Led Zeppelin / Glasgow 1972 1st Night / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Glasgow 1972 1st Night / 3CD / Non Label
Live at Green’s Playhouse, Glasgow, Scotland 3rd December 1972

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Translated text:

Topics are boiling ZEP His new excavation Live sound source released hasty at limited press CD! The excavation this time is the Glasgow performance on December 3, 1972. The group began to shift to full scale in rhythm based immobilization orientation, the first appearance audiences recording from an unbearable period to maniacs. Anyhow surprisingly it is surprisingly easy to hear mono sound quality. Concerning the second show, Glasgow where the performances were held, the audience recording on the second day was circulating with reasonable sound quality for a long time, but the sound source of this time is much easier to hear than that. Of course it can not be called quality for everyone like Blueberry Hill or Eddie, but the ZEP maniacia has a wonderful sound quality. Although the sound image with a sense of distance, the performance is captured with a firm contour is the secret of ease of listening.
Although its sound quality level is inferior to “ALEXANDRA PALACE 1972 2ND NIGHT” previously released on December 23, it can be imagined mania if compared to Birmingham “LIVE FROM ENGLAND 1972” on 16th, for example, it is mellow and easy to hear Is not it. Either way, it is a surprisingly stable sound quality as a new sound source, and for maniacs it is a time when you can not miss a change in the play of the day every day, so just the “quality that you can hear” can be missed with a new surprise sound source worth noting You should call me. Besides, the cut is occurring only in the unimportant part of the “Whole Lotta Love” medley, which is a demon for the taper, and it is a very excellent recording even in the point of almost completely recording the live other than that.
Upon release this time, sound source is thoroughly brushed up as natural as possible. Fortunately because there was no pitch misunderstanding (this is also excellent), I made an equalization so that fine adjustments and performance will be on the front. Of course, these are not something that will distort the sound source itself, but the processing on the basis of the feature of the sound source to the last. It is a sound source that boasts the sound quality that originally is easy to hear, so this equalization worked very well. By doing so, it has evolved into a condition that can be listened more carefully. There is no doubt that it is worthy of releasing on this limited press CD, but furthermore the noise that the vintage sound source was due to the sound source was also thoroughly adjusted, so please refer to that in another section in detail Did.

As a result of such equalization it became easier to understand the performance content, as a result of this equalization, it will be more clearly shown that the very beginning of the performance is showing off from the beginning. It is Paige what everyone is saying is topical. I can play it with a really good feeling, but the first good example is “Over The Hills And Far Away”. This is a splendid phrase that includes guitar and solo as a part of tricky play here and spreading it to an extraordinary phrase as it is quite smooth, and the phrase to be used persistently as a habit when it comes to late ZEP. Even just listening to this, you will understand that ZEP on this day was a huge ass. Meanwhile, the plant seems to have grasped his own voice quality which began to change in earnest, and it is getting to be able to do syllable way without crying.
As for “Dazed And Confused” which I can not miss listening to every night until this year from 1973 to Europe, the majority of this day is relatively straightforward. But the San Francisco section has not been decided yet, instead the plant included a passage from Neil Young’s “Cowgirl In The Sand”. In addition, he calls the name of James Brown at the end of the “The Crunge” section, but both are familiar deployments in early December. Thus basically it was an orthodox development, but only ending was enlarged considerably by Bonzo and Paige, and it seems that the appearance of trying various phrases that he was warming among them is a masterpiece. It was truly a time when Impro was full of imagination.
Although it is the live late stage, it was unfortunate that the cut at the time of recording mentioned earlier was a slow part in the second half of “Heartbreak Hotel” in “Whole Lotta Love” medley. Although it is still this time that “Immigrant Song” is still being played in Encore, what is quite interesting is the page parted by Paige of “Heartbreaker”. When he repeats the “Celebration Day” -like code and rhythm on the way, the band starts matching with it, and at the end the plant begins singing “Mona” of Bo Diddley (or rather Rolling Stones’) It is a very rare development that excites.
The opening of “Thank You” which concludes the end of the show is also interesting, and Bonzo began to beat the rhythm that encourages the audience, but Johnsy plays the phrase like Scottish folk songs and gets it at once. The song enthusiast of the plant is wonderful as it becomes a song body. In addition to the sound quality that you can not imagine that it was a sound source that had been sleeping for decades like this, content that was fulfilling throughout the show. Therefore, although I think that many items will be produced in the future, please try the ZEP Live new sound source after a long time by all means with this title which emphasized the outline of play without taste!

(Remaster memo)

★ I made equal equalization so that the performance appears on the front. Compared to the original sound, it is clearly clear

★ Scattered cuts and noise were adjusted as much as possible. The pitch was there.

その音質レベルは以前リリースした12月23日の「ALEXANDRA PALACE 1972 2ND NIGHT」よりは劣るものの、16日のバーミンガム「LIVE FROM ENGLAND 1972」よりはまろやかで聞きやすいと例えればマニアには想像してもらえるでしょうか。いずれにせよ新音源としては驚くほど安定した音質であり、しかもマニアにとっては連日のプレイの変化が聞き逃せない時期なだけに、これほど「聞き込めるクオリティ」だけでも注目に値する驚きの新音源と呼べるはず。おまけにカットはテーパーにとって鬼門である「Whole Lotta Love」メドレーの重要でない箇所だけで起きており、それ以外はライブをほぼ完全収録という点においても大変に優秀な録音なのです。

そうしたイコライズによってさらに演奏内容が解りやすくなった結果、この日は序盤から非常に素晴らしい演奏を披露している様子がよりはっきりと伝わってきます。何と言っても絶好調なのがペイジ。実にいい感じで弾けているのですが、その最初の好例が「Over The Hills And Far Away」。ギター・ソロが実になめらかで、ZEP後期になると手癖としてしつこいくらい使うようになるフレーズをここではトリッキーなプレイの一部としてサラリと盛り込み、縦横無尽なフレーズへと広げてみせたのだからお見事。これを聞いただけでも、この日のZEPが激アツであったことを理解できるでしょう。一方プラントは本格的に変わり始めた自分の声質を把握したようで、叫ばなくとも無理のない歌い方がこなせるようになってきています。
この時期から73年ヨーロッパまでは毎晩の展開が聞き逃せない「Dazed And Confused」に関しては、この日は比較的ストレートな展開が大半を占めています。しかしサンフランシスコ・セクションはまだ決まっておらず、代わりにプラントはニール・ヤングの「Cowgirl In The Sand」の一節を盛り込んでいました。さらに彼は「The Crunge」セクションの終わりでジェームス・ブラウンの名を連呼していますが、どちらも12月初旬にはおなじみな展開です。こうして基本的にはオーソドックスな展開だったのですが、エンディングだけはボンゾとペイジによってかなり引き伸ばされ、その中で彼が温めていたフレーズを色々と試している様子は圧巻。さすがはインプロが想像力に溢れていた時期。
そしてライブ終盤ですが、先に触れた録音時のカットは「Whole Lotta Love」メドレーにおける「Heartbreak Hotel」後半のスローなパートだったことが不幸中の幸いでした。アンコールでは未だに「Immigrant Song」が演奏されているのもこの時期ならではですが、何と言っても面白いのが「Heartbreaker」のペイジ独演パート。途中で「Celebration Day」的なコードとリズムを彼が繰り返すとバンドがそれに合わせ始め、果てはプラントがボ・ディドリー(というよりローリング・ストーンズのといった方が分かりやすいでしょう)の「Mona」を歌い始めて盛り上がるという、大変にレアな展開が登場するのです。
ショーの最後を締めくくる「Thank You」も始まりが面白く、ボンゾが観客を煽るようなリズムを叩き始めたものの、そこでジョンジーがスコットランド民謡のようなフレーズを弾いて一気に和んでしまうのです。曲本体になるとプラントの熱唱ぶりも素晴らしい。このように何十年も眠っていた音源だとは思えないほど聞きやすい音質に加え、ショー全編を通しての充実した演奏内容。それ故に多くのアイテムがこれから生み出されるかとは思いますが、嫌味なく演奏の輪郭を浮き立たせた本タイトルにて、久々のZEPライブ新音源を是非お試しください!





Disc 1 (53:53)
1. Intro. 2. Rock and Roll 3. Over the Hills and Far Away 4. Black Dog 5. Misty Mountain Hop
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You 7. Dancing Days 8. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 9. The Song Remains the Same
10. The Rain Song

Disc 2 (62:12)
1. MC 2. Dazed and Confused 3. Stairway to Heaven 4. Whole Lotta Love

Disc 3 (35:25)
1. Audience 2. Immigrant Song 3. Heartbreaker 4. Mellotron Solo 5. Thank You

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