Kiss / Detroit 1976 1st Night / 1DVD

Kiss / Detroit 1976 1st Night / 1DVD / Non Label
Cobo Hall, Detroit, MI, USA 25th January 1976

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Complete professional shot “DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT” of “ALIVE! Tour” that shook collectors around the world. The sequel is the world’s first appearance!  An emergency release decision has been made for the press DVD, which is sure to shake things up again!!
“January 25, 1976: Detroit performance” is engraved on this work. It is a multi-camera pro shot that completely records the whole story. As I mentioned in the commentary on the previous work “DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT”, the 1976 Detroit performance was a three-day consecutive performance, all of which were professional shots. Some of them were also included in the official “KISSOLOGY VOLUME ONE”, but of course this work is completely different. In order to organize the situation around that, let’s check the video title of each day.

● Detroit first day (January 25)
・ Incomplete version: Official “KISSOLOGY (Best Buy Bonus)”
・Complete version ← This work

● Detroit Day 2 (January 26)
・Complete version: Official “KISSOLOGY VOLUME ONE”

● Detroit Day 3 (January 27)
・Complete version: Our store “DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT”

The first day was recorded as a bonus video in the official “KISSOLOGY” Best Buy special edition, but it was an incomplete version. Recently, there are also complete versions made by overseas maniacs patching together several materials, but this work is different. It is a complete master that penetrates all the way through our own route, and it is a shock master that greatly updates the recording time and quality!
“First and foremost, the amount of upgrades is overwhelming.” Let’s organize the complete set on the day while comparing it with the official version.

A messenger from hell (7 songs)
・Deuce/Strutter/Firehouse/Nothin’ To Lose/100,000 Years/Black Diamond/Cold Gin(★)
● Others (6 songs)
・Jigoku no Sakebi: C’mon And Love Me/Hotter Than Hell/Let Me Go, Rock And Roll (★)
・Kiss Hell: She/Ladies In Waiting (*)/Rock And Roll All Nite (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that were not seen in the official version. “*” marks are daily songs.

… and it looks like this. The three days in Detroit were basically the same set, but only one song was changed on the first day. Instead of “Parasite” played on the 2nd and 3rd days, “Ladies In Waiting” is featured.
“The encore is more important than that.” The official version was recorded for less than an hour until the last “Black Diamond” of the main set, but this work is a complete body without questions. Beginning with the arrival scene at the airport, the three encore songs “Cold Gin”, “Rock And Roll All Nite”, and “Let Me Go, Rock And Roll” are also included. It may seem that three songs are not very long, but in fact, the platinum disc award ceremony is also held here on the first day of Detroit. As a result, it is a large long video with a total length of 84 minutes.
What’s more, not only the quantity but also the quality has been upgraded. The official version had low resolution and some discoloration, but this work is a clear master quality. The hair of the members, which was officially crushed, is also beautifully drawn one by one. The above-mentioned pseudo-complete version produced by overseas enthusiasts was also of higher quality than the official one, but this work goes further. There is no whitish fading at all, and the details are beautiful. Since there is no need to raise the highlights with digital processing, the coloring is natural, and even in scenes where the conventional master could only see the members wriggling in the dark, it is vivid.
The second day of the official “KISSOLOGY” recording, the third day of the previous work “DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT”, and the first day of this work. With this, the complete video of Detroit three days has finally come out. Detroit in 1976 was a symbolic professional shot that was called “ALIVE! The ultimate video collection in KISS history, its final complete master. It is a shock release decision with a permanent preservation press DVD!

★ “January 25, 1976: Detroit performance” complete recording multi-camera pro shot. On the first day of three consecutive performances, it is the first day that is completely different from the official “KISSOLOGY (2nd day)” and our store “DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT (3rd day)”. On the third day, the incomplete version was recorded as a bonus in the Best Buy special edition of “KISSOLOGY”, but this work is longer than 30 minutes, and includes not only the three encore songs but also the platinum disc award ceremony. Moreover, the quality has been greatly upgraded, and it is completely different from the official version, which had low resolution and discoloration in places. This is the last complete version of the symbolic professional shot trilogy that will be “ALIVE!”

★★ The complete version is the world’s first appearance! ! !

世界中のコレクターを震撼させている“ALIVE! Tour”の完全プロショット『DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT』。その続篇がまさかまさか全世界初登場! またもや激震必至のプレスDVDで緊急リリース決定です!!
 そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1976年1月25日:デトロイト公演」。その一部始終を完全収録したマルチカメラ・プロショットです。前作『DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT』の解説でも述べましたが、1976年デトロイト公演は3日連続公演で、すべてがプロショッット収録。一部は公式『KISSOLOGY VOLUME ONE』にも収録されましたが、もちろん本作はまったくの別物です。その辺の状況を整理するためにも、各日の映像タイトルを確認してみましょう。
・不完全版:公式『KISSOLOGY(Best Buyボーナス)』
・完全版 ←★本作★
・完全版:当店『DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT』
 初日は公式『KISSOLOGY』のBest Buy特別版にボーナス映像として収録されましたが、あくまで不完全版でした。最近では海外マニアがいくつかの素材をツギハギして作った完全版も出回っていたりしますが、本作はそれとも異なる。当店の独自ルートでもたらされた一気貫通の完全マスターであり、収録時間もクオリティも過去最高を大きく更新する衝撃マスターなのです!
・Deuce/Strutter/Firehouse/Nothin’ To Lose/100,000 Years/Black Diamond/Cold Gin(★)
・地獄のさけび:C’mon And Love Me/Hotter Than Hell/Let Me Go, Rock And Roll(★)
・地獄への接吻:She/Ladies In Waiting(*)/Rock And Roll All Nite(★)
……と、このようになっています。デトロイト3日間は基本的に同一セットでしたが、初日だけは1曲変更。2日目・3日目に演奏された「Parasite」がない代わりに、「Ladies In Waiting」が取り上げられています。
 それ以上に重要なのがアンコール。公式版は本編セットのラスト「Black Diamond」までで1時間弱の収録でしたが、本作は問答無用の完全体。飛行場の到着シーンから始まってアンコールの3曲「Cold Gin」「Rock And Roll All Nite」「Let Me Go, Rock And Roll」も完全収録しています。3曲というと大した長さではないと思われるかも知れませんが、実はデトロイト初日ではここでプラチナ・ディスクの受賞セレモニーも行われている。結果、全長84分に及ぶ大幅な長尺映像となっているのです。
 公式『KISSOLOGY』収録の2日目と、前作『DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT』による3日目、そして初日の本作。これで遂にデトロイト3日間の完全映像が出揃いました。1976年デトロイトは以前から「目で観るALIVE!」と呼ばれるほどの象徴プロショットではありましたが、それがまさか3日分すべてコンプリートできるとは。KISS史でも究極の映像コレクション、その最後の完全マスター。永久保存プレスDVDで衝撃リリース決定です!
★「1976年1月25日:デトロイト公演」の完全収録マルチカメラ・プロショット。3連続公演の初日で、公式『KISSOLOGY(2日目)』や当店『DETROIT 1976 3RD NIGHT(3日目)』とまったく異なる初日篇です。この3日目も不完全版が『KISSOLOGY』のBest Buy特別版にボーナス収録されていましたが、本作は30分以上長く、アンコール3曲だけでなくプラチナ・ディスクの受賞セレモニーまで完全収録。しかも、クオリティも大幅アップグレードで解像度が低くところどころ変色もしていた公式版とはまるで別物。「目で観るALIVE!」となる象徴プロショット三部作の最後の完全版です。

1. Airport & Dressing Room
2. Introduction
3. Deuce
4. Strutter
5. C’mon And Love Me
6. Hotter Than Hell
7. Firehouse
8. She
9. Guitar Solo
10. Ladies In Waiting
11. Nothin’ To Lose
12. Bass Solo
13. 100,000 Years
14. Drum Solo
15. Black Diamond
16. Cold Gin
17. Platinum Disc Presentation
18. Rock And Roll All Nite
19. Let Me Go, Rock ‘n’ Roll

Paul Stanley – guitar, vocals
Gene Simmons – bass, vocals
Ace Frehley – lead guitar, vocals
Peter Criss – drums, vocals

Non Label

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