Led Zeppelin / LA Forum 1975 3rd Night Source 2 / 3CDR

Led Zeppelin / LA Forum 1975 3rd Night Source 2 / 3CDR / Non Label
The Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA 27th March 1975

Play sample :

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Finally, the master of the astonishing recording by Mike Millard on the second day of the ZEP 75 LA Forum will be released, but a few weeks before that, “The Dogs of Doom”, which runs alone in the recent ZEP rare sound source world. The team quietly released the new sound source on the last day of the LA Forum.
Speaking of the last day of the 1975 LA Forum, in addition to the mirrored recording that the master is waiting for release, another sound source has been excavated, and this time “recorder 3” will appear.
Of course, in terms of sound quality, mirrored recording is an overwhelming victory, but this new master is monaural but surprisingly easy to hear.
At least it’s a lot easier to hear than “recorder 2”, and if the sound source of the day existed only in this version, it seems that the press CD would have been good enough.
It’s a vintage audience with a sense of distance compared to the mirrored recordings in the world, but the secret of ease of hearing is that the sound image is not as far as “recorder 2”. In particular, Bonzo’s drums capture a fairly powerful sound image. Therefore, if a Mirrored Master is discovered in the future, it will be a good supplement.

Since he managed to complete the 1975 American tour that started with Jimmy’s hand injury and Robert’s cold, it is a feature of this day that he is more enthusiastic about the final day of the tour than usual. Not to mention the fact that the content and atmosphere of the show is completely different from the 25th.
The best example of this would be Robert’s idea on the spot, “Since I’ve Been Loving You,” which was not originally included in the program. However, even if it is not treated as a regular song on the 1975 tour, it is a song that the band is accustomed to, so I will listen to the heated performance here as well.
Starting with this song, the group seems to have entered the “last day Hatchike mode”, and Bonzo’s “Moby Dick” is about 30 minutes long. Furthermore, “Dazed And Confused” is a long performance as it was on the 25th, but the development is completely different only on the last day of the tour.
Unfortunately, from the middle of “In My Time Of Dying” to the end of the performance, a sound like prewar blues that has nothing to do with ZEP has been transcribed on the left channel, which is a big negative point.
In this way, it is the first appearance sound source that does not exceed the range for enthusiasts as a whole, but as a relay sound source that quenches the thirst of enthusiasts by the time the mirrored master is released on the final day of the 1975 LA Forum. Should be perfect. What’s more, a free gift CD-R that is too luxurious with the first appearance sound source recorded generously. Try new sound sources that are attracting attention from enthusiasts around the world!

★ For maniacs? If you think about it, it is a good recording that you can listen to normally. Surprising first appearance sound source.

(Remaster memo)
★ I adjusted it because there are some places where the pitch is a little faster.

遂に今回ZEP75年LAフォーラム二日目のマイク・ミラードによる驚愕録音のマスターがリリースされる訳ですが、そこから遡ること数週間前、ここ最近のZEPレア音源界を独走する「The Dogs of Doom」チームがLAフォーラム最終日の新音源を静かに公開してくれていたのです。
これまで75年LAフォーラム最終日と言えば、マスターの公開が待たれるミラード録音に加えて別の音源も発掘されており、今回は「recorder 3」の登場という事に。
少なくとも「recorder 2」よりははるかに聞きやすく、もしこの日の音源が今回のバージョンだけしか存在していなかったとしたら、プレスCDでも十分にイケたのではないかと思えるほど。
天下のミラード録音と比べれば距離感のあるビンテージ・オーディエンスではあるのですが、それでいて「recorder 2」ほど音像が遠くないというのが聞きやすさの秘訣。特にボンゾのドラムはかなり迫力のある音像にて捉えてくれている。よって将来ミラード・マスターが発掘されたとすれば、格好の補填要員となることでしょう。

その最たる例が本来なら演目に入っていなかった「Since I’ve Been Loving You」をその場でロバートの発案から始めたことでしょう。もっとも75年ツアーではレギュラー扱いでなくともバンドからすればやり慣れた曲ということから、ここでも白熱した演奏を聞かせてくれる。
この曲を皮切りにグループは「最終日はっちぇけモード」へと突入したらしく、ボンゾの「Moby Dick」も30分近い長さへと。さらに「Dazed And Confused」は25日の時と同じように長尺な演奏ながら、その展開がまるで違うのもツアー最終日ならでは。
惜しむらくは「In My Time Of Dying」の途中から演奏の終わりまで左チャンネルにZEPと関係のない戦前ブルースのような音が転写してしまっていることで、ここは大きなマイナスポイント。



Disc 1 (71:32)
1. Intro
2. Rock and Roll
3. Sick Again
4. Over the Hills and Far Away
5. In My Time of Dying
6. The Song Remains the Same
7. Rain Song
8. Kashmir
9. Since I’ve Been Loving You

Disc 2 (72:15)
1. MC
2. No Quarter
3. Trampled Underfoot
4. Moby Dick

Disc 3 (76:42)
1. MC
2. Dazed and Confused
3. Stairway to Heaven
4. Whole Lotta Love
5. Black Dog

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