Led Zeppelin / Charlotte 1972 Reel Archives / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Charlotte 1972 Reel Archives / 2CD / Non Label
Live at Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC, USA 9th June 1972

Play sample :

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Sound source traders refer to enthusiasts who collect CD-R copies and sound sources circulating on the Internet, but more enthusiasts should collect the sound sources themselves, that is, the original cassettes and reel tapes. Go to step. There is such a core collector in our country, and he provided a reel tape of audience recording that captured the pattern of the 1972 US tour. The Charlotte performance on June 9th was contained there. Speaking of Charlotte in 1972, it is famous as an excellent audience in the first half of the tour, and “LIVE IN CHARLOTTE 1972” released more than 10 years ago reigned in the definitive edition.
I wonder if Charlotte, who has the same title, has an advantage in this reel. Even the enthusiast who provided it was skeptical. If you actually listen to it, the dropout-like state that occurs around 6:35 “That’s The Way” does not change. In the first place, the sound quality in the first half of the live is equivalent. In this way, while listening to only the first half, it is the same as “LIVE IN CHARLOTTE 1972” (hereinafter referred to as “existing board”). Rather, from “Stairway To Heaven” to the beginning of “Going To California”, there is sound fluctuation due to tape deterioration. Certainly these problems can be solved by making things, but this time we have not modified them in a way that respects the condition of the reel tape.

In any case, if it is only the first half, it is the same as the existing board. However, the sound quality is clearly getting better from the second reel starting from “Dazed And Confused”. In addition, in the same song, there was a cut at the beginning of Jimmy’s bowing, and the existing board was processed inconspicuously with crossfade. However, the reel this time has not been picked up and remains as it is, and as a result, the recording is slightly longer than the already released board. This is “What Is And What Should Never Be”, and furthermore, as the live progresses with “Whole Lotta Love”, the difference in sound quality from the already released board will appear more prominently.
Compared to this reel, the existing boards in those songs seem to be wearing a veil. I never thought that such an upper feeling was lurking in this reel. Not only the sound quality has been improved, but the naturalness has also been clearly improved, and it can be said that it is a new upper version that has appeared more than 10 years after the release of the existing board. The first half was in a state like the previous one, so I was surprised at this.

In the first place, Charlotte has been popular with maniacs as a classic sound source in the early stages of the 1972 American tour. It doesn’t have the swinging out feeling that was seen in Tucson and the LA Forum at the end of the tour that will be released at the same time this time. Rather, the sense of clearness at the end of Robert’s screaming voice is amazing. While including such a margin, it may have led to the show to “Celebration Day” which was extremely rare on this tour that the engine was fully open. In addition, this performance is really high tension.
If you think about it, Jimmy started playing “Knees up Mother Brown”, which was a favorite song in the pub for British people, and the band started playing, and at the end, Robert got on there and started singing. The scene seems to be this day again. The appearance of the best version of “SIZZLES IN SEATTLE” is also memorable. Is it not?
And after all, “Whole Lotta Love” is the scene of Charlotte. The unexpected development that the oldies medley, which was commonplace in this era, ends without any. It may have been a substitute for that, but on this day, when the first song part was over and the improvisation began, one of the members struck the piano keyboard, and it was also valuable to hear a very rare development. prize. There is no confirmation because there is no video, but maybe Johnsy, maybe Robert played the piano that was prepared at the venue. Including such an unusual development, Charlotte in 1972 has been popular as a name sound source that is packed with unique listening points unique to the beginning of the tour. The new upper version will be released from its own reel tape that is not even on the net, which will surprise maniacs all over the world. Surprised by this!

* Recorded from two reel tapes that were originally obtained. The sound is better than the previous one, and the content is also good. Especially the second half is amazing.

音源トレーダーというのはCD-Rコピーやネット上を介して出回っている音源をコレクトしているマニアのことを指しますが、さらなるマニアはその音源そのもの、つまり元のカセットやリール・テープを集めようというステップに進みます。我が国にもそんなコア・コレクターがおられまして、彼から1972年アメリカ・ツアーの模様を捉えたオーディエンス録音のリール・テープが提供されたのです。そこに収められていたのは6月9日のシャーロット公演。72年のシャーロットと言えばツアー前半の優良オーディエンスとして名高い存在であり、今から10年以上前にリリースされた「LIVE IN CHARLOTTE 1972」が決定版に君臨していました。
 同タイトルで極められた感のあるシャーロットだけに、果たして今回のリールにアドバンテージはあるのだろうか?それは提供してくれたマニアですら懐疑的だったのです。実際に聞いてみれば「That’s The Way」6:35辺りに起きるドロップアウトのような状態も変わらない。そもそもライブ前半の音質が同等。こうして前半部分だけを聞いている内は「LIVE IN CHARLOTTE 1972」(以下“既発盤”と称します)とまるで変らず。むしろ「Stairway To Heaven」から「Going To California」の序盤にかけてはテープ劣化による音揺れが生じている。確かにこうした問題はモノ化すれば解消できるのですが、今回はリール・テープの状態を尊重する形で手を加えていません。
いずれにせよ前半だけなら既発盤と変わらない。ところが「Dazed And Confused」から始まる二本目のリールから明らかに音質が良くなっている。おまけに同曲ではジミーのボウイングが始まるところでカットが生じており、そこを既発盤はクロスフェイドにて目立たなく処理が施されていた。ところが今回のリールはそのカットが摘まれずそのまま残っており、結果として既発盤よりも若干ながら収録が長くなっている。これが「What Is And What Should Never Be」、さらには「Whole Lotta Love」とライブが進むにつれてさらに既発盤との音質の違いが顕著に現れてくるのです。
そもそも72年アメリカ・ツアー序盤の定番音源としてマニアに親しまれてきたシャーロット。今回同時リリースとなるツアー終盤のトゥーソンやLAフォーラムにあった振り切れ具合がなく、むしろ地方でくつろいでステージに挑んでいる様子がはっきり伝わってくる一方で、だからと言って手抜き感は一切ない。むしろロバートのスクリーミング・ボイス末期の冴え渡り感が凄まじいほど。そうした余裕を含みつつ、それでいてエンジン全開であったことが本ツアーでは極めて珍しかった「Celebration Day」への披露へとつながったのではないでしょうか。おまけにこの演奏が実にハイテンション。
かと思えばイギリス人にとってパブでの愛唱歌であった「Knees up Mother Brown」をジミーが煽ったのを皮切りとしてバンドが演奏し始め、最後はロバートがそこに乗って歌い始めるという、何とものどかな場面がまたこの日らしい。「SIZZLES IN SEATTLE」でベストバージョンの登場も記憶に新しいシアトル二日目以降のパーリーショーも魅力ですが、大都市ほどにぎやかでない場所だからこそ生み出された72年アメリカの名演かつ名音源、それがシャーロットではないでしょうか。
そして何と言ってもシャーロット極めつけの場面と言えば「Whole Lotta Love」。この時代には当たり前であったオールディーズ・メドレーが一切なしで終わってしまうというまさかの展開。その代わりだったのかもしれませんが、この日は最初の歌パートが終わってインプロに突入するとメンバーの誰かがピアノの鍵盤を叩きならすという、これまた非常にレアな展開が聞かれたのも貴重でしょう。映像が存在しないので確証はありませんが、おそらく会場に用意されていたピアノをジョンジー、もしかしたらロバートが弾いたのかもしれません。こうした風変わりな展開を含め、ツアー序盤ならではの聞きどころが詰まった名音源としても親しまれてきた72年シャーロット。その新たなアッパー版が世界中のマニアを驚かせるであろうネット上にも出回っていない独自入手のリール・テープからリリースされます。これにはびっくり!
Disc 1 (63:53)
1. Immigrant Song
2. Heartbreaker
3. Celebration Day
4. Black Dog
5. Since I’ve Been Loving You
6. Stairway To Heaven
7. Going To California
8. That’s The Way
9. Tangerine
10. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
Disc 2 (68:02)
1. Dazed And Confused
2. What Is And What Should Never Be
3. Moby Dick
4. Whole Lotta Love
5. Rock And Roll
6. Communication Breakdown
Non Label

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