KISS / The Definitive Unreleased Outtakes Masters / 3CD

KISS / The Definitive Unreleased Outtakes Masters / 3CD / ZODIAC

For the first time available, never released master quality demo and outtakes collection

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全世界のKISSコレクターを震撼させている当店の新発掘サウンドボード・シリーズ。その真打ちとも言うべき、スタジオ超大作が登場! もちろん無論、史上最高峰クオリティを永久保存するプレス3CDでリリース決定です!!

【DISC 1:結成前からLOVE GUNまで(8種)】
まず最初に収録されているのは、デビュー前のデモ3種。1つめはジーン・シモンズにとって最初のバンドだった“BULLFROG BHEER”。公式『THE BOX SET』にも収録された「Leeta」の他「Stanley The Parrot」も収録しています。2つめはピーター・クリスがKISS以前にいた“CHELSEA”。1970年にアルバム・デビューも果たしていましたが、その後に未発表の2ndアルバムを制作。本作は、その2ndアルバムのデモから「Beth」の原曲「Beck」を収録しています。どちらも驚きなのは、サウンド・クオリティ。「Leeta」は公式テイクと比較しても明らかに鮮度が上で極めてナチュラルですし、「Beck」に至っては従来のヒスまみれヨレまくりとは完全別次元の極上サウンド。今回の流出マスターがいかに確かな素性なのかを物語る幕開けです。
そして、アップグレードぶりに震えるのは、3つめの“KISS EDDIE KRAMER DEMO”。『地獄からの使者』の約半年前に制作された超有名デモなわけですが、本作は何と大元マスター・テープ起こし! 公式化されていない2曲を含め、「0thアルバム」とも呼ばれる5曲全部が究極クオリティで楽しめるのです。

続くのは、1976年に制作されたデモ2種。“CUTTING ROOM DEMOS(5曲)”と“GENE SIMMONS DEMOS(7曲)”です。どちらもジーンによるデモで、後のソロアルバム『GENE SIMMONS』ナンバーやボックス『VAULT』で日の目を見た曲のデモが並んでいます。
特に衝撃なのは後者“GENE SIMMONS DEMOS”でしょう。今回発掘されたまったく新しいバージョンで、2001年の公式『THE BOX SET』や『DESTROYER』のデラエディ、さらに言えば当店の『STUDIO DEMOS 1975(Zodiac 054)』とも異なる。本作最大の聴きどころでもあります。

DISC 1の最後は『ROCK AND ROLL OVER』『LOVE GUN』時代のデモ。ポールとピーターがヴォーカルを執るデモが2曲ずつで、前者は「Mr. Speed」「Love Gun」、後者は「Hooligan」「Love Bite」です。いずれも過去最高のサウンドで収録されているわけですが、特に未発表曲「Love Bite」は感無量。従来版のようなゴワゴワ感がまるでないマスター・クオリティは、まさにオフィシャル代わりの超極上テイクです。

【DISC 2:ALIVE II/ソロアルバム(5種)】
★1977年:ALIVE IIアウトテイク(6テイク)
代わってのDISC 2は、大全盛時代に突入。まず登場するのは『ALIVE II』のアウトテイクです。ただし『ALIVE II』と言ってもライヴの公演日違いではない。オリジナルLPのD面を占めていたスタジオ新曲の別バージョン集です。
そして、そのサウンドたるや「完全オフィシャル級」。スタジオ録音のアウトテイクなのですから当然でもありますが、デモレベルなのは「Larger Than Life (Alternate Solo)」だけで、他は本当に公式作品と同レベル。DISC 1は過去最高と言えど「従来マスターと比べたら」という話でしたが、ここではその枕詞も必要ありません。

続いて登場するのは、1978年ソロアルバム・シリーズのアウトテイク。ピーター編はありませんが、エース(2曲)、ジーン(6曲)、ポール(3曲)が収録されています。ジーンはデモ級ではありますが、エースとポールのアウトテイクは完全オフィシャル級。エースの未発表曲「All For Nothing」もアルバムに収録できるレベルの超極上サウンドで楽しめます。

DISC 2の最後は四度ジーンのデモ。1978年でもセッションが違ったのか、ソロ・アルバムの曲はなし。『VAULT』で日の目を見た「I Have Just Begun To Fight」と『LOVE GUN』のデラックス・エディションにも収録された「Reputation」が収録されています。「Reputation」も、リズムマシンがいかにもデモ臭かった公式版とは別テイクで、演奏も女声コーラスのアレンジも完成度の高いバンド・バージョンです。

DISC 3は、ターニング・ポイントとなった『DYNASTY』からノーメイク時代『ASYLUM』までの秘宝を永久保存しています。まずは、その『DYNASTY』のアウトテイク。ピーターの存在感が希薄なアルバムではありますが、本作に収録されているのはピーターが提出した新曲4つののデモ。最終的にアルバムに収録された「Dirty Livin’」の他、脱退後のソロアルバム『OUT OF CONTROL』に転用されることになる「Out of Control」「There’s Nothing Better」、それに未発表曲「Rumble」が収録されています。いずれもオフィシャル級の極上サウンドでもあり「ピーターが指向したDYNASTY」が透ける5曲でもあります。

その後は細かいデモを立て続けに5種収録。「Shandi」を歌うエリック・カーのオーディション・テープ、PENNY LANEスタジオで行われたベスト盤『KILLERS』用セッション、『CREATURES OF THE NIGHT』セッションでも録音されていたジーンの「Reputation」、それに『LICK IT UP』時代のデモが2種(3曲)です。
中でもポイントなのは、“PENNY LANE DEMOS”。『CREATURES OF THE NIGHT』のデラックス・エディションで公式化されたテイクとはセッションが違うのですが、ハッキリ言って本作テイクの方が上。なぜこちらを使わなかったのか……と思うほどの出来映えです。

本作のラストを占めるのは、『ASYLUM』セッションのアウトテイク。これもジーン制作のデモです。最終的にアルバムに採用された「Any Way You Slice It」「Secretly Cruel」の初期バージョンや『VAULT』で日の目を見た「Take It Like A Man」「We Won’t Take It Anymore」もありますが、他6曲は未発表曲。「Nobody’s Perfect」「Russian Roulette」も『SONIC BOOM』とは別の曲です(前者の歌詞やメロディの一部には名残も感じられなくはありませんが)。


★当店独自の関係者ルートで発掘されたスタジオ・アウトテイク集の超・決定盤。ジーン最初のバンド“BULLFROG BHEER”から『ASYLUM』に至るまでのデモ/アウトテイクを全64曲・約6時間51分に渡って一大集成。全編が完全新発掘マスターで、これまで一切出回ってこなかったテイクはもちろん、録音/演奏自体が既発と同じであっても史上最高峰クオリティを更新している超大作3枚組です。

Our newly discovered soundboard series is shocking KISS collectors around the world. A studio blockbuster that can be said to be the real deal is here! Of course, it will be released on a press 3CD that will permanently preserve the highest quality ever!!
This work includes studio recordings of 20 types and 64 songs. The recording period was from 1969 to 1985, and it is a super definitive album that covers demos / outtakes from before the formation to “ASYLUM” in the highest quality ever. The most shocking thing is that the entire story is a completely new excavation master. Speaking of KISS demos, not only many bootlegs but also official boxes and various deluxe editions have been discovered, but this work is different from them. It is a master master that leaked from a certain KISS archive, and it was brought to us through the route of a person related to our store who has released a series of shocking masters. Not only takes that have never been released before, but also different masters with different sound quality and length even if the recording/performance itself is the same as the previous one. All of them have updated their all-time highs.
In any case, this work is huge and special. Let’s quickly introduce the contents.

[DISC 1: From before formation to LOVE GUN (8 types)] ●1969-1973: Pre-debut demo (3 types, 8 takes)
This work is a set of 3 press CDs, and a number of treasured studio recordings are permanently preserved in chronological order. The first one features the nine years from before their debut to their golden era.
First of all, the three pre-debut demos are included. The first was “BULLFROG BHEER” which was Gene Simmons’ first band. In addition to “Leeta”, which was also included in the official “THE BOX SET”, “Stanley The Parrot” is also included. The second is “CHELSEA”, which Peter Criss had before KISS. They made their album debut in 1970, but subsequently produced an unreleased second album. This work includes the original song “Beck” of “Beth” from the demo of the 2nd album. What is surprising about both is the sound quality. “Leeta” is clearly fresher and extremely natural compared to the official take, and “Beck” is a superb sound that is completely different from the conventional hiss-covered twists and turns. This is the beginning of a story that shows how reliable this leaked master is.
And, the third song, “KISS EDDIE KRAMER DEMO”, is impressively upgraded. This is a very famous demo that was created about half a year before “Messenger from Hell”, but this work was transcribed from the original master tape! You can enjoy all 5 songs, also known as the “0th album”, in ultimate quality, including 2 songs that have not been officially released.

●1976: Gene Demo (2 types, 12 takes)
What follows are two demos created in 1976. They are “CUTTING ROOM DEMOS (5 songs)” and “GENE SIMMONS DEMOS (7 songs).” Both are demos by Gene, and include demos of songs that saw the light of day on his later solo album “GENE SIMMONS” numbers and the box “VAULT”.
Especially shocking is the latter “GENE SIMMONS DEMOS”. This is a completely new version discovered this time, and it is different from the 2001 official “THE BOX SET” and “DESTROYER” Dera Eddy, and even more so from our store’s “STUDIO DEMOS 1975 (Zodiac 054).” It is also the most interesting part of this work.

●1976/1977: Various demos (3 types, 4 takes)
The last of DISC 1 is a demo from the “ROCK AND ROLL OVER” and “LOVE GUN” era. There are two demos with Paul and Peter on vocals, the former being “Mr. Speed” and “Love Gun”, and the latter being “Hooligan” and “Love Bite”. All of them are recorded with the best sound ever, but the unreleased song “Love Bite” is especially moving. The master quality, which does not have the stiffness of the conventional version, is a super-excellent take that replaces the official version.

[DISC 2: ALIVE II/Solo album (5 types)] ★1977: ALIVE II outtakes (6 takes)
The replacement DISC 2 has entered its heyday. The first thing that appears is the outtake of “ALIVE II”. However, even though it is called “ALIVE II”, it is not the difference in the date of the live performance. This is a collection of different versions of the new studio songs that occupied the D side of the original LP.
And, the sound is “completely official grade”. It’s natural since it’s an outtake from a studio recording, but only “Larger Than Life (Alternate Solo)” is on a demo level, and the others are really on the same level as the official works. Although DISC 1 was the best ever, it was said that it was “compared to the conventional master”, but there is no need for that arrogance here.

★1978: Solo-related outtakes (3 types, 11 takes)
What follows is an outtake from the 1978 solo album series. There is no Peter version, but Ace (2 songs), Gene (6 songs), and Paul (3 songs) are included. Gene is demo grade, but Ace and Paul’s outtakes are completely official grade. You can also enjoy Ace’s unreleased song “All For Nothing” with a superb sound that can be included in the album.

★1978: Gene Demo (2 takes)
The last of DISC 2 is Yodo Gene’s demo. Even in 1978, perhaps because the session was different, there are no songs from the solo album. It includes “I Have Just Begun To Fight” which saw the light of day on “VAULT” and “Reputation” which was also included in the deluxe edition of “LOVE GUN”. “Reputation” is also a different take from the official version, which had a very demo-like rhythm machine, and is a band version with a highly complete performance and female chorus arrangement.

[DISC 3: From DYNASTY to ASYLUM (7 types)] ◆1979: DYNASTY outtakes (4 takes)
DISC 3 permanently preserves treasures from the turning point of “DYNASTY” to the no-makeup era of “ASYLUM.” First of all, the outtake of “DYNASTY”. Although it is an album in which Peter’s presence is weak, what is included in this work are demos of four new songs submitted by Peter. In addition to “Dirty Livin’,” which was eventually included in the album, “Out of Control” and “There’s Nothing Better,” which would be used in his solo album “OUT OF CONTROL” after his departure, and the unreleased song “Rumble.” ‘ is included. All of these songs are of the highest quality and official quality, and the “DYNASTY oriented by Peter” can be seen through these 5 songs.

◆1980-1985: Various demos (5 types, 7 takes)
After that, five detailed demos were recorded in quick succession. Eric Carr’s audition tape singing “Shandi”, the session for the best album “KILLERS” held at Penny Lane Studio, Gene’s “Reputation” which was also recorded at the “CREATURES OF THE NIGHT” session, and “LICK IT”. There are 2 types (3 songs) of demos from the “UP” era.
The highlight is “PENNY LANE DEMOS”. The session is different from the take officialized in the deluxe edition of “CREATURES OF THE NIGHT”, but to be clear, this take is better. The workmanship is so good that I wonder why they didn’t use this one…

◆1985: ASYLUM outtakes (10 takes)
The last part of this work is an outtake from the “ASYLUM” session. This is also a gene production demo. There are early versions of “Any Way You Slice It” and “Secretly Cruel,” which ended up on the album, as well as “Take It Like A Man” and “We Won’t Take It Anymore,” which saw the light of day on VAULT. , and the other six songs are unreleased songs. “Nobody’s Perfect” and “Russian Roulette” are also different songs from “SONIC BOOM” (although some of the lyrics and melody of the former can be felt).

This is a collection of studio treasures totaling 64 songs and 6 hours 50 minutes 40 seconds. A number of complete first appearance sound sources and upgrade masters that were realized because of the related route. A masterpiece that will be the final blow in our KISS soundboard collection. Please experience it with the press 3CD that will never lose its shine.

★A super definitive collection of studio outtakes unearthed through our unique staff member route. A huge collection of demos/outtakes from Gene’s first band “BULLFROG BHEER” to “ASYLUM”, totaling 64 songs, approximately 6 hours and 51 minutes. The entire volume is a completely new excavated master, and it is a blockbuster 3-disc set that has updated the highest quality ever, even if the recording / performance itself is the same as the previous release, as well as takes that have never been released before.

Disc 1 (78:31)
1969 Bullfrog Bheer
Richcraft Recording Company (Brooklyn, NY)

1. Leeta
2. Stanley The Parrot

1970 Chelsea 2nd Album Demos (Peter Criss)
(New York, NY)
3. Beck

1973 KISS Eddie Kramer Demo (MASTER)
Electric Lady Studios (New York, NY)

4. Black Diamond
5. Cold Gin
6. Deuce
7. Strutter
8. Watchin’ You

1976 Cutting Room Demos
New York, NY

9. Burning Up With Fever
10. Daily Planet
11. High And Low
12. Jelly Roll
13. Rotten To The Core

1976 Gene Simmons Demos

14. Howling For Your Love
15. I Don’t Want Your Romance
16. Man Of 1,000 Faces
17. Rock And Rolls Royce
18. See You In Your Dreams
19. See You Tonite
20. True Confessions

1976 Paul Stanley Rock And Roll Over Demo
21. Mr. Speed

1977 Paul Stanley Love Gun Demos
Electric Lady Studios (New York, NY)
22. Love Gun

1977 Peter Criss Love Gun Demo
Record Plant Studio(New York, NY)
23. Hooligan
24. Love Bite

Disc 2 (74:36)
1977 Alive II Outtakes (MASTER)Alive II Alternate Mix
Electric Lady Studios (New York, NY)

1. All American Man
2. Any Way You Want It
3. Larger Than Life (Alternate Solo)
4. Larger Than Life
5. Rocket Ride
6. Rockin’ In The USA

1978-04-07 Ace Frehley Solo Album Outtakes
Soundmixers (New York, NY)

7. All For Nothing (Instrumental – Take #12)
8. I’m In Need Of Love (Instrumental)

1978 Gene Simmons Solo Album Outtakes
Solo Album Demo

9. Bad Bad Lovin’
10. Fourever
11. Heartthrob
12. Love Came To Me
13. Love Is Blind
14. Radioactive

1978 Paul Stanley Solo Album Outtakes
Solo Album Alternate Mix

15. Take Me Away (Together As One)
16. Tonight You Belong To Me
17. Wouldn’t You Like To Know Me

1978 Gene Simmons Virgin Demos

18. I Have Just Begun To Fight
19. Reputation

Disc 3 (77:33)

1979 Peter Criss Dynasty Outtakes [MASTER] Dynasty Demos (22nd January 1979)
usic Farm Studios (New York, NY)

1. Dirty Livin’
2. Out Of Control
3. Rumble
4. There’s Nothing Better

1980 Eric Carr Audition Tape
Eric Carr Application Tape

5. Shandi (Vocal)

1981 Penny Lane Demos (Different Takes To Boxset)
Ace In The Hole Studios (Wilton, CT) & Penny Lane Studio (New York, NY)

6. Deadly Weapons
7. Nowhere To Run

1982 Creatures Of The Night Outtakes
Gene Simmons Demo

8. Reputation

1983 Lick It Up Demos

Gene Simmons Lick It Up Demo (April 1983)

9. Fits Like A Glove (Instrumental / Vocal Melody Demo)
10. So Many Girls, So Little Time

Right Track Studios (July 1983)
Lick It Up Sessions

11. Lick It Up

1985 Gene Simmons Asylum Outtakes

12. 100 Percent
13. Any Way You Slice It
14. Hello, Hello
15. Keep Your Tail Between Your Legs
16. Nobody’s Perfect
17. Russian Roulette
18. Secretly Cruel
19. Take It Like A Man
20. We Won’t Take It Anymore
21. What You See Is What You Get






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