Eric Clapton / Laguna Hills 1988 Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CDR

Eric Clapton / Laguna Hills 1988 Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CDR / Uxbridge
Live at Irvine Meadows Amphitheater, Laguna Hills, CA, USA 23rd September 1988

Play sample :

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[That mirrored sound source has been upgraded and reappeared! ] Eric Clapton’s Mike Millard sound source “Laguna Hills 1988: Mike Millard 1st Generation Cassettes (2CDR)” performed at Laguna Hills on September 23, 1988, released by our shop in January 2021. , A version re-recorded from the master with even higher sound quality has been uploaded on the net! Of course, the previous version was also transferred by JEMS from the first generation cassette master, and it boasted the high sound quality unique to mirrored tape, but it is a version that exceeds that. Perhaps the upgrade was achieved in the digital transfer process, which goes through several steps from the master cassette. However, the missing part that occurred when changing the cassette from side A to side B due to the master of Mirrored and when changing to the second cassette remains the same, so as with the previous edition, our exclusive engineer has already issued Beano. The sound pressure is adjusted from the board to compensate, and the high drop points are brilliantly corrected to realize a complete version without any discomfort (★ part in the song list). As a result, it’s a much better version that you can listen to in a better condition than the net. In this respect, I think the advantage of this board is clear.

[Representative sound source of the 25th anniversary celebrity tour] Now, regarding the performance on this day, let’s take a look at where it was located in the 25th anniversary tour of the debut this year.

・ January 22-February 7, 1988: UK tour including 9 consecutive performances at the Royal Albert Hall (with Mark Knopfler)
≪April 18, 1988: Anthology box set “CROSS ROADS” released ≫
・ June 5-6, 1988: Performed in his own band at the “Prince’s Trust Concert” held at the Royal Albert Hall (with Elton John participating).
June 8-9, 1988: Dire Straits and Rehearsal at Brixton Academy
・ June 11, 1988: Appeared in “Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Concert” by participating in Dire Straits
・ July 2, 1988: Performed at the charity event “Picnic Concert” in Surrey, England.
・ September 1st-October 8th, 1988: US Tour ← ★ Coco ★
・ October 11, 1988: Participated in a Jack Bruce concert at the bottom line of a club in New York.
・ October 31st-November 5th, 1988: Japan Tour
・ November 28, 1988: Performed at a charity event held at the Hard Rock Cafe in London. Performing on stage with Jeff Beck, Mitch Mitchell and others
December 23, 1988: Gary Brooker’s Stiletto Shoes gig in Dunsfold, Surrey, England

It was a large-scale world tour that celebrated the 25th anniversary of its debut and thanked the fans who supported it for many years with the release of the anthology work, but the UK performance in the early stage with the RAH continuous performance as the main, guest・ There were various topics such as the final performance in Japan with musicians, but this US tour, which became a full-scale road, was the longest main event of the year. The performance date of this edition was in the middle of it. Clapton on that day was in great shape. I’ll start playing from the beginning, but especially since Badge after Can’t Find My Way Home featuring Nathan East, it’s been a tremendous series of plays. I get the impression that it is completely switched on. Notably, Dire Straits leader and guitarist Mark Knopfler was a friend of mine on this tour. White Room, I Shot The Sheriff and Badge, where you can listen to his own melancholy and sorrowful obligato, are also wonderful, and his band’s biggest hit, Money For Nothing, can be heard on the backing of the Clapton band. The set list consisted of a group of masterpieces representing a 25-year career. During the Japan tour, you can feel outstanding stability in After Midnight, which is played with a strong groove of remake arrangement that was dropped from the set, and a long original blues that creates a solo and bewitching atmosphere with a lot of sustain and vent. Clapton’s play on Same Old Blues is goosebumps. Also, Clapton’s solo at Layla, which is a luxury to let Knopfler play that 7-series phrase, has been so long in recent years! And hot! It is. The potential of this band is fully demonstrated in the whole story. It’s also worth noting that Layla’s prologue during this period included A Remark You Made, which Weather Report Joe Zawinul gave to his late ally Jaco Pastorius. This was made possible by Nathan’s intention to respect Jaco. The difference from the later Japan tour is that the percussion at this time was not by Ray Cooper, a former Elton John Band who later became a regular member, but by Jody Linscott, a leading British female percussionist. That was (she was asked by Pete Townshend to take part in The Who’s reunion tour the following year). She has supported countless artists She was the only one to support Clapton on this tour. One of the points of listening is the entanglement between her and Steve Ferrone, who manipulates more percussion than Cooper.
Laguna Hills can be said to have been one of the representative performances of the 1988 Celebrate National Tour. The sound quality of the existing board was also excellent, but I would like you to enjoy the upgraded master of Mr. Millard on this board. Please take this opportunity to get a better version of this sound source.

2021年1月に当店がリリースしました、エリック・クラプトンの1988年9月23日のラグナ・ヒルズ公演のマイク・ミラード音源「Laguna Hills 1988: Mike Millard 1st Generation Cassettes(2CDR)」ですが、このたび、ネット上にはさらに高音質でマスターから録り直したバージョンがアップされました!前回盤ももちろんファースト・ジェネレーションのカセットマスターからJEMSがトランスファーしたもので、ミラードテープならではの高音質を誇っていたわけですが、それをさらに上回るバージョンとなっています。恐らくマスターのカセットから何段階かを経るデジタルトランスファー工程においてアップグレードが実現できたということなのでしょう。しかしながらミラードのマスターに起因する、カセットをA面からB面に入れ替える際、また2本目のカセットに入れ替える際に発生した欠損箇所はそのままですので、前回盤同様、当店の専属エンジニアが既発のBeano盤より音圧を揃えて補填し、ハイ落ち箇所も見事に修正して違和感のない完全版を実現致しています(ソングリスト中★の部分)。そのため、ネットまんまの状態よりも良好な状態で聴き通せる、はるかに優れたバージョンに仕上がっています。この点において、本盤のアドヴァンテージは明らかかと思います。


・1988年9月1日~10月8日:全米ツアー ←★ココ★

デビュー25周年を自ら祝い、アンソロジー作品のリリースと共に長年サポートしてくれたファンに感謝する意味で実施された大規模なワールドツアーでしたが、RAH連続公演をメインに据えた序盤のイギリス公演、ゲスト・ミュージシャンを迎えて行われた終盤の日本公演と、トピックはいろいろありましたが、中でも本格的なロードとなったこの全米ツアーは最も長期に渡るこの年のメインイベントでした。本盤の公演日はその中盤に当たっていました。この日のクラプトンは絶好調。のっけから弾き捲りますが、特にネイザン・イーストをフィーチャーしたCan’t Find My Way Homeが明けてのBadge以降は凄まじいプレイの連続です。完全にスイッチが入ったような印象を受けます。特筆すべきは、このツアーにはダイアー・ストレイツのリーダー兼ギタリスト、マーク・ノップラーが友情参加していたことです。彼独自の哀愁と憂いを含んだオブリガートが聴けるWhite Room、I Shot The Sheriff、Badgeも素晴らしい上に、彼のバンド最大のヒット曲Money For Nothingをクラプトンバンドのバッキングで聴けるという旨味もあります。セットリストは25年のキャリアを代表する名曲群で構成されていました。ジャパンツアー時にはセット落ちしたリメイク・アレンジの強固なグルーブで演奏されるAfter Midnightでは抜群の安定度を感じることが出来、サスティーン&ベントを多用したソロで妖艶な雰囲気さえも醸し出す長尺のオリジナルブルースSame Old Bluesでのクラプトンのプレイは鳥肌ものです。またノップラーにあの7連フレーズを弾かせるという贅沢なLaylaでのクラプトンのソロは、近年では及びもつかないほど長い!そして熱い!のです。全編でこのバンドのポテンシャルが存分に発揮されています。この時期のLaylaのプロローグには、ウェザー・リポートのジョー・ザビヌルが盟友故ジャコ・パストリアスに贈ったA Remark You Madeが組み込まれていたことも注目です。これはジャコをリスペクトするベースのネイザンの意向によって実現したものです。後のジャパンツアーと異なる点は、この時のパーカッションは後にレギュラーメンバーとなった元エルトン・ジョンバンドのレイ・クーパーではなく、ブリティッシュ女性パーカショニストの第一人者ジョディ・リンスコットが参加していたことでした(彼女はピート・タウンゼンドに請われ、翌年のザ・フー再結成ツアーにも参加しました)。数限りないアーティストをサポートしてきた彼女がクラプトンをサポートしたのは、このツアーのみでした。クーパーよりもさらに多くのパーカッションを多彩に操る彼女とスティーヴ・フェローンとの絡み具合もリスニングの一つのポイントと言えるでしょう。

Disc 1 (55:49)
1. Intro
2. Crossroads
3. White Room ★3:27 – 3:46 バランスがコロコロ変わる (前回盤は補填入替え)
4. I Shot The Sheriff
5. Lay Down Sally
6. Wonderful Tonight
7. Tearing Us Apart ★7:03 – 7:10までプレスCD(別音源)補填
8. After Midnight★5:40で少し切れてるが歓声なのでそのまま。切れてる意図不明。
9. Can’t Find My Way Home

Disc 2 (59:55)
1. Badge
2. Same Old Blues ★14:46からモノラルになる。★14:57 – 最後までプレスCD(別音源)補填
3. Member Introduction ★0:00 – 0:05 プレスCD(別音源)補填
4. Cocaine
5. A Remark You Made
6. Layla
7. Money For Nothing ★0:00 一時停止で欠落。既発も欠落なので補填無し。
8. Sunshine Of Your Love

Eric Clapton – guitar / vocals
Mark Knopfler – guitar / vocals
Alan Clark – keyboards
Nathan East – bass
Steve Ferrone – drums
Jody Linscott – percussion
Katie Kissoon – backing vocals
Tessa Niles – backing vocals

Uxbridge 1538

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