Elton John / San Diego 1975 Mike Millard Original Master Tapes / 3CD

Elton John / San Diego 1975 Mike Millard Original Master Tapes / 3CD / No Label
Live at San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego, CA, USA 29th September 1975

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Discover the impact from Mike Millard Master this time too! This time Elton John. Moreover, Millard was recording the 1975 “WEST OF THE ROCKIES” tour, which was at its peak. The rock-colored sound of the album “ROCK OF THE WESTIES”, which was created by using a new musician after sharing a long relationship with Dee Murray and Nigel Olson, was the number one chart in the US for three consecutive weeks. Is a huge hit. The proof of that was the October concert at Dodger Stadium. This tour is a tour organized around a large venue as if to show off the popularity of America at that time. What’s more, instead of using only a large venue that can attract a huge audience on a short schedule of one month, one show is full of the dignity of a three-hour show. It was also.
Therefore, the show at Dodger Stadium was filmed and later broadcast as a documentary. However, it was far from the complete recording of the show. Unfortunately, the same dilemma for audience recording on the same day.
The first complete document of a legendary tour that lasted three hours per stage was the three-disc press CD “WEST OF THE ROCKIES” released by the nostalgic BELL BOTTOM label. Although it was a very valuable release in that it fully recorded the performance of Portland in October, it was a very valuable release in that it revealed the whole picture of the peak tour, but the original audience recording is quite class B quality. It was a difficult item to listen to (although a slightly higher quality copy is currently uploaded on YouTube) in combination with Gene’s drop in the cassette trading era. However, since it was a valuable sound source, the maniac worked hard and listened. But that was 20 years ago.
Millard did it again! He was recording the first day of the “WEST OF THE ROCKIES” tour, the San Diego Sports Arena performance. It is no wonder that the fact itself surprised maniacs all over the world. For this reason, the tour was thought to have no decent sound source. On the contrary, in research books and other sources, Bootlegger revealed the episode that failed to be recorded at Dodger Stadium, and it was thought to be a tour that was blessed with sound sources in all senses although it was at its peak. Meanwhile, the finest audience master, which Millard kept secret while recording, finally sees the light of day.

As always, the sound is really good this time. A safe mirrored mark is also here. While accompanied by a good sense of distance, it is also outstanding clearness. In addition, there is an exquisite balance that does not dislike the realism that is the greatest advantage of audience recording. It will be an early recording from Millard’s recording carrier, but at this point, stable high quality stereo audience recording is realized. The day will come when he can listen to the full set of the “WEST OF THE ROCKIES” tour with his exceptional quality!
In addition, this San Diego performance is not only the first day of the tour, but as Elton says in the MC, at this point the new album “ROCK OF THE WESTIES” is just before the release. Even if the new single “Island Girl” is released as a preliminary announcement, this day will be the release date. If you try to reach an audience that’s packed into San Diego, you’ve barely heard it on the radio.
Despite this, the excitement of this day is terrible. It’s a mirrored recording that conveys that sense of presence, but the yellow cheers that accompany most songs are amazing. This is a fever that can only be at its peak. Because it is an artist who conquered the United States with the charm of his own song. I can’t help but be moved by just listening to it.

Therefore, it is a marathon show that lasts for three hours (of course with a break), but it is also a stunning rock show that does not make you feel its length. Niger Olson, who had been a friend since the debut, left the band, and instead played drums with “ROCK OF THE WESTIES”, Roger Pope’s play was a rocky sound of this period and the sound of stadium live The fact that it was a perfect hit for me is also felt realistically from the recording of Millard. Please enjoy his drumming, which is very crisp.
Although it was a long-running show, Elton’s brilliant performance singing a lot of brilliant masterpieces firmly, this is also only when the popularity in the United States reached its peak. When I listen to the song for the first time, I can’t even feel the length of three hours.
Yes, the great thing about the mirrored recording that was discovered this time is that the performance content is excellent as well as the sound quality. To conclude this climax marathon stage with the “Pinball Wizard” from The Who’s movie “TOMMY”, where Elton’s appearance also drew much attention, the ultimate marathon show in Elton 1975 Audience album. He tended to focus on releasing items on stage sound sources in recent years, but the masterpiece “TOKYO 1971 FINAL NIGHT” has finally become the must-have item for the 70’s Elton Live. Please feel the quality of the fully open mirrored clause, the excitement that you get goose bumps while listening!

マイク・ミラード・マスターから今回も衝撃の発掘が!今度は何とエルトン・ジョン。しかも絶頂期たる1975年の”WEST OF THE ROCKIES”ツアーをミラードが録音していたのです。ディー・マレイにナイジェル・オルソンといった長い付き合いの仲間と袂を分かち、新たなミュージシャンを起用して作られたアルバム「ROCK OF THE WESTIES」のロック色が強いサウンドはアメリカで三週連続チャートの一位を獲得する大ヒット。その証とも言えたのが10月のドジャー・スタジアムでのコンサートでした。このツアーは当時のアメリカでの人気絶頂ぶりを誇示するかのごとく、大会場を回るという行程で組まれたツアーでもあります。それに何と言っても巨大な観客動員の可能な大会場ばかりを使って一か月の短いスケジュールで行う代わりに、一回のショーの長さが三時間にも及ぶという王者の風格に溢れたものでもあった。
一回のステージが三時間に及んだ伝説のツアーを初めてコンプリートでドキュメントしてくれたのは懐かしのBELL BOTTOMレーベルがリリースした三枚組プレスCD「WEST OF THE ROCKIES」。10月のポートランド公演を完全収録したそれは絶頂期ツアーの全貌を明らかにしてくれた点においては大変に価値のあるリリースであったものの、元になったオーディエンス録音はかなりのB級クオリティ。そこに輪をかけてカセットトレード時代のジェネ落ちと相まって、かなり聞き辛いアイテム(現在はYouTube上でもう少し上質なコピーがアップされています)だったのです。それでも貴重な音源ということから、マニアは頑張って聞き込んでいました。しかしそれも20年前の話。
またしてもミラードがやってくれました!彼は”WEST OF THE ROCKIES”ツアーの初日である、サンディエゴ、スポーツ・アリーナ公演を録音していたのです。その事実自体が世界中のマニアを驚かせたのは無理もないこと。先の理由からまともな音源が存在しないと思われていたツアー。それどころか研究本などにおいてはブートレガーがドジャー・スタジアムで録音に失敗したエピソードを明かしていたこともあり、絶頂期ながらあらゆる意味で音源に恵まれないツアーだとも思われていた。そうした中、ミラードが録音しておきながら秘匿していた極上オーディエンス・マスターが遂に日の目をみるのです。

いつもの事ですが、今回も本当に音がイイ。安心のミラード印がここにも。程よい距離感を伴いつつも、それでいて抜群のクリアネス。それにオーディエンス録音最大の長所である臨場感も嫌味のない絶妙のバランス。ミラードの録音キャリアからすると初期に属する録音になるのでしょうが、もうこの時点で安定のハイクオリティ・ステレオ・オーディエンス・レコーディングを実現。彼ならではな別格のクオリティで”WEST OF THE ROCKIES”ツアーのフルセットを聞ける日が来るとは!
おまけに今回のサンディエゴ公演はツアーの初日というだけでなく、エルトンがMCで言っているように、この時点でニューアルバム「ROCK OF THE WESTIES」はリリース直前。その予告的にリリースされるニューシングル「Island Girl」にしても、よりによってこの日がリリース日という状態。サンディエゴに詰めかけたオーディエンスにしてみれば、かろうじてそれをラジオで聞いたという状況かと。

よって三時間にも及ぶマラソン・ショー(当然ながら休憩を挟みます)でありながら、その長さをまるで感じさせない見事なロック・ショーでもある。デビュー時からの盟友であったナイジェル・オルソンがバンドから抜け、代わりに「ROCK OF THE WESTIES」でドラムを叩いていたロジャー・ポープのプレイがこの時期のロック色の強いサウンドやスタジアム・ライブのサウンドに打ってつけであったことも、ミラードの録音からリアルに感じられる。非常にキレのいい、彼のドラミングをじっくりと味わってみてください。
そう、今回発掘されたミラード録音の凄いところは、音質もさることながら、演奏内容がまた絶品。この絶頂のマラソン・ステージを、エルトンの出演も大きな話題を呼んだザ・フーの映画「TOMMY」からの「Pinball Wizard」で締めくくるという、もうエルトン1975年の栄光に満ち溢れたマラソン・ショー究極のオーディエンス・アルバム。何かと近年のステージ音源にアイテムのリリースが集中しがちな彼でしたが、あの名作「TOKYO 1971 FINAL NIGHT」と双璧を成す70年代エルトン・ライブのマスト・アイテムが遂に。ミラード節が全開なクオリティ、聞いていて鳥肌が立つほどの盛り上がりを体感してください!


Disc 1 (77:58)
1. Your Song
2. I Need You To Turn To
3. Band Introductions
4. Border Song
5. Take Me To The Pilot
6. Dan Dare (Pilot Of The Future)
7. Country Comfort
8. Levon
9. Rocket Man
10. Hercules
11. Have Mercy On The Criminal
12. Empty Sky
13. Street Kids
14. Intermission

Disc 2 (60:23)
1. Intro
2. Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding
3. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
4. Bennie And The Jets
5. Harmony
6. Dixie Lily
7. Captain Fantastic And The Brown Dirt Cowboy
8. Bitter Fingers
9. Someone Saved My Life Tonight
10. The Bitch is Back

Disc 3 (67:46)
1. Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me
2. (Gotta Get A) Meal Ticket
3. Better Off Dead
4. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
5. I Saw Her Standing There
6. Band Introductions
7. Island Girl
8. Philadelphia Freedom
9. We All Fall In Love Sometimes
10. Curtains
11. Pinball Wizard

Elton John – vocals, piano
Davey Johnstone – guitar, backing vocals
Caleb Quaye – guitar, backing vocals
Kenny Passarelli – bass, backing vocals
Roger Pope – drums
James Newton Howard – keyboards
Ray Cooper – percussion
Cindy Bullens – backing vocals
Jon Joyce – backing vocals
Ken Gold – backing vocals


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