battery
・カバー他:Black Night Jam(★)/La Bamba-Helpless Jam(★)/Last Caress/Am I Evil?/Breadfan
※注:「★」印は『LIVE SHIT: BINGE & PURGE』のシアトル映像になかった曲。

……と、このようになっています。貴重な「Eye of the Beholder」も美味しいわけですが、何よりも全編を貫くサウンドと演奏がスゴい。凄すぎる。クリフ時代よりも上達したアンサンブルは無慈悲な機械感を漂わせ、ミッドテンポに目覚めた新曲は極めてヘヴィ。それでいながら次作『BLACK ALBUM』以降で問題になる「緩み」はまったくなく、むしろMETALLICA史上もっともタイトでキリリと引き締まっている。彼らのベスト・ツアーは人によって様々ではありますが、“DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”は特に人気が高い。その理由を千の言葉よりも雄弁に物語ってくれるライヴアルバムでもあるのです。

★「1989年4月7日トロント公演」の強力オーディエンス録音。独自ルートで発掘された大元マスターからダイレクトにデジタル化された銘品で、ダビング痕のない瑞々しいクリア録音。透き通った空気感を貫く芯はレーザー光線のようにくっきりしていて、ディテールも実に細やか。その上でホール鳴りがゴリゴリとしたリフに艶を与えており、エッジが金属光沢に輝いています。METALLICA史上もっともタイトでキリリと引き締まった“DAMAGED JUSTICE Tour”をリアル体験できる文化遺産アルバムの誕生です。

Disc:1 (75:16)
1. Intro: The Ecstasy of Gold
2. Blackened
3. For Whom the Bell Tolls
4. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
5. Harvester of Sorrow
6. Eye of the Beholder
7. Bass Solo
8. To Live Is To Die Jam
9. Master of Puppets
10. One
11. Seek & Destroy
12. …And Justice for All

Disc:2 (42:24)
1. Black Night Jam
2. Creeping Death
3. Fade to Black
4. Guitar Solo
5. Battery
6. La Bamba/Helpless Jam
7. Last Caress
8. Am I Evil?
9. Whiplash
10. Breadfan

James Hetfield – Guitar, Vocal
Lars Ulrich – Drums
Kirk Hammett – Guitar
Jason Newsted – Bass, Vocal



Shades 1857

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