Jackson Browne & David Lindley / Bergen 1997 Soundboard / 2CD

Jackson Browne & David Lindley / Bergen 1997 Soundboard / 2CD / Zion
The Garage, Bergen, Norway 21st March 1997 STEREO SBD

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In the 90s, Jackson Browne, who revived with “I’M ALIVE”, was a time when he was devoted to live performances with his band, but in the midst of that, suddenly in the spring of 1997, David An acoustic European tour with Lindley and just the two of us. As a miraculous tour that completely returned to the 1970s, it was legendary for maniacs even though it was a relatively recent activity in the 90s.
In addition, due to the fact that it was a short-term schedule of Europe only and about three weeks, no items were released at the rear tie, and rather the video that captured the stage in Italy on April 9 was overwhelming among maniacs. I wonder if the reality that it was a popular existence clearly shows the peculiarity of this tour.
Ironically, this situation changed completely with Lindley’s death in March of this year. First of all, the superb audience master of the Malmö performance on the 26th appeared, and it is fresh in memory that this was released as “MALMO 1997”, and at the same time it has become a big bestseller despite being released on CD-R. Rather, it was a rare tour that maniacs would dance wildly with just this.

However, less than a month after the release of “MALMO 1997″, not only did the sound sources of multiple performances reappear online, but surprisingly, they were digital stereo soundboard recordings! A magnificent sound board from a phantom tour that maniacs were so thankful for audience recordings and audience shots alone.
However, according to the sound source owner, “These soundboards had a copy of DAT immediately after the live, but were made public due to Lindley’s death.” … You can guess what this means. ? Yes, it is nothing but the sound source copied from him. A valuable excavation that makes you want to call it Lost Lindley Master in a sense. In that case, maniacs all over the world are sure to be crazy even with just one performance, but multiple performances have appeared.
Even though the presence is weak and the direct feeling of the performance tends to be excessive, the PA-out soundboard tends to fall into a dilemma that becomes even stronger when it comes to DAT recording, but the sound of just the two of Jackson and Lindley. The lack of numbers was completely lucky. It is no exaggeration to say that the balance between the two vocals and performances is no longer at the official level, and if you add the ambient cheers here, it will normally be established as a live album.

The first release will be the Bergen performance in Norway, five days before “MALMO 1997”. After all, this tour was held in a light formation with only two people, and the set list is completely different depending on the day. It applies not only to Jackson’s repertoire, but to Lindley’s repertoire. Thanks to DAT’s PA sound board, the famous songs were generously shown from the beginning, and it was also possible to convey that they were enjoying the stage from the bottom of their hearts.
The best example of this is the scene where the performance of “Two Of Me Two Of You”, one of his recent works at the time, was stopped in the middle and changed to another song. Instead, the unreleased song “You Asshole You” in the 70’s was played, and this is a maniac tearful scene that slips back in time to the live radio broadcast at the main point where Lindley appeared in the mid-70’s. . Of course, it was the first performance in a long time, but Lindley, who matched it with Sarari, was also brilliant.
On the other hand, Lindley himself has established a reputation as an artist, and it is also a factor that only a short tour has been realized due to the relationship between each other’s schedules. Jackson is well aware of that, and on this tour, Lindley’s repertoire was played several times every night, and in his songs, it was valuable that he also accompanied the back. This is also the reason why it is considered a legendary tour, but it is also unique to the sound board that you can clearly hear how Jackson devotes himself to backing with his songs.
Because of its outstanding sound quality, not only is it a shocking new excavation stereo sound board that can be enjoyed by enthusiasts and beginners with peace of mind, but also the sound board that appeared from a very valuable tour is at this timing where the afterglow of the performance in Japan the other day remains. A very happy present. In addition, the simple “Take It Easy” played by two people is also the best.
By the way, the original “You Asshole You” at the main point is “THE MAIN POINT 1975”, which was highly evaluated by enthusiasts as the best version of the classic sound source!

『I’M ALIVE』で息を吹き返したジャクソン・ブラウンの90年代はバンドを従えたライブ活動に明け暮れた感のある時期でしたが、そんな中にあって突如97年の春に実現したデヴィッド・リンドレーと二人だけのアコースティックなヨーロッパ・ツアー。まるっきり1970年代の再来となった奇跡的なツアーとしてマニアには90年代という比較的最近の活動でありながらも伝説化されていたもの。
皮肉なことに、こうした状況は今年3月にリンドレーが亡くなられたことで一変することになったのです。まず26日のマルメ公演の極上オーディエンス・マスターが登場、これが『MALMO 1997』としてリリースされたのは記憶に新しいと同時に、CD-Rでのリリースでありながら大ベストセラーと化しています。むしろコレだけでもマニアが狂喜乱舞してくれるほどレアなツアーでありました。

ところがどうでしょう、『MALMO 1997』のリリースから一か月も経たない内に再び複数公演の音源がネット上に現れただけなく、何とそれらがデジタルのステレオ・サウンドボード録音だったのです!オーディエンス録音やオーディエンスショットだけでもマニアがあれほど有難く聞いていた幻のツアーから堂々たるサウンドボード。

まずリリースされるのは『MALMO 1997』の五日前に行われたノルウェーはベルゲン公演。何しろこのツアーは二人だけの身軽なフォーメーションで行われたこともあり、セットリストがその日によってまるで違う。それはジャクソンのレパートリーだけでなく、リンドレーのレパートリーにまで当てはまるのです。おかげで序盤から名曲が惜しげもなく披露され、なおかつ演奏する彼らがステージを心から楽しんでいる様子が伝わってくるのもDATのPAサウンドボードならでは。
その最たる例が当時の近作の一つであった「Two Of Me Two Of You」の演奏を途中で止めて別の曲へと変えてしまう場面。代わりに演奏されたのが70年代の未発表曲「You Asshole You」であり、これこそ70年代半ばにリンドレーと出演したメイン・ポイントでのラジオ中継ライブへとタイムスリップしてしまうマニア感涙な光景。当然ながら久しぶりの演奏となった訳ですが、そこをサラリと合わせるリンドレーがまたお見事。
その抜群の音質ゆえマニアから初心者まで安心して楽しめる衝撃の新発掘ステレオ・サウンドボードというのはもちろん、あまりにも貴重なツアーから登場したサウンドボードは先日の来日公演の余韻も残っているこのタイミングには嬉しすぎるプレゼント。おまけに二人で演奏するシンプルな「Take It Easy」がまた最高なんです。
ちなみにメイン・ポイントでの本家「You Asshole You」はこれまた定番音源のベスト・バージョンとしてマニアから高く評価された『THE MAIN POINT 1975』でどうぞ!


Disc 1 (56:45)
1. Intro
2. For Everyman
3. Lawless Avenues
4. Talk
5. Miles Away
6. Talk
7. Looking East
8. Talk
9. Two Of Me Two Of You [aborted] 10. Talk
11. You Asshole You
12. Talk
13. Ragbag
14. Quarter Of A Man
15. Mercury Blues

Disc 2 (34:27)
1. Talk
2. Song For Adam
3. Take It Easy
4. Talk
5. Fountain Of Sorrow
6. Talk
7. The Load-Out
8. Stay


ZION-241 \3,800 4月21日(金)発売 ★ギフト対象品


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