Blue Murder / Ritz 1989 / 1CDR

Blue Murder / Ritz 1989 / 1CDR / Shades

The Ritz, New York, NY, USA 28th November 1989

Play sample :

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Genius guitarist: BLUE MURDER, the full bloom of John Sykes and the strongest trio of hard rock in the 80’s. Introducing a live album where you can experience the scene of your shocking debut.
“November 28, 1989 New York performance” is imbued with such a work. An excellent audience recording recorded by the legendary club “The Ritz”. Speaking of BLUE MURDER / SYKES, it seemed to be synonymous with Big in Japan, but during the debut era, the United States also actively toured. I was working to capture the United States as if I was the one who made “SERPENS ALBUS”. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s look back on the schedule at that time.

“April 24,” BLUE MURDER “released”
・ July 10-29: North America # 1 (15 performances)
・ August 20-27: Japan (7 performances)
・ September 12-October 7: North America # 2 (13 performances)
・ October 22nd-December 2nd: North America # 3 (12 performances) ← ★ Coco ★

This is BLUE MURDER in 1989. Since their materials are limited, I can’t say if they are all in the above, but unlike later years, it is certain that North America was the main. The performance in New York of this work was the 11th performance of “North America # 3” which is the final stage.
This work recorded at such a show is a fresh and realistic masterpiece audience. It’s not the type that is mistaken for a sound board in terms of tone, but that doesn’t mean it’s too far away. The thick core that is on is approaching, and it feels “immediately in front of you” in combination with the feeling of a closed room on a club scale.
The guitar is especially strong. The glossy and powerful black beauty that roars to push away both the bass and vocals! The wide vibrato and the strength choking are so delicate that you can see how the strings are raised, and you can understand all the glissandos and harmonics in detail. Moreover, it is beautiful. If the guitar is focused to that extent, the peak may be distorted or noise may occur, but this work is an exception. It is beautifully drawn from a sharp rise to the end where one sound disappears, and it does not collapse even if the machine gun picking’s rapid fire explodes. In fact, the biased balance of the guitar (and Nick Green’s keyboard) is hard to say the beauty of proportion, but that’s why it’s also a powerful “guitar album.”
What is drawn with such a thick direct sound is an enthusiastic performance by the strongest trio aiming to conquer the United States. It was a short set because it was the opening of Billy Squier on that day, but that’s why it’s Tokuno. When I first came to Japan, I increased the amount with Rod Stewart, THE FIRM, Jimi Hendrix’s cover, etc. to make up for the lack of repertoire, but in this work such extravagant meat has been completely deleted. The order in which the representative songs of the famous board “BLUE MURDER” are lined up in a row for about 50 minutes is the live performance version of the 1st album, and it looks like a concentrated version. Moreover, the deadly “Still Of The Night” is enshrined in the middle of it.
And the performance that spells the set is unrivaled. It’s too late, but the trio of Sykes / Carmine / Franklin is still amazing. Sykes’s guitar pushes it thick and flashy, and Carmine pushes back the pressure head-on while listening to a percussive singing heart. And Franklin’s fretless, who dances and dances in a teasing manner, inciting the gap between the two gachinko. It seems to be selfish to the three parties, and the tension is pouring dramaticism into the songs that have been created tightly. Moreover, because it is short, the concentration and explosive power that makes the whole story sprint is even more tremendous.
Even after the later Mendoza / Austin era and after the name change of SYKES, each person’s playing ability was perfect, and I was able to fully enjoy the wonderfulness of the masterpieces. However, this divine sense of urgency is unique to the original BLUE MURDER. This work is a live album where you can experience the miracle scene in the best possible way.

The masterpiece “BLUE MURDER”, which is more dignified than “SERPENS ALBUS”. It is a shocking live album where the band potential of the three people who created that super-famous board explodes. The pinnacle of genius guitarist, one that allows you to experience the strongest trio in British hard rock history up close. Please experience the miracle site that ended with bubbles, please take a closer look at this work.

★ Excellent audience recording of “November 28, 1989 The Ritz Performance”. The thick core that is on is approaching, and it feels “immediately in front of you” in combination with the feeling of a closed room on a club scale. Especially the guitar is intense, the wide vibrato and the strong choking are so delicate that you can see how the strings are raised, and you can see all the glissando and harmonics in detail. Although it is a short set only on the undercard, there is no cover like a performance in Japan, and the uninterrupted concentration of the whole story is unrivaled. It is a Tokuno live album where you can experience the best of the masterpiece “BLUE MURDER” + “Still Of The Night”.

天才ギタリスト:ジョン・サイクスの完全開花であり、80年代ハードロック最強のトリオでもあったBLUE MURDER。衝撃デビューの現場を極上体験できるライヴアルバムが登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1989年11月28日ニューヨーク公演」。伝説クラブ“The Ritz”で記録された絶品オーディエンス録音です。BLUE MURDER/SYKESと言えば、ビッグ・イン・ジャパンの代名詞のようでもありましたが、デビュー時代はアメリカも積極的にツアー。『SERPENS ALBUS』を作ったのは俺だと言わんばかりに全米攻略に勤しんでいました。良い機会でもありますので、そんな当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。

《4月24日『BLUE MURDER』発売》

これが1989年のBLUE MURDER。彼らの資料は限られているので上記で全部なのかは断言しかねるのですが、後年とは違って北米がメインだったのは確実。本作のニューヨーク公演はその最終盤となる「北米#3」の11公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
特に強烈なのはギター。ベースもヴォーカルも押しのけるように轟くブラック・ビューティの艶やかで力強いこと! 幅広ヴィヴラートも剛力チョーキングも弦の上げ具合が分かるほどに繊細で、グリッサンドもハーモニクスも事細かにすべてが分かる。しかも、美しい。そこまでギターがフォーカスされるとピークが歪んだり、ノイズが発生してもおかしくないのですが、本作は例外。鋭い立ち上がりから1音が消えゆく端の端まで綺麗に描かれ、マシンガンピッキングの速射が炸裂しても潰れない。実のところ、ギター(とニック・グリーンのキーボード)に偏ったバランスは均整の美とは言いがたかったりもするのですが、だからこそ強烈な「ギター・アルバム」でもあるのです。
そんな極太ダイレクト・サウンドで描かれるのは、全米制覇を目指していた最強トリオによる熱演。この日はビリー・スクワイアのオープニングでもあったのでショート・セットなのですが、だからこそ特濃。初来日ではレパートリー不足を補う為にロッド・スチュワートやTHE FIRM、ジミヘンのカバーなどで増量していましたが、本作ではそうした贅肉は一切削除されている。約50分の持ち時間に大名盤『BLUE MURDER』の代表曲をズラリと並べたオーダーは、1stアルバムの生演奏版であり、濃縮版の様相。しかも、そのド真ん中には必殺の「Still Of The Night」が鎮座しているのです。
後のメンドーサ/オースティン時代やSYKES改名後も各人の演奏力は申し分ありませんでしたし、名曲の素晴らしさは十分に味わえました。しかし、この神々しいまでの緊迫感は、オリジナルBLUE MURDERだけのもの。本作は、その奇跡の現場を極上体験できるライヴアルバムなのです。

『SERPENS ALBUS』以上に威厳に充ち満ちた最高傑作『BLUE MURDER』。あの超名盤を生み出した3人のバンド・ポテンシャルが爆発する衝撃のライヴアルバムです。天才ギタリストの頂点であり、英国ハードロック史上の最強トリオを間近体験できる1枚。泡沫で終わってしまった奇跡の現場、どうぞ本作でじっくりとご体験ください。

★「1989年11月28日ザ・リッツ公演」の絶品オーディエンス録音。オンで極太な芯がグイグイと迫り、クラブ規模の密室感とも相まって「すぐ目の前」に感じる。特にギターが強烈で、幅広ヴィヴラートも剛力チョーキングも弦の上げ具合が分かるほどに繊細で、グリッサンドもハーモニクスも事細かにすべてが分かる。前座だけにショート・セットながら来日公演のようなカバーがなく、全編途切れない集中力は強力無比。大名盤『BLUE MURDER』の代表曲+「Still Of The Night」を極上体験できる特濃ライヴアルバムです。

1. Riot
2. Valley Of The Kings
3. Still Of The Night
4. Billy
5. Jelly Roll
6. Blue Murder
7. Tony Franklin Clarinet Jam

John Sykes – Vocals, Guitar
Tony Franklin – Bass
Carmine Appice – Drums
Nick Green – Keyboards

Shades 1518

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