Beatles / With The Beatles 2022 Stereo Remix / 1CD

Beatles / With The Beatles 2022 Stereo Remix / 1CD / Non Label

With The Beatles 2022 Stereo Remix

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WITH THE BEATLES” is the second album, so it includes more overdubbing than the previous album, and it can be said that it is worth further demixing even with the same 2-track stereo recording. Regarding the demix of this album, there was a feeling that “WITH THE BEATLES STEREO REMIX REVISED EDITION” based on Lord Reith’s final try, but the new stereo image finish by “Prof. Stoned” this time Another wonderful word.
For those who want a 4-track recording-like stereo image in which the vocal is placed in the center and the performance is distributed to the left and right, or a flashy stereo separation feeling, “WITH THE BEATLES STEREO REMIX REVISED EDITION” (hereinafter “existing (referred to as “board”) may be better. On the other hand, “Prof. Stoned” summarizes the power of the sound of this album, which has been thickened with overdubs, with a sophisticated finish of 2022. Therefore, the stereo image is different from the Lord Reith version more than the demix of “PLEASE PLEASE ME”.

However, looking back now, the already-released album has a fast tempo on the B side of the album, and the drums and handclaps are mixed together, such as “Roll Over Beethoven”, where the AI ​​is not fully attacked, and the drums and handclaps It interfered halfway and left me with a crisp feeling, but this time, each one is beautifully separated, and the clapping is lightly ringing from the left channel. The same applies to “Till There Was You”, and the conga, which was separated but had a hollow balance on the existing board, is ringing exactly from the left side this time. This area is the result of the evolution of demix technology.
Therefore, if you want to enjoy the separation of the performances carefully with headphones, it will be an already released board, but if you want to enjoy the power of the sound that has increased the thickness that can be said to be unique to this album while separating the details of each instrument beautifully, this time It can be said that it is a version of
Although it is a finish that conveys the power of the performance, it is unique to this remix that the backing chorus of John and Paul pops out from the left when it comes to songs like “I Wanna Be Your Man”. It is said that it has been reborn as an album with a powerful sound even if it is heard by current listeners in 2022, without being too particular about separating the performances. What’s more, the listening comfort that has been reborn with natural and plump sound quality by mastering unique to “Prof. Stoned” is outstanding.
And in the bonus track, she has an outstanding demix of “She Loves You”. As evidenced by the monaural sound source part in the middle of the album “PLEASE PLEASE ME 2022 STEREO REMIX”, which will be released at the same time, “Prof. Stoned” has outstanding sense and technology to separate sound sources that exist only in monaural. As you know, there is no doubt that this song, which only exists as a mono master for singles, has finally been made into a wonderful stereo so far. Even Lord Reith seemed to be struggling with this song, so the goodness of this finish stands out even more.
The stereo version of “She Loves You” is so wonderful that it can be said that this track is one of the highlights even though it is no longer a bonus. In 1966, when I had to make the stereo of this song for the first time for the best album “A COLLECTION OF BEATLES OLDIES”, I felt like I was literally in another world when I thought that a pseudo-stereo was made. The evolution of Demix is ​​really amazing!

WITH THE BEATLES」はセカンド・アルバムということもあり前作と比べてよりオーバーダビングが盛り込まれており、同じ2トラック・ステレオ録音でもさらにデミックスし甲斐のある一枚だと言えるでしょう。このアルバムのデミックスに関してもLord Reithの最終トライを元にした「WITH THE BEATLES STEREO REMIX REVISED EDITION」で極められた感がありましたが、今回の「Prof. Stoned」による新たなステレオ・イメージの仕上がりはこれまた素晴らしいの一言。
 ボーカルを真ん中に配置し、なおかつ演奏を左右に振り分けたという4トラック録音的なステレオ・イメージ、あるいは派手なステレオの分離感を求める向きには「WITH THE BEATLES STEREO REMIX REVISED EDITION」(以下“既発盤”と称します)の方が良いかもしれません。それに対し「Prof. Stoned」はオーバーダブを多用して厚みを増した本アルバムのサウンドの迫力を2022年的な洗練された仕上がりでまとめ上げたというもの。よって「PLEASE PLEASE ME」のデミックス以上にLord Reith版とは異なるステレオ・イメージとなっているのです。
 しかし今振り返ってみると、既発盤はアルバムB面のテンポが速くてドラムと手拍子が一緒くたになっている曲、例えば「Roll Over Beethoven」などではAIが攻め切れておらず、ドラムと手拍子が中途半端に干渉してシャカシャカとした感触が残ってしまったのですが、今回はそれぞれが見事に分離しており、中でも手拍子は左チャンネルから軽やかに鳴っています。同じことは「Till There Was You」にも当てはまり、既発盤では分離しつつも虚ろなバランスだったコンガが今回はきっちり左側から鳴っている。この辺りはデミックス技術の進化がモノを言った結果かと。
その演奏の迫力が伝わってくる仕上がりでありながら、それでいて「I Wanna Be Your Man」のような曲になるとジョンとポールのバックコーラスが左から飛び出してくるのが今回のリミックスならでは。演奏の分離にこだわりすぎることなく、それでいて2022年の今のリスナーが聞いても迫力のあるサウンドのアルバムに生まれ変わったという。それに何と言っても「Prof. Stoned」ならではのマスタリングによるナチュラルでふくよかな音質に生まれ変わった聞き心地も抜群。
 そしてボーナストラックの中では「She Loves You」のデミックスがずば抜けた仕上がり。同時リリースとなる「PLEASE PLEASE ME 2022 STEREO REMIX」のアルバム中盤におけるモノラル音源パートが証明していたように、「Prof. Stoned」はモノラルしか存在しない音源を分離させるセンスと技術が抜群。ご存じのようにシングル用モノ・マスターしか現存しない本曲、遂にここまで見事なステレオ化が実現したのか…と感激されること間違いなし。Lord Reithですらこの曲に関しては苦心している様子が伺えましたので、なおさら今回の仕上がりの良さが際立ちます。
もはやボーナスながら本トラックが目玉の一つだと言えるほど素晴らしい「She Loves You」のステレオ化。1966年になってベストアルバム「A COLLECTION OF BEATLES OLDIES」用に初めて本曲のステレオを作らなければいけなくなった際、苦し紛れの疑似ステレオが作られたことを考えると、文字通り隔世の感があります。デミックスの進化って本当に凄いですね!
01. It Won’t Be Long
02. All I’ve Got To Do
03. All My Loving
04. Don’t Bother Me
05. Little Child
06. Till There Was You
07. Please Mister Postman
08. Roll Over Beethoven
09. Hold Me Tight
10. You Really Got A Hold On Me
11. I Wanna Be Your Man
12. Devil In Her Heart
13. Not A Second Time
14. Money
Bonus Tracks
15. She Loves You
16. I’ll Get You
17. I Want To Hold Your Hand
18. This Boy
Non Label

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