Black Crowes, The / Tampa 1995 Soundboard / 1CD

Black Crowes, The / Tampa 1995 Soundboard / 1CD / ZODIAC

Tampa Stadium, Tampa, FL, USA 7th April 1995 STEREO SBD

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THE BLACK CROWES from the “AMORICA” era solidified their unique position with a deep southern taste. Introducing the finest soundboard album that permanently preserves that juicy live performance.
What is engraved on this work is “Tampa performance on April 7, 1995.” This is a stereo soundboard recording. Their previous album, “THE SOUTHERN HARMONY AND MUSICAL COMPANION,” reached its peak at No. 1 in the United States, and they used that momentum to carry out a large-scale world tour after the release of “AMORICA.” First, let’s take a look at its progress and confirm the position of this work.

・May 6th: Beale Street Fes appearance
・July 24th – September 10th: North America #1 (9 performances)
・October 25th – November 1st: UK (3 performances)
《“AMORICA” released on November 1st》
・November 25th – December 12th: North America #2 (14 performances)
・January 6th – February 14th: Europe #1 (30 performances)
・March 3rd – May 29th: North America #3 (60 performances) ←★Here★
・June 2nd – July 30th: Europe #2 (25 performances)
・August 3rd – September 3rd: North America #4 (23 performances)
・December 19th: Atlanta performance

This is THE BLACK CROWES in 1994/1995. They went on an energetic tour of about 170 performances, traveling back and forth between their home country and Europe. Since he did not come to Japan during this period, his impression may be a little weak among Japanese people, but the schedule shows that it was the heyday of his grandeur. The Tampa performance of this work was the 27th performance of the main leg, “North America #3”. From this “North America #3”, the live EP “SHO’ NUFF LIVE” recorded in the official box was also left, but this work is also about two weeks later.
This work recorded at such a show is extremely thick and superb. Unlike the official “SHO’ NUFF LIVE”, which has been polished to perfection, it is clearly a direct mix system, and the unprocessed live performance is brought out with great enthusiasm. The drums that seem to shake the kit and the guitar that makes you feel the rumble of the body are intense, but the most amazing thing is Chris Robinson’s vocals. It’s not just the singing voice anymore, but the breath that passes through the wire mesh of the microphone, and the strength and weakness of breathing, which is clear and clear. The feeling of direct connection goes beyond even the feeling of being in your ears. Science fiction movies often depict telepathy as “talking directly to the brain,” and the sense of synchronization in this work is exactly that.
The sound that feels like another dimension depicts a stage that concentrates the potential of a band at its peak. On this day, unlike usual, GRATEFUL DEAD was the opening act (incidentally, this was the only time THE BLACK CROWES opened for them), so it wasn’t full scale, but it was still 70 minutes long. You can enjoy the above. Let’s check out the contents of the set.

●Amorica (4 songs)
She Gave Good Sunflower / High Head Blues / Ballad in Urgency / Wiser Time
●Others (6 songs + α)
・Shake Your Money Maker: Hard to Handle/Jealous Again
・Southern Harmony: My Morning Song/Remedy
・Others: Mellow Down Easy/Pimper’s Paradise/(Sound check: Thorn In My Pride, etc.)

…and it looks like this. A compact condensation of the first three works centered on the latest work “AMORICA”. The only songs that overlap with the official EP “SHO’ NUFF LIVE” are “Hard to Handle” and “Remedy”. “Mellow Down Easy” is a cover of Little Walter, and “Pimper’s Paradise” is a cover of Bob Marley. The studio take of the former was included in the next album “THREE SNAKES AND ONE CHARM”, and the latter was included in the 2-LP set. In addition to the full show, this work also includes a soundboard of the sound check. This is also more than just a bonus. Approximately 16 minutes of soundboard recording, including jams centered on “Thorn In My Pride”, which was not performed in the actual performance, is included.
The essence of THE BLACK CROWES is a jam that develops music while sensing each other’s breathing. That’s why a sound board that allows you to feel the sensation of scorching breathing on your skin is so delicious. This is a scorching piece that allows you to experience the deliciousness in the highest quality. Please enjoy it anytime and forever with the permanent preservation press CD.

★Stereo soundboard recording of “April 7, 1995 Tampa Performance”. It’s obvious that the mix is directly connected and unprocessed, and the live performance is really exciting. The most amazing thing is Chris Robinson’s vocals, which are no longer just his singing voice, but the strength and weakness of his breathing and breathing that pass through the wire mesh of the microphone. It’s a direct feeling that goes beyond the feeling of being in your ears and is like “talking directly to your brain.” This is a new masterpiece that concentrates and reduces the three albums up to “AMORICA” and allows you to fully experience rare cover songs and sound checks.

ディープな南部テイストで独自のポジションを盤石なものとした『AMORICA』時代のTHE BLACK CROWES。そのジューシーな生演奏を永久保存した極上サウンドボード・アルバムが登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1995年4月7日タンパ公演」。そのステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。前作『THE SOUTHERN HARMONY AND MUSICAL COMPANION』の全米No.1で絶頂を極めた彼らは、その勢いを駆って『AMORICA』リリース後も大規模なワールド・ツアーを敢行。まずは、その歩みを俯瞰しつつ、本作のポジションをたしかめてみましょう。

・5月6日:Beale Street Fes出演

これが1994年/1995年のTHE BLACK CROWES。本国と欧州を行き来しながら約170公演という精力的なツアーを行っていました。この時期は来日が実現しなかったために日本人的には印象がやや薄いかも知れませんが、堂々の全盛期だったことが日程からも伝わります。本作のタンパ公演は、その中でもメインレッグである「北米#3」の27公演目にあたるコンサートでした。この「北米#3」からは公式ボックス収録のライヴEP『SHO’ NUFF LIVE』も残されましたが、本作はその約2週間後でもあります。
そんなショウで記録された本作は、極太&極上。小綺麗に磨き込まれた公式『SHO’ NUFF LIVE』とは違って明らかにミックス直結系で、無加工な生演奏がムキ出しでブチかまされる。ガタガタとキットが揺れそうなドラムやボディの鳴りまで感じられるギターも強烈ですが、一番スゴいのはクリス・ロビンソンのヴォーカル。もはや歌声どころではなく、マイクの金網を通る吐息や呼吸の強弱までくっきりハッキリ。その直結感は、もはや耳元感覚さえ超えている。よくSF映画で「脳に直接話しかける」というテレパシー描写がありますが、本作のシンクロ感は、まさにそれです。
その異次元感覚サウンドで描かれるのは、全盛のバンド・ポテンシャルを濃縮してぶつけるようなステージ。この日普段とは違ってGRATEFUL DEADのオープニング・アクト(ちなみにTHE BLACK CROWESが彼らの前座を務めたのは後にも先にもこの日だけです)でフル・スケールではないのですが、それでも70分以上は楽しめます。そのセット内容もチェックしておきましょう。

・She Gave Good Sunflower/High Head Blues/Ballad in Urgency/Wiser Time
・シェイク・ユア・マネー・メイカー:Hard to Handle/Jealous Again
・サザン・ハーモニー:My Morning Song/Remedy
・その他:Mellow Down Easy/Pimper’s Paradise/(サウンドチェック:Thorn In My Pride他)

……と、このようになっています。最新作『AMORICA』を軸に初期3作をコンパクトに濃縮還元。公式EP『SHO’ NUFF LIVE』と被っている曲も「Hard to Handle」「Remedy」だけです。「Mellow Down Easy」はリトル・ウォルター、「Pimper’s Paradise」はボブ・マーリーのカバー。前者のスタジオ・テイクは次作『THREE SNAKES AND ONE CHARM』のボートラ、後者は2枚組LP盤に収録されました。また、フルショウに加えて本作はサウンドチェックの模様もサウンドボード収録しています。これがまたオマケの次元を超えている。本番ではやらなかった「Thorn In My Pride」を軸にジャムも含めて約16分もサウンドボード収録しています。
THE BLACK CROWESの本質と言えば、互いの呼吸を感じ取りながら音楽を練り上げていくジャム。だからこそ、その灼熱の呼吸感を肌感覚で味わえるサウンドボードが美味しいのです。本作は、その旨みを超極上クオリティで体感できる灼熱の1枚。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDでいつでも、いつまでもお楽しみください。


1. She Gave Good Sunflower
2. High Head Blues
3. My Morning Song
4. Hard to Handle
5. Ballad in Urgency
6. Wiser Time
7. Mellow Down Easy
8. Pimper’s Paradise
9. Jealous Again
10. Remedy
11. Thorn In My Pride (Soundcheck)

Chris Robinson – Vocal
Rich Robinson – Guitar
Mark Ford – Guitar
Ed Hersch – Piano & Organ
Johnny Colt – Bass
Steve Gorman – Drums




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