Led Zeppelin / LA Forum 1971 1st Night 3 Source Mix / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / L.A. Forum 1971 1st Night 3 Source Mix / 2CD / Non label
The Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA 21st August 1971

Play sample :

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The 1971 American tour of Led Zeppelin began with an aggressive schedule that included two consecutive nights of the LA Forum immediately after the start. Considering that the Blueberry Hill show last year was a one-night stand at the same forum, it speaks to its success. Among them, a new sound source on August 21, which was the first day, suddenly appeared on the net and made maniacs all over the world noisy.
Until now, there were two types of audience recordings on this day, so many items have been created, but basically every release has “recorder 1” as the main source and was released in 2016. “LA FORUM 1971” was one of them.
The sound source “recorder 3” excavated this time is close to the recording state of that “recorder 1”, and the sound image is slightly distant but clean. Moreover, the freshness is more wonderful than “recorder 1”, and it can be said that it is the sound source with the best sound quality among the existing audience recordings (all monaural) on the first day of the 1971 LA Forum. Although it is a new source that captures famous performances, it is surprising that it has been kept so fresh.

However, the first appearance sound source this time, the incomplete recording only in the first half of the live where the recording ends at the end of “Black Dog”. It’s a pity that the sound quality is so good, but there was a reason for it. At the end of the performance of “Black Dog”, the taper of this sound source was found by manager Peter Grant, and the recording was stopped. In other words, the meaning is different from mere incomplete recording.
For a long time, there was an urban legend that Grant stopped the audience recording on the 1970 US tour, or smashed the tape recorder (!). I was surprised because the scene where I was caught was recorded.
That said, it wasn’t as aggressive as some folklore would have it, and it was surprisingly calm, like, “You’re not allowed to record at the concert. Are you sure?” . Even though it is Grant, I am surprised that he did not intimidate the audience with a fight from the beginning, but treated him politely in his own way.
In addition, recording was stopped “Black Dog”. In other words, it is well known that a big cut occurred in the same song even on the famous sound source 929 board produced from the first visit to Japan one month later, and this also stopped recording because Grant approached … It’s a legend that has been passed down.
This is not a coincidence, and by excavating the sound source this time, it does not support that Grant went around checking such surroundings when the live performance started on the 71st tour and the venue calmed down around “Black Dog”. Uka Therefore, ironically, the sound source of this time was incomplete, so it was a very valuable excavation that proved that one of the legends of Peter Grant that has been handed down until now was true. .

A version that maniacs combine this short but shocking excavation with conventional sound sources immediately appears on the net. It will be natural if it becomes the first appearance sound source of the 71st American tour. For parts other than this new sound source, discomfort is minimized by using “recorder 1” as the main source. Also, “recorder 1” used for “LA FORUM 1971” was a copy called 2nd gen, but this time it was upgraded to 1st gen, which clearly improved the sound quality. Moreover, even with the same “recorder 1”, the longest recording of the concert is thoroughly done by making full use of branching copies. It is also wonderful that the pitch of all sound sources was adjusted while using multiple sources.
And the sound source this time and “recorder 1” are common in terms of the recording balance in which Jimmy’s guitar was pushed a little further back, and there is less discomfort when listening. More than that, it is a big attraction that this unique balance captures Robert’s spectacular scream voice on this day.
And since “Celebration Day” was not recorded in “recorder 1”, the same song was not recorded in “LA FORUM 1971”, but this time it is “recorder 2” (also the best Adopting a copy), the live itself is also completely recorded.

At that time, Robert was sharp from the previous “Black Dog” which was a new song before release. Although it has already been shown on the stage since spring, the 71-year phenomenon that his singing lyrics are ad-lib everywhere can be seen, but even that is reflected strongly. Similarly, “Stairway To Heaven”, which was in the position before release, was far from being standardized later, and even if Robert told the song title, the audience was hardly excited. Therefore, it is also a great attraction that the appearance of the band playing the same song carefully and hard is captured.
In addition, the point that the show lasted more than two hours even if “Moby Dick” was omitted on this day also tells that ZEP hustle at the LA forum that he loves, but the live rushes into the second half The swinging of “Whole Lotta Love” is strange. The pattern that Bonzo hit in the back where Jimmy explodes the theremin at the beginning is like a foreshadowing of Europe in 1973. What’s so great about Robert?
Under such circumstances, the oldies medley also showed a very long development, but the encore started with a rare cover of “Weekend” just because it was not enough to sing. The voice of Robert heard there is also tremendous. Among Eddie Cochran’s covers picked up by ZEP, unlike “C’mon Everybody” and “Something Else”, radical arrangements and singing that do not keep the prototype. It is also something that could have been achieved in 71 years. “Rock And Roll” continued from here. This is also a new song before the release, so it’s not as exciting as expected, but Robert’s reliable thing to sing a high-tone melody line as if he didn’t care about that. It is a masterpiece to end with a scream at the end. A new definitive edition of the first day of the LA Forum, which has long been known as a masterpiece of the 71-year American tour!

Disc 1 (78:16)

★ The first 25 minutes of the new source is a masterpiece of high quality sound. If there were no complaints about Peter Grant’s taper and equipment confiscation, Jimmy Page could have released an unprecedented super title with a smile (for the sound and performance). I am very sorry.

1. Intro *
2.Immigrant Song*
4.Since I’ve Been Loving You*
5. Black Dog * + ** ★Changes at 4:55

According to Eddie Vincent
“Dubbed directly from my cassette tape recording and has never been released before. The tape cuts off just before the end of ‘Black Dog’.
(Manager) Peter Grant noticed the stage lighting reflecting off the microphone under my seat (I was in the first row to the right of the stage, downstairs).
I can finally hear Peter say, “You are not allowed to record the concert,” before my mic is disconnected. ”

今までこの日は二種類のオーディエンス録音が存在していたことから多くのアイテムが生み出されてきましたが、どのリリースも基本的に「recorder 1」をメイン・ソースとしており、2016年にリリースされた「LA FORUM 1971」もその一つでした。
今回発掘された音源「recorder 3」はその「recorder 1」の録音状態に近く、やや音像が遠めながらすっきりとしている。しかも「recorder 1」以上に鮮度が素晴らしく、現存する1971年LAフォーラム初日のオーディエンス録音(すべてモノラル)の中ではもっとも音質に優れた音源だと言えるでしょう。有名公演を捉えた新ソースでありながら、これほどまでに鮮度の高い状態が保たれていたという点に驚きを禁じえません。
ところが今回の初登場音源、何と「Black Dog」の終盤で録音が終わってしまうライブ前半のみの不完全録音。せっかくの音質だけに残念で仕方がないのですが、それには訳がありました。「Black Dog」の演奏が終盤に差し掛かったところで本音源のテーパーがマネージャーのピーター・グラントに見つかってしまい、録音を止めさせられてしまったという。つまり、単なる不完全録音とは意味合いが違う。
おまけに録音が止められたのは「Black Dog」。つまり一か月後の初来日から生み出された名音源929ボードにおいても同曲で大きなカットが生じていたことは良く知られるところで、これもまたグラントが近づいてきたから録音を止めていた…という伝説がまことしやかに言い伝えられてきたものです。
これは偶然ではなく、今回の音源の発掘によって71年ツアーではライブが開演して会場が落ち着いてきた「Black Dog」辺りになるとグラントがそうした周辺のチェックに回っていたことを裏付けるのではないでしょうか。よって皮肉にも今回の音源が不完全であったが故に、今まで言い伝えられてきたピーター・グラント伝説の一つが真実であったことを証明してくれるという大変に貴重な発掘となったのでした。
この短いながらも衝撃的な発掘と従来の音源をマニアが組み合わせたバージョンもさっそくネット上に出現。71年アメリカ・ツアーの初登場音源ともなれば当然のことでしょう。今回の新音源以外のパートは「recorder 1」をメイン・ソースに使うことで違和感も最小限にとどめられています。また「LA FORUM 1971」に使われた「recorder 1」は2nd genというコピーでしたが、今回は1st genにバージョンアップしたことで音質もはっきり向上。なおかつ同じ「recorder 1」でも枝分かれコピーまで駆使してコンサートの最長収録も徹底。複数ソースを使用しておきながらすべての音源のピッチも調整してくれていたのがまたお見事。
そして今回の音源や「recorder 1」はジミーのギターが少し奥に追いやられた録音バランスという点でも共通しており、なおさら聞いていて違和感が少ない。それ以上に、この独特のバランスがこの日のロバートの壮絶なスクリーム・ボイスを捉えてくれているのが大きな魅力かと。
そして「recorder 1」には「Celebration Day」が未収録であったことから「LA FORUM 1971」においても同曲は未収録であった訳ですが、そこを今回は「recorder 2」(こちらもベストコピーを採用)から補填することでライブ自体も完全収録を実現。
当時はまだリリース前の新曲であった先の「Black Dog」からしてロバートはキレッキレ。春から既にステージで披露していた割に、彼の歌う歌詞が随所でアドリブという71年現象が見受けられますが、それすら強烈に映る。同じようにリリース前という立ち位置であった「Stairway To Heaven」に至っては後のスタンダード化からは大きくかけ離れた状況となっていて、ロバートが曲名を告げても観客がほとんど沸かず。それゆえに丁寧かつ懸命に同曲を演奏してみせるバンドの様子が捉えられているのも大きな魅力。
おまけにこの日は「Moby Dick」が省かれてもなお二時間を超えたショーという点がまたZEPが大好きなLAフォーラムでハッスルしたことを物語っているのですが、ライブが後半戦に突入する「Whole Lotta Love」の振り切れぶりは異様。序盤ジミーがテルミンを炸裂させるバックでボンゾが叩いたパターンはまるで73年ヨーロッパを予見させるかのような、当時としては珍しい展開ですし、何より爆竹が鳴らされる状況をものともせずにスクリームし続けるロバートが凄いのなんの。
そうした中でオールディーズ・メドレーも非常に長い展開を見せたのですが、それでも歌い足りないとばかりにアンコールは「Weekend」のレア・カバーからスタート。そこで聞かれたロバートの声がまた凄まじい。ZEPが取り上げたエディ・コクランのカバーの中でも「C’mon Everybody」や「Something Else」と違って原型を留めていない過激なアレンジと歌い方。それもまた71年だからこそ成しえたもの。ここから続いた「Rock And Roll」。これもまたリリース前の新曲であったことから思いのほか盛り上がらない訳ですが、そんな事お構いなしとばかりにハイトーンのメロディラインを歌い上げるロバートの頼もしいこと。最後は絶叫して終えるのも圧巻。古くから71年アメリカ・ツアーの名演として知られてきたLAフォーラム初日の新たな決定版!
Disc 1 (78:16)
1. Intro *
2. Immigrant Song *
3. Heartbreaker *
4. Since I’ve Been Loving You *
5. Black Dog * + ** ★4:55で切り替わり
Eddie Vincent曰く
「私のカセットテープ録音から直接ダビングしたもので、これまで公開されたことはありません。テープは“Black Dog”が終わる直前で切れています。
6. Dazed And Confused **
7. Stairway To Heaven ** + ***
8. Celebration Day ***
9. That’s The Way *** + **
10. Going To California **
11. What Is And What Should Never Be **
Disc 2 (57:41)
1. Whole Lotta Love (medley) **
2. Weekend **
3. Rock And Roll ** + ****
4. Communication Breakdown **
5. Organ Solo
6. Thank You *
* – source 3 (Eddie Vincent) (main through Black Dog): Cass(M) > wav (lossy) > flac (revised)
** – source 1 (Jeff Allen) (main): Reel(1)
*** – source 2 (Dave Melton) (patching): Cass(M) > CDR
**** – source 1 (Jeff Allen) (patching): Cass(1) > DAT > CDR

Non Label

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