McAuley Schenker Group / Budokan 1988 2nd Night : Definitive Master / 1CD

McAuley Schenker Group / Budokan 1988 2nd Night : Definitive Master / 1CD / ZODIAC
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 16th February 1988

Play sample :

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Michael Schenker in 1988 returned to Japan as the new McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP with Robin McAuley as his new partner. Introducing the world’s first public original recording that conveys the scene.
The performance of “February 16, 1988: Nippon Budokan” is engraved in this work. It is the superb audience recording. Speaking of the Budokan in the Macquarie era, there was also the prestigious Kinney masterpiece “BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT (Zodiac 190)”, but of course this work is a separate performance. Let’s check each position on the schedule at that time.

・ February 5: Sapporo Welfare Pension Hall
・ February 8 + 9: Osaka Festival Hall
・ February 11: Nagoya Civic Assembly Hall
・ February 13: Kyoto Moriyama Citizen’s Hall
・ February 14: Shizuoka Culture Hall
・ February 15 “BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT”
・ February 16: Nippon Budokan ← ★ This work ★
・ February 18: Fukuoka Sun Palace
・ February 19: Kurashiki City Auditorium
・ February 21: Nagoya Civic Assembly Hall
・ February 22: Kyoto Kaikan

Above, all 12 performances. It traverses the archipelago from Sapporo in the north to Fukuoka in the south, and has recorded the highest number of performances in Thailand, along with the “BUILT TO DESTROY Tour” visit to Japan in January 1984. It was a Japan tour that showed great popularity. Among them, the highlight was Nippon Budokan 2DAYS. There were two performances, Kinney recording “BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT” and this work.
At our shop, we have introduced this show as “BUDOKAN 1988 2ND NIGHT (Shades 841)”, but this work is completely different. It is a new excavation recording recorded by a completely unrelated person, not a mastering difference or a gene difference. And the biggest difference is the sound. This is the best audience with “super”. It’s also a business that makes you want to line up in a row like “super super …”. After all, it was the super-big guy in the Japanese recording world who recorded this work. It is the work of a famous recording artist who left a lot of historical super-famous recordings such as Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Mick Jagger, Stones Paul McCartney, etc. mainly in the 1980s. This master’s work is sometimes described as “more than the prestigious Kinney”, but it actually exceeds Kinney’s previous day’s work “BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT”. It’s also light!
I think that “BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT” is a masterpiece that has both freshness and clearness even if I listen to it again, but it still does not become a partner of this work. The on and powerful core, the delicate and vivid details to the finest parts, the sweet and glossy sound, everything is far superior. It is not mistaken for a sound board in terms of tone, but it is not defeated by FM broadcasting in terms of specifications. In the Macquarie era, there was no official (electric) live album left, so “official alternatives” were sought after, but this work is the answer. Moreover, it is a new answer that greatly updates the conventional standard.
It was a full show full of brilliance in the 1980s that was “melodious = justice” drawn with such a superb sound. The set itself is the same as “BUDOKAN 1988 2ND NIGHT”, but in the Macquarie era, the opportunity to look back is valuable, so let’s organize it again.

● Perfect timing (6 songs)
・ Get Out / Gimme Your Love / Love Is Not A Game / Follow The Night / No Time For Losers / Rock’Til You’re Crazy
● Classics (8 songs)
・ God: Armed And Ready / Cry For The Nations / Into The Arena / Lost Horizons
・ Others: On And On / Courvoisier Concerto / Doctor Doctor / Rock Bottom

…… And it looks like this. If the classics revived by Robin’s singing voice are wonderful, the new songs of “PERFECT TIMING” that shines live surprisingly (excuse me!) Are also delicious. First of all, it’s classics, but I’m fascinated by the husky but relaxed singing voice. I didn’t know the repertoire at that time because it wasn’t a particularly difficult song, but it was discovered that he was actually the No. 1 singing ability in history by playing an active part in MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST. When I listened to it again with that consciousness, Michael’s favorite voice quality and the emotion that slowly exudes are exquisite, and the early masterpieces are spelled out with a lot of Irish sorrow. In particular, “On And On” has plenty of room (without feeling extra thrills: bitter smile), so the original emotion of the melody permeates the heart.
And “PERFECT TIMING” is also wonderful. At that time, every time I listened to a studio work, I thought, “Make more V cry!”, But why is the phrase of crying firmly included in the live performance? If the liveliness of “Get Out” and the sadness of “Love Is Not A Game” are included in recent albums, there is no mistake in the representative song, and the wonderfulness of “Follow The Night” where Robin and Michael’s melody sense are fused. Is timeless.
Looking back, McAULEY SCHENKER GROUP was full of beautiful melody and crying. And Robin McAuley’s skill that he didn’t notice because he didn’t sing to show off. It’s a marvelous new excavation recording filled with their true value that can be understood only now (and because it is a live album that is not confused by action and hairstyle). A press CD that permanently preserves the sound that transcends even the prestigious Kinney. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ Superb audience recording of “February 16, 1988: Nippon Budokan” performance. A new excavation recording by the legendary master Taper, the sound is awesome that even the prestigious Kinney’s masterpiece “BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT” easily transcends. The on and powerful core, the delicate and vivid details to the finest parts, the sweet and glossy sound, everything is superb. For McSG, which does not have an official (electric) live version, it is a marvelous new masterpiece that is a proud “official substitute”.

新たな相棒にロビン・マッコーリーを迎え、新生McAULEY SCHENKER GROUPとして日本に戻ってきた1988年のマイケル・シェンカー。その現場を伝える全世界初公開オリジナル録音が登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1988年2月16日:日本武道館」公演。その超極上オーディエンス録音です。マッコーリー時代の武道館と言えば、名門キニーの名作『BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT(Zodiac 190)』もありましたが、もちろん本作は別公演。それでは、当時のスケジュールでそれぞれのポジションを確認してみましょう。

・2月15日『BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT』
・2月16日:日本武道館 ←★本作★

以上、全12公演。北は札幌から南は福岡まで列島を縦断し、公演数でも1984年1月の“BUILT TO DESTROY Tour”来日と並ぶ最多タイを記録。絶大な人気ぶりを見せつけるジャパン・ツアーでした。そんな中でもハイライトだったのは日本武道館2DAYS。キニー録音『BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT』と本作の2公演でした。
当店では、このショウを『BUDOKAN 1988 2ND NIGHT(Shades 841)』としてご紹介したことがありますが、本作は完全な別物。マスタリング違いでもジェネ違いでもなく、まったく無関係の人物が記録した新発掘録音です。そして、最大の違いはサウンド。これがもう「超」付きの極上オーディエンス。それも「超々々々……」とズラズラ並べたくなるくらいの業物なのです。何しろ、本作を記録したのは日本録音界の超大物。80年代を中心にエリック・クラプトンやジェフ・ベック、ミック・ジャガー、ストーンズポール・マッカートニー等々、数々の歴史的な超名録音を大量に残した名録音家の作品なのです。この達人の作品は時に「名門キニー以上」と評される事がありますが、実際にキニーの前日作『BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT』を超えている。それも軽々と!
今聴き直しても『BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT』は瑞々しさとクリアさを併せ持った名作だと思いますが、それでも本作の相手にならない。オンで力強い芯も、細やかで微細部まで鮮やかさなディテールも、甘やかで艶っぽい鳴りも、何もかもが遙かに上。音色的にサウンドボードと間違える事はありませんが、スペック的にはFM放送にも負けていないのです。マッコーリー時代は(エレクトリックの)公式ライヴアルバムが残されなかったために「公式代わり」が探し求められてきましたが、本作こそがその回答。しかも、従来の基準を大きく更新した新回答なのです。
そんな超極上サウンドで描かれるのは「メロディアス=正義」だった80年代の輝きに満ちたフルショウ。セット自体は『BUDOKAN 1988 2ND NIGHT』と同一ではありますが、マッコーリー時代は振り返る機会自体が貴重ですので、改めて整理しておきましょう。

・Get Out/Gimme Your Love/Love Is Not A Game/Follow The Night/No Time For Losers/Rock ‘Til You’re Crazy
・神:Armed And Ready/Cry For The Nations/Into The Arena/Lost Horizons
・その他:On And On/Courvoisier Concerto/Doctor Doctor/Rock Bottom

……と、このようになっています。ロビンの歌声で甦ったクラシックスも素晴らしければ、意外なほど(失礼!)ライヴ映えする『PERFECT TIMING』の新曲群も美味しい。まずクラシックスですが、ハスキーながらも伸びやかな歌声には惚れ惚れ。当時のレパートリーは特に難曲というわけでもないので分かりませんでしたが、MICHAEL SCHENKER FESTでの活躍によって実は歴代No.1の歌唱力だったことが発覚。その意識で聴き直してみると、いかにもマイケル好みの声質とじんわりの染み出る情感が絶品で、初期の名曲群をアイルランド人らしい哀感たっぷりに綴る。特に「On And On」は余裕綽々だからこそ(余計なスリルを感じずに:苦笑)メロディ本来の情感がスッと心に染み込んでくるのです。
そして、『PERFECT TIMING』も素晴らしい。当時はスタジオ作品を聴く度に「もっとVの泣きを!」と思ったものですが、どうしてどうしてライヴではしっかりと泣きのフレーズが盛り込まれている。「Get Out」の躍動感も「Love Is Not A Game」の哀感も近年のアルバムに入っていたら代表曲間違いナシですし、ロビンとマイケルのメロディ・センスが融合する「Follow The Night」の素晴らしさは時代を超えています。
振り返ってみれば、美メロと泣きに溢れ返っていたMcAULEY SCHENKER GROUP。そして、見せびらかすような歌い方をしなかったために気付かなかったロビン・マッコーリーの巧さ。今だからこそ(そして、アクションと髪型に惑わされないライヴアルバムだからこそ)分かる彼らの真価が詰まった驚異の新発掘録音です。名門キニーさえも超越したサウンドを永久保存したプレスCD。どうぞ、心ゆくまで存分にお楽しみください。

★「1988年2月16日:日本武道館」公演の超極上オーディエンス録音。伝説的な達人テーパーによる新発掘録音で、そのサウンドは名門キニーの名作『BUDOKAN 1988 1ST NIGHT』さえ軽々と超越する凄まじさ。オンで力強い芯も、細やかで微細部まで鮮やかさなディテールも、甘やかで艶っぽい鳴りも、何もかもが極上。(エレクトリックの)公式ライヴ盤がないMcSGにとって堂々「オフィシャル代わり」となる驚異の新名盤です。

1. Intro.
2. Armed And Ready
3. Cry For The Nations
4. Get Out
5. Gimme Your Love
6. On And On
7. Love Is Not A Game
8. Follow The Night
9. Into The Arena
10. Courvoisier Concerto
11. Lost Horizons
12. Mitch Perry Guitar Solo
13. No Time For Losers
14. Doctor Doctor
15. Rock ‘Til You’re Crazy
16. Rock Bottom

Michael Schenker – Guitar
Robin McAuley – Vocals
Mitch Perry – Guitar, Vocals
Rocky Newton – Bass, Vocals
Bodo Schopf – Drums


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