Emerson Lake & Palmer (ELP) / Rome & Milan 1973 / 2CD

Emerson Lake & Palmer (ELP) / Rome & Milan 1973 / 2CD / Non Label

Stadio Flaminio, Rome, Italy 2nd May 1973 STEREO SBD,Velodromo Vigorelli, Milan, Italy 4th May 1973 STEREO SBD


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EL & P in the spring of 1973 was on the eve of the production of the pinnacle work, “The Brain Reform of Fear”. The super-fine stereo sound board album is now available.
の What is recorded in this work is the sound board recording of two performances “May 2, 1973 in Rome” and “May 4, Milan”. However, it is not a separate one, it is one live album woven using the sound source of both performances. As a matter of fact, this sound source was once officialized. In the case of EL & P, there is also a “FROM THE MANTICORE VAULTS” series that just copies the bootleg, so there is often no point in having “official endorsement”, but this work is different. It is the finest sound board sound source that was featured in the box “FANFARE 1970-1997” produced by a major BMG.
触 れ る Before touching the quality of the impact, first of all, the show position. The activities of EL & P in the 1970s can be roughly divided into three groups: from formation to 1972, 1973/1974, and 1977/1978. Let’s look back at the whole view.

● 1973
・ March 30-May 4: Europe # 1 (22 performances) ← ★ coco ★
《June-September “Fear Brain Reform” Production》
・ November 14-December 18: North America # 1 (30 performances)
● 1974
・ January 24-April 6: North America # 2 (34 performances)
・ April 18-June 2: Europe # 2 (29 performances)
・ July 26-August 31: North America # 3 (18 performances)

This is EL & P’s 1973/1974 year. From the formation to 1972, the three people have been recording and touring almost without break, but at the end of 1972 the first large-scale off. After a charging period of about 4 months, it restarted from the end of March 1973. This “1973/1974 period” was a time when the Daimyo board “Brain Reform of Fear” was the core, but the two performances of this work are just before the production. The concert was the 20th performance of “Europe # 1” and the last day.
This work is a live album made from soundboard recordings recorded in those two performances, but the combination is a little complicated. Here, let’s organize the expression parts along with the composition of the show.

[DISC 1] ◎ Tarcas (May 4 Milan)
☆ Evil Scripture No.9 First Impression Part 1 & 2 (Rome 2 May)
◎ Still … You Turn Me On (May 4, Milan)
☆ Lucky Man (Rome, May 2)
[DISC 2] ◎ Piano Improvisation / Take a Stone / Hough Down (Mil 4th May)
☆ Exhibition picture / Rondo (Rome, May 2)
* Note: “◎” indicates a performance in Rome and “☆” indicates a performance in Milan.

… and it looks like this. And its quality is enormous. Indeed, the official box is the only official feature, it is a completely official class, and it is not inferior to the traditional edition “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN” … It can be said that there is. In fact, the “Take A Pebble” part before entering “Still … You Turn Me On” is incomplete (so it was not released alone !?) Quality.
演奏 One more thing that didn’t seem to be a single piece was the performance itself. The new song “Karn Evil 9” which has not been recorded yet is quite dangerous. As you may be familiar with “Europe # 1” recording, you know, but at this point you have only played the first impression, but the contents of the first version are not boiled down. Not only is the arrangement different, but the performance is not good enough, the texture is insane and the ensemble is on the verge of collapse. Even so, EL & P is intense because it pushes the song forcibly, and it is the momentum of the 70s that makes it possible. In fact, recordings in 1973 were very popular, because (unintentionally) the power industry, the essence of EL & P, was fully open.
Of course, except for “Evil Scripture No.9,” it is a splendid splendor. The ensemble that performed 20 performances has reached its territory even though it was a long holiday break, and the climax potential of the strongest, highest keyboard trio in history has exploded. In “Still … You Turn Me On”, Greg sang cheerfully, and when he muttered, “Give me the noise, you messed up”, a loud cheer came out. Indeed, you can enjoy plenty of large-scale shows that climb to the “EL & P of the world”.

ま で It’s a little more until the great masterpiece of the century, “The Reform of the Fear”. The spring of 1973, when the glory of performance was glimpsed, and the pain of birth to create a masterpiece was transparent. It is a great masterpiece that lets you enjoy the show with the finest sound board. The official box “FANFARE 1970-1997” was an enormous extraordinary item called “CD x 18 + BD + analog x 5”, and the featured sound board live was also an analog board. It was a hidden treasure that only humans who had surpassed several hurdles could know. However, its contents were more widely known and the finest world to be heard. This work is a press 2CD that permanently preserves the same finest sound board sound source at a quality that is comparable to the official record. Enjoy it anytime, anytime, any number of times.

そんな本作に記録されているのは、2公演「1973年5月2日ローマ公演」と「同5月4日ミラノ公演」のサウンドボード録音。ただし、それぞれ別々ではなく、両公演の音源を使用して編み上げられた1本のライヴアルバムです。実のところ、この音源はかつてオフィシャル化されたこともあるもの。EL&Pの場合、ブートレッグをコピーしただけの『FROM THE MANTICORE VAULTS』シリーズもあるので“公式お墨付き”の意味がなかったりする事も多々なのですが、本作は違う。大手BMG製作のボックス『FANFARE 1970 – 1997』でも目玉となっていた極上サウンドボード音源なのです。



【DISC 1】
☆悪の教典♯9 第1印象パート1&2(5月2日ローマ)
【DISC 2】

……と、このようになっています。そして、そのクオリティこそが絶大。さすが公式ボックスでも目玉になるだけあって完全オフィシャル級であり、伝統盤『LADIES AND GENTLEMEN』にもまったく劣っていない……と言いますか、ムーグのダイレクト感に至っては伝統盤をも凌駕していると言っても良い。実のところ、「Still…You Turn Me On」に入る前の「Take A Pebble」パートが不完全だったりする(だから単独リリースされなかった!?)のですが、それ以外は堂々の名盤級クオリティなのです。
さらにもう1点、単独での作品化に至らなかったと思われるのは、演奏そのもの。まだレコーディングされていない新曲「Karn Evil 9」がかなりヤバい。「欧州#1」録音に慣れている方はご存じのことと思いますが、この時点ではまだ第1印象しか演奏していませんが、その中身も細部が煮詰められていない初期バージョン。単にアレンジが違うというだけでなく、演奏もこなれておらず、キメがめちゃくちゃでアンサンブルも崩壊寸前。それでも強引に曲を進めてしまうからEL&Pは強烈で、それを可能にしてしまうのが70年代の勢い。実は1973年録音は非常に人気が高いのですが、それは(図らずも)EL&Pの真髄である力業が全開だからこそ。
もちろん、「悪の教典♯9」以外は全盛の素晴らしさ。いかに長期の休み明けとは言っても20公演をこなしたアンサンブルは本領に達しており、史上最強・最高キーボード・トリオの絶頂ポテンシャルが炸裂。「Still…You Turn Me On」ではグレッグが朗々と歌いつつ、最後に「ノイズをくれ、くそったれども」とつぶやくと盛大な喝采が湧く。まさに“世界のEL&P”に登り詰めた大物然としたショウがたっぷりと楽しめるのです。

世紀の大名盤『恐怖の頭脳改革』まで、あと少し。全盛の演奏も垣間見えつつ、最高傑作を創り上げんとする産みの苦しみが透けていた1973年の春。そのショウを極上サウンドボードで味わい尽くせる大傑作です。公式ボックス『FANFARE 1970 – 1997』は「CD×18枚+BD+アナログ×5枚」という常軌を逸した巨大アイテムでしたし、目玉のサウンドボード・ライヴもアナログ盤。幾重ものハードルを越えた人間だけが知り得る秘宝でした。しかし、その中身はもっと広く知られ、聴かれるべき極上の世界だったのです。本作は、同じ極上サウンドボード音源をオフィシャル盤に負けないクオリティで永久保存したプレス2CD。いつでも、いつまでも、何度でも、心ゆくまで存分にお楽しみください。

Disc 1 (46:11)
1. Intro
2. Tarkus
3. Karn Evil 9 1st Impression Pt. 1
4. Karn Evil 9 1st Impression Pt. 2
5. Still…You Turn Me On
6. Lucky Man

Disc 2 (52:47)
1. Piano Improvisations
2. Take A Pebble
3. Hoedown
4. Pictures At An Exhibition
5. Rondo incl. Drum Solo


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