Black Sabbath / Osaka 1989 Soundboard / 1CD+2Bonus CDR

Black Sabbath / Osaka 1989 Soundboard /1CD+2Bonus CDR / Zodiac

Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 19th October 1989 SBD

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Welcome to the heroes Cozy Powell and Neil Murray, BLACK SABBATH in 1989 revived in a lineup called “the strongest in British rock.” The upgrade master of the finest sound board born from that performance in Japan is now available on the Permanent Press CD.

[Cozy sound board born from the legendary return to Japan] の The performance engraved on this work is “October 19, 1989: Osaka Festival Hall”. This is the FM sound board recording. BLACK SABBATH has revived with Cozy Powell’s recruitment and has entered an era that can be called a “hidden golden age”. Due to the tide of the times and the musicality that greatly shifted, it did not lead to a big hit, but the songs created, the sound played, the high-grade ensemble were comparable to the Ossie / Ronnie era. I will omit the splendor of the music because it does not have a sharpness, but if you are interested in this article, it is a memorable place even if “strong professional records were mass-produced”. Although it was a bad time commercially, the world tour that bet on a revival was the number of performances since “BORN AGAIN TOUR”, and many sound boards / professional shots were born to sell it. Here, let’s take a bird’s-eye view of the entire tour and organize various sound board / pro shot collections in order to imagine the situation.

<< April 24 “HEADLESS CROSS” release >>
・ May 31-June 14: North America (11 performances)
・ August 31-September 11: UK (10 performances) “MANCHESTER 1989 PRE-FM MASTER”
・ September 14-October 2: Europe (14 performances) “DEFINITIVE VIENNA 1989”
・ October 14-21: Japan (5 performances) ← ★ This work ★
・ November 19-December 8: Russia (20 performances) “HEADLESS IN RUSSIA (2 performances)”

[Long and overwhelmingly natural upgrade master] This is BLACK SABBATH 1989. The itinerary can be roughly divided into five, but a total of four (5 performances) professional records were recorded from each leg except North America. This work is a sound board album that was born from a performance in Japan. This recording has been known for a long time and has been loved by our shop as the out-of-print title “STILL HEADLESS (part of)”. This work is that equalizing recurrence. . . . . Well, no. It is an upgrade master directly digitized from the Air Check Master at the time.
違 い The difference is obvious immediately after playback. It is the same as the conventional edition that is edited along with the broadcast frame, but while the group that has already started has started from “ Headless Cross ”, this new master is strictly from the BGM “ Ave Satani ” before the start start. “The Gates Of Hell” is also firmly recorded, and the whole is longer than two and a half minutes. The mood is completely different by this alone, but more than that is the sound that goes through the whole story. This is quite different from the conventional board, and it is extremely natural. As revealed by this new master, the groups that have already been found have been significantly processed in the 90s. The original FM broadcast was a pretty monaural mix, but it was forcibly expanded in a pseudo-stereo, and conversely processed into a tight sound that emphasized the core by narrowing down the sound. I understand the intent, but coupled with the poor environment and technology of the 90’s, there was a sense of incongruity that could not be described at all, and the light and thin chip became the “degraded sound board.”
However, this work is completely different. Carefully treats only slight noise without touching the stereo balance and master freshness approaching the center. Because it is unprocessed, it does not have the stiff feeling of failure of conventional plastic surgery, and the sound is wide with natural sound. This is more important than expressing it in words. As you know if you love Cozy Sabbath, the “HEADLESS CROSS” and “TYR” eras are oriented toward a sound world with an echo-like sound, and even in live (although not as much as studio-style) sounds Was being made. However, if a person who does not understand this aesthetic senses mastering, they want to emphasize the difference from the audience recording and change it to “cut the echo” or “front the core anyway!” It was thought that the broadcasting staff was stupid in the strangely tight and unnatural sound conventional board, but rather the post-broadcast processing was the big problem. This work is a beautiful piece of “1989 Sound” that reveals the truth of such broadcasting.

の The sound is a dramatic and heavy sabbath whose dramaticism has been raised to the utmost by Cozy. I’ve been introducing various places that his okaz is different from anyone in the past, so I’ll omit it, but it’s nothing but bliss that you can enjoy with the soundboard’s brains directly hitting sound. And live in Japan. From their first visit to Japan, the supreme FM sound board album “EVILMANIA” was born, but this work is a cozy version of it.
コ ー BLACK SABBATH of the Cozy era that let you hear the beauty of beautiful dramatic HR. The world was too cold for that overly rich music. In the live that should be in its territory, the scourge continues to miss even the official. This is the highest ever record of a masterpiece broadcast that will bring the unforgettable scenes of Japanese performances to a perfect soundboard collection for such an era. Please enjoy it forever and ever on the permanent preservation press CD!

英雄コージー・パウエル&ニール・マーレイを迎え、“英国ロック最強”とまで言われるラインナップで甦った1989年のBLACK SABBATH。その来日公演から生まれた極上サウンドボードのアップグレード・マスターが永久保存プレスCDで登場です。

そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1989年10月19日:大阪フェスティバルホール」公演。そのFMサウンドボード録音です。コージー・パウエルの加入と共に復活したBLACK SABBATHは、“隠れた黄金期”とも言うべき時代に突入しました。時代の潮流と大きくズレた音楽性もあって大ヒットには至りませんでしたが、生み出す曲・奏でるサウンド・格調高きアンサンブルはオジー時代/ロニー時代にも匹敵していました。音楽の素晴らしさはキリがないので割愛しますが、もう1点、本稿に目を留められた方なら「強力なプロ記録が量産された」事でも思い出深いところ。商業的には不遇期ではあったものの、復活を賭けたワールド・ツアーは“BORN AGAIN TOUR”以来の公演数となり、売り込むためもあったのか幾多のサウンドボード/プロショットも誕生。ここで、その状況をイメージするためにもツアー全体像を俯瞰して各種サウンドボード/プロショット・コレクションも整理してみましょう。

・8月31日-9月11日:英国(10公演)『MANCHESTER 1989 PRE-FM MASTER』
・9月14日-10月2日:欧州(14公演)『DEFINITIVE VIENNA 1989』
・10月14日-21日:日本(5公演) ←★本作★
・11月19日-12月8日:ロシア(20公演)『HEADLESS IN RUSSIA(2公演)』

これがBLACK SABBATHの1989年。その旅程は大きく5つに分類できるのですが、北米以外の各レッグから合計4本(5公演)のプロ記録が残されました。本作は、そのうち日本公演から誕生したサウンドボード・アルバムなのです。この録音は古くから知られ、当店でも廃盤タイトル『STILL HEADLESS(の一部)』としても愛されてきました。本作は、そのイコライジング再発。。。。。では、ありません。当時のエアチェック・マスターからダイレクトにデジタル化されたアップグレード・マスターなのです。
その違いは再生直後から明らか。放送枠に沿って編集されているのは従来盤と同じなのですが、既発群が「Headless Cross」から始まっていたのに対し、今回の新マスターは開演前BGM「Ave Satani」から厳かにスタート。「The Gates Of Hell」もしっかりと収録され、全体でも2分半以上長くなっているのです。これだけでもムードが全然違うのですが、それ以上なのが全編を貫くサウンド。これが従来盤とはまったく異なり、極めてナチュラルなのです。今回の新マスターで判明したのですが、既発群は90年代感覚で大幅に加工されていました。元となったFM放送はかなりモノラルっぽいミックスだったのですが、それを強引に疑似ステレオで広げ、逆に鳴りを絞り込んで芯を強調したタイトなサウンドに加工。意図は分かるのですが、90年代の稚拙な環境・技術と相まって何とも表現しがたい違和感が生まれ、軽く痩せたチープさが「格落ちサウンドボード」となってきました。
しかし、本作はまったく違う。中央に寄ったステレオ・バランスやマスター鮮度には触れず、わずかなノイズだけを丁寧にトリートメント。無加工だけに、従来盤の美容整形に失敗したような引きつった感じがなく、鳴りが自然なままにワイドなのです。これは言葉で表現するよりも重要。コージー・サバスを愛する方ならご存じと思いますが、『HEADLESS CROSS』や『TYR』時代はエコー感のある音世界を志向しており、(スタジオ作ほどではないにせよ)ライヴでもそれに準じた音づくりがされていました。ところが、この美意識を理解していない人間がマスタリングしてしまうとオーディエンス録音との違いを強調したくて「エコーを削る」「とにかく芯を前に!」と変えてしまうわけです。妙にタイトで不自然サウンドの従来盤では放送スタッフがアホだったのかとも思われてきましたが、むしろ放送後の加工にこそが大問題だった。本作は、そんな放送の真実まで詳らかにする“1989年サウンド”が麗しい1枚でもあるのです。

美しきドラマティックHRの極みを聴かせてくれたコージー時代のBLACK SABBATH。その芳醇すぎる音楽に対して、世界はあまりにも冷たかった。本領であるはずのライヴに至っては、オフィシャルでさえ見逃してしまう惨状が続いています。そんな時代のサウンドボード・コレクションを完璧する1本にして、忘れ得ぬ日本公演の現場を甦らせてくれる大傑作放送の史上最高峰盤。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDでいつでも、いつまでもお楽しみください!

01. Ave Satani ★既発未収
02. The Gates Of Hell
03. Headless Cross
04. Neon Knights
05. The Mob Rules
06. Guitar Intro.
07. Black Sabbath
08. Iron Man
09. Children Of The Grave
10. Heaven And Hell
11. Paranoid / Heaven And Hell(reprise)

Tony Iommi – Guitar
Tony Martin – Vocals
Neil Murray – Bass
Cozy Powell – Drums
Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards


Zodiac 375


Black Sabbath – Osaka 1989 Audience Recording / 2CDR / Non Label
Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 19th October 1989

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The main press CD is the best record of a performance you can forget in Japan, and a valuable soundboard album that conveys the true value of BLACK SABBATH during the Cozy-Powell era worldwide. It is an upgrade master that updates the highest peak. Although it is one of the must-have and must-have pieces, it is not a full show recording. I want to experience the full version just because it’s such a wonderful show. I want to know the whole view because it’s a masterpiece. That’s humanity. Therefore, we have prepared a live album where you can experience the full show with great sound.
も ち ろ ん The work included in this work is, of course, the same as the main press CD, “October 19, 1989: Osaka Festival Hall” performance. It is a great audience recording. In the main part of the commentary, we have organized the soundboard situation in particular around the world, so let’s focus on the schedule of coming to Japan at that time and check the show position.

・ October 14: Club Città Kawasaki “DEFINITIVE KAWASAKI 1989”
・ October 16: Tokyo Welfare Pension Hall “POWER OF DARKNESS”
・ October 17: Tokyo Health and Welfare Pension Hall “HEADLESS NIGHT”
・ October 19: Osaka Festival Hall ← ★ coco ★
・ October 21: Aichi Prefectural Labor Hall “NAGOYA 1989”
* Only representative albums on each day.

Above, all 5 performances. For the first time in nine years, I revisited the famous masterpiece “HEADLESS CROSS” since “HEAVEN AND HELL”. In addition, we have archives with numerous masterpieces only at the monumental visit to Japan, including even the heroes Cozy and Neil Murray. We have a collection where you can experience all the performances. This work is a full live album that is also the Osaka edition.
Such a work is extremely valuable. The original master given by the recording artist and will be unveiled in Japan for the first time. Of course, it is not only unusual, but the sound is also excellent. Indeed, it can not be compared with the main part press CD of FM sound board, but the direct feeling that almost does not feel the sound of the hall is amazing. The strong core does not feel any fine dust such as a sense of distance, and the vivid details are exceptional. Anyway, the outline of Cozy, which is described as “pulling a drum can”, is clearly sharp, and every stroke is extremely sharp even if it hits. Even with Iomi’s guitar, every sound can be heard from picking nuances to vibrating swings. In the guest book, the base that tends to be spoiled is also firmly captured, and the line of Neil Murray singing can be tasted clearly. As mentioned in the explanation of the main press CD, echo feeling is important for Sabbath in the Cozy era, and audience recording is very useful for that. This work is an ideal brand that balances such strong direct feeling and echo feeling.
の The sound is drawn in a full show during the Cozy era, which was extremely dignified. Here, let’s organize the set focusing on the differences from the main press CD.

・ Ozzy era (5 songs): War Pigs (★) / Black Sabbath / Iron Man / Children Of The Grave / Paranoid
・ Ronnie era (5 songs): Neon Knights / Children Of The Sea (★) / Die Young (★) / The Mob Rules / Heaven And Hell
・ Martin era (3 songs): Headless Cross / When Death Calls (★) / The Shining (★)
* Note: The “★” marks indicate songs that cannot be heard on the main press CD “OSAKA 1989 SOUNDBOARD”.

… and it looks like this. Since it is not a live performance, it is not counted, but it is completely recorded from the opening BGM “Ave Satani / The Gates Of Hell” to the encore last “Paranoid / Heaven And Hell (reprise)”. Five songs that you can’t listen to on the main press CD are also delicious, but if you look at the total, it’s “THE BEST OF SABBATH”. Apart from the fact that the situation of reunion with Ozzy is too different, the set of Sabbath is basically “basic + new songs to do on any tour”. The “standard” is covered without leaking at the maximum. Most singers sang in the Ozzy / Ronnie eras, and the three songs in the Martin era were almost always played in later tours. Since there is no “one-tour-only song” at all, it seems that the degree of rarity is low, and the best set so far is only “HEADLESS CROSS TOUR” in the whole history of Sabbath. In the opposite sense, it is an unusually rare super-enriched best show.

The first visit to Japan with Ronnie James Dio is a legend, but the return to Japan with Koji nine years later is nothing but a legend. Romanticism and dramatism had evolved further, despite saying that everyone except Iomi and Jeff Nichols were different members. I don’t want to apologize much, but its wonderful style of beauty has reached a horizon that could even surpass even RAINBOW. You can fully experience the scene of such a Japanese performance with exceptional sound. A masterpiece of an Osaka live album that could go beyond the main press CD even if it is bad (?). Please do not miss this opportunity!

本編プレスCDは忘れ得る来日公演の極上記録であり、世界的にもコージー・パウエル時代BLACK SABBATHの真価を伝える貴重なサウンドボード・アルバム。その最高峰を更新するアップグレード・マスターです。必聴・必携の1枚ではあるものの、惜しむらくはフルショウ収録ではない。あまりにも素晴らしいショウだからこそ、完全版で体験したい。名盤だからこそ、その全景が知りたい……それが人情というものです。そこで、フルショウを素晴らしいサウンドで体験できるライヴアルバムもご用意しました。

・10月14日:クラブチッタ川崎 『DEFINITIVE KAWASAKI 1989』
・10月16日:東京厚生年金会館 『POWER OF DARKNESS』
・10月17日:東京厚生年金会館 『HEADLESS NIGHT』
・10月19日:大阪フェスティバルホール ←★ココ★
・10月21日:愛知県勤労会館 『NAGOYA 1989』

以上、全5公演。9年ぶりにして、『HEAVEN AND HELL』以来の大名盤『HEADLESS CROSS』を引っさげての再訪。さらに英雄コージー&ニール・マーレイまで揃った記念碑的な来日だけに、当店では数々の傑作でアーカイヴ。全公演をご体験いただけるコレクションを取りそろえております。本作は、その大阪編ともなるフル・ライヴアルバムなのです。

・オジー時代(5曲):War Pigs(★)/Black Sabbath/Iron Man/Children Of The Grave/Paranoid
・ロニー時代(5曲):Neon Knights/Children Of The Sea(★)/Die Young(★)/The Mob Rules/Heaven And Hell
・マーティン時代(3曲):Headless Cross/When Death Calls(★)/The Shining(★)
※注:「★」印は本編プレスCD『OSAKA 1989 SOUNDBOARD』では聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。生演奏ではないのでカウントしていませんが、開演BGMの「Ave Satani / The Gates Of Hell」からアンコール・ラストの「Paranoid / Heaven And Hell(reprise)」まで完全収録しています。本編プレスCDでは聴けない5曲も美味しいわけですが、トータルで見ても“THE BEST OF SABBATH”。オジーとの再結成時代は事情が違いすぎるので別として、サバスのセットはおおよそ「どのツアーでもやる定番+新曲」が基本です。その「定番」が最大漏らさず網羅されているのです。オジー時代/ロニー時代もほとんどの歴代シンガーが歌ってきた曲ですし、マーティン時代の3曲も後のツアーでほぼ必ず演奏されてきたナンバー。「ワンツアーだけの曲」が一切ないのでレア度が低いように見えて、ここまで極めつけのセットはサバス全史でも“HEADLESS CROSS TOUR”しかない。逆の意味で異様にレアな超濃縮ベスト・ショウなのです。


Disc 1 (48:43)
1. Ave Satani
2. The Gates Of Hell
3. Headless Cross
4. Neon Knights
5. Children Of The Sea
6. Die Young
7. When Death Calls
8. War Pigs
9. The Shining

Disc 2 (43:20)
1. The Mob Rules
2. Black Sabbath
3. Iron Man
4. Children Of The Grave
5. Heaven And Hell
6. Paranoid / Heaven And Hell(reprise)

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