Graham Bonnet / Tokyo 2023 2nd Night The Video / 1DVDR

Graham Bonnet / Tokyo 2023 2nd Night The Video / 1DVDR  / Shades

duo Music Exchange, Tokyo, Japan 30th June 2023

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Graham Bonnet in 2023, who showed off the mystery of the human body with a tremendous raw voice that you can’t imagine being 75 years old. A superb video that allows you to experience the final performance that has been highly acclaimed as the “Best Gig” is now available.
Of course, this work was filmed at the “June 30, 2023: duo MUSIC EXCHANGE” performance. It is the super superb view audience shot. We have already reported the latest visit to Japan with the super-superb live albums “OSAKA 2023 (Shades 1799)” and “TOKYO 2023 FINAL NIGHT (Shades 1781)”, but what is the position of this work in such a situation? Just in case, let’s organize it according to the schedule.

・June 28 “OSAKA 2023”
・June 29: duo MUSIC EXCHANGE
・June 30th “TOKYO 2023 FINAL NIGHT” & ★This work★

All three performances, one in Osaka and two in Tokyo. This work is the video version of the same show as “TOKYO 2023 FINAL NIGHT”. And the quality is a shock! Looking down from the second floor seats on the right side of the stage (Beth Ami Heavenstone side), it’s a superb view with absolutely no obstructions. If you pull it all the way, you can capture the whole stage beautifully, and with the boldest zoom, Graham’s waist-up fills the screen. Moreover, the camera work is skillful. The photographer is clearly an avid fan of Graham and is familiar with successive masterpieces. The guitar / keyboard solo zooms accurately, and in the scene where Graham asks the audience to sing along, it shows the sea of arms that can be zoomed out and raised. This show is called “Best Gig” not only because of Graham’s good performance but also because of the sense of unity with the audience, but it gives you a taste of the real thrill of synchronism.
“And even the sound is of the highest quality.” As expected, it cannot be said that it exceeds the masterpiece “TOKYO 2023 FINAL NIGHT” by Mr. “West Japan’s Strongest Taper”, but the clearness, separate feeling, and close contact are outside the common sense of the audience. Initially, there was a plan to synchronize the recording of Mr. “Strongest”, but it is hard to throw away the reality that perfectly matches the viewpoint, and above all, it is unbearable to make such a thick recording unnecessary. It has been made into a DVD with the original voice.
In such a superb view, you can enjoy a full show that shows that homo sapiens who lived for 75 years can sing so far. Although it is late, let’s repost the set here just in case.

● Solo (5 songs)
・Day Out In Nowhere: Imposter/Uncle John
・Other: S.O.S./Night Games/Into The Night
● Classics
・Rainbow: Eyes Of The World/All Night Long/Love’s No Friend/Since You Been Gone/Lost In Hollywood
・Other: Desert Song/Assault Attack/Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live/Jet To Jet/Lazy (instrumental)

“Even so, it’s wonderful.” I knew it was the best gig even with a live album with only voice, but the persuasiveness is different when I watch it in the video. In the previous visit to Japan, Graham was whispered that “Is he using a synchronized sound source?” gave me This work is a video masterpiece that allows you to monopolize such a great night from a special seat. Please enjoy it to the fullest.

★ Audience shots from the “June 30, 2023: duo MUSIC EXCHANGE” performance. The view overlooking from the second floor without any obstacles is a super-superb view, and if you pull it all the way, the chorus of the venue guns spreads in front of you, and with the boldest zoom, Graham’s waist-up fills the screen. The audio is also superlative, and it is a video masterpiece that can monopolize the full show called the best gig this time.

そんな本作が撮影されたのは、もちろん「2023年6月30日:duo MUSIC EXCHANGE」公演。その超絶景オーディエンス・ショットです。当店ではすでに最新来日を超極上ライヴアルバム『OSAKA 2023(Shades 1799)』『TOKYO 2023 FINAL NIGHT(Shades 1781)』でレポート済みですが、そんな中で本作のポジションはいかなるものなのか。念のため、日程に照らして整理しておきましょう。

・6月28日『OSAKA 2023』
・6月30日『TOKYO 2023 FINAL NIGHT』&★本作★

以上、大阪1回+東京2回の全3公演。本作は『TOKYO 2023 FINAL NIGHT』と同じショウの映像篇というわけです。そして、そのクオリティは衝撃! ステージ右側(ベスアミ・ヘヴンストーン側)2階席から見下ろしているのですが、遮蔽物が一切ない超・絶景なのです。思いっきり引くとステージ全景をキレイに収めきり、果敢な最ズームではグラハムのウェストアップが画面いっぱいになる。しかも、カメラワークが巧み。撮影者は明らかにグラハムの熱心なファンで、歴代の名曲群を熟知。ギター/キーボード・ソロでは的確にズームしますし、グラハムが観客に唱和を求めるシーンで全力でズームアウトして振り上げられる腕の海を見せてくれる。このショウはグラハムの好調ぶりだけでなく観客との一体感も合わせての「ベスト・ギグ」と呼ばれているわけですが、そのシンクロの醍醐味をキッチリ味わわせてくれるのです。
さらにさらにサウンドまで極上級と来たもんだ。さすがに名手“西日本最強テーパー”氏の銘品『TOKYO 2023 FINAL NIGHT』を超えるとは申せませんが、クリアさもセパレート感も密着感もオーディエンスの常識外。当初は“最強”氏録音をシンクロさせる案もあったのですが、視点と完全一致するリアリティも捨てがたく、何よりこれほどの極太録音をなかったことにするのは忍びない。オリジナル音声のままでDVD化いたしました。

・デイ・アウト・イン・ノーウェア:Imposter/Uncle John
・その他:S.O.S./Night Games/Into The Night
・レインボー:Eyes Of The World/All Night Long/Love’s No Friend/Since You Been Gone/Lost In Hollywood
・その他:Desert Song/Assault Attack/Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live/Jet To Jet/Lazy(インスト)


★「2023年6月30日:duo MUSIC EXCHANGE」公演のオーディエンス・ショット。2階席から遮蔽物一切なしで見渡す光景は超・絶景で、思いっきり引くと会場銃の大合唱が目の前に広がり、果敢な最ズームではグラハムのウェストアップが画面いっぱいになる。音声も極上級で、今回のベスト・ギグと呼ばれたフルショウを独り占めできる映像傑作です。

1. Intro
2. Eyes Of The World
3. All Night Long
4. Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live
5. S.O.S.
6. Love’s No Friend
7. Keyboard Solo
8. Lazy
9. Happy Birthday Beth-Ami Heavenstone
10. Imposter
11. Desert Song
12. Uncle John (false)
13. Uncle John
14. Jet To Jet / Drum Solo
15. Into The Night
16. Band Introductions
17. Night Games
18. Assault Attack
19. Since You Been Gone
20. Lost In Hollywood

Shades 1814

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