Black Sabbath / Berlin 1970 Revisited / 1CD

Black Sabbath / Berlin 1970 Revisited / 1CD / Zodiac
Audimax, Der Freier University, Berlin, West Germany 26th June 1970

Play sample :

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BLACK SABBATH in 1970 changed the history of heavy music with the masterpiece “Black Sabbath”. The legendary recording that tells the scene has been upgraded to the complete version. Introducing a press CD that permanently preserves the detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.
What is engraved in this work is the broadcast sound source of “June 26, 1970 Berlin performance”. It is a brush-up album of the famous board “BERLIN 1970”. This time, the length and sound have been upgraded, but before the content that interests me, first of all, the position of the show. Speaking of 1970, the start dash era when the two masterpieces “Black Sabbath” and “Paranoid” were announced in rapid succession, and the tour was spent almost without holidays. Let’s look back on the history of such a dawn.

“January 9th single” Evil Woman “released”
・ January 13-February 13: UK (6 performances)
“February 13” Black Sabbath “released”
・ March 4th-June 15th: Europe # 1 (69 performances)
<< June 16-21 “Paranoid” production >>
・ June 21-October 26: Europe # 2 (46 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ October 30-November 28: North America (31 performances)
・ December 5-19: Europe # 3 (6 performances)

This is the 1970 of the revolution. The data at that time still have some vague points, and the details such as the number of performances are not always accurate. However, I think you can understand the general flow. Under such circumstances, the Berlin performance of this work was the beginning of “Europe # 2” immediately after the production of “Paranoid”. Then, “PARANOID Tour” is not so easy. The symbolic works “DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970” and “BRUSSELS 1970” are also left from this “Europe # 2”, so let’s zoom in more.

● Details of Europe # 2
・ June 21-25 (3 performances)
・ June 26: Berlin performance ← ★ This work ★
・ June 27-August 25 (18 performances)
・ August 31 “DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970”
・ September 11th-15th (4 performances)
《September 18th release of “PARANOID”》
・ September 20-October 2 (10 performances)
・ October 3 “BRUSSELS 1970”
・ October 16-26 (8 performances)

● Third famous recording after Montreux / Brussels
The above is “Europe # 2” that produced a large amount of historical masterpieces. Generally, “BLACK SABBATH Tour” is until “August 31st” of “DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970”, and this work was a concert about two months before that. Such a Berlin performance is said to have been recorded on TV. No images have been found, but there are two grounds for their existence. One is the description that the photo was taken in the famous book “HOW BLACK WAS OUR SABBATH”. The actual name recording that the other was broadcast. Yes, this work is the highest peak of the broadcast sound source!
This show is also known for the chaotic recording situation. Due to the difference in recording, the difference in gene was scattered, and the live itself was mistakenly distributed as a plant performance, keel performance, fillmore performance, etc. It is a disposition that even a mixture board with other performances exists. I can’t explain all of them, so if I omit it, there are two records that can be said. It will be narrowed down to “A: Short broadcast sound source” and “B: Longest full audience recording”. The press masterpiece “BERLIN 1970”, which gained popularity in our shop, was a straight and permanent preservation of “A”, but this work is based on “A” and complements the cut with “B”. Furthermore, it was refined with the “GRAF ZEPPELIN” master rig to update the longest and highest peaks.

● Significant upgrade by “precision noise processing” and “total length”
The quality is overwhelming. “A” is the first press version of the legendary LP “LIVE AT PLUMPTON”, but it has been significantly upgraded compared to the conventional version “BERLIN 1970”. The maximum number of personnel is significant noise reduction. The low-pitched “boon” humnoi and the bubble wrap noise from the left and right channels have almost disappeared. In particular, the latter noise has been said to be “unremovable. If you forcibly cut it, the performance sound will also change”, but it has been removed cleanly by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering (specific work is too much). It’s too technical to write, but it’s possible because it’s a monaural recording).
In addition to the sound adjustment, this work is also going to be a full live album. In “LIVE AT PLUMPTON”, the position of “N.I.B.” which was crazy was corrected to the actual show street, and two cut songs “Fairies Wear Boots” and “Wicked World” were additionally recorded from “B” master. You can listen to all the songs of the day (in the first place, the main broadcast sound source is a microphone, and it has a high affinity with audience recording).
And, after such a live main part, as with the previous edition “BERLIN 1970”, 2 types of radio CM at that time are also recorded as a bonus. One is a commercial for “Black Sabbath” broadcast in the United Kingdom in 1970, and the other is a promotion for the US tour in the fall of 1970 (the “North America” ​​leg above). These two types are also polished by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering, and are permanently preserved on the highest peak board with the phase shift completely corrected.

The third broadcast sound source following the two masterpieces of the early Sabas, “DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970” and “BRUSSELS 1970”. It is a new masterpiece that updates the longest and highest peak. A press CD that permanently preserves the legendary recording of “BLACK SABBATH Tour” that changed the future of heavy music in the best condition. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

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(Remaster memo)

★ Based on the previous edition, the last two songs are supplemented with different sources, and the order of the NIB songs is corrected to reproduce the longest edition of the current date and time series.
★ The main part is somewhat refreshing to remove hum noise
★ Furthermore, the left and right crunchy noise is jarring, so it is made into a monaural. Since it was originally a monaural recording, there is no problem. This eliminates the crunchy noise on the left and right, making it somewhat easier to hear.
★ The last two songs alleviate the shah-shah hiss noise (although it is still quite noticeable).
Also, the cheers after the live performance were recorded in dub, so I deleted them.
★ The last bonus commercial is also phase-corrected.

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★ Full live album of “June 26, 1970 Berlin performance”. It is the longest version that complements the cut “Fairies Wear Boots” and “Wicked World” with separate recordings based on the finest recordings that are said to be broadcast on TV. Moreover, the sound itself has been upgraded with the detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. The low-frequency hum is and the crackling noise of the left and right channels, which had been considered uncorrectable until now, have been corrected, and the valuable radio commercials of that time are also included as a bonus. Following “DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970” and “BRUSSELS 1970”, the third masterpiece is born.

大名盤『黒い安息日』でヘヴィ・ミュージックの歴史を変えた1970年のBLACK SABBATH。その現場を伝える伝説の名録音が完全版にアップグレード。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングを永久保存するプレスCDで登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1970年6月26日ベルリン公演」の放送音源。かの名盤『BERLIN 1970』のブラッシュアップ・アルバムです。今回は長さもサウンドもアップグレードしているわけですが、その気になる内容の前にまずはショウのポジション。1970年と言えば、2大名盤『黒い安息日』『パラノイド』を矢継ぎ早に発表し、ほとんど休みなしにツアーにも明け暮れていたスタート・ダッシュ時代。そんな黎明の歩みから振り返ってみましょう。

《1月9日シングル『Evil Woman』発売》

これが革命の1970年。当時のデータには現在でもあやふや点が残っており、上記も公演数などの細部は正確とは限りません。しかし、大まかな流れはご理解頂けると思います。そんな中で本作のベルリン公演は『パラノイド』制作直後となる「欧州#2」の序盤でした。では“PARANOID Tour”かと言うと、そうカンタンな話でもない。この「欧州#2」からは象徴作『DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970』『BRUSSELS 1970』も残されていますので、さらに詳しくズームしてみましょう。

・6月26日:ベルリン公演 ←★本作★
・10月3日『BRUSSELS 1970』

以上が歴史的名作を大量に生み出した「欧州#2」。一般に“BLACK SABBATH Tour”とされるのは『DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970』の“8月31日”までで、本作はその約2ヶ月前にあたるコンサートでした。そんなベルリン公演はTV収録されたとも言われるショウ。映像などは発見されていないのですが、実在したとされる根拠が2つ。1つは名著『HOW BLACK WAS OUR SABBATH』に撮影があったという記述。もう1つが放送されたという実際の名録音。そう、本作はその放送音源の最高峰盤なのです!
このショウは録音事情が混沌としている事でも知られる。録音違いにジェネ違いが乱立し、そもそもライヴ自体がプラント公演やキール公演、フィルモア公演などと誤って流通。他公演との混ぜ物盤まで存在する始末です。それらすべてを解説するわけにもいきませんのでバッサリ省略しますと、語るに足る記録は2つ。「A:短めの放送音源」と「B:最長のフル・オーディエンス録音」に絞られます。当店で人気を博したプレス名盤『BERLIN 1970』は「A」をストレートに永久保存したものでしたが、本作は「A」をベースにしてカット分を「B」で補完。さらに「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリグで磨き込んで最長・最高峰を更新したものなのです。

そのクオリティは圧倒的。「A」は伝説LP『LIVE AT PLUMPTON』の初回プレス盤なのですが、従来盤『BERLIN 1970』と比べても格段のアップグレードしている。その最大要員は大幅なノイズ軽減。低音の「ブーン」というハムノイや左右のチャンネルから紛れていたプチプチとしたノイズもほとんどなくなっている。特に後者のノイズはこれまで「除去不能。無理に削れば演奏音も変質する」と言われていたものなのですが、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングで綺麗に取り除かれている(具体的な作業はあまりに専門的すぎるので文字にしにくいのですが、モノラル録音だからこそ可能な処理法なのだそうです)。
そのサウンド調整に加え、本作はフル・ライヴアルバム化も敢行。『LIVE AT PLUMPTON』では狂っていた「N.I.B.」の位置を実際のショウ通りに直し、さらにカットされていた2曲「Fairies Wear Boots」「Wicked World」も「B」マスターから追加収録。当日の全曲が聴けるのです(そもそもメインの放送音源も録音放送はマイクであり、オーディエンス録音とも親和性が高いのです)。
そして、そんなライヴ本編の後には前回盤『BERLIN 1970』と同じく、当時のラジオCM2種もボーナス収録しています。1つは1970年イギリスで放送された『黒い安息日』のコマーシャル、もう1つは1970年秋の全米ツアー(上記の「北米」レッグ)プロモーション。この2種も「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングで磨き込み、位相ズレも完璧に修正された最高峰盤で永久保存しています。

初期サバスの2大名作『DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970』『BRUSSELS 1970』に次ぐ、第三の放送音源。その最長・最高峰を更新する新名盤です。ヘヴィ・ミュージックの未来を大きく変えた“BLACK SABBATH Tour”の伝説録音をベストな状態で永久保存したプレスCD。どうぞ、存分にお楽しみください。





★「1970年6月26日ベルリン公演」のフル・ライヴアルバム。TV放送とされる極上録音をベースに、カットされていた「Fairies Wear Boots」「Wicked World」を別録音で補完した最長盤です。しかもサウンド自体も「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングでアップグレード。低周波のハムのイズや、これまで修正不可能とされていた左右チャンネルのパチ・ノイズも補整され、さらに当時の貴重なラジオCMもボーナス収録。『DEFINITIVE MONTREUX 1970』『BRUSSELS 1970』に次ぐ、第三の名盤が誕生です。


1. Introduction
2. Paranoid
3. Iron Man
4. N.I.B.
5. Black Sabbath
6. War Pigs
7. Hand Of Doom
8. Rat Salad
9. Fairies Wear Boots
10. Wicked World

Bonus Tracks
11. Radio Ad #1
12. Radio Ad #2

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocals
Tony Iommi – Guitar
Geezer Butler – Bass
Bill Ward – Drums



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