Rainbow / Osaka 1980 Final Night Definitive Master-2nd Edition / 2CD+1Bonus CDR

Rainbow / Osaka 1980 Final Night Definitive Master-2nd Edition / 2CD+1Bonus CDR / Black Box

Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 15th May 1980 plus Ltd Bonus CDR “ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY


Play sample :

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The ultimate live album “OSAKA 1980 FINAL NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER” called “RAINBOW version of MADE IN JAPAN”. The super-famous board, which was sold out or out of print in no time, will be restocked at the 2nd press!

[Japan in 1980, when a “miracle” occurred] “May 15, 1980: Osaka Festival Hall Performance” was imbued with the super-famous board that became a rare hit in recent years. It is the transcendental audience recording. Speaking of RAINBOW in 1980, it was the Graham Bonnet era. It was an era when five members became a group of heroes in the British rock world, and the honor of being “the strongest RAINBOW” was high. Even in the actual performances in Japan, there is no difference in the previous reputation … No, there are a series of miracle masterpieces that easily surpass. Don Airey’s words, “RAINBOW could become the second LED ZEPPELIN if we could continue with those five people,” did not sound exaggerated at all. What’s more, it turned out that “Japan was the pinnacle” as the recordings were unearthed later in the year. Of course, the symbol of the Graham era is MONSTERS OF ROCK, and collectors will come up with a great performance on the European Tour. Certainly there were shows that surpassed Japan in the tension and tone of each member, but it was in Japan that the whole band / the whole show meshed and a miracle at the level of “everything goes well” occurred. ..
For the first time in such a miracle, enthusiasts muttered, “If you made a live album in Japan in 1980, it would have been a RAINBOW version of MADE IN JAPAN …”, trying to get closer to “the best masterpiece of dreams”. I have searched for all live records. We have archived many masterpieces in our shop, so let’s organize them according to the schedule.

● First half: Nippon Budokan (3 performances)
-Off for 2 days-
● Second half: Osaka Festival Hall (3 performances)
・ May 13 “DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980” DISC 1-2
・ May 14 “DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980” DISC 3-4
・ May 15: Osaka Festival Hall ← ★ This work ★
* Note: Only representative works on each day.

[Upgrading the best masterpiece of all time] Above, 2 venues x 3 days = 6 performances in total. Both Nippon Budokan and Osaka Festival Hall are the sites of “MADE IN JAPAN”, which is reminiscent of DEEP PURPLE’s first visit to Japan. Under such circumstances, the last day of Osaka was regarded as the best masterpiece. It was a superb recording excavated as “HEAVY ROCK SPECTACULAR” from the Langley label. After that, it was widely loved as a part of “THE HIDDEN FORTRESS”, a 6-disc set of Osaka complete works, and the current edition “DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980 (Black Box 030)”, and it has reigned as the highest peak that still cannot be surpassed. There are many reasons why this recording could be a “masterpiece”, but the biggest one is the sound. What was unearthed this time is the low gene master of such a legendary recording. It is the highest peak update board that has evolved from the top recording!
In fact, the sound of this work is a new legend. If you can pay attention to this article, you probably have something already done, such as the “THE HIDDEN FORTRESS” series, so please listen to it. I think that a sigh will leak again to such a wonderful thing. Very thick yet beautiful core, super-beautiful details, clear details, plenty of density with no sense of squishy … It is a sound that is certainly said to be the best masterpiece, but this work is far more overwhelming. It’s amazing !! The upgrade wasn’t at the level of wondering, “Isn’t it …?” The moment you listen to it, you can’t help but laugh at it.
It’s just amazing, it doesn’t convey, so if you put the difference into words, it’s bright. Even if it was already released, it was clear enough to keep other recordings away, but this work is at a level where you can not feel the air in the sound. The texture is so packed in every corner that I think it’s really a sound board, and there is no sense of distance. If the past is “closeness”, this work is “close contact”. Until now, if “the band is in front of you”, this work is at the level of “invasion into the brain”.
Originally, this work also has evidence of a new master (this recording is trying to start timing while pausing before the performance, but there are 2 seconds that have never been seen here). But that’s not the case. Such a strange upgrade sound is the biggest and strongest impact!

[RAINBOW version of “MADE IN JAPAN” finally born] No matter how good the sound is, the content of the show cannot be a masterpiece. What is drawn in the upgrade sound of this work is a full show that is touted as “a miracle in a miracle”. There are many reasons for this, so let’s list them as you can think of. First of all, the existence of “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”. There is an off “May 10th and 11th” between Nippon Budokan 3DAYS on the above schedule, but the 6 days of the performance in Japan are roughly divided into two here. We are rehearsing again at this timing, and “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” is set in for the next 4 days. Of course, the latter four days are more popular.
More than such a delicious bonus is the performance itself that goes through the entire show. This is already the highest! Anyway, all 5 people are motivated, have high tension, and are engaged. The feats of the five people were exploding on the previous European Tour, but it ended up being a momentary move. However, in this work, one person’s tension and one phrase evoke the liveliness of other members, and further phrases are evoked. It’s not “the presence of five masters”, but the “band feeling” that organically kneads the glue and heat.
The foundation is a clear sense of confidence and fulfillment. There were some members who came to Japan for the first time, but the tension when they witnessed the climax of Japan’s popularity was tremendous, and their confidence deepened with each song of each day in Japan. That final goal is the final day of this work. “Smoke on the Water” will be a symbol of that glorious mood. It was sealed in RAINBOW at the time, but Ritchie, who is too happy, pops out a piece of riff at the beginning of “All Night Long”. It’s just a little bit, but the cheers that boil over there are amazing! For the person in question, the concentration power that the whole venue does not miss even a little play. This was continued every day for 6 performances for 1 second, so it was inevitable that a famous performance was born.

The strongest member in history / Sound that renews the highest peak / Too delicious set / Glorias super-famous performance / Surprise created by the climax … It embodies the ideal in every possible way. This work is RAINBOW’s masterpiece during the Graham era. It is the ultimate live album that can be called the RAINBOW version of “MADE IN JAPAN”. An absolute work that was born 40 years after the show site. The super-famous board that sold out in no time was reprinted with the 2nd press. Please do not miss this opportunity!

★ Recording of a superb audience of “May 15, 1980 Osaka Festival Hall Performance”. The famous recordings known as “HEAVY ROCK SPECTACULAR” and “THE HIDDEN FORTRESS (part of)” have been upgraded by Young Gene Master. The overwhelmingly bright sound is awesome that you can tell the difference from the moment you listen to it, and the sound that was originally said to be a “masterpiece” exceeds the highest peak. Together with the set with “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” and the best super-masterpiece called “DEEP PURPLE’s first visit to Japan”, it is an absolute super masterpiece that will be “RAINBOW version of” MADE IN JAPAN “”.

「RAINBOW版のMADE IN JAPAN」と呼ばれた究極のライヴアルバム『OSAKA 1980 FINAL NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER』。あっと言う間に完売・廃盤となった超名盤が2ndプレスで再入荷決定です!

近年希に見る大ヒットとなった超名盤に吹き込まれていたのは「1980年5月15日:大阪フェスティバルホール公演」。その超絶級オーディエンス録音です。1980年のRAINBOWと言えば、グラハム・ボネット時代。メンバー5人が英国ロック界の猛者揃いとなり、「最強のRAINBOW」との誉れも高き時代でした。実際に行われた来日公演でも前評判に違わぬ……いえ、軽々と凌駕する奇跡の名演が連発。ドン・エイリーによる「あの5人で続けられたらRAINBOWは第2のLED ZEPPELINになれた」という言葉もまったく誇張に聞こえない凄まじいショウを展開していきました。しかも、後年になって録音が発掘されていくほどに判明したのは「日本こそが頂点だった」という事。もちろん、グラハム時代の象徴と言えばMONSTERS OF ROCKですし、コレクターの方なら欧州ツアーの名演も思いつく事でしょう。確かにメンバー個々人のテンションや調子で日本を超えるショウもありましたが、バンド全体/ショウ全体ですべてが噛み合い、「何をやっても上手く行く」レベルの奇跡が起きたのは日本だったのです。
そんな奇跡ぶりに、古くからマニアは「1980年の日本でライヴアルバムを作ってくれたらRAINBOW版のMADE IN JAPANになったのに……」とつぶやき、「夢の最高傑作」に一歩でも近づこうとあらゆるライヴ記録を探ってきました。当店でも数多くの名作でアーカイヴしてきましたので、日程で整理しておきましょう。

・5月15日:大阪フェスティバルホール ←★本作★

以上、2会場×3日間=全6公演。日本武道館も大阪フェスティバルホールも『MADE IN JAPAN』の現場であり、そんなところからもDEEP PURPLE初来日を彷彿とさせました。そんな中で、最高傑作とされて来たのが大阪最終日。かのLangleyレーベルから『HEAVY ROCK SPECTACULAR』として発掘された超極上録音でした。その後、大阪全集6枚組の『THE HIDDEN FORTRESS』や現行盤『DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980(Black Box 030)』の一部としても広く愛され、今なお超える物のない最高峰として君臨してきました。この録音が「最高傑作」たり得たのには幾つも理由があるのですが、一番大きいのはサウンド。今回発掘されたのは、そんな伝説録音のロウジェネ・マスター。頂点録音がさらに進化を果たした、最高峰更新盤なのです!
実際、本作のサウンドは新たなる伝説。本稿に目を留められる方なら、恐らくは『THE HIDDEN FORTRESS』シリーズなど、何かしらの既発をお持ちだと思いますので、ぜひ聴いてみてください。あまりの素晴らしさに、改めて溜息が漏れると思います。極太でありながら美しい芯、超美細部まで克明なディテール、たっぷりとスカスカ感皆無な密度……確かに最高傑作と言われるだけはあるサウンドなのですが、本作はもっと、遙かに、圧倒的に凄い!! そのアップグレードぶりは「違う……かな?」等と迷うレベルではありません。パッと聴いた瞬間に「こりゃあ、スゲェや」と思わずナゾの笑いが込み上げてくる次元なのです。

いかに音が良かろうとも、ショウの内容が今いちでは最高傑作にはなり得ない。本作のアップグレード・サウンドで描かれるのは、“奇跡の中の奇跡”と謳われたフルショウなのです。その要因は幾つもありますので、思いつくままに挙げていきましょう。まず「Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow」の存在。上記の日程で日本武道館3DAYSの合間にのオフ“5月10日・11日”がありますが、日本公演6日間はここで大きく2分されている。このタイミングで再度リハを行っており、その後の4日間は「Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow」がセットイン。もちろん、後者4日間の方が人気が高いのです。
そんな美味しいオマケ以上なのが、ショウ全体を貫く演奏そのもの。これがもう、最っ高! とにかく5人全員がやる気に満ち、テンション高く、しかも噛み合っている。先だっての欧州ツアーでも5人の妙技が炸裂していましたが、どうも瞬間技に終わっていました。ところが、本作では1人のテンション、1つのフレーズが他メンバーの活気を呼び起こし、さらなるフレーズを呼び起こす。「達人5人の同席」ではなく、ノリや熱気を有機的に練り上がっていく「バンド感」が凄いのです。
その土台にあるのは、明らかな自信と充実感。初来日のメンバーもいたわけですが、絶頂の日本人気を目の当たりにしたテンションが凄まじく、その自信は日本公演を1日1日、1曲1曲経る毎に深まっていく。その最終到達点こそが、最終日の本作なのです。そのグロリアスなムードの象徴もなるのが「Smoke on the Water」でしょう。当時のRAINBOWでは封印されていたわけですが、あまりに上機嫌なリッチーは「All Night Long」の冒頭にリフの欠片を弾き出す。ほんのひとくさりなのですが、そこで沸き上がる喝采の凄い事! 当人にとってはちょっとした遊びも1音残らず会場中が聞き逃さない集中力。これを連日6公演1秒も欠けずに続いたのですから、名演が生まれたのも必然だったのです。

史上最強のメンバー/最高峰を更新するサウンド/美味しすぎるセット/グロリアスな超名演/絶頂が生んだサプライズ……思いつく限りのありとあらゆる点で理想を体現している。本作こそ、グラハム時代RAINBOWの最高傑作。RAINBOW版の『MADE IN JAPAN』と呼ぶに相応しい究極のライヴアルバムなのです。ショウの現場から40年を経て誕生した絶対作。あっと言う間に完売した超名盤が2ndプレスで復刻しました。どうぞ、どなた様もこの機会をお見逃しなく!

★「1980年5月15日大阪フェスティバルホール公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。『HEAVY ROCK SPECTACULAR』や『THE HIDDEN FORTRESS(の一部)』で知られる名録音が若ジェネ・マスターでアップグレード。圧倒的にブライトなサウンドはパッと聴いた瞬間から違いが分かる凄まじさで、元々「最高傑作」と言われていたサウンドが最高峰超え。「Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow」入りのセットやDEEP PURPLE初来日と並び称されるベストの超名演とも併せ、「RAINBOW版の『MADE IN JAPAN』」となる絶対の超傑作です。

Disc 1 (44:30)
1. Intro ★1:12 – 1:14 既発に入ってない唯一の2秒間
2. Land Of Hope And Glory
3. Countdown Intro./Over The Rainbow
4. Eyes Of The World
5. Love’s No Friend
6. Since You Been Gone
7. Over The Rainbow
8. Man On The Silver Mountain
9. Catch The Rainbow
Disc 2 (63:20)
1. Band Introductions
2. Keyboard Intro.
3. Lost In Hollywood
4. A Light In The Black/Guitar Solo
5. Beethoven 9th
6. Keyboard Solo
7. Drum Solo feat. 1812 Overture
8. Guitar Solo incl. Lazy
9. All Night Long
10. Blues
11. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
12. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll
13. Kill The King
14. Over The Rainbow
Black Box 034
Rainbow / Rogers Birthday Party /1CDR / Non Label
Caloerone Concert Hall, Hempstead New York USA 30th November 1979.
Click Image To Enlarge

★ The masterpiece “OSAKA 1980 FINAL NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER”, which was even called “RAINBOW version of MAIDE IN JAPAN”. To celebrate the 2nd press, only the first week of release, the highest peak of the sound board album “ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY” of the same period will be specially attached.

★ This title is a special bonus for one week only. It will not be included from the next week, so if you wish, please order as soon as possible.

Calderone Concert Hall, Hempstead, New York, USA 30th November 1979 SBD (UPGRADE)

The main press 2CD is exactly “RAINBOW version of MAIDE IN JAPAN”. It’s not a band called RAINBOW, but a treasure of British hard rock itself. For the bonus of such a masterpiece, we prepared the highest peak album of the sound board at the same time.
“Hempstead performance on November 30, 1979” is contained in this work. It is a sound board album “ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY” which is also famous as Roger Glover’s birthday show. In the explanation of the main press 2CD, the schedule is limited to the performances in Japan, so let’s check the position of the show from the panoramic view of the world tour.

● 1979
“Released” DOWN TO EARTH “on July 28”
・ September 18-October 12: North America # 1 (18 performances)
・ November 6th-December 13th: North America # 2 (24 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 1980
・ January 17-March 8: Europe (35 performances)
・ May 8-15: Japan (6 performances)
・ August 8-16: Scandinavian + MOR (4 performances)

This is RAINBOW in 1979/1980. The performance in Japan was repartitioned about two months after the end of the main tour “North America → Europe”. On the other hand, the Hempstead performance of this work is in the middle of the main schedule. It was the 13th performance of “North America # 2”.
This show is also famous for being broadcast on the radio, and its sound board recording is a big classic among the classics that have produced many existing episodes. There are several types under the name of “ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY” which is also the title of this work, and it is now known as a part of the 3-disc set for general distribution. However, the contents are similar and different. There are superiority and inferiority in sound quality and editing, and it cannot be said that any of them is good (especially the three pieces in general distribution are terrible, the recording time is short, the intervals between songs are cut off, and the sound quality is also downgraded. , I think there are many people who are weakened).
“Then, can you listen to the big classics with the best quality?” … This work answers that question. Of course, it is based on radio broadcasting, and even with this work, it cannot be said to be “official class”. However, there is no doubt that he is the best master. Directly using the master of “ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY DEFINITIVE VERSION”, which was once famous as a decisive board, and further refined by meticulous mastering. If the recording time that starts from the end of “Pomp and Circumstance” is the longest, the sound is also the highest peak, the master freshness with little hiss, the pitch that is just and stable, the balance that each range is in order … all are the top.
Moreover, I am happy with the mix that seems to be a radio broadcast. As a matter of fact, there is a leaked professional shot in the Passaic performance the day after this work (December 1st), but the sound there is quite rough. Ritchie Blackmore’s guitars are by far the largest and often out of balance. I was overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the video, but it was a sound that could not be established as a live album. In that respect, this work is wonderful. Graham’s vocals are featured as the protagonist, and the guitar and Cozy Powell’s drumming are very well balanced.

“ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY” has always been the most promising candidate in RAINBOW in the Graham era when the top sound board was craving. It is one that shines at the highest peak. A sound board album where you can enjoy the ensemble of the super band era when all the members were star players directly connected to your brain. Please enjoy it with the masterpiece “OSAKA 1980 FINAL NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER” which will be the “RAINBOW version of MAIDE IN JAPAN”.

★「RAINBOW版のMAIDE IN JAPAN」とまで呼ばれた最高傑作『OSAKA 1980 FINAL NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER』。その2ndプレスを祝し、リリース初週に限り、同時期のサウンドボード・アルバムの最高峰盤『ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY』が特別に付属致します。
Calderone Concert Hall, Hempstead, New York, USA 30th November 1979 SBD(UPGRADE)
 本編プレス2CDは、まさに「RAINBOW版のMAIDE IN JAPAN」。RAINBOWという1バンド云々ではなく、英国ハードロックそのものの至宝です。そんな最高傑作のボーナスには、同時期サウンドボードの最高峰アルバムをご用意しました。
 そんな本作に封じ込められているのは「1979年11月30日ヘンプステッド公演」。ロジャー・グローヴァーの誕生日ショウとしても有名なサウンドボード・アルバム『ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY』です。本編プレス2CDの解説では来日公演だけに絞って日程を載せましたので、ここではワールド・ツアー全景からショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。
《7月28日『DOWN TO EARTH』発売》
 このショウはラジオ放送された事でも有名で、そのサウンドボード録音が幾多の既発を生んできた定番中の大定番。本作のタイトルでもある『ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY』の名でも何種類か存在していますし、現在では一般流通の3枚組の一部としても知られています。しかし、その中身は似て非なるもの。音質や編集に優劣があり、どれでも良いというわけにはいかないのです(特に一般流通の3枚具は酷く、収録時間は短いわ、曲間はブツ切りだわ、音質も格落ちだわで、脱力された方も多いのではないでしょうか)。
 「では、大定番をベスト・クオリティで聴けるのは?」……その疑問に答えてくれるのが本作なのです。もちろん、ラジオ放送が元ですし、本作をもってしても「オフィシャル級」とは言えない。しかし、ベスト・マスターなのは間違いない。かつて決定盤として勇名を馳せた『ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY DEFINITIVE VERSION』のマスターをダイレクトに使用し、さらに細心マスタリングで磨き直したもの。「威風堂々」の終盤からスタートする収録時間も最長ならサウンドも最高峰で、ヒスの少ないマスター鮮度、ジャストでビシッと安定したピッチ、各音域が整ったバランス……すべてが頂点的なのです。
 頂点サウンドボードが渇望されきたグラハム時代RAINBOWにおいて、常にその最有力候補であり続けてきた『ROGER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY』。その最高峰に輝く1枚です。メンバー全員がスタープレイヤーだったスーパー・バンド時代のアンサンブルを脳みそド直結で楽しめるサウンドボードアルバム。「RAINBOW版のMAIDE IN JAPAN」となる最高傑作『OSAKA 1980 FINAL NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER』と併せ、たっぷりとお楽しみください。
1. Over The Rainbow
2. Eyes Of The World
3. Love’s No Friend
4. Since You Been Gone(incl. Over The Rainbow)
5. All Night Long
6. Keyboard Solo
7. Lost In Hollywood
8. Guitar Solo(incl. Beethoven 9th)
9. Keyboard Solo
10. Drums Solo feat. 1812 Overture 11. Lost In Hollywood(reprise)
12. Guitar Solo
13. Lazy
14. Man On The Silver Mountain
15. Blues
16. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll
17. Over The Rainbow
Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Graham Bonnet – Vocal Roger Glover – Bass Don Airey – Keyboard
Cozy Powell – Drums





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