Led Zeppelin / LA Forum 1975 2nd Night Mike Millard Master Tapes / 6CD

Led Zeppelin / LA Forum 1975 2nd Night Mike Millard Master Tapes / 6CD / Non Label
The Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA 25th March 1975

Play sample :

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Among Mike Millard’s master cassette public series that continues to this day, ZEP’s 1975 series of LA Forum performances may have been long-awaited by enthusiasts around the world. The masterpiece of “LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE”, which is a masterpiece, has already been released to the public, but I felt that the master of ZEP live recording by Mirrored after that was quite struck. Among them, regarding 1975, the master for two days of Long Beach has already been released, but the essence of his 1975 ZEP should be rather the LA Forum. After all, it was Faces’ “LA FORUM 1975: MIKE MILLARD 1ST GEN” that participated in the war as a trial recording to prepare for the recording.
Also in ZEP, I made a mistake of being late for the concert on the second day of Long Beach. From his point of view, catching ZEP again at the LA Forum would have been a proposition that had to be done. Also consistent with the ZEP 75 LA Forum performance recorded by Millard is an incredibly close sound image. Sure, Long Beach was great, but the LA Forum’s three days were all the first peaks of his recording career in terms of the degree of on, and I’ve only recorded with all my might. Yes, this LA Forum three days was the best masterpiece that even brought out that legendary wheelchair.
These series of 1975 LA Forums are a different dimension, literally ultra recording, considering that era. Because, in these recordings, not only the closeness of the performance, but also the closeness of Robert Plant’s singing voice. At first glance, it’s almost like a sound board, and if these sound sources were released in the LP era, they would have been touted as completely sound boards. .. Actually, it was released under the title of “PURE BLUES II” only on March 25th, but it was the time when the decline of LP items began at the same time as the rise of CDs in the early 1990s, so I knew its existence. I think there weren’t many people doing it.

This time, it was on the 25th that the memorable master was released from the three performances of the LA Forum in 1975. This day is captured again with a powerful sound image, and many enthusiasts are “COSMIC CRAZY”, “GET BACK TO LA” and “SEX MACHINE AND THE BUTTER QUEEN” and “THE REVENGE OF THE BUTTER QUEEN” divided into two works. I think I was exposed to this shocking audience recording for the first time around CD items such as “. From now on, these items had a tremendous quality of Gene, but at the time when I didn’t even know the name of Mike Millard, I was just overwhelmed by the power of the amazing sound image.
After that, it was a sound source with a feeling of being extremely mastered in the 1975 LA Forum ultimate set “DEEP THROAT”, but in recent years JEMS has copied “LA FORUM 1975 2ND NIGHT” based on the first generation cassette copied from the master of Mirrored. With the advent of “, it seemed that the best release of the mirrored sound source itself was settled.
For that reason, this time the master appeared, this is something that deserves to be called a “true hit appearance”. As expected, the master cassette, the difference is clear. Even “LA FORUM 1975 2ND NIGHT” (hereinafter referred to as “already-released board”), which seemed to have such an upper feeling, looks like a bad sound before this version. In the first place, when this sound source came out in the cassette trading era, it is a fact that a considerable sense of gene drop was added. Therefore, each item in the 90’s seemed to have a sound quality of “sound close but lacking in clarity”. It seemed like it was sunny all at once when the existing board appeared, but this time the master is just the next level. Already … Or rather, the thin skin that remained in the first generation is finally removed, and it makes me realize the clear and clear outlook. Besides, hiss that goes through naturally seems to be a mirrored master.

The LA Forum three-night performance, which is the Chiaki music of the ZEP75 America Tour, is known to have played violently despite suffering from acoustic troubles, but it is also a masterpiece of Millard who documented such a situation vividly. Because it is a wheelchair recording. For example, in “The Rain Song,” you can see how Johnsy’s Mellotron is hit by a slump. Especially because it’s a quieter song. The overall voltage of the performance was very high at the end of the tour, but it was the acoustic trouble that occurred in the three days of LA that stood in the way as if it was in the way.
The band at “Trampled Underfoot”, where such problems began to settle down, showed a thrilling performance. After all, the sounds are so close that the three people other than the plant climb up together and return to the song. In addition, “Dazed & Confused” is a further escalation of the bloated performance from around Seattle. Robert sang the R & B classic “Spanish Harlem” in the familiar San Francisco section, and the performance lasted for 40 minutes, aiming for a different development from the first half of the performance.
At the end of the live, you can hear Jimmy and Robert chorusing together in “Whole Lotta Love”, and above all, it is thrilling to move from funky development to James Brown’s “The Sex Machine”. .. I thought that I would run through at once and finish the live as it is, but Robert made a mistake in the lyrics with “Black Dog”, and even the famous happening that the performance is about to freeze, the document is vivid because of the high sound quality.

For that reason, it was a stigma that the pitch that was crazy with the master cassette was released without being rough, but of course it was exactly adjusted for this limited press CD release. Also, this time it is a mirrored recording of ZEP, so not only the “Flat Transfer” version, which is a file of the master without any tricks, but also the version that asked the familiar dadgad to adjust the sound source was released.
On the second day of Long Beach, it was on fire that only the version modified by him was released, but this time it is prepared both properly (laugh) .. There is no doubt that the flat version is excellent, but the version remastered by dadegad is also very complete. Unlike the former, which was recorded literally as it is, this may be easier for beginners. Of course, I can’t deny the feeling of equalization, but even so, the refined finish and power unique to the dadgad remaster are attractive enough. Besides, it is a mirrored recording of the 1975 LA Forum, which is known for its powerful sound image, and it is guaranteed that both versions can be enjoyed individually. The ultimate audience master he left behind is finally here!

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(Remaster memo)

★ Corrected because the pitch is 20 to 30% faster than a semitone.
★ Based on this edition, the existing ones are left-right inverted and the waveform phase is inverted.
★ As for the sound quality, the existing board has a feeling that the hysteria of Flat Transfer is suppressed, so this board has a better impression.
Mastered is a normally sharp equalization.

★ Long and short with the existing (1ST GEN)
* The short ones are as follows. Originally, it is a little less than 4 seconds short, but it is compensated for a long time due to fading. Left-right reversal / phase reversal / each is equalized and connected, so I don’t think it feels strange.
6. The Rain Song ★ 7:28 –7:35 Compensation

* Only the following are long.
3. Moby Dick ★ The cheers for about 3 seconds from 22:38 are longer than the previous ones.

現在もなお続くマイク・ミラードのマスター・カセット公開シリーズの中でも、世界中のマニアが待ち望んでいたのがZEPの1975年一連のLAフォーラム公演ではないでしょうか。既に最高傑作である「LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE」のマスター公開は実現してくれていた訳ですが、その後のミラードによるZEPライブ録音のマスターに関しては、なかなかにもったいぶられている感があった。中でも75年に関しては既にロングビーチ二日分のマスターが公開された訳ですが、彼による75年ZEPの神髄はむしろLAフォーラムなはず。何しろ、その録音に備えるべく試験的な録音を兼ねて参戦したのがフェイセズの「LA FORUM 1975: MIKE MILLARD 1ST GEN」だったのですから。
これら一連の75年LAフォーラムはその時代を考えればまるで別次元、文字通りのウルトラ・レコーディング。というのも、これらの録音で演奏の近さはもちろん、ロバート・プラントの歌声の近さと言ったら。パッと聞いた感じだとほぼほぼサウンドボードだと錯覚してしまいますし、もしこれらの音源がLPの時代にリリースされていたとしたら、完全にサウンドボードだと喧伝されてしまっていたことでしょう。いや、実は3月25日だけは「PURE BLUES II」というタイトルでリリースされていたものの、それが1990年代前半というCDの台頭と同時にLPアイテムの衰退がはじまった時期でしたので、その存在を知っている者が少なかったのでは。

今回、75年LAフォーラム三公演から記念すべきマスターが公開されたのも25日。この日がまたド迫力の音像で捉えられており、多くのマニアは「COSMIC CRAZY」、「GET BACK TO LA」そして二作に分けられた「SEX MACHINE AND THE BUTTERQUEEN」と「THE REVENGE OF THE BUTTERQUEEN」といったCDアイテム辺りで初めてこの衝撃のオーディエンス録音に接せられたのではないでしょうか。今からするとこれらのアイテムはジェネ落ち感も甚だしいクオリティだったのですが、マイク・ミラードの名前すら知らない当時、ひたすらその驚異的な音像の迫力に圧倒されるばかりでした。
その後1975年LAフォーラム究極のセット「DEEP THROAT」などで極められた感のある音源でしたが、近年JEMSがミラードのマスターからコピーされたファースト・ジェネレーション・カセットを元にした「LA FORUM 1975 2ND NIGHT」の登場によって、ミラード音源そのもののベストなリリースも決着したかに思えたものです。
それだけに今回のマスター登場、これぞ「真打登場」と呼ぶに相応しいものが。流石はマスター・カセット、その差は歴然。あれほどのアッパー感に思えた「LA FORUM 1975 2ND NIGHT」(以下“既発盤”と称します)ですら、今回のバージョンの前では抜けの悪い音に映ってしまう。そもそも本音源はカセット・トレード時代に出回った際、かなりのジェネ落ち感が上乗せされたのも事実でしょう。よって90年代の各アイテムなどは「音は近いがクリアーさに欠ける」音質であったように思えたもの。それも既発盤登場時、一気に晴れたかのように思えたのですが、今回のマスターは正にネクスト・レベル。既発…というかファースト・ジェネレーションに残っていた薄皮がようやく取れ、スッキリとした見通しの良さを痛感させてくれる。それに自然に通り抜けるヒスもミラード・マスターらしい。

ZEP75アメリカ・ツアーの千秋楽であるLAフォーラム三夜公演はそれぞれが音響トラブルに見舞われながらも激しく演奏してみせたことで知られていますが、そんな様子を生々しくドキュメントしてくれたのもミラード圧巻の車椅子レコーディングだからこそ。例えば「The Rain Song」ではジョンジーの弾くメロトロンが不調に見舞われてしまう様子が手に寄るように分かるのです。増してや静かな曲ということでなおさら。演奏の全体的なボルテージはツアー終盤ということで非常に高めながら、それを邪魔するかの如く立ちはだかっていたのがLA三日間で生じた音響トラブルかと。
そうした問題が落ち着き始めた「Trampled Underfoot」でのバンドは、それこそ胸のすくような快演を披露。何しろ音が近いので、プラント以外の三人が一緒に上り詰めて歌に戻る様なども、これまた手に取るように伝わってくる。さらに「Dazed & Confused」はシアトル辺りから肥大していた演奏がさらにエスカレート。おなじみサンフランシスコ・セクションにおいてロバートがR&Bクラシック「Spanish Harlem」を歌ってみせるなど、演奏の前半からしていつもと違う展開を目指した果てに演奏は40分にも及んでいます。
ライブ終盤になると「Whole Lotta Love」で寄り添ったジミーとロバートが一緒にコーラスする場面もしっかり聞き取れますし、何よりこの日はファンキーな展開からジェームス・ブラウンの「The Sex Machine」へと移るのがスリリング。このまま一気に駆け抜けてライブを終えるかと思いきや、ロバートが「Black Dog」で歌詞を間違えてしまい、危うく演奏がフリーズしそうになるという有名なハプニングまで、高音質が故に生々しくドキュメント。

それだけに、せっかくのマスター・カセットで狂っていたピッチがおざなりなまま公開されたのは汚点だったのですが、もちろん今回の限定プレスCDリリースに際してはきっちりアジャスト。また今回はZEPのミラード録音ということもあり、マスターを小細工なしにファイル化した「Flat Transfer」バージョンだけでなく、おなじみdadgadに音源のアジャストを依頼したバージョンの二種類が公開されました。


★音質は既発盤はFlat Transferのヒスを抑えた感じなので今回盤の方が印象が良い。

★既発(1ST GEN) との長短
6. The Rain Song ★7:28 – 7:35 既発補填

3. Moby Dick ★22:38からの約3秒間の歓声が既発より長い




Disc 1 (53:06)
1. Rock And Roll
2. Sick Again
3. Over The Hills And Far Away
4. In My Time Of Dying
5. The Song Remains The Same
6. The Rain Song ★7:28 – 7:35 既発補填
7. Kashmir

Disc 2 (62:19)
1. No Quarter
2. Trampled Underfoot
3. Moby Dick ★22:38からの約3秒間の歓声が既発より長い

Disc 3 (68:15)
1. Dazed And Confused
2. Stairway To Heaven
3. Whole Lotta Love
4. Black Dog


Disc 4 (53:06)
1. Rock And Roll
2. Sick Again
3. Over The Hills And Far Away
4. In My Time Of Dying
5. The Song Remains The Same
6. The Rain Song ★7:28 – 7:35 既発補填
7. Kashmir

Disc 5 (62:19)
1. No Quarter
2. Trampled Underfoot
3. Moby Dick ★22:38からの約3秒間の歓声が既発より長い

Disc 6 (68:15)
1. Dazed And Confused
2. Stairway To Heaven
3. Whole Lotta Love
4. Black Dog

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