Eagles / Santa Monica 1980: Mike Millard 1ST Generation Cassette / 2CD

Eagles / Santa Monica 1980: Mike Millard 1ST Generation Cassette / 2CD / ZION-177

Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA, USA 29th July 1980 TRULY PERFECT SOUND

Play sample :

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EAGLES in 1980 was on the countdown to collapse, despite its unprecedented success. Introducing the Mirrored Master, which vacuum-packed the site.
This work was recorded in “July 29, 1980 Santa Monica performance”. It is the superb audience recording. Of course, the biggest point of this work is the transcendent sound by the legendary master Mike Millard, but in fact the show itself was extremely historical. To explain its meaning, let’s look back at the big picture of “THE LONG RUN TOUR”.

● 1979
・ September 17-25: Japan (6 performances)
“September 24,” THE LONG RUN “released”
・ September 30-November 20: North America # 1 (30 performances)
・ December 21 + 22: North America # 2 (2 performances)
● 1980
・ January 26-March 10: North America # 3 (21 performances)
・ June 14-29: North America # 4 (12 performances)
・ July 27-31: California (4 performances) ← ★ Coco ★

This is EAGLES in 1979/1980. Their official dissolution announcement was made in 1982, but the activity ended within 1980. The last is 4 performances in California called “Santa Monica 3 consecutive performances + Long Beach performance”. These four performances were also the main performances of the official traditional edition “EAGLES LIVE”, but this work is the third performance among them (the day when the two songs “Hotel California” and “Life’s Been Good” were officially adopted. ). In other words, it was the final concert, the last two performances just before the dissolution.
This work recorded at such a show is a superb sound that I would like to call an “official-class audience”. In fact, it’s a show that was adopted as part of “EAGLES LIVE”, but it’s not inferior even if you listen to it side by side with that traditional edition. Although there is a slight “sounding feeling” in the growth of vocals, the thick core, crisp outline, and half a step are sound board grade. It’s important to note, but the ones that are being compared here are not the official excavations. That historic masterpiece, that great masterpiece “EAGLES LIVE” is thin.
For that matter, it even surpasses the freshness and reality. “EAGLES LIVE” is also a fresh person for an official work, but after all there is overdubbing, and the fusion with the 1976 sound source with different members is also exciting. It’s also historical as a musical difference, and it’s not a dimension of beauty / defect anymore, but when it comes to “re-experience feeling of the show”, it is not comparable to this work that penetrates at once … No, at my feet It doesn’t even reach. Moreover, this work is the highest peak board that pursued the possibility of such a famous recording to the maximum. At the time of the original sound, it was the best sound, but there was room for improvement in the lack and range. This work is the ultimate board without even such a slight “ski”.
Although it was the scene of “EAGLES LIVE” that was drawn with such an official daimyo board-class miracle sound, it was actually a similar and non-full show. Here, let’s organize the set while comparing it with the traditional edition.

● Redon era (5 songs)
・ Rogue: Saturday Night / Desperado
・ On the Border: Already Gone (◇)
・ One of These Nights: After The Thrill Is Gone (◇) / Lyin’Eyes (◇)
● Walsh era and others (12 songs)
・ Hotel California: Pretty Maids All In A Row (◇) / Hotel California (★)
・ Long Run: In The City (◇) / The King Of Hollywood (◇) / The Sad Cafe (◇) / I Can’t Tell You Why / Those Shoes (◇) / Heartache Tonight / The Long Run
・ Others: Keep On Tryin ’(◇: POCO) / Seven Bridges Road (Steve Young) / Life’s Been Good (★: Joe Walsh)
* Note: “◇” is a song that cannot be heard on the traditional edition “EAGLES LIVE”. “★” is the take adopted in “EAGLES LIVE”.

… And it looks like this. Two songs were adopted for “EAGLES LIVE”, but the impression of the whole set is quite different. Of the 17 songs that will be shown in this work, only about half of the 17 songs will be covered by “EAGLES LIVE”. Moreover, the contents are Tokuno. Familiar songs such as “Already Gone” are increasing, but most of them are rare songs, such as Timothy B. Schmidt’s song “Keep On Tryin'” and “After The Thrill Is Gone” unique to that time. Is also played. The new songs “The King Of Hollywood” and “The Sad Cafe” are limited to “THE LONG RUN TOUR”. You can enjoy such a delicious repertoire with a mirrored sound that surpasses even the official works.
And the on-site feeling that such a set is unfolding is exquisite. Don’t get me wrong here, it’s not (never!) A recording covered in loud cheers and roars. Rather, the balance between the playing sound and the cheers is very similar to the official work “EAGLES LIVE”. Even so, there is no unnatural feeling like adjusting the volume with a mix, and even the “sympathetic” that the enthusiasm of the audience feeds back to the enthusiasm of the performance is real.

2020 was a year from the beginning to the excavation of the Mirrored Master, but this work is one that boasts exceptional quality among them. The sound alone is powerful and unrivaled, but the content is also a historical full show of the moment. It is no exaggeration to say that even the traditional masterpiece “EAGLES LIVE” is surpassed. Please enjoy it with the permanent storage press 2CD.

★ Superb audience recording of the last 2 performances “July 29, 1980 Santa Monica performance” before the dissolution. A superb sound that is directly digitized from the 1st Gene Cassette of the legendary master Mike Millard, and is called an “official-class audience”. In addition, the latest mastering that maximizes the possibilities has been applied, and a superb sound comparable to the historical masterpiece “EAGLES LIVE” has been realized. The show is a masterpiece that was also adopted in “EAGLES LIVE”, and you can enjoy plenty of 9 songs in the repertoire that you can not hear on the official edition.

そんな本作が記録されたのは「1980年7月29日サンタモニカ公演」。その超極上オーディエンス録音です。本作最大のポイントはもちろん伝説名手マイク・ミラードによる超絶なるサウンドにあるわけですが、実はショウ自体も極めて歴史的でした。その意味をご説明するためにも、“THE LONG RUN TOUR”の全体像から振り返ってみましょう。

《9月24日『THE LONG RUN』発売》

これが1979年/1980年のEAGLES。彼らの正式な解散発表は1982年になってからですが、活動は1980年内に終了。その最後はカリフォルニア州での4公演で「サンタモニカ3連続公演+ロングビーチ公演」というもの。この4公演はオフィシャルの伝統盤『EAGLES LIVE』のメイン公演にもなったわけですが、本作はその中でも3公演目にあたる(2曲「Hotel California」「Life’s Been Good」が公式採用された日です)。つまり、解散直前のラスト2公演目という最末期のコンサートだったわけです。
そんなショウで録音された本作は「公式級オーディエンス」と呼びたい超極上サウンド。実際『EAGLES LIVE』の一部として採用されたショウでもあるわけですが、あの伝統盤と並べて聴いてもまったく劣っていない。ヴォーカルの伸びにわずかな「響き渡り感」があるものの、極太の芯もキリッとした輪郭も半歩もサウンドボード級なのです。大事なことですので念押ししますが、ここで比較対象になっているのはそんじょそこらの発掘オフィシャルではありません。あの歴史的名作、あの大名盤『EAGLES LIVE』に肉薄しているのです。
もっと言えば、生々しさやリアリティでは上回ってさえいる。『EAGLES LIVE』もオフィシャル作品にしては生々しい方ですが、やはりオーバーダブもあれば、メンバーも違う1976年音源との融合も豪快。それもこれも音楽差品として歴史的で今さら美点/欠点の次元ではないわけですが、こと「ショウの追体験感」にかけては一気貫通な本作には敵わない……いや、足下にも及ばないのです。しかも、本作はそんな名録音の可能性を最大限に追究した最高峰盤。原音の時点で極上サウンドではあったのですが、ヌケとレンジに改善の余地があった。本作はそんなわずかな「スキ」さえもない究極盤なのです。
そんなオフィシャル大名盤級のミラクル・サウンドで描かれるのは『EAGLES LIVE』の現場でありつつ、実は似て非なるフルショウ。ここでは伝統盤と比較しながらセットを整理してみましょう。

・ならず者:Saturday Night/Desperado
・オン・ザ・ボーダー:Already Gone(◇)
・呪われた夜:After The Thrill Is Gone(◇)/Lyin’ Eyes(◇)
・ホテル・カリフォルニア:Pretty Maids All In A Row(◇)/Hotel California(★)
・ロング・ラン:In The City(◇)/The King Of Hollywood(◇)/The Sad Cafe(◇)/I Can’t Tell You Why/Those Shoes(◇)/Heartache Tonight/The Long Run
・その他:Keep On Tryin’(◇:POCO)/Seven Bridges Road(スティーヴ・ヤング)/Life’s Been Good(★:ジョー・ウォルシュ)
※注:「◇」は伝統盤『EAGLES LIVE』では聴けない曲。「★」は『EAGLES LIVE』に採用されたテイク。

……と、このようになっています。2曲が『EAGLES LIVE』に採用されたわけですが、セット全体ではかなり印象が異なる。本作で披露される全17曲のうち『EAGLES LIVE』と被るのは約半分の8曲だけなのです。しかも、その中身が特濃。「Already Gone」のようにお馴染みの曲も増えていますが、ほとんどはレア曲で、ティモシー・B・シュミットの持ち曲である「Keep On Tryin’」や当時ならではの「After The Thrill Is Gone」も演奏される。新曲「The King Of Hollywood」「The Sad Cafe」に至っては“THE LONG RUN TOUR”だけの限定曲なのです。そうした美味しいレパートリーの数々がオフィシャル作品も凌駕するミラード・サウンドで楽しめてしまうのです。
そして、そんなセットが繰り広げられていく現場感が絶品。ここでカン違いしないで頂きたいのは、大声援や嬌声にまみれた録音では(決して!)ないという事。むしろ、演奏音と歓声のバランスは公式作『EAGLES LIVE』に酷似しているくらい。それでいながらミックスで音量を調整するような不自然感がなく、観客の熱狂が演奏の熱気にフィードバックしていく「交感」までもがリアルなのです。

2020年はミラード・マスターの発掘に終始した1年でしたが、本作はその中でも格別のクオリティを誇る1本です。そのサウンドだけでも強力無比ですが、さらに内容も歴史的な刹那のフルショウ。もはや伝統の名作『EAGLES LIVE』さえも凌駕すると言っても過言ではない超名盤。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分にお楽しみください。

★解散前のラスト2公演目「1980年7月29日サンタモニカ公演」の超極上オーディエンス録音。伝説名手マイク・ミラードの1stジェネ・カセットからダイレクトにデジタル化された銘品で、「公式級オーディエンス」と呼びたい超絶級サウンド。さらに可能性を最大限に引き出す最新マスタリングも施し、歴史的名作『EAGLES LIVE』にも匹敵する超極上サウンドを実現しました。ショウは『EAGLES LIVE』にも採用された名演で、公式盤では聴けないレパートリーも9曲たっぷり楽しめます。

Disc 1 (49:02)
1. Intro
2. Saturday Night
3. After The Thrill Is Gone
4. Keep On Trying
5. Seven Bridges Road
6. Pretty Maids In A Row
7. Hotel California
8. Already Gone
9. In The City
10. The King Of Hollywood

Disc 2 (50:32)
1. The Sad Cafe
2. Lyin’ Eyes
3. I Can’t Tell You Why
4. Desperado
5. Those Shoes
6. Heartache Tonight
7. In The Long Run
8. Life’s Been Good

Glenn Frey – Guitar, Keyboards, Vocal
Don Henley – Drums, Guitar, Vocal
Don Felder – Guitar, Vocal
Joe Walsh – Guitar, Keyboards, Vocal
Timothy B. Schmit – Bass, Vocals



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