Cream / Winterland 9th March 1968 / 1CD

Cream / Winterland 9th March 1968 / 1CD / Beano
Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA, USA 9th March 1968

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[The legendary band that changed rock, cream’s unreleased audience source is a miracle again! ]

Last week, we released the unpublished audience source of the Fillmore San Francisco performance on March 3, 1968, but the person who recorded the master is another monaural performance of San Francisco’s Winterland performance on March 9. The audience source is also uploaded online! This is also a miraculous sound source released after 55 years, and we have no choice but to release it on the press board! Like Fillmore, this source was recorded with good sound quality that can be heard normally despite this era. However, the original master on the net had the difficulty that the pitch was different for each scene, except for Spoonful, so we carefully corrected all of them and corrected the pitch. Furthermore, the overall sound pressure with waves is adjusted to make it easier to hear. Therefore, it can be asserted that this work is the only version that is easier to listen to and improved from the original master on the net. By all means, I hope you can experience the unreleased sound source of Cream’s shock in this work. Cream’s 2nd U.S. tour at this time lasted for about 4 months, and among them, a series of performances in the west coast area from February 29th to March 10th in the early stage was officially recorded as a highlight of the tour. The live take of the sound board recording is sold in pieces such as Cream’s official board “WHEELS OF FIRE”, “LIVE CREAM”, “LIVE CREAM VOL.2”, Japanese CD “CREAM OF ERIC CLAPTON” etc. It was recorded in , and made the world aware of the awesomeness of Cream’s live performances. In the underground, a monaural sound board source with slightly poor sound quality on March 10 leaked out, Sunshine Of Your Love, Steppin ‘Out, I’m So Glad, a different take from rare We’re Going Wrong and official Although I was able to listen to , it did not reach the level where I could enjoy the undisclosed live take. Sunshine Of Your Love has been recorded in “LIVE CREAM VOL.2” from the March 9 performance included in this work, and if you listen to the same song of this work, it is exactly the same take, so this day You can see that it is a performance of, and at the same time you can see that other songs are completely unreleased takes. At the beginning, there is even an introduction MC of Bill Graham, who was famous as a famous promoter from the 60’s to the 80’s. This alone is an exciting sound source.

[A vivid record of the second American tour that achieved the US victory! ] Let’s once again look back on Cream’s activities from 1967 to this tour.

・January to February 22, 1967: UK domestic club tour including BBC TV and radio appearances
・February 24, 1967-March 8, 1967: Germany, Northern Ireland, Northern European tour
・March 12-21, 1967: Club gig in London
・ March 25, 1967 to April 2, 1967: Appeared in “Music In The 5th Dimension Show” sponsored by Murray the K at the RKO Theater in New York.
・ April 14th to May 7th, 1967: British domestic tour including BBC radio appearances
・ May 19-21, 1967: Performance in Germany
・ May 22, 1967 to August 20, 1967: British domestic tour including BBC radio appearances (including Paris performances at spots on June 1)
・August 22nd to October 15th, 1967: 1st American Tour
・October 24th to November 6th, 1967: UK domestic tour including BBC radio appearances
<<In November 1967, the album “DISRAELI GEARS” was released>>
・November 10 to November 23, 1967: Northern European tour
・November 23-December 3, 1967: British domestic tour including BBC radio appearances
・ December 20-23, 1967: Chicago and Detroit performances at spots
・January 5, 1968-February 10, 1968: TV appearances in the Netherlands, UK domestic tour including spot Scandinavian performances
・February 23rd to June 18th, 1968: 2nd American Tour ← Coco

As you can see, even though it was a super group consisting of three people who had already distinguished themselves as virtuosos of musical instruments in the UK at the time, they toured the UK, Germany, and Scandinavia without a break for promotion. I understand. And it was the world’s largest market, and it was also the time when the jazz and blues, which were the backgrounds of the three of them, entered the real America. In the first American tour, New York and San Francisco were the main performances, but they made their name in two cities, and they carried out a long-term tour of the United States, including other cities, and achieved a virtual conquest of the United States. But it was this second American tour. The outstanding techniques of the three artists made it possible to expand the blues interpretation performance at a loud volume that no one had practiced at the time, and to establish an improvisational performance that stretched the songs from several minutes in the studio version to more than 10 minutes. That changed the new genre of music called “rock”. The Winterland performance at the beginning of the second American tour that proves that fact. It can be said that it contains a piece of cream’s truth that follows up the official live sound source along with the previous Fillmore performance. Following Fillmore, we guarantee that you will not regret adding this upgraded version to your collection.

[Two performances a day that changed the set list]

This performance was a promotional tour after the release of the new album “DISRAELI GEARS” at that time, but it was a tour with a new set list. And on top of the long-term tour of 4 months, this day was also a hard schedule with two performances like Fillmore. In terms of the number of songs recorded, this master does not include the first set of Crossroads, the second set of Toad and I’m So Glad, Spoonful is missing the middle improvisation part, and Steppin’ Out is slightly There are some shortcomings, such as recording only 0:53, but the content more than makes up for it. The two songs at the beginning, Sitting On Top Of The World, and Sleepy Time Time are almost completely complete takes, and it is nice to hear a completely different take performance from the official. Especially Sitting On Top Of The World is very valuable because it was a number that had not yet been announced at this point. It is only this work that you can listen to the live take of this song at this time. The recording of “Wheels Of Fire”, which contains the studio version of this song, was progressing between tours, so it can be seen that it was already completed at this point, and the arrangement for the live performance was also solidified. It seems that Sweet Wine is unfortunately cut after returning to the theme from a long improvisation, but you can fully enjoy the three’s angry ad-libs. Spoonful states that Cat’s Squirrel is included, but this is the form in which Clapton inserts the phrase of this song in a playful manner near the ending. Such ad-libs are also a charm unique to Cream, whose expression of play has changed day after day.
Like the recently released “Fillmore San Francisco 1968 1st Night”, a super valuable sound source that has seen the light of day after 55 years. This work is also a valuable sound source that is comparable to historical ancient ruins that were excavated while keeping the original shape. Please try to slip back in time to Winterland 55 years ago with this one-of-a-kind product that is only available at our store.

(remastered memo)

★Fixed different high pitches for each scene except for Spoonful.

★The overall sound pressure has been adjusted.

* Completely monaural recording.


先週、1968年3月3日のフィルモア・サンフランシスコ公演の未発表オーディエンスソースをリリース致しましたが、そのマスターを録音したご本人がもう一つ、3月9日のサンフランシスコのウィンターランド公演のモノラル・オーディエンスソースもネット上にアップしました!これまた55年の時を経て公開された奇跡の音源であり、当店としましてはこれもプレス盤でのリリースに踏み切らざるを得ません!フィルモア同様、このソースもこの時代にもかかわらず、普通に聴ける良好な音質で録音されていたからです。但し、ネット上の元マスターではSpoonful以外、ピッチが場面毎に異なって高いという難点を含んでいましたので、それらの箇所をすべて丁寧に修正し、ピッチを正しました。さらに波のあった全体の音圧を整えて聴きやすくしています。従いまして、ネット上の元マスターからさらに聴きやすく改善されたバージョンは本作だけと断言できます。是非とも本作でクリームの衝撃の未発表音源を体験していただければと思います。この時のクリームの第2回全米ツアーは約4ヶ月に亘って行なわれ、中でも序盤の2月29日~3月10日にかけての西海岸エリアでの連続公演はツアーのハイライトとして正式ライブレコーディングが行なわれ、そのサウンドボード録音のライブテイクは、クリームのオフィシャル盤「WHEELS OF FIRE」、「LIVE CREAM」、「LIVE CREAM VOL.2」、日本盤CD「CREAM OF ERIC CLAPTON」等に切り売りされる形で収録され、クリームのライブでの凄さを世界中に認識させたものでした。アンダーグラウンドでは、3月10日のやや音質の悪いモノラル・サウンドボードソースが流出し、レアなWe’re Going Wrongやオフィシャルとは別テイクのSunshine Of Your Love、Steppin’Out、I’m So Gladを聴くことができたものの、未公開のライブテイクを堪能できるまでのレベルには及びませんでした。本作に収められた3月9日公演からはSunshine Of Your Loveが「LIVE CREAM VOL.2」に収録されており、本作の同曲を聴いていただければ正に同テイクですので、この日の公演だとお判りいただけるでしょうし、同時にその他の曲は完全未発表テイクであることもお判りいただけるでしょう。冒頭には、60年代~80年代にかけて名プロモーターとして名を馳せたビル・グラハムの紹介MCまで入っています。これだけでもワクワクする音源です。


・1967年3月25日~4月2日:ニューヨーク、RKOシアターでのマレー・ザ・K主催「Music In The 5th Dimension Show」に出演。
<<1967年11月、アルバム「DISRAELI GEARS」リリース>>
・1968年2月23日~6月18日:第2回アメリカン・ツアー ←★ココ★



本公演は、当時のニューアルバム「DISRAELI GEARS」のリリース後のプロモーションツアーに当たりましたが、新たなセットリストで臨んだツアーでした。そして4ヶ月という長期ツアーの上に、この日もフィルモア同様2回公演というハードスケジュールだったのです。収録曲数の点から、本マスターではファーストセットのCrossroads、セカンドセットのToadとI’m So Gladが未収録ですし、Spoonfulは中間のインプロヴィゼーションパートがゴッソリ欠落していたり、Steppin’ Outは僅か0:53のみの収録だったりと、欠点はありますが、それを補って余りある内容となっています。冒頭の2曲とSitting On Top Of The World、Sleepy Time Timeはほぼ完奏テイクで収められており、オフィシャルとは完全別テイクのパフォーマンスが聴けるのが嬉しいところです。特にSitting On Top Of The Worldはこの時点ではまだ未発表だったナンバーだっただけに、非常に貴重です。この時期にこの曲のライブテイクが聴けるのは本作だけです。この曲のスタジオバージョンが収められる「Wheels Of Fire」のレコーディングはツアーの合間を縫って進行していましたので、この時点では既に完成していたことが窺えますし、ライブでのアレンジも固まっていたようです。Sweet Wineは、長いインプロパートからテーマに戻ったところで惜しくもカットとなりますが、三人の怒涛のアドリブは十分堪能できます。Spoonfulは、 Cat’s Squirrelをインクルードしている旨が記載されていますが、これはエンディング近くでクラプトンがお遊び風にこの曲のフレーズを挿入している形です。こうしたアドリブも、連日プレイの表情が変わったクリームならではの魅力でしょう。
先日リリースしました「Fillmore San Francisco 1968 1st Night」同様、55年の時を経て日の目を見た超貴重音源。本作もまた原形を留めたまま発掘された歴史的古代遺跡にも匹敵するような価値ある音源です。そのグレードアップを図った当店だけの本作で55年前のウィンターランドにタイムスリップしてみてください。





First set:
1. Bill Graham’s Introduction
2. Tales of Brave Ulysses
3. N.S.U.
4. Sweet Wine

Second set:
5. Spoonful (incl. Cat’s Squirrel)
6. Sunshine of Your Love
7. Sitting on Top of the World
8. Steppin’ Out
9. Sleepy Time Time

Eric Clapton: guitar, vocals
Jack Bruce: bass, vocals
Ginger Baker: drums

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