Eric Clapton / Budokan 2023 Day 6 / 2CDR

Eric Clapton / Budokan 2023 Day 6 / 2CDR / Uxbridge
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 24th April 2023

Play sample :

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[Eric Clapton 2023 release of high-quality sound source on the final day of the performance in Japan! ]

Eric Clapton successfully completed his 23rd Japan performance for the first time in four years. At our shop, we have achieved a super-fast release in all of the performances in Japan so far, and many fans are pleased. All performances seem to be satisfied only with the release using the original stereo audience master of high sound quality that responds to the trust of everyone. Well, the high-quality sound source of the final performance on April 24, which will finally be completed with this, will also be released at a super speed! It was last Monday’s show! Of course, this work is also our original master. Due to the convenience of speed release priority, it will be released on CDR, but the content is a high-quality sound source comparable to the value of the press board.

The recorded position is Arena A-5 block, a good position in the front row in the center. Close distance of about 10m from the stage. It is a high-quality recording using a high-sensitivity microphone called Shure MV88 + iPhone12, and it feels like it contains the sound of Clapton and Doyle’s amplifier directly. It’s hard to tell with earphones, but if you listen through speakers, you’ll be able to experience the reality of being in the middle of the arena, including the cheers of the excited audience around you. This gives you more than just a fast release, it’s a satisfying experience. For those who couldn’t come to the final performance, please relive the special final night with this work!

[Exactly the beauty of the end! A wonderful performance of Clapton’s soul is here! ]

“I have something to tell you first.” On this day, the standby of the acoustic set was completed, and there was a long greeting from Clapton sitting on the chair. The gist of it was as follows.

“I want to say thank you. Again and again….I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, support, and affection for me over the years. Budokan is my favorite place in the world. Also, I love the people who gather here.But I wonder if this will be the last time.(At this point, the audience raises their voices with a commotion)  No, I don’t think so, I don’t think so.・ I’m sure we’ll keep doing it.(audience applauds)”

In other words, at this final performance, Clapton thought that in some part of his heart this would be the farewell between Japan and Japanese fans. If I had wanted to come again, I wouldn’t have bothered to greet you like this. I showed the possibility that this would be the last time, and I immediately denied it, but neither Clapton himself nor we know what will happen in the future. But Clapton certainly had something in mind, and he did his best on this day. The results are included in this work. There may be a relationship that the previous day was a holiday, but the performance heard on this day was fulfilling itself, and it was as if all the songs were packed with gratitude from Clapton to the Japanese audience. Anyway, it was a wonderful and tremendous performance that can only be described as “enthusiasm”. In this performance in Japan, the second day performance is the best, but it is safe to say that this final performance was also the best. There is no doubt that Clapton’s spirit was MAX on this day.

Please listen from the opening Blue Rainbow. Clapton on this day passes almost the whole story with ad lib play while changing his theme phrase with ad lib. And there were no misstones. With only the sixth performance, Clapton evolved this song himself. It’s amazing. Even in the following Pretending, the play is aggressive. The serious stage continues like this. And I Shot The Sheriff. First of all, the vocals are powerful! And the aftertaste solo. This flowing smoothness and phrase composition are also wonderful. There is a regrettable misstep on the way, but the comeback from there is also amazing. The slow hand playing technique of rolling up and folding is brilliant. The end is full of energy. Yes, Clapton in his heyday is back! The audience is amazed. Please listen. I will carry through the acoustic set with the strength as it is. I cut Kerry on this day for some reason. Back to the electric set, Badge. There are days when I played a solo that gave the impression that I was slack, but on this day I will “attack”. A smooth and sharp solo! It is an exquisite phrase composition. This play quality has been maintained until Cocaine without dropping. Cocaine is also a great solo with a singing voice.

It’s a wonderful stage that makes you feel Clapton’s spirit throughout. It was Eric Clapton, a legend who decorated the final beauty. Please enjoy the last (may be) Japanese performance with the wonderful sound quality of this work.

★Recording seats are in the A5 block of the arena, in the front row almost in the center. Everyone will be surprised by the miraculous, super-high sound quality.

 録音されたポジションは、アリーナA-5ブロック、ほぼ中央の前列という好ポジションです。ステージからは約10mという至近距離。Shure MV88という高感度マイク + iPhone12を使用しての高音質録音で、クラプトンとドイルのアンプ直の音を収めている感じです。イヤフォンでは判り難いですが、スピーカーを通して聴いていただくと、興奮する周りのオーディエンスの歓声等も含め、まさにアリーナ前方のど真ん中にいるリアリティが味わえます。これにより、ただ速いだけのリリースではない、十分な満足感をご提供します。最終公演に来れなかった皆さん、本作で特別な最後の夜を追体験してください!
「お礼を言いたいんだ。何度でも、ね。・・・これまでの長い間の僕への支持、支援、お気持ちに対し、心からお礼申し上げたい。僕は武道館が世界の中でも大好きな所だし、ここに集う人々のことも大好きです。でももうこれでたぶん最後になってしまうのかな。(ここでオーディエンスからざわめきとともに声が上がる) いや、そうとは思わないよ、思わないけど。・・・これからもやり続けることは確かだよ。(オーディエンスから拍手が起こる)」
 オープニングのBlue Rainbowからどうぞお聴きください。この日のクラプトンは、テーマフレーズをもアドリブで変化させながら、ほぼ全編をアドリブプレイで通しています。しかも、ミストーンは一切ありませんでした。僅か6回目の演奏で、クラプトンは自らこの曲を進化させたのです。凄いことです。続くPretendingでもプレイはアグレッシヴです。このまま真摯なステージは続いていきます。そしてI Shot The Sheriff。まずボーカルが力強い!そして後奏のソロ。この流れるような滑らかさ、フレーズ構成も素晴らしい。途中で惜しいミストーンがありますが、そこからの盛り返しがまた凄いです。捲り上げて畳み掛けるスローハンド奏法が冴え渡ります。終盤はエネルギーが迸ります。はい、全盛期のクラプトンが戻ってきたのです!オーディエンスが驚喜してます。是非お聴きください。このままの力強さでアコースティックセットもやり通します。この日はなぜかKerryをカットしました。エレクトリックセットに戻って、Badge。中弛みしたかのような印象を与えたソロを弾いた日もありますが、この日は「攻めて」ます。滑らかでキレのあるソロ!絶妙なフレーズ構成です。このプレイクオリティは以降も落ちることなく、Cocaineまで維持されています。Cocaineも歌心のある素晴らしいソロです。
★録音席はアリーナA5ブロック、ほぼ中央の前列 誰もが驚く、奇跡的・超高音質です。
Disc 1 (57:00)
1. Intro.
2. Blue Rainbow
3. Pretending
4. Key To The Highway
5. Hoochie Coochie Man
6. I Shot The Sheriff
7. MC
8. Kind Hearted Woman
9. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
10. Call Me The Breeze
11. Sam Hall
12. Tears In Heaven
Disc 2 (49:39)
1. Badge
2. Wonderful Tonight
3. Crossroads
4. Little Queen of Spades
5. Cocaine
6. High Time We Went 
Eric Clapton – guitar, vocals  
Doyle Bramhall Ⅱ – guitar, vocals  
Chris Stainton – piano, keyboards  
Paul Carrack – organ, keyboards, vocals  
Nathan East – bass  
Sonny Emory – drums  
Sharon White – backing vocals  
Katy Kissoon – backing vocals

Uxbridge 1906

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