Black Sabbath / Hannover 1990 / 2CDR

Black Sabbath / Hannover 1990 / 2CDR / Shades
Music Hall, Hannover, Germany 5th November 1990

Play sample :

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BLACK SABBATH in 1990, which created the treasure “TYR” of dramatic HR. The new master piece is born.
“November 5, 1990 Hannover performance” is imbued in this work. It is that powerful audience recording. While Sabbath reached his musical zenith during the “TYR” era, the scene was dominated by alternative/grunge. I have been forced to do activities that are disproportionate to the splendor. Of course, we have archived a number of masterpieces in order to convey their true value to future generations. The number of titles has increased, so let’s first organize the collection in light of the activity history at that time.

《“TYR” will be released on August 6》
・ September 1-13: UK (10 performances)
・September 25-November 9: Europe #1 (32 performances) ← Coco
・November 24-28: Europe #2 (4 performances)
《December: Return of Geezer Butler》

This is the 1990 BLACK SABBATH. Not only did they not come to Japan, but they also did not go to Australia, North America, or South America. The tour was only realized in the main battlefield of Europe. Among them, “Europe #1” was the main one in terms of both the number of cheers and the number of recordings. Let’s zoom in on the schedule and check out our collection.

Details of Europe #1
・September 25-29 (4 performances)
*October 1 “MILAN 1990”
・October 2-8 (5 performances)
*October 9 “INNSBRUCK 1990”
*October 10 “SENDEN 1990”
・October 12-18 (6 performances)
*October 20 “DEFINITIVE ST. WENDEL 1990”
*October 21 “DUSSELDORF 1990”
*October 22 “OSNABRUCK 1990”
・October 24-November 3 (7 performances)
*November 5th: Hannover performance ← This work
・ November 7 + 9 (2 performances)

… and it looks like this. The Hannover performance of this work is the third performance from the back of the latter half. The recording of “Europe # 2” has not been excavated worldwide, and it is also the record of the end of the “TYR Tour”.
This work, which is a vacuum-packed version of such a show, has an irresistible sense of directness with a bold core. It was also known that the name recording was left in the past, but this work is the 1st Gene Master released very recently. however! If you think “Oh, that’s right” here, please don’t jump to conclusions. As a matter of fact, this 1st Gene Master is getting a bit of a nuanced evaluation among collectors. The factor is the finish. Although the young Gene sound itself is wonderful, the pitch is greatly out of order, and the track division is also sloppy. I have been told that “It’s a good recording” without listening carefully.
“Of course, we have carried out our own meticulous remastering.” I fixed all the weak points mentioned above. The revived sound is “like a different class”. To be honest, I haven’t changed the sound quality itself, but it sounds completely different just by correcting the pitch and noise. The upgrade will be astonishing to those who were underestimated by the net sound source.
The strength of the revived sound and the feeling of being on the edge of your eyes is overwhelming. In fact, the direct feeling is as good as the recent press masterpieces “DEFINITIVE ST. WENDEL 1990 (Zodiac 370)” and “OSNABRUCK 1990 (Zodiac 319)”. As a matter of fact, it was introduced from the Shades label because it gave a half-step with the transparency of the atmosphere, but it was also considered for press (I would like to expect to discover the original master who surpasses the 1st generation!).
By the way, what is drawn with such direct sound is the full show of the style beauty paradise “TYR Tour”. Speaking of the Cozy Powell era, a huge number of name recordings were left in the previous “HEADLESS CROSS Tour”, but after all, different tours have different sets and atmospheres. Let’s organize the set while comparing here.

● Martin era (5 songs)
・Headless Cross / When Death Calls
・Teal: The Sabbath Stones (★★) / The Law Maker (★★) / Anno Mundi (★)
● Classics (7 songs + α)
・ Ozzy era: Iron Man / Children Of The Grave / Black Sabbath / Paranoid
・Ronnie era: Neon Knights/Die Young/Heaven And Hell
・Others: Heart Like A Wheel (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that were not played on the “HEADLESS CROSS Tour”. Especially “★★” is a limited song only for this tour.

“Heart Like A Wheel” of “SEVENTH STAR” is also shown with the rare Neil Murray bass solo and the style incorporated in it, but the attention is still the treasure song of “TYR”. “The Sabbath Stones”, the far north of dramaticism that was realized by getting Cozy, and “The Law Maker”, the masterpiece of Sabbath-style fast … Oh, how wonderful. Why is such a super masterpiece limited to “TYR Tour”? Also, “Anno Mundi” and “Heart Like A Wheel” will be played on other tours, but if “Koji hits” is attached, it will only be “TYR Tour”.
The world of the “TYR Tour” is too wonderful. This blissful show, I only know enthusiastic enthusiasts who collect audience recordings like those who caught my eye in this article. I also feel toothy, but that’s why it’s a real pleasure that sound source maniacs can monopolize. A new masterpiece of 1st Gene that makes you smile unintentionally. Please fully enjoy this work prepared with meticulous mastering.

★ Strong audience recording of “November 5, 1990 Hannover performance”. The highest peak board that further refined the newly excavated 1st Gene Master with original mastering. It has been reborn as a “different thing” class from the net sound source where the track division was sloppy and the pitch was greatly out of order. In particular, the direct feeling of the on-core is enormous, and the ensemble with Cozy & Martin is approaching in front of you. Super masterpieces “The Sabbath Stones” and “The Law Maker” are also new masterpieces where you can experience the delicious and blissful “TYR Tour”.

ドラマティックHRの至宝『TYR』を生み出した1990年のBLACK SABBATH。その新たなマスター・ピースが誕生です。


これが1990年のBLACK SABBATH。来日が実現しなかったばかりか、豪州・北米・南米もなし。ツアーが実現したのは、主戦場のヨーロッパのみでした。その中でも応援数/録音数の両面でメインだったのが「欧州#1」。それでは、日程をさらにズームして当店コレクションをチェックしてみましょう。

*10月1日『MILAN 1990』
*10月9日『INNSBRUCK 1990』
*10月10日『SENDEN 1990』
*10月21日『DUSSELDORF 1990』
*10月22日『OSNABRUCK 1990』
*11月5日:ハノーファー公演 ←★本作★

……と、このようになっています。本作のハノーファー公演は後期も後期の後ろから3公演目。全世界的にも「欧州#2」の録音は発掘されておらず、“TYR Tour”最末期の記録でもあります。
そんなショウを真空パックした本作は、図太い芯のダイレクト感がたまらない。従来から名録音が残された事でも知られていたのですが、本作はごく最近になって公開された1stジェネ・マスターです。ただし! ここで「あぁ、アレね」と思われた方は早合点しないでいただきたい。実のところ、今回の1stジェネ・マスターはコレクター間でちょっと微妙な評価が下されている。その要因は仕上げ。若ジェネ・サウンド自体は素晴らしいものの、ピッチが大幅に狂っており、トラック割りもいい加減。しっかり聴き込まずに「まあまあ録音だね」と言われてしまっているのです。
そうして甦ったサウンドの力強さ、オンな芯の目の前感は絶大。実際、そのダイレクト感は直近のプレス名盤『DEFINITIVE ST. WENDEL 1990(Zodiac 370)』『OSNABRUCK 1990(Zodiac 319)』にも負けない。実のところ、大気の透明感で半歩譲るのでShadesレーベルからのご紹介となりましたが、プレス化も検討されたほどなのです(1stジェネを上回る大元マスターの発掘に期待したい!)。
さて、そんなダイレクト・サウンドで画かれるのは、様式美パラダイス“TYR Tour”のフルショウ。コージー・パウエル時代と言えば、1つ前の“HEADLESS CROSS Tour”に膨大な名録音が残されたわけですが、やはりツアーが違うとセットも雰囲気も異なる。ここでは比較しながらセットを整理しておきましょう。

・ヘッドレス・クロス:Headless Cross/When Death Calls
・ティール:The Sabbath Stones(★★)/The Law Maker(★★)/Anno Mundi(★)
・オジー時代:Iron Man/Children Of The Grave/Black Sabbath/Paranoid
・ロニー時代:Neon Knights/Die Young/Heaven And Hell
・その他:Heart Like A Wheel(★)
※注:「★」印は“HEADLESS CROSS Tour”で演奏しなかった曲。特に「★★」はこのツアーだけの限定曲。

珍しいニール・マーレイのベースソロやその中に組み込まれるスタイルで『SEVENTH STAR』の「Heart Like A Wheel」も披露されていますが、やはり注目は『TYR』の至宝曲。コージーを得たことで実現したドラマティシズムの極北「The Sabbath Stones」に、サバス流ファストの最高傑作「The Law Maker」……あぁ、なんて素晴らしい。これほどの超名曲がなぜ、なぜ“TYR Tour”限定なのか。また「Anno Mundi」「Heart Like A Wheel」は他ツアーでも演奏されはしますが、「コージーが叩く」が付くと、やはり“TYR Tour”だけになってしまいます。
あまりにも素晴らしい“TYR Tour”の世界。この至福のショウ、本稿に目を留められた方のようにオーディエンス録音も集める熱心なマニアしか知らないのです。歯がゆさも感じますが、だからこそ音源マニアが独占できる醍醐味でもある。思わずほくそ笑んでしまう1stジェネの新名盤。どうぞ、細心マスタリングで整えた本作で存分に御堪能ください。

★「1990年11月5日ハノーファー公演」の強力オーディエンス録音。新発掘の1stジェネ・マスターをさらに独自マスタリングで磨き込んだ最高峰盤。トラック割りもいい加減でピッチが大幅に狂っていたネット音源とは「まるで別物」級に生まれ変わっています。特にオンな芯のダイレクト感が絶大で、コージー&マーティンが揃ったアンサンブルが目の前に迫る。超名曲「The Sabbath Stones」「The Law Maker」も美味しい至福の“TYR Tour”を現場体験できる新名盤です。

Disc 1(71:45)
1. Ave Satani / The Gates Of Hell
2. Neon Knights
3. Iron Man
4. Children Of The Grave
5. Die Young
6. The Sabbath Stones
7. Bass Solo
8. Heart Like A Wheel
9. Guitar Solo
10. Headless Cross
11. When Death Calls
12. The Law Maker
13. Anno Mundi

Disc 2(28:46)
1. Black Sabbath
2. Heaven And Hell
3. Paranoid / Heaven And Hell (Reprise)

Tony Martin – Vocals
Tony Iommi – Guitar
Neil Murray – Bass
Cozy Powell – Drums
Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards
Shades 1746

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