Eric Clapton / Old Grey Whistle Test 1977 BBC Master / 1CD

Eric Clapton / Old Grey Whistle Test 1977 BBC Master / 1CD / Beano
BBC TV Theatre, Shepherds Bush, London, UK 26th April 1977.  Stereo SBD

*BBC master audio from OGWT show in 1977. It includes Bob Harris’ introduction which has never appeared on CD before. Sound quality is the best ever.

Play sample :

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Omoto sound board master of the classic live program! ]

Eric Clapton’s treasured sound source has brought a new master from a heavyweight taper living in the UK, who is familiar with our shop. Sound board master when Clapton appeared on the famous British BBC live program “Old Gray Whistle Test” (OGWT) on April 26, 1977. Speaking of Clapton’s “OGWT”, it is a memorable work that was officially released as the first live video on the media in the era of VHS and laser discs, and it is so famous that fans have never seen it. . Therefore, this live is not uncommon as a sound source, but what was provided by the heavyweight taper this time was a direct copy of the sound board master that the BBC was recording separately from the video recording at that time. In other words, it is a master that boasts the ultimate high sound quality, which sets it apart from the “by-product” CD that extracts only the audio part from the already released official video media. The evidence is recorded from the MC of Bob Harris, the program host who was in the beginning. In order to appreciate and judge the ability of an artist as a live performer, it is necessary to listen only to the “sound”. At the time of the release of this video, it was highly publicized and excited as it was the first media in his career to see “Moving Clapton”, but when I actually watched it, it was a time when alcoholism was in progress. There is also the appearance that you can clearly see that he is drunk, and it has been proven by saying “Evenne Oliman” in the MC when introducing the featuring number of Yvonne Elliman, the backing singer. . And despite the memorable first release video, they haven’t performed the famous song Layla. The majority of fans said, “I had high hopes, but it wasn’t good enough.” However, the significance of this release is to re-inspect this sound source with the ultra-high sound quality of the low master stored by BBC and reconsider its evaluation. In video works, there is a tendency that attention is paid to the “picture” and it is difficult to concentrate on the “sound” of the performance, but in this work, we concentrate on the “sound” and try to capture Clapton’s performance on this live stage. I would like you to ascertain the essence of what you are doing.

[Clapton, who had a wave of good and bad, listens to the second half of the rewind! ]

Speaking of 1977, Clapton almost established his status as a solo artist, and the album he released was always within the top 20 of the chart. Let’s take a look at Clapton’s activity history this year.

・ February 14: Appeared in a charity concert in Cranley, Surrey, England, his hometown (band name is “Eddie Earthquake & His Tremors”)
・April 20th to 29th: Short-term UK tour ← here
・June 4-20: Short-term European tour
・August 5th: Spot performance in Ibiza, Spain
・August 11: Performance in Barcelona
・September 26-October 7: Japan Tour
・October 9th and 10th: Honolulu, Hawaii

In May, which was between this schedule, Clapton recorded his masterpiece “SLOWHAND” at the Olympic Studio in London. Then we completed it and did a short tour and a spot performance in Spain. However, the set list on the tour that was held as of April was the same as before, with the songs included in the previous work “NO REASON TO CRY” set in. This “OGWT” was performed between short-term European tours. Of course, the set list on this day also included songs from the album, and the first two songs and Double Trouble were hitting it. The first two songs are good performances that bring out the taste of country touch just like the album, and the next song, Alberta, was a time when I often played acoustic guitar. The next day, the full stage sound source of the Hammersmith Odeon performance in London on April 27th is included in the official board “SLOWHAND 35TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION”, but when listening to it, Clapton’s wonderful performance was confirmed. I can do it. Therefore, even if he was in a “drinking” state, it can be said that Clapton was at a time when he was fully demonstrating his potential. At the beginning of this “OGWT”, only Clapton, who mainly played Martin’s code, did not show his true potential, but the reason for this was that he was drunk and the setting environment was live recording on TV. However, Clapton himself was not good at it. On the other hand, when it comes to official video recording, it was an artist who was the exact opposite of Stones, who burns more than usual and produces results. Therefore, in the first half, there is a loose song composition, and Clapton-like play does not appear, but from around Tell The Truth, which is switched to Blackie Strat, Clapton’s sharpness begins to return. After all, it can be said that his condition is limited to numbers including guitar solos. The solo that you can relax with Blues Double Trouble and listen to with I Shot The Sheriff is exactly like Clapton, and the sharp phrase that flows smoothly reminds you of being immersed in playing. The representative number, Further On Up The Road ~ Badge, regains its original condition and shows a suitable excitement in the final stage. On a side note, why didn’t you play Layla, who was the usual aura number on this stage? In a nutshell, it can be inferred that “it was not a complete live version that could be included in the official video”. Since the comeback in 1974, Layla has always been played on the live stage and has become a highlight of the stage, but it gave a quite different impression from the original version. The characteristics of the live version at that time are as follows. It’s possible that he didn’t like Jim Gordon, a member of Derek and the Dominos who provided the piano coda, so he avoided this part because it reminds him of him. (Because it was disassembled in the air during Clapton’s fight), (2) I left the characteristic seven-phrase to George Terry, the second guitarist, but the nuances of his phrase were slightly different from the original. , Depending on Clapton’s condition, the solo was handed over to Terry, and Clapton’s own solo was also played, and the waves of good and bad were intense. Therefore, on this TV recording day, Clapton probably did not have the confidence to put Layla in her posterity software. Instead, he closed out the stage with a confident performance of Badge (which was also quite different from the original version, but the arrangement was solid).

Listen to Clapton’s “OGWT” with the ultimate master of BBC storage. Bring in the taste of “NO REASON TO CRY” co-starring with The Band and rediscover the charm of Clapton with a special live showing the staging unique to this period.

★The sound is so clear that it is incomparable to the sound in the official video. This is the power of a master! !





・4月20日~29日:短期イギリス・ツアー ←★ココ★

このスケジュールの狭間であった5月に、クラプトンは名盤「SLOWHAND」のレコーディングをロンドンのオリンピック・スタジオで行いました。そして完成させ、短期ツアーとスポットのスペイン公演を行いました。しかし4月時点で実施したツアーでのセットリストはそれまでと同様、前作「NO REASON TO CRY」収録曲がセットインしたものとなっていました。この「OGWT」は、短期ヨーロッパ・ツアーの合間を縫って出演したものでした。当然この日のセットリストも当該アルバムからの収録曲が組まれていて、序盤の2曲とDouble Troubleがそれに当たっていました。序盤2曲はアルバムどおりのカントリータッチのテイストを醸し出すいい演奏ですし、次曲のAlbertaもよくアコギで演奏していた時期です。この翌日、4月27日のロンドン、ハマースミス・オデオン公演のフルステージ音源はオフィシャル盤「SLOWHAND 35TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION」に収録されていますが、それを聴くと、ノリにノッたクラプトンの素晴らしいパフォーマンスが確認できます。従って「呑んべえ」状態であったとしても、クラプトンは彼のポテンシャルを十分発揮していた時期だったと言えます。この「OGWT」の序盤では主にマーティンのコードプレイしかしていないクラプトンだけに、中々本領発揮とはいかないわけですが、この理由は、酒に酔っていた上に、テレビでのライブ収録という設定環境が、クラプトン自身苦手だったことが挙げられます。一方で公式映像収録となると、普段以上に燃えて結果を出すストーンズとは真逆のアーティストだったわけです。そのため前半は緩い曲構成もあって、クラプトンらしいプレイが中々登場しませんが、ブラッキー・ストラトに持ち替えるTell The Truthあたりから、クラプトンの切れ味が戻り始めます。やはり彼の調子が出るのは、ギターソロを含むナンバーに限ると言えるでしょう。ブルースのDouble Troubleでリラックスし、I Shot The Sheriffで聴かせるソロは、正にクラプトンらしい流麗なもので、澱みなく流れるシャープなフレーズは、プレイに没頭している様を想起させます。Further On Up The Road~Badgeという代表的ナンバーでは、本来の調子を取り戻し、終盤に相応しい盛り上がりを見せています。蛇足ながら、なぜこのステージでは普段のオーラスナンバーだったLaylaをプレイしなかったのか?という点に言及しておきますと、一言で言えば、「公式映像に収められるだけの、完成形のライブバージョンではなかったから」と推察できます。74年のカムバック以降、ライブステージでは常にLaylaは演奏され、ステージのハイライトとなっていたわけですが、それはオリジナルバージョンとはかなり異なった印象を与えるものでした。当時のライブバージョンの特徴を挙げてみますと、①後半のピアノコーダをプレイせずに終わったり、時にはエヴァリー・ブラザーズのスタンダードAll I Have To Do Is Dreamをジョイントした変形バージョンにしていた(かつてのデレク&ザ・ドミノスのメンバーで、ピアノコーダを提供したジム・ゴードンに対してあまりいい感情を持っていなかったため、彼を想起させるこのパートを避けたのではないかと考えられます。ドミノスは彼とクラプトンの喧嘩で空中分解しましたから)、②特徴的な7連フレーズをセカンドギターのジョージ・テリーに任せていましたが、彼のフレーズのニュアンスが若干オリジナルとは異なっていた、③後奏では、クラプトンの調子次第で、ソロをテリーに譲ったり、クラプトン自身のソロも出たとこ勝負で好不調の波が激しかった、などです。従って、このテレビ収録日、クラプトンはLaylaを後世に残るソフトに収める自信がなかったということでしょう。その代わりに自信満々でBadgeをプレイして、ステージを締めくくっています(Badgeもオリジナルバージョンとはかなり印象が違いましたが、アレンジは固まっていましたから)。

BBC保管の究極マスターで聴くクラプトンの「OGWT」。ザ・バンドとの共演盤「NO REASON TO CRY」のテイストを持ち込み、この時期ならではのステージングを見せた特別なライブで、クラプトンの魅力を再発見してください。


1. OGTW Intro
2. Bob Harris’ Introduction
3. Hello Old Friend
4. Sign Language
5. Alberta
6. Tell the Truth
7. Can’t Find My Way Home
8. Double Trouble
9. I Shot the Sheriff
10. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
11. Further On Up the Road
12. Badge

Eric Clapton – Guitar / Vocals
George Terry – Guitar
Dicks Sims – Keyboards
Carl Radle – Bass
Jamie Oldaker – Drums
Sergio Pastora Rodriguez – Percussion
Yvonne Elliman – Backing Vocals
Marcy Levy – Backing Vocals


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