Iron Maiden / Definitive Budokan 1987 / 2CD

Iron Maiden / Definitive Budokan 1987 / 2CD / ZODIAC

Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 13th May 1987

Play sample :

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For us Japanese, “Maiden @ Budokan” was also a highlight that symbolized the golden 80’s. The legendary recording that allows you to experience such a unique night is brushed up. Introducing a press 2CD that permanently preserves the highest peak sound by detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.
Engraved on this work is the “May 13, 1987: Nippon Budokan” performance. It is the best audience recording. The hero IRON MAIDEN has toured Japan 13 times since his first visit to Japan, but he has only performed twice on the Nippon Budokan stage. Only in 1987 and 2006. Compared to JUDAS PRIEST’s 7 times (1984/1986 in the 80’s) and Ozzy Osbourne’s 8 times (1986/1989 in the 80’s), you can understand that it is surprisingly small compared to popularity. I think. Especially in 1987, the peak of popularity “Somewhere On Tour” era. The site was a unique highlight for us Japanese.

[Miracle recording by legendary virtuoso brushed up] This work is a vertex live album that allows you to fully experience such a climax of the night. Recording has been known for a long time, but this work is the highest peak master who completely dismissed the existing group as soon as it was excavated in 2016. After all, it is no exaggeration to say that the person who worked on this recording was a legendary virtuoso who was the driving force behind Japan’s guest record culture. is. In fact, this recording artist has been active mainly in the 80’s, and is also known for releasing top recordings such as Mick Jagger, THE ROLLING STONES, Paul McCartney, PINK FLOYD, etc. one after another. If you remember those days, I think it will come to mind, but the visit of these artists to Japan was a social phenomenon that involved even the general public. Since the recording was also reigning at the top in a huge amount, I think you can understand how amazing a master it is.
It was not known that such a master recorded HR/HM, and in 2016, the IRON MAIDEN version was discovered from a treasured collection. Moreover, this work is also the highest peak update board that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” polished the vertex master. As I have introduced many times, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” does not perform sound processing such as “deceiving / increasing volume” like sound pressure gain, but “original sound principle” that leads to restoration work of cultural assets. Therefore, if it is in the best condition from the beginning, you can not expect so much upgrade range, and this work does not reach “like a different thing” when you hear it. However, on the other hand, it is also true that this work is “top”, pitch / phase correction that does not allow deviation of 1/1000 second, precise noise processing, balance for each band from deep bass to treble Adjustments, etc. … We are pushing the limits of “it can’t get any better than this” with every method.

[World-class masterpiece of “Somewhere On Tour”] This ultimate work is not just a Japanese treasure. “Somewhere On Tour” is a little-known tour that did not have an official live album even though it was in its heyday. Traditionally, collectors around the world have been competing for the best masterpieces of audience recordings, and this work is also one of the best masterpieces. Of course, we have introduced it as a press masterpiece along with other winning candidates at our shop. Here, let’s take a bird’s-eye view of the representative works of each leg in light of the overall tour.

● 1986
・ September 10-25: Europe #1 (12 performances)
《September 29th “Somewhere in Time” will be released》
・ October 3-November 9: UK (27 performances) ← * DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986
・November 12-December 18: Europe #2 (27 performances)
● 1987
・ January 7-May 2: North America (79 performances) ← * CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO, etc.
・May 11th – 21st: Japan (7 performances) ← Coco

… and it looks like this. Great masterpieces such as “DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986 (Zodiac 458)” from his home country England and the best recording from the United States “CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO (Zodiac 105)” are lined up, but this work is half a step away from both. I will not yield. The ultra-thickness of the core, the sense of closeness at zero distance, the fineness of the details… everything is at the highest level in the world.
In terms of sound, it will be a trilogy, but if you include the content of the show, this work is actually the top. As a matter of fact, “Somewhere On Tour” was known as a tour in which Bruce Dickinson’s condition was not good enough, and he often caught a cold in the UK leg and suffered from fatigue in the US leg without growing his voice. I thought that Japan, the final destination of the tour, was devastated … but for some reason the blues recovered at once. Even if you listen to the above trilogy, this work is by far the best in terms of voice growth.
Also, the sets in Japan were slightly different from those in other countries. Finally, let’s organize it while comparing it with the two press masterpieces mentioned above.

● Somewhere in Time, etc. (4 songs + α)
・Caught Somewhere In Time/Stranger In The Strange Land/Wasted Years/Heaven Can Wait/Walking On Glass
● Classics (11 songs)
・Diano era: Wrathchild (★★)/Phantom Of The Opera/Iron Maiden/Running Free/Sanctuary (★)
・ Magical Mark: Children Of The Damned / Hallowed Be Thy Name / The Number Of The Beast / Run To The Hills
・Powerslave: 2 Minutes To Midnight/Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard on the press masterpiece “CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO (Zodiac 105)”. In particular, the “★★” mark is a song that is not even in “DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986 (Zodiac 458)”.

“DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986” may be the tour’s best, as you can listen to “Sea Of Madness” and “Where Eagles Dare” in terms of the rarity of the songs, but if it’s the real thrill of blues in great condition, this work goes above. And since the extremely precious “Arigato, Budokan!!”
A miraculous live album in which the legendary virtuoso completely recorded the “Budokan of the 80’s” that was only once. It is the highest peak update board. “MAIDEN BUDOKAN” from Japan, which is proud of the world. Please fully enjoy the permanent preservation press 2CD!

★ “May 13, 1987: Nippon Budokan” performance of the best audience recording. The highest peak update board that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” refined the original master by a master who is said to be a legend in the history of Japanese Western music. While it has a sound that competes with press masterpieces such as “DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986” and “CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO” for the top of the world, the superb blues singing surpasses any masterpiece. It is the masterpiece of “Somewhere On Tour”, and it is a legendary masterpiece that conveys the “80’s Budokan” that was only once.

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(remastered memo)

* Phase correction
*Slightly corrected left and right bands (corrected that the left channel was slightly raised by applying it to the mid-high range)
* Since there seems to be no major problems from the beginning, no major processing has been performed.

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私たち日本人にとって、黄金の80年代を象徴するハイライトでもあった「メイデン@武道館」。そんな唯一無二の夜を極上体験できる伝説録音がブラッシュアップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングによる最高峰サウンドを永久保存したプレス2CDで登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1987年5月13日:日本武道館」公演。その極上オーディエンス録音です。英雄IRON MAIDENは初来日から現在まで13回のジャパン・ツアーを行ってきたわけですが、日本武道館の舞台に立ったのはたった二度。1987年と2006年だけでした。JUDAS PRIESTの7回(80年代なら1984年/1986年)やオジー・オズボーンの8回(80年代なら1986年/1989年)と比べても、人気に比べて意外なほど少ないのがご理解頂けると思います。特に1987年は人気絶頂の“Somewhere On Tour”時代。その現場は、私たち日本人にとって唯一無二のハイライトだったのです。

本作は、そんな絶頂の一夜を完全体験できる頂点ライヴアルバム。古くからまあまあ録音が知られてきましたが、本作は2016年に発掘されるや既発群を完全に一蹴した最高峰マスターなのです。何しろ、この録音を手掛けたのは日本の客録文化を牽引していたと言っても過言ではない伝説の名手で、かの名門キニー以上と言われ、「日本のミラード」とも囁かれた人物なのです。実際、この録音家は80年代を中心に活動しており、ミック・ジャガーやTHE ROLLING STONES、ポール・マッカートニー、PINK FLOYD等々の頂点録音を次々と発表していった事でも知られる。当時をご記憶の方ならピンと来ると思いますが、こうしたアーティスト達の来日は、一般層まで巻き込んで社会現象。録音も膨大な中で頂点に君臨していたのですから、いかに凄まじい名手かご理解頂けるのではないでしょうか。
それほどの名手がHR/HMまで録音していたとは知られず、2016年になって秘蔵コレクションからIRON MAIDEN篇が発掘されたわけです。しかも、本作はその頂点マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き直した最高峰更新盤でもある。何度もご紹介してきましたが、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は音圧稼ぎのような「誤魔化し・かさ増し」の音処理は行わず、文化財の修復作業に通じる「原音主義」。そのため、元から極上状態の場合にはそれほどのアップグレード幅は望めず、本作もパッと聞いて「まるで別物」には至っていません。しかし、その一方で本作が「てっぺん」というのもまた事実でして、1/1000秒の狂いも許さないピッチ/位相補正や緻密なノイズ処理、重低音から高音までの各帯域ごとのバランス調整等々……あらゆる手法で「これ以上は良くならない」という極限を突き詰めているのです。

【世界に誇る“Somewhere On Tour”の最高傑作】
そんな究極形の本作は、日本人だけの宝でもありません。“Somewhere On Tour”は、全盛期でありながら公式ライヴアルバムが残されなかった穴場のツアー。伝統的に世界中のコレクター達がオーディエンス録音の最高傑作競争を繰り広げており、本作は最高傑作の1つでもあるのです。もちろん、当店では他の優勝候補たちと共にプレス名盤としてご紹介してきました。ここで、各レッグの代表作品をツアーの全体像に照らして俯瞰しておきましょう。

・10月3日ー11月9日:英国(27公演)←※DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986
・1月7日ー5月2日:北米(79公演)←※CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO他
・5月11日ー21日:日本(7公演) ←★ココ★

……と、このようになっています。母国イギリスの最高傑作『DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986(Zodiac 458)』やアメリカのベスト録音『CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO(Zodiac 105)』など錚々たる名作が並んでいるわけですが、本作はそのどちらにも半歩も譲らない。芯の極太感、ゼロ距離な間近感、ディテールの細やかさ……すべてが世界最高水準です。
サウンド面ではまsに三部作となるわけですが、ショウ内容まで含めると実は本作こそが頂点。実のところ、“Somewhere On Tour”はブルース・ディッキンソンの調子が今ひとつなツアーとして知られ、英国レッグでは風邪を引き、米国レッグでは疲れが出て声が伸びずに苦しむことが多々ありました。ツアー最終地の日本はどれだけボロボロか……と思いきや、どういうわけかブルースが一気に復調。上記の三部作を聴いても、声の伸びは本作がダントツなのです。

・Caught Somewhere In Time/Stranger In The Strange Land/Wasted Years/Heaven Can Wait/Walking On Glass
・ディアノ時代:Wrathchild(★★)/Phantom Of The Opera/Iron Maiden/Running Free/Sanctuary(★)
・魔力の刻印:Children Of The Damned/Hallowed Be Thy Name/The Number Of The Beast/Run To The Hills
・パワースレイヴ:2 Minutes To Midnight/Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
※注:「★」印はプレス名盤『CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO(Zodiac 105)』で聴けなかった曲。特に「★★」印は『DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986(Zodiac 458)』にもない曲。

曲のレア度なら「Sea Of Madness」「Where Eagles Dare」も聴ける『DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986』がツアー・ベストかも知れませんが、絶好調ブルースの醍醐味なら本作が上を行く。そして、貴重極まる「アリガト、ブドカン!!」「Screamin’ for me, ブドカン!!!」まで飛び出す以上、やはり私たちにとって“Somewhere On Tour”の最高傑作は本作でキマリでしょう。
たった一度きりだった「80年代の武道館」を伝説名手が完全記録した奇跡のライヴアルバム。その最高峰更新盤です。まさに世界に誇る日本発の『MAIDEN BUDOKAN』。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分に味わい尽くしてください!

★「1987年5月13日:日本武道館」公演の極上オーディエンス録音。日本洋楽史の伝説とも言われる名手による大元マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き込んだ最高峰更新盤。『DEFINITIVE LEICESTER 1986』『CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN CHICAGO』等のプレス名盤と全世界トップを競うサウンドでありつつ、絶好調ブルースの絶唱はどの名盤をも凌駕している。“Somewhere On Tour”の最高傑作にして、たった一度きりだった「80年代の武道館」を伝える伝説名盤です。






Disc 1 (63:39)
1. Intro: End Titles (From Blade Runner)
2. Caught Somewhere In Time
3. 2 Minutes To Midnight
4. Wrathchild
5. Children Of The Damned
6. Stranger In The Strange Land
7. Wasted Years
8. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
9. Walking On Glass
10. Heaven Can Wait

Disc 2 (47:16)
1. Phantom Of The Opera
2. Hallowed Be Thy Name
3. Iron Maiden
4. The Number Of The Beast
5. Run To The Hills
6. Member Introduction
7. Running Free
8. Sanctuary

Bruce Dickinson – Vocal Steve Harris – Bass Dave Murray – Guitar Adrian Smith – Guitar
Nicko McBrain – Drums


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