Eric Clapton / Royal Albert Hall 2022 / 2DVDR

Eric Clapton / Royal Albert Hall 2022 / 2DVDR / Uxbridge
Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK 7th & 8th May 2022

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Eric Clapton’s latest Royal Albert Hall performance definitive video 2 disc set! ]

Starting last week, Eric Clapton has just released a great complete audience shot of his second day performance at the Royal Albert Hall (RAH) in London on the 8th. We will also release an additional complete edition as a gift item that supplements the slight cut part with another video. However, this RAH performance was scheduled for last year, but it was postponed for one year due to Korona-ka, and it was a special one that was finally realized, so we are still from the Uxbridge label, this RAH 2 days performance video I wanted to release the definitive edition.

And here is the complete set of 2 Uxbridge boards with this tall case specification. Disc 1 contains the complete edition of the gift item Layla supplement and edited, and Disc 2 contains the best of net shot footage for two days. Disc 1 contains a beautiful shot of the stage on the second day of RAH from directly in front of the stand seats on the 2nd floor without any obstacles. The composition that focuses on the whole body of Clapton and sometimes includes the whole view of the stage makes it possible to understand the progress of the stage in a realistic manner, and the audio is recorded in stereo without any trouble. This is amazing! With quality that can only be said, you can understand at a glance what kind of performance it is. Disc 2 contains the best-choice and compiled footage of different photographers on the internet for each song. The images recorded on this disc 2 are a number of wonderful close-up images. Since RAH has strict security, it is extremely difficult to keep turning the camera on the 1st floor seats from beginning to end, so I think I concentrated on the songs I wanted to shoot. I think that everyone will fall in love with the brave figure of Clapton & Band that can be seen in the close-up video just because it was selected and compiled. There is even a video of Clapton leaving the venue by car from RAH after the concert (driving by his wife, Melia). This fulfilling content is only in our shop! It’s the best definitive release in less than two weeks from the day of the concert! Please do not miss it.

[The set list that has changed completely from last year’s and this year’s March tour is attractive! ]

The attraction of this performance is not only that Clapton, who turned 77 this year, can be seen playing vigorously, but also that the set list has changed drastically, which is unusual for him. He would like to play these songs too, but I feel professionalism in his attitude of constantly updating the stage, considering his fans. The opening number comes first to the place where it is dedicated to Gary Brooker (former Procol Harum), a former ally and best friend who died in February this year. Clapton always has these bloody feelings. And the attention would have been to set in his latest song, Heart Of A Child. Although it is a digital single released only by distribution, the original song had a taste with a Latin scent, but here it is sublimated to the usual Clapton-like acoustic performance while retaining that mood. It’s a very good song for the current situation, which appeals “Don’t pollute the innocent heart of a child”. I also played in March, and I have Chaplin’s Smile set in for the first time in 48 years since 1974. Clapton’s feelings for a “smile” can be inferred because of this era. It is also a highlight that Andy Fairweather Low jumped in and supported the acoustic set starting from this song because it is local (Andy’s chorus on Smile is truly! Clapton also after playing Call in praise of him). The second half is the usual royal road composition. This sense of security! Fans would be delighted to have a lively Clapton here and play this song. It’s also very rare that Layla has been played twice on an acoustic set and an electric set. This pattern has only happened once in the 2001 Japan Tour. It was a special night that fans could enjoy it twice with different arrangements because it was a very popular song. On Disc 2, you can enjoy two takes of the four songs, I Shot The Sheriff, White Room, Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out, and Badge, on the first day and the second day. Also, the close-up video of the electric version of Layla recorded on this disc is a shot from the Doyle Bramhall side of the first floor seat, and in the song part, his sound approaching directly from Doyle’s amplifier is the main It has the taste of being able to thoroughly enjoy his wonderful inside work in this song (this is also skillful!). Clapton’s solo afterwards also shows the feat of switching to Clapton’s main sound. With Disc 1, you can grasp the flow of the entire concert, and with Disc 2, you can enjoy Clapton’s facial expressions and even the nuances of play with close-up images. If you look at this work, you will surely want to look forward to the realization of the performance in Japan in the near future.

It is a wonderful audience shot collection that you can also experience the RAH performance in a simulated manner. Please take a look.
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そしてここに完成させましたのが、このトールケース仕様のUxbridge盤 2枚組です。ディスク1にはギフトアイテムのLayla補填編集済みのコンプリートエディションを、ディスク2は2日間のベスト・オブ・ネットショット映像を収録しました。ディスク1にはRAH2日目のステージを2階スタンド席真正面から、何の障害物もない状態で綺麗に撮影した映像を収録しています。クラプトンの全身を中心に捉え、時にステージ全景も交えながらの構成は、リアルにステージ進行がよく分かるものとなっていて、音声もステレオ録音でまったくトラブルなしです。これは凄い!としか言いようのないクオリティで、どんなパフォーマンスかが一目瞭然で理解できます。ディスク2には、曲単位でバラバラにネット上に上がっているバラバラの撮影者による映像を当店がベストチョイスしてコンパイルしたものを収録しています。このディスク2に収録した映像は、素晴らしい接近映像の数々です。セキュリティの厳しいRAHですから、1階フロア席にて終始カメラを回し続けることは至難の業ゆえに、撮りたい曲だけに集中して映像に収めたのでしょう。それを選りすぐってコンパイルしただけに、接近映像で見れるクラプトン&バンドの勇姿には誰しもが惚れ惚れして見入ってしまわれると思います。中にはコンサート後、RAHから車で会場を後にするクラプトンの姿を捉えた映像まであります(運転は奥さんのメリアさんです)。この充実した内容は、当店だけ!コンサート当日から2週間と経たないうちに最高の決定版のリリースです!どうぞお見逃しなく。


この公演の魅力は、今年77歳を迎えたクラプトンが単に元気に弾き捲る姿が観られるということのみならず、彼にしては珍しくセットリストを大幅に変えてきたことです。彼もこうした楽曲をプレイしたいのでしょうが、ファンのことも考えて、常にステージをアップデートしていく姿勢には、プロフェッショナリズムを感じます。オープニングナンバーが、今年2月に亡くなったかつての盟友で親友だったゲイリー・ブルッカー(元プロコル・ハルム)に捧げられているところにまずグッと来ます。クラプトンにはいつもこうした血の通った想いがあるのです。そして注目は、目下の最新曲Heart Of A Childをセットインさせたことでしょう。配信のみでリリースされたデジタルシングルですが、原曲はラテンの薫りを漂わせるテイストになっていましたが、ここではそのムードを残しつつ、いつものクラプトンらしいアコースティック・パフォーマンスに昇華しています。「子供の純真な心を汚さないで」と訴える、今の情勢に向けたとてもいい曲です。さらに3月にもプレイしていましたが、チャップリンのSmileを何と74年以来48年ぶりにセットインさせています。この今の時代だからこそ「微笑み」を求めたクラプトンの心情が推し量れます。この曲から始まるアコースティックセットには、地元ということもあってアンディ・フェアウェザー・ロウが飛入り参加して、好サポートしているのも見所です(Smileでのアンディのコーラスはさすが!クラプトンも演奏後に彼を讃えてコールします)。後半はいつもの王道構成です。この安心感!元気なクラプトンがここにいてこの曲をプレイしるだけでファンは喜んだことでしょう。また、Laylaがアコースティックセットとエレクトリックセットで2回プレイされている事も非常にレアなことです。過去にこのパターンがあったのは、2001年のジャパンツアーのみの一度きり。大人気曲だけにファンはアレンジ違いで二度も楽しめるという特別な一夜でした。ディスク2では、I Shot The Sheriff、White Room、Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out、Badgeの4曲は初日公演と2日目公演の2テイクを楽しむことができます。またこのディスクに収録されたエレクトリックバージョンのLaylaの接近映像は、1階フロア席のドイル・ブラムホール・サイドからのショットで、歌部分ではドイルのアンプからのダイレクトに迫ってくる彼の音がメインになっていて、この曲における彼の素晴らしいインサイドワークをじっくり堪能できるという旨みがあります(これがまた巧い!)。後奏のクラプトンのソロではクラプトンの音メインに切り替わるという妙技も見せてくれます。ディスク1でコンサート全体の流れが掴め、ディスク2では接近映像でクラプトンの表情やプレイのニュアンスまでもが楽しめます。本作をご覧になれば、きっとまた近いうちの来日公演の実現を待望したくなることでしょう。


Disc 1(108:44)
Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK 8th May 2022

1. Intro
2. Lead Me To The Water
3. Key to the Highway
4. Pilgrim
5. River of Tears
6. I Shot the Sheriff
7. White Room
8. Heart of a Child (with Andy Fairweather Low)
9. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out (with Andy Fairweather Low)
10. Smile (with Andy Fairweather Low)
11. Layla (with Andy Fairweather Low)
12. Tears in Heaven (with Andy Fairweather Low)
13. Badge
14. Wonderful Tonight
15. Cross Road Blues
16. Little Queen of Spades
17. Layla (Close Up)
18. High Time We Went

COLOUR NTSC Approx.109min.

Disc 2(116:12)
Royal Albert Hall, London, UK 7th & 8th May 2022

Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK 7th May 2022

1. River Of Tears
2. I Shot The Sheriff
3. White Room
4. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
5. Badge
6. High Time We Went #1
7. High Time We Went #2
8. Leaving Royal Albert Hall Smiling

Live at Royal Albert Hall, London, UK 8th May 2022

9. Lead Me To The Water
10. Pilgrim
11. I Shot The Sheriff
12. White Room
13. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
14. Smile #1
15. Smile #2
16. Layla (acoustic)
17. Tears In Heaven
18. Badge
19. Cross Road Blues
20. Layla (electric) #1
21. Layla (electric) #2

COLOUR NTSC Approx.116min.

Eric Clapton – guitar / vocals
Nathan East – bass / vocals
Doyle Bramhall II – guitar / vocals
Sonny Emory – drums
Chris Stainton – keyboards
Paul Carrak – keyboards
Sharon White – vocals
Katie Kissoon – vocals

COLOUR NTSC Approx.229min.(total)

Uxbridge 1652

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