Firm / Edinburgh 1985 Direct Master 2nd Press / 2CD

Firm / Edinburgh 1985 Direct Master 2nd Press / 2CD / Wardour
Live at Playhouse Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland 20th May 1985. STEREO SBD

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The legendary soundboard album that symbolizes the legendary project THE FIRM is reprinted. The highest peak board that has been revived with the master quality of the outflow of related parties is decided to be restocked.
“May 20, 1985 Edinburgh performance” is included in this work. It is the stereo sound board recording. This sound board has been known for a long time, and it is a big classic among the classics that have produced famous boards such as “RADIOACTIVE SIRENS” and “PLAYHOUSE THEATER 1985”. This work is the ultimate quality board digitized from the master who leaked the people concerned, and it is a super masterpiece that was sold out immediately when it was released 6 years ago. Before the content, first of all, the position of the show. Let’s look back on the debut era of the legendary project.

● 1984
・ November 29-December 5: Europe (6 performances)
・ December 7-9: UK # 1 (3 performances)
● 1985
“February 11th” THE FIRM “released”
・ February 28-March 24: North America # 1 (13 performances)
・ April 16-May 11: North America # 2 (17 performances)
・ May 18-22: UK # 2 (3 performances) ← ★ Coco ★

This is the outline of activities related to the debut work “THE FIRM”. The Edinburgh performance of this work is the final edition. It was the second concert of “UK # 2”.
This work recorded at that show is just a superb stereo sound board. The direct feeling was unprecedented, and it was directly connected from the existing one, but even that is a different dimension, and it sounds as if you put a plug in your ear and play it directly in your brain. As in the previous episode, there is a lack of tape change from the end of “Radioactive” to the beginning of “Live In Peace” and in the middle of “I Just Wanna Make Love To You”, but even in such a scene, the master cassette It’s as fresh as it is right in front of you. In this work, the original sound of the master is remastered more carefully. Of course, I didn’t do the stupidity of processing the vividness of the original sound, but returned the balance that was a little to the right to the center, and adjusted the slightly higher pitch to just. The focus is on mastering, which faithfully restores the sound that was playing in the field.
The top sound is a miracle stage where two British rock legends overlap. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s organize the set here.

● THE FIRM (10 songs)
・ The Farm: Closer / Make Or Break / Together / Money Can’t Buy / Satisfaction Guaranteed / Radioactive / Midnight Moonlight / You’ve Lost That Loving Feelin’/ Someone To Love
・ Mean Business: Cadillac
● Others (7 songs)
・ DEATH WISH II: City Sirens / Prelude / The Chase
・ Cut Loose: Morning After The Night Before / Live In Peace / Boogie Mama
・ Others: I Just Wanna Make Love To You

… And it looks like this. The repertoire of LED ZEPPELIN and FREE / BAD COMPANY has been sealed, and the cleanliness of betting the future on new projects is dazzling. And the performance of the two people who spell the set is a masterpiece. Paul Rodgers’ voice is just breathtaking, and the singing voice that everyone wants and envy sounds like whispering in his ear. He is still Rogers, who has an unabated beautiful voice, but at that time he was 35 years old. He was the most delicious age of a rock singer who had run out of fat and was about to reach his peak as a blues singer. In fact, the mellow singing voice that flows into your ears over this work is exquisite. The delicate nuances are really delicate while each word sounds mellow. On the other hand, he doesn’t sing on purpose like David Coverdale, but the tone alone exudes a rich emotion. I’m not confident that Rogers, who has left a lot of singing from FREE to the present, can say “this work is the best singing”, but I can’t think of a recording that is so close to singing.
If Rogers is at the “breathing” level, Jimmy Page can be said to be at the “string vibration” level. It’s far from the true value of a glorious career just because I was trying to move away from the illusion of an airship, but that’s why I’m sure that my passion is hot. Especially the emotional instrument “Prelude” is really wonderful. The soul in the delicate melody is poured into your ears with a direct feeling that you can even hear the rubbing sound of the strings. “Midnight Moonlight” shows the spirit of making a new start. It is a magnificent remake of the song “Swan Song” written in the LED ZEPPELIN era, but despite the DADGAD tuning, it never touches “White Summer / Black Mountain Side”. After this, Page will gradually come to terms with the legends such as “OUTRIDER” and “COVERDALE? PAGE”, but here it is impressive to see him sticking to his own world with his new partner: Paul Rodgers.
The new songs of his debut work “THE FIRM” are engraved with such “the world of two people”, but the most impressive one is “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling”. What a wonderful singing voice and guitar that lightly colors the gentle blues rock. The color gradually increases in depth, just like the starch that collects in wine. Then, Page’s solo and Rogers’s singing voice are intertwined in the middle stage, and Rogers explodes his emotions at once in the final stage. It’s a take with a deep taste that seems to be a collection of the best of British blues rock.
The world of these two people is not limited to new songs. In Rogers’s solo repertoire “Live In Peace”, Page also enthusiastically plays a passionate solo in response to Rogers’ singing voice. As mentioned above, the beginning is cut, but the latter half, where the emotions of the two people are hot, intense, and deep, is captured with a wonderful direct sound. It is a famous part because these two people stand side by side.

It is neither “LED ZEPPELIN sung by Rogers” nor “BAD COMPANY played by Page”. Nevertheless, the world of THE FIRM that can only be “these two people”. It is a live item that you can feel close to it so that you can touch it with your hands. A chance to get the legendary soundboard album, which was the ultimate evolution by the original outflow master, with the permanent preservation press 2CD. Please do not miss it.

★ Stereo sound board recording of “May 20, 1985 Edinburgh performance”. It is a famous recording that has reigned as a big classic for a long time, but this work is the ultimate quality board that was digitized directly from the person concerned leaked master who is the origin of it. The synchro feeling is great as if you put the plug in your ear and play it directly in your brain, and the balance that was to the right in the conventional board is adjusted to the center. It maximizes the potential of the original sound. It is an absolute live album that boasts the same or higher value as the two official studio works.

伝説プロジェクトTHE FIRMを象徴する伝説のサウンドボード・アルバムが復刻。関係者流出のマスター・クオリティで甦った最高峰盤が再入荷決定です。
そんな本作に収められているのは「1985年5月20日エディンバラ公演」。そのステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。このサウンドボードは古くから知られ、『RADIOACTIVE SIRENS』や『PLAYHOUSE THEATRE 1985』などの名盤を生んできた定番中の大定番。本作はその大本となる関係者流出マスターからデジタル化された究極クオリティ盤であり、6年前にリリースされるや即完売した超名盤なのです。その内容の前に、まずはショウのポジション。伝説プロジェクトのデビュー時代を振り返ってみましょう。

《2月11日『THE FIRM』発売》

これがデビュー作『THE FIRM』にまつわる活動概要。本作のエディンバラ公演は、その最終盤。「英国#2」の2公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そのショウで記録された本作は、まさに超極上のステレオ・サウンドボード。そのダイレクト感は空前絶後でして、既発からしてド直結だったわけですが、それすら次元が違い、耳にプラグを突っ込んで脳で直接再生しているかのようなサウンド。既発と同じように「Radioactive」の終わりから「Live In Peace」の冒頭にかけて、また「I Just Wanna Make Love To You」の中盤でテープチェンジの欠落もありますが、そんなシーンでさえ、マスターカセットが目の前にあるような生々しさなのです。本作では、そのマスターの原音をさらに丁寧にリマスタリング。もちろん、原音の生々しさを加工するような愚行はせず、少々右寄りだったバランスをセンターに戻し、若干高かったピッチもジャストに調整。より現場で鳴っていたサウンドが忠実に蘇るマスタリングに注力されているのです。

●THE FIRM(10曲)
・ザ・ファーム:Closer/Make Or Break/Together/Money Can’t Buy/Satisfaction Guaranteed/Radioactive/Midnight Moonlight/You’ve Lost That Loving Feelin’/Someone To Love
・DEATH WISH II:City Sirens/Prelude/The Chase
・カット・ルース:Morning After The Night Before/Live In Peace/Boogie Mama
・その他:I Just Wanna Make Love To You

……と、このようになっています。LED ZEPPELINやFREE/BAD COMPANYのレパートリーが封印され、新プロジェクトに未来を賭ける潔さが眩しい。そして、そのセットを綴る2人のパフォーマンスこそが圧巻。ポール・ロジャースの声はまさしく息づかいレベルでして、誰もが欲しがり、羨む歌声が耳元で囁くように聞こえる。現在でも衰えを知らぬ美声を聴かせてくれるロジャースですが、この当時は35歳。ロック・シンガーとしては脂が乗りきり、ブルース・シンガーとしてはこれから全盛を迎えるという、一番美味しい年齢でした。実際、本作をかけて耳元に流れ込む、芳醇な歌声は絶品。一言一言がまろやかに響きつつ、細やかなニュアンスは実に繊細。かと言って、デヴィッド・カヴァデールのようにわざとらしい歌い回しをするでもなく、そのトーンだけでも豊かな情感を滲ませている。FREEから現在まで、数々の名唱を残してきたロジャースだけに「本作がベストシンギング」と言い切る自信はありませんが、これほど名唱が間近に迫る録音は、ちょっと思いつきません。
ロジャースが「息づかい」レベルだとすれば、ジミー・ペイジは「弦の振動」レベルとでも言えばいいでしょうか。飛行船の幻影から遠ざかろうとしていた時期だけに、栄光に包まれたキャリアの中でも真骨頂とはほど遠いわけですが、だからこその情熱が熱いのも確か。特に情感溢れるインスト「Prelude」は本当に素晴らしい。繊細な旋律に込められた魂が、弦のこすれる音まで聞こえるダイレクト感で耳に流し込まれる……。さらに新たなスタートを期する気概が透けるのは「Midnight Moonlight」。LED ZEPPELIN時代に書かれた「Swan Song」という曲を壮大に作り替えたものですが、DADGADチューニングにも関わらず、「White Summer/Black Mountain Side」には一切触れない。この後『OUTRIDER』『COVERDALE?PAGE』と、少しずつ伝説との折り合いを付けていくペイジですが、ここでは新たなパートナー:ポール・ロジャースとの独自世界にこだわる姿が印象的です。
デビュー作『THE FIRM』の新曲群には、そんな“2人の世界”が刻まれているわけですが、特に印象深いのは「You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling」。穏やかなブルースロックを淡く彩っていく歌声とギターのなんと素晴らしいことか。その色合いが少しずつ少しずつ、まるでワインに溜まる澱のように深みを増していく。そして、中盤にペイジのソロとロジャースの歌声が絡み合い、終盤で一気にロジャースが感情を爆発させる。まったくもって英国ブルースロックの粋を集めたような深い味わいのテイクです。
そんな2人の世界が広がるのは、新曲だけではありません。ロジャースのソロ・レパートリー「Live In Peace」では、深く歌い込むロジャースの歌声に応えるように、ペイジも情熱迸るソロを熱く熱く弾き込む。前述の通り冒頭がカットされていますが、熱く、激しく、深い2人の情感が交錯する後半は見事なダイレクトサウンドで捉えきっている。まさにこの2人が並び立つからこその名パートでしょう。

「ロジャースが歌うLED ZEPPELIN」ではなく「ペイジが弾くBAD COMPANY」でもない。それでいながら“この2人”でしかあり得ないTHE FIRMの世界。それを手で触れられそうなほど身近に感じられるライヴの銘品です。大元の流出マスターによって究極進化を果たした伝説のサウンドボード・アルバムを永久保存プレス2CDで手に入れられるチャンス。どうぞ、お見逃しなく。


Disc 1 (49:30)
1. Intro.
2. Closer
3. City Sirens
4. Make Or Break
5. The Morning After
6. Together
7. Cadillac
8. Prelude
9. Money Can’t Buy
10. Satisfaction Guaranteed
11. Radioactive
12. Live In Peace

Disc 2 (62:27)
1. Midnight Moonlight
2. You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling
3. The Chase
4. I Just Wanna Make Love To You
5. Band Introductions
6. Someone To Love
7. Boogie Mama

Paul Rodgers – lead vocals, rhythm guitar, acoustic guitar
Jimmy Page – lead & rhythm guitars, acoustic guitar
Tony Franklin – bass, keyboards, synthesizer
Chris Slade – drums, percussion




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