Dream Theater / Download Japan 2022 / 2CDR

Dream Theater / Download Japan 2022 / 2CDR / Shades
Live at Makuhari Messe 1-3 Hall, Chiba, Japan 14th August 2022

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Two years after the cancellation due to the new corona pandemic, DREAM THEATER’s 14th visit to Japan has finally come true. A superb original recording that conveys the scene is now available.
Of course, what is imbued in this work is the performance of “August 14, 2022: Makuhari Messe”. It is a superb audience recording recorded when serving as a bird of “DOWNLOAD JAPAN”. The current DREAM THEATER is in very good shape. The new work “A VIEW FROM THE TOP OF THE WORLD” released last year has been highly evaluated worldwide as a masterpiece after a long time, and marked the highest score in more than ten years on major evaluation sites such as progarchives and RTM. Finally, “The Alien” won the first Grammy Award, and it seems that he has reached his peak several times since coming here. First of all, let’s look back on their recent situation on the schedule and check the position of the show.

● 2021
《“A VIEW FROM THE TOP OF THE WORLD” will be released on October 22nd》
● 2022
・ February 2-March 21: North America (32 performances)
《April 3: 64th Grammy Awards》
・ April 20-June 1: Europe (29 performances)
・ August 10th + 14th: Asia (2 performances) ← Coco
・ August 31-September 10: South America (4 performances)

This is the schedule for 2021/2022 that has been announced so far. In 2020, not only the visit to Japan but also the world tour was suspended, and in 2021, “A VIEW FROM THE TOP OF THE WORLD” was announced, but the live was not held. The tour will begin in 2022 and is planned to continue through South America next month. “DOWNLOAD JAPAN” appearance is one act of “Asia” which was only two performances with Singapore just before. For the first time in five years, it was also a one-night performance in Japan.
This work, which vacuum-packed such a precious scene, is truly a masterpiece. In our shop, it is an original master only for this work by Mr. “West Japan’s Strongest Taper”, but there is no choice but to give the biggest compliment as “sound board class” and “just like an official”. If you listen carefully with headphones, it seems that the slightly thicker sound is also absorbed, but the core of the extremely thick and rushing power eats through the sound and completely offsets the sense of distance. It is a superb sound that is dynamic but also has a close contact.
The “strongest” Mr. collection seems to be the best and natural, but this time it has a slightly different meaning. After all, this time “DOWNLOAD JAPAN” became a topic that the sound of the on-site PA was not very good. In fact, I received a recording that backed up that reputation, and I thought, “Even if you are a master of recording, this time will be tough …”. However, this time it was just as amazing. Apparently, it seems that this was also the effect of the newly introduced microphone. Mr. “Strongest” is good at recording HR/HM, and he has conquered Makuhari Messe. This time, I was anticipating that it would be a roar, and I was preparing the equipment that matched it. It is always the “strongest” collection that has a reputation for “better sound than heard on site”, but this time … no, this time it will show you its dreadfulness.
With such a transcendental sound, the Grammy Award-winning prog-metal paradise is depicted. First, let’s organize the set.

● After joining Mangini
・A View from the Top of the World: The Alien / Awaken the Master / Invisible Monster / A View From the Top of the World
・A Dramatic Turn of Events: Bridges in the Sky
The Portnoy Era
・90s: Pull Me Under/6:00
・2000s: Endless Sacrifice/The Count of Tuscany

… and it looks like this. An epical show that rolls out big songs one after another, centering on new songs from “A VIEW FROM THE TOP OF THE WORLD” with the Grammy song “The Alien” at the top. In fact, only “6:00” and “Invisible Monster” are 7 minutes or less, and the others are all heavyweight compositions of around 10 minutes.
And then, at the end of it all, is the representative song “Pull Me Under”. It may seem obvious if you listen to this work only, but in fact this day is the first live performance in three years. DREAM THEATER in recent years has a style that hardly changes the set during the tour, and this time it is a special addition only for Japan. Looking back, their first visit to Japan was 1992, 30 years ago. I don’t know if they commemorated it, but it is also a highlight that flashes back memories of a long history.
30 years after his first visit to Japan, the founder of prog-metal has regained its heyday. It is a new masterpiece that allows you to experience the one-time performance in Japan with the best sound of the sound board barefoot. A master’s design that will make you wonder, “Is the sound so good?” Please enjoy it to the fullest.

★ The best audience recording of “DOWNLOAD JAPAN performance on August 14, 2022”. A tremendous original recording that goes “just like a sound board” by West Japan’s strongest taper. It is said that the on-site PA for this “DOWNLOAD JAPAN” was not very good, but by introducing a new microphone that can handle explosive sounds, the core of the rushing power is captured in a glossy and dynamic way. . A group of new songs, including the Grammy-winning song “The Alien”, and “Pull Me Under (first visit to Japan 30th anniversary?)”, which was only available in Japan, are also new masterpieces where you can experience a delicious full show.

新型コロナ・パンデミックによる中止から2年、ついに実現した14度目となるDREAM THEATERの来日公演。その現場を伝える極上オリジナル録音が登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは、もちろん「2022年8月14日:幕張メッセ」公演。“DOWNLOAD JAPAN”のトリを務めた際に収録された極上オーディエンス録音です。現在のDREAM THEATERは、まさに絶好調。昨年リリースされた新作『A VIEW FROM THE TOP OF THE WORLD』は世界的にも久々の傑作と評価が高く、progarchivesやRTMといった大手評価サイトでも十数年ぶりという高得点をマーク。トドメに「The Alien」が初のグラミー賞まで受賞し、ここに来て幾度めかの全盛期を迎えているようです。まずは、そんな彼らの近況をスケジュールで振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。


これが現在までに公表されている2021年/2022年のスケジュール。2020年は来日だけでなく、ワールド・ツアーが中断しており、翌2021年は『A VIEW FROM THE TOP OF THE WORLD』が発表されつつ、ライヴは行われませんでした。ツアーは2022年に入ってから開始され、来月の南米まで続く計画。“DOWNLOAD JAPAN”出演は、直前のシンガポールと共に2公演だけだった「アジア」の一幕。5年ぶりにして、一夜だけの日本公演でもありました。
“最強”氏コレクションとなれば極上で当たり前のようにも思えますが、今回はちょっと意味が違う。何しろ、今回の“DOWNLOAD JAPAN”は、現場PAの音があまり良くなかったと話題にもなったのです。実際、その評判を裏付けるような録音も届いており、「いかに当代きっての録音の達人であっても今回ばかりは厳しかろう……」と思っていたのです。ところが、今回も変わらずスゴかった。どうやら、これは新たに導入したマイクの効果もあった模様。“最強”氏はHR/HM系の録音に長けていますし、幕張メッセも攻略済み。今回は爆音になると先読みし、それに合った機材をキチッと準備して臨んでいたのです。常に「現場で聴いたより良い音」と評判になる“最強”氏コレクションではありますが、今回も……いや今回こそ、その凄味を見せつけてくれるのです。

・ア・ヴュー・フロム・ザ・トップ・オブ・ザ・ワールド:The Alien/Awaken the Master/Invisible Monster/A View From the Top of the World
・ア・ドラマティック・ターン・オブ・イベンツ:Bridges in the Sky
・90年代:Pull Me Under/6:00
・2000年代:Endless Sacrifice/The Count of Tuscany

……と、このようになっています。グラミー曲「The Alien」を筆頭とした『A VIEW FROM THE TOP OF THE WORLD』からの新曲を軸にしつつ、大曲を次から次へと繰り出すエピカルなショウ。実際7分以下なのは「6:00」と「Invisible Monster」だけで、他は全部10分前後という重量級の構成なのです。
そして、その最後に鎮座するのが大代表曲「Pull Me Under」。本作だけ聴くと当たり前のように思えるかも知れませんが、実はこの日が3年ぶりの生演奏なのです。近年のDREAM THEATERはツアー中にほとんどセットを変えないスタイルでして、今回は日本だけ特別に追加。思い返せば、彼らの初来日は30年前の1992年。それを記念してくれたのかは分かりませんが、長い歴史の想い出がフラッシュバックするハイライトでもあるのです。

★「2022年8月14日DOWNLOAD JAPAN公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。西日本最強テーパー氏による「まるでサウンドボード」を地で行く凄まじいオリジナル録音。今回の“DOWNLOAD JAPAN”は、現場PAがあまり良くなかったとも言われていますが、爆音にも対応できる新マイクを導入した事で突進力バツグンの芯が艶やか・ダイナミックに捉えられている。グラミー受賞曲「The Alien」を筆頭にした新曲群や、日本だけだった「Pull Me Under(初来日30周年記念?)」も美味しいフルショウを極上体験できる新名盤です。

Disc 1 (56:48)
1. Intro (Pink Soldiers / Super Strength (Invincible))
2. The Alien
3. 6:00
4. Awaken the Master
5. Endless Sacrifice
6. Bridges in the Sky

Disc 2 (61:47)
1. MC
2. Invisible Monster
3. A View From the Top of the World
4. The Count of Tuscany
5. Pull Me Under★

James LaBrie – lead vocals
John Petrucci – guitars, backing vocals
John Myung – bass
Jordan Rudess – keyboards
Mike Mangini – drums

Shades 1593

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