Cozy Powell / The Drums Are Back Sessions Dat Masters Archives / 2CD+1Bonus CDR

Cozy Powell / The Drums Are Back Sessions Dat Masters Archives / 2CD+1Bonus CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:

Recorded at Monnow Valley & Fleece studios in the UK 1992  Taken From The original DAT Master Tapes Belonged To Cozy Powell Plus 1CDR ‘ The Drums Are back Album Mixes Final’



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The time of release in 2011, the second edition of all of Koji Powell fan was allowed to startle followed by “THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX”, “THE DRUMS ARE BACK” progress sound source is, in the rainy day 2-Disc Complete limited press CD release decision! The last of “THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX” is mainly had recorded over 74 minutes as the center of the studio session in late from the 1991 autumn, the sound source to be emerging this time, 1992, the year has been opened session from January to February. Official grade sound quality is a matter of course, the music that was closer to the more complete, the volume multiplied by the previous, you valuable session sound source carefully Kikikome!

Of the five solo albums that Cozy has left, this “THE DRUMS ARE BACK!” Is one surprisingly evaluation is not determined. But contrary to the (even though was clearly saying castigated) evaluation at the time of, full of the contents in his personality and essence full of flavor that it can be said that the “very cozy”. In recent years, also re-recognize the goodness of the contents of fans and enthusiasts, we are ahead of re-evaluation for the album.
Became an important factor when the re-evaluation, excavation of the recent spate of “Cozy Tapes”. In particular, and “THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX” This time of rehearsal sound source – the emergence of “BACK TO WIN TOUR REHEARSALS 1992” is now and again and is free of important one in order to study the 1992 Cozy.
Its “THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX”, there was still a “continuation”! This work is intended to Cozy is a number of recorded take in the recording session, which went to the 1992 beginning, was Onban into direct than the original DAT master of Cozy ownership. Of course, all is complete the world’s first appearance! Stepping deeply into the stunned fan “THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX” or more to the “1992 Cozy”, is shocking excavation material!

To label the disk 1 “Album Mixes From 29-1-92” and more “Album Mixes From 2-2-’92” and handwriting have been two of the DAT master, recorded over the entire 16-track about 62 minutes doing.
Can be first understood in the sound source, a number of the music closer to completion in the “THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX” or more, how it seems to have been trial and error what to recording to the album. It suddenly feel makes the can confirm three take in the beginning is “The Anthem (Battle Hymn)”. For track 1 that contains the whole song, 2 take the different ending while recording from the middle song is really interesting. Track 2 ends with fade out, track 3 round out the Bishitsu at Cozy of the drum, is likely to state floats in the eyes that are pondering while compared to listen to Cozy as “Which would be interesting?”.
Also 2 take is housed “Legend Of The Glass Mountain” and “I Wanna Hear Your Shout”, can see the 3 take “Return Of The 7” is found is a difference in the sound image while very fine, Cozy is details I feel that was looking for the “best take” up to.
In addition, the final version of the vocals the song “Unchain My Heart” was unreleased in the album I do not miss to listen to. This song was surprised the mania even “THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX” in the last time, that of the unpublished songs guitarist who cooperate with the album, Jamie Paige wrote in around ’87. Also of entering vocal with “Cryin ‘”, I feel the artisan aspects of Cozy that graduation hit nor a catchy song mono.
Furthermore “Edited” and the notation has been “Classical Gas” and, (a small guitar and keyboard, drums have abandon out in front!) Different mix that is independent of the album has been subjected to “The Drums Are Back” is also listening to great place. In particular, the latter is the more impressive will want to say that “If Cozy solo would be here!”

Then, in the disk 2, “Album Mixes 6-2-92” and “Session Tape” and than label notation has been DAT, has been recorded among all the 14 songs, about 59 minutes.
Take from from track 1 to 9 “Album Mixes 6-2-92”. I did not listen to the disc 1 “Nothing But Blue” 2 takes and, different “Ride To Win” is a mix, respectively, will surprise the fans a lot.
Key persons that are common to these two songs, it’s Brian May. The former “Nothing But Blue” is, but has been recorded in the vocals in Brian’s solo album “BACK TO THE LIGHT”, had been housed as “Somewhere In Time” Installation In “THE DRUMS ARE BACK” (Brian of “Ressurection” and is the same relationship as the “Ride to Win” Cozy). Than is installation, but it should be referred to as the “Somewhere In Time” if the original, is a very interesting fact that is credit dare under the name of “Nothing But Blue” (It should be noted that, to play in the “Somewhere In Time” and it had the Ray Fenwick). Also sound image is also different in both.
3 takes of “Ride To Win” is more interesting! In “Brian May Mix” with the track 2 guitar is issued to the front, “Ride To Win # 2” of the track 4 “Heavy Kick -! Loud More” proviso as expected drum sound is impressive especially. “Guitar Up” track 5, which is a is a feeling that was noticeable the guitar on the basis of the track 4, you’ll enjoy the battle of the guitar and drums.
And this work a maximum of listening stations is track 3, “Lonely Nights”. This is the same song that becomes a first appearance, you can enjoy the melodious Kyokuso of mid-tempo. Degree of perfection is also high, why what seems to wonder whether this is the not been announced yet. It should be noted that, of the disk 1 “Unchain My Heart” and “Cryin ‘”, similar to “I Wanna Hear Your Shout”, again is how Jerry Lane is singing.
“Session Tape” of track 10 or later, although the date what is not clear, also you can enjoy the sound quality and the music of the finished version class as ever. Mix “Another Mix” is a word of the surprise of “The Drums Are Back” and track 13, “The Rocket” in the finished version with very different track 12. Both Kyokuso is significantly different, in the former there even percussive impression, the latter with a glittering and metallic colors will give even shock to listeners!
The last recorded take of only the base and keyboard of “The Drums Are Back.” Here in about do not know what the song is only by listen to one (is there meaning techno-pop), this will also result in a shock to the whole world of Cozy mania.

The sound source is not only the spotlight in 1992 still unknown part is often Cozy now, further should promote the re-evaluation of the album “THE DRUMS ARE BACK”. And historical documentation of course, as also the contents of the ultra-first class entertainment, among other “Cozy tape”, would say that especially impressive. This work is not only Cozy Powell fan, one must-listen must-have for all of the British hard rock fans. In historical excavation in appropriate fully qualified press CD2 Disc, it is the imposing of the release decision here!

2011年のリリース時、全てのコージ・パウエル・ファンを驚愕させた「THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX」に続く「THE DRUMS ARE BACK」プログレス音源の第二弾が、まさかの2枚組完全限定プレスCDでリリース決定です! 前回の「THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX」は、主に1991年秋から暮れにおけるスタジオ・セッションを中心として74分間に渡り収録していましたが、今回新たに登場する音源は、年が明けた1992年1月から2月にかけてのセッション。オフィシャル級の音質はもちろんの事、より完成に近づいた楽曲、前回に倍するボリュームで、貴重なセッション音源をじっくりと聴き込めます!

コージーが残した5枚のソロアルバムのうち、この「THE DRUMS ARE BACK!」は意外なほど評価が定まらない一枚です。しかし当時の(はっきり言って酷評とすらいえた)評価とは裏腹に、彼の個性とエッセンスに溢れた中身は「まさにコージー」といえる旨みでいっぱい。近年はファンやマニアも内容の良さを再認識し、アルバムに対する再評価も進んでいます。
その再評価にあたって重要なファクターとなったのが、近年相次ぐ”コージー・テープス”の発掘。特に「THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX」や、当時期のリハーサル音源「BACK TO WIN – TOUR REHEARSALS 1992」の登場は、コージーの1992年を研究する上でまたと無い重要な一本となりました。
その「THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX」には、まだまだ”続き”がありました! 本作はコージーが’92年初めに行ったレコーディング・セッションにおいて録音されたテイクの数々を、コージー所有のオリジナルDATマスターよりダイレクトに音盤化したもの。もちろん全てが完全世界初登場! ファンを驚かせた「THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX」以上に”1992年のコージー”へと深く踏み込む、衝撃的な発掘素材です!

ディスク1ではラベルに”Album Mixes From 29-1-92″および”Album Mixes From 2-2-’92″と手書された2本のDATマスターより、全16トラック・約62分に渡って収録しています。
本音源でまず理解できるのが、「THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX」以上に完成へ近づいた楽曲の数々を、どのようにアルバムへ収録しようかと試行錯誤していたらしい事。それをいきなり感じさせるのが序盤に3テイクが確認できる「The Anthem (Battle Hymn)」です。曲全体を収めたトラック1に対し、曲中盤からの収録ながらエンディングが異なる2テイクは実に興味深い。フェイドアウトで終了するトラック2,コージーのドラムでビシッと締めくくるトラック3は、コージーが聴き比べながら「どっちが面白いだろう?」と思案している様子が目に浮かびそうです。
また2テイクが収められた「Legend Of The Glass Mountain」や「I Wanna Hear Your Shout」、3テイクを確認できる「Return Of The 7」は、ごく微細ながらも音像に違いが見られ、コージーが細部に至るまで”最善のテイク”を探っていた事を感じさせます。
また、完成版のアルバムでは未収録だったヴォーカル入り曲「Unchain My Heart」は聴き逃せません。前回の「THE DRUMS ARE BACK ROUGH MIX」でもマニアを驚かせたこの曲は、アルバムに協力したギタリスト、ジェイミー・ペイジが’87年ごろに書いた未発表曲との事。同じくヴォーカル入りの「Cryin’」とともに、キャッチーな歌モノでもソツなく叩くコージーの職人的な側面を感じます。
さらに”Edited”と表記された「Classical Gas」や、アルバムとは異なるミックス(ギターやキーボードが小さめで、ドラムが思い切り前面に出ています!)が施された「The Drums Are Back」も大きな聴き所。特に後者は、「コージーのソロならこっちだろう」と言いたくなるほど印象的です!

そしてディスク2では、”Album Mixes 6-2-92″および”Session Tape”とラベル表記されたDATより、全14曲・約59分間を収録しています。
トラック1から9までは”Album Mixes 6-2-92″からのテイク。ディスク1では聴けなかった「Nothing But Blue」2テイクや、それぞれミックスの異なる「Ride To Win」は、ファンを大いに驚かせるでしょう。
この2つの曲に共通するキーパーソン、それはブライアン・メイ。前者「Nothing But Blue」は、ブライアンのソロアルバム「BACK TO THE LIGHT」においてヴォーカル入りで収録されましたが、「THE DRUMS ARE BACK」ではインストの「Somewhere In Time」として収められていました(ブライアンの「Ressurection」およびコージーの「Ride To Win」と同じ関係です)。インストである以上、本来ならば「Somewhere In Time」と表記されるはずですが、あえて「Nothing But Blue」の名でクレジットされている事実はとても興味深いです(なお、「Somewhere In Time」でプレイしていたのはレイ・フェンウィック)。また音像も双方で異なっています。
3テイクの「Ride To Win」はもっと面白い! ”Brian May Mix”とされたトラック2ではギターが前面に出され、トラック4の「Ride To Win #2」は”Heavy Kick – Loud More!”の但し書きどおりドラム・サウンドが殊更に印象的。”Guitar Up”とされたトラック5は、トラック4を元にギターを目立たせた感じで、ギターとドラムのバトルを楽しめるでしょう。
そして本作最大の聴き所がトラック3の「Lonely Nights」。これが初登場となる同曲では、ミッドテンポのメロディアスな曲想を楽しめます。完成度も高く、なぜこれが未発表なのか不思議に思えるほど。なお、ディスク1の「Unchain My Heart」や「Cryin’」,「I Wanna Hear Your Shout」同様、ここでもジェリー・レーンが歌っている様子です。
トラック10以降の”Session Tape”は、日付こそ明確ではないものの、これまでと同じく完成版級の音質と楽曲を楽しめます。ミックスが完成版と大きく異なるトラック12の「The Drums Are Back」とトラック13「The Rocket」の”Another Mix”は驚きの一言。どちらも曲想が大きく異なり、パーカッシヴな印象すらある前者に、きらびやかでメタリックな色彩を持つ後者は、聴き手にショックすら与えるでしょう!
ラストには「The Drums Are Back」のベースおよびキーボードのみのテイクを収録。こちらは一聴しただけでは何の曲か判らないほど(ある意味テクノ・ポップです)で、これも全世界のコージー・マニアに衝撃をもたらすでしょう。

本音源は今なお知られざる部分が多いコージーの1992年にスポットを当てるだけでなく、アルバム「THE DRUMS ARE BACK」の再評価をさらに推し進めるはず。歴史的な資料としはもちろん、エンターテイメントとしても超一級の中身は、数ある”コージー・テープ”の中でも、特に印象深いと言えるでしょう。本作はコージー・パウエル・ファンだけでなく、全てのブリティッシュ・ハードロック・ファンにとって必聴必携の一本。歴史的発掘にふさわしい完全限定プレスCD2枚組で、ここに堂々のリリース決定です!

Disc 1(62:19)

1992 The Drums Are Back Session #1
DAT “Album Mixes From 29-1-92”

1. The Anthem (Battle Hymn) 2. The Anthem (Battle Hymn) Edit #1 (Fade)
3. The Anthem (Battle Hymn) Edit #2 (Stop) 4. Legend Of The Glass Mountain #1
5. Return Of The 7 #1 6. Return Of The 7 #2 (Master) 7. Somewhere In Time (The 6/8) (30-1-92)
8. Classical Gas (Edited) (31-1-92) 9. Unchain My Heart (with Vocal) (1-2-92)
10. I Wanna Hear Your Shout (Shout) (2-2-92) 11. The Rocket (2/2/92)
12. The Drums Are Back (Another Mix) (3-2-92) 13. Cryin’ (Edited)
14. Legend Of The Glass Mountain #2
DAT “Album Mixes From 2-2-’92”

15. Return Of The 7 16. I Wanna Hear Your Shout

Disc 2(58:46)

1992 The Drums Are Back Session #2

DAT “Album Mixes 6-2-92”
1. Nothing But Blue – Inst #1 (Somewhere In Time) 2. Ride To Win #1 (Brian May Mix)
3. Lonely Nights (On Vocal – Unreleased Song) (5-2-92) 4. Ride To Win #2 (Heavy Kick) (6-2-92)
5. Ride To Win #3 (Guitar Up)(6-2-92)
6. Nothing But Blue – Inst #2 (Brian’s 6/8 – Somewhere In Time) (6-2-92)
7. Classical Gas (Edited Master) (7-2-92) 8. The Anthem (Battle Hymn) #1 (7-2-92)
9. Legend Of The Glass Mountain (7-2-92)

DAT “Session Tape” (Cozy Powell – Demo’s)

10. The Anthem (Battle Hymn) #2 11. Nothing But Blue #3 (Inst Mix – Somewhere In Time)
12. The Drums Are Back (Another Mix) 13. The Rocket (Another Mix)
14. The Drums Are Back (Bass & Keyboard)



Cozy Powell / The Drums Are Back Album Mixes Final / 1Single CDR / Non Label

1992 The Drums Are Back Session #3

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