Jackson Browne / Hamburg 1986 Soundboard / 2CD

Jackson Browne / Hamburg 1986 Soundboard / 2CD / Zion
Alsterdorfer Sporthalle, Hamburg, Germany 2nd November 1986

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When the 1980s approached the middle, Jackson Browne shifted to a style that incorporated lyrics with strong political colors and synthesizers, and the album that can be called the representative work was “LIVES IN THE BALANCE”. From his point of view, he was the result of being conscious of the side as an adult songwriter and the fashion of the time, and it is also true that his conventional image was somewhat uncomfortable. Still, the album based on the image change is received favorably and shines as a gold disc.
However, it is also true that it cannot be called a classic period, and CD items containing live performances from this period are almost non-existent. Rather, it may be said that the live video of the German TV program “ROCKPALAST” that appeared at the start of the tour was representative of this tour. Rather, there are a lot of enthusiasts who were indebted to VHS at that time.
However, their appearance on the same program was in the early stages of the tour, and from the perspective of Jackson and the band members who were still in “LIVES IN THE BALANCE” mode, it was like fumbling around. Under such circumstances, it was former King Crimson’s Ian Wallace who became the cornerstone of the backing band. He only participated in two songs in the album, and rather had a lot of weight on Russ Kunkel, who had a long relationship, but by becoming a tour member, he contributed to the straight rock sound of the “LIVES IN THE BALANCE” mode. . It is the same as seen in “ROCKPALAST”.

However, the tour lasted for a year, and at the end of the year, he not only came to Japan with “JAPAN AID 1ST”, but also appeared as a duo with David Lindley instead of the band, which is now a valuable formation. It became the appearance of.
The 1986 tour had already completed before this visit to Japan, and the final destination was Germany. In other words, the tour that Jackson led the band this year ended with a unique schedule that started in Germany and ended in Germany.
At this time, the jacket design was the worst (laughs), but at the time, the two-disc LP “IT WAS A WARM & TENDER NIGHT” recorded with a very good audience recording was used by enthusiasts all over the world at the end of the tour. As was the case with the “ROCKPALAST” video at the beginning of the tour, this LP was actually loved by maniacs.
Therefore, in the era of analog LPs, there were masterpieces representing tours, but in the era of CDs, the situation changed completely. As I mentioned at the beginning, the item has fallen into a situation where it does not exist at all. Rather, there may be many enthusiasts who only know the video of “ROCKPALAST” on the “LIVES IN THE BALANCE” tour.

However, this year, a leaked soundboard suddenly appeared on the net from such an overlooked tour, making maniacs all over the world turbulent. In addition, “IT WAS A WARM & TENDER NIGHT” recorded the Berlin performance on November 1st, but this time, the Hamburg performance on the next day can be heard with a stereo sound board recording with perfect sound quality. Of course, there was an uproar.
In addition, the balance is so exquisite that it seems that it is a digital PCM recording that seems to be a PA sound board in the mid-80’s, and it seems to be a multi-track. The direct feeling that is common in PA soundboards is too conspicuous and does not kill the live dynamics.
The pitch of the cassette master, which had been asleep for many years, was quite high, but this time, we have adjusted it properly. It is finally the best soundboard album that you can listen to in an official sense, and it is a level that you can enjoy with confidence even if you are not a maniac anymore.

And the sound of the “LIVES IN THE BALANCE” tour, which introduced synths like the album, is full of nostalgia. In addition to the classic period of the 70’s, from the maniac who experienced this album and “JAPAN AID” in real time, or listened to this tour on the LP “IT WAS A WARM & TENDER NIGHT”, now I can not help but be surprised that such a high-quality sound source has appeared.
One of Jackson’s charms during this period is his straight-ahead rocker style, which can be seen as an awareness of the great success of his sworn friend Springsteen. Besides, more than half a year has passed since “ROCKPALAST”, and the joy of enjoying the band ensemble, which has suddenly evolved into a strong one, with the finest sound quality. This is a shocking new excavation sound board that can be proudly asserted that it is a new live sound source standard representing Jackson in the 80’s. Release on limited press CD is inevitable!

1980年代が半ばに差しかかるとジャクソン・ブラウンは政治色の強い歌詞とシンセサイザーを取り入れた作風へとシフトチェンジ、その代表作と呼べるアルバムが『LIVES IN THE BALANCE』でした。彼からすれば大人のソングライターとしての側面と当時の流行を意識して作り上げた結果であり、従来のイメージからするとやや違和感が否めなかったのも事実。それでもイメチェンを踏まえたアルバムは好意的に受け取られて見事ゴールド・ディスクへと輝きます。
しかし同番組への出演はツアー序盤であり、まだ『LIVES IN THE BALANCE』モードのジャクソンとバンドメンバーからすれば手探り状態に等しい。そんな中でバックバンドの要となったのは元キング・クリムゾンのイアン・ウォーレスでした。彼はアルバムだと二曲の参加に留まり、むしろ付き合いの長いラス・カンケルの比重が多かったのですが、ツアーメンバーとなることでむしろ『LIVES IN THE BALANCE』モードのストレートなロック・サウンドに貢献。それは『ROCKPALAST』でも見られた通りです。

しかしツアーは一年を費やして行われ、年末には『JAPAN AID 1ST』で来日しただけでなく、バンドの代わりにデヴィッド・リンドレーとのデュオでの出演という今となっては貴重なフォーメーションでの出演となったのでした。
この時期はというとジャケのデザインが最悪(笑)ながら当時としては非常に良好なオーディエンス録音で収録した二枚組LPの『IT WAS A WARM & TENDER NIGHT』がツアー終盤の様子を世界中のマニアに知らしめてくれており、ツアー序盤の『ROCKPALAST』映像がそうだったように、実際このLPもまたマニアに愛された存在だったのです。
よってアナログLPの時代にはツアーを代表する名盤が存在した訳ですが、これがCDの時代になると状況は一変。最初に触れましたようにアイテムがまるっきり存在しない状況へと陥ってしまったのです。むしろ『LIVES IN THE BALANCE』ツアーは『ROCKPALAST』の映像しか知らない…というマニアの方が多いかもしれません。

ところが今年に入って、そんな見過ごされたツアーからネット上に流出サウンドボードがひょっこり現れたものだから世界中のマニアを騒然とさせました。おまけに『IT WAS A WARM & TENDER NIGHT』は11月1日のベルリン公演を収録していたのに対し、今回は何と翌日のハンブルグ公演が完璧な音質のステレオ・サウンドボード録音で聞けるのだからマニアが騒然となったのも当然。

そしてアルバム同様にシンセも導入された『LIVES IN THE BALANCE』ツアーのサウンドは懐かしさがいっぱい。70年代のクラシックな時期もさることながら、このアルバムや『JAPAN AID』をリアタイで経験、あるいはLP『IT WAS A WARM & TENDER NIGHT』でこのツアーを聞き倒したマニアからすれば、今になってこれほどまで上質な音源が現れてくれたことに驚きを禁じ得ないでしょう。
盟友スプリングスティーンの大成功を傍目に眺めて意識したともとれるストレートなロッカーぶりもこの時期のジャクソンの魅力ですが、それ故にライブ終盤にて「For A Rocker」が歌われるのもまたこの時期らしい。それに何と言っても『ROCKPALAST』から半年以上が経過したこともあり、俄然ストロングに進化したバンド・アンサンブルをこれまた極上の音質で楽しめる喜び。これは80年代のジャクソンを代表する新たなライブ音源のスタンダードだと胸を張って断言できる衝撃の新発掘サウンドボードです。限定プレスCDでのリリースは必然!


Disc 1 (62:30)
1. Boulevard
2. Tender Is The Night
3. That Girl Could Sing
4. In The Shape Of A Heart
5. For Everyman
6. Lawyers In Love
7. Soldier Of Plenty
8. Black And White
9. Late For The Sky
10. Rosie
11. Till I Go Down
12. MC
13. Lives In The Balance

Disc 2 (57:41)
1. Lawless Avenues
2. For America
3. The Pretender
4. Band Introductions
5. Running On Empty
6. Doctor My Eyes
7. Somebody’s Baby
8. The Load-Out
9. Stay
10. For A Rocker
11. The Crow On The Cradle
12. I Am A Patriot

Jackson Browne – Vocals, Guitar, Piano
Kevin Dukes – Guitar
Doug Haywood – Vocals, Organ, Guitar, Saxophone
Scott Thurston – Keyboards
Ian Wallace – Drums
Bob Glaub – Bass




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