Beatles / Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Nimbus Supercut / 1CD

Beatles / Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band: Nimbus Supercut / 1CD / Non Label

Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band: Nimbus Supercut

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“SGT. PEPPER’S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND”, which has long been called “The Beatles’ masterpiece” or “a masterpiece representing the 1960s”, has become popular since the beginning of the 21st century as “REVOLVER” and white albums. I cannot deny the feeling of being pushed by “THE BEATLES”. Still, it is still a fascinating masterpiece that they created by stopping concert activities and immersing themselves in recording, and that is why enthusiasts have continued to seek to listen to the highest possible sound quality.
Previously, if you want to listen to “SGT. PEPPER’S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND” (hereinafter referred to as “Sergeant”) with high sound quality! Mobil Fidelity’s Ultra Box has been touted, but the last decade has seen major crustal movements. First of all, the German version of Gold Parlophone (hence the name “Kin Paro”), which has high sound quality but is relatively easy to obtain, has become a piece called “First from this”, and a high-class item for advanced users. Nimbus Press’s “Sergeant”.
The reason why this mega-rare version of “Sergeant” LP was created is that in 1984, the British audio magazines “PRACTICAL HI-FI” and “HI-FI TODAY” planned to release a masterpiece with the highest technology at that time. A small but technical label called Nimbus Records realized a high-quality press by making full use of the original technology called “Super Cut” and high-quality vinyl, and on top of that, limited to 1000 sheets (for readers as well) It was released (only for mail order). One of them was “Sergeant”.

In this way, it was a rare item from the beginning, and when it was released in 1984, it was the time when the Beatles LP of Mobile Fidelity began to be touted, and it was a limited release there. At that time, the Nimbus Press received little attention. Rather, Nimbus’s “Sergeant” began to attract attention more than 20 years after its release. Records that weren’t noticed at the time of their release will become more valuable over time, and Nimbus Press is a typical example.
The trouble is that not only was the number of presses small, but as soon as I realized that I had recorded “Sergeant” with unprecedented high-quality sound, the popularity of Nimbus Press soared and the price soared at once. .. Now, there are more than 800 WANTs on Discogs, and at the time of writing this is the cheapest price in Japan at 250,000 (it had reached 300,000 at one time), so it is a very easy item to touch. Absent.
The rise of these items has made the Beatles’ mobile fidelity board less popular than it used to be, and it’s a big thing that people have come to feel that the sound quality is high, but it lacks vividness and is over-organized. Rather, the popularity of UK originals and Nimbus continues to rise.

Nimbus Press is certainly a mega rare existence. However, it is natural that everyone wants to touch it when it comes to listening to “Sergeant” with the best sound quality. However, it is not easy to obtain … This epoch-making release will reduce the drinking of such enthusiasts. This Nimbus Press super mint condition board was provided by an overseas enthusiast, and we carried out a transfer with the utmost care. First of all, since it was recorded from a board with carefully selected conditions, it succeeded in making an extremely clean CD at the level before the work of removing unnecessary noise, and words may be lost in an ultra-clean state with no dust. not.
Nimbus Press, which should be called the Holy Grail enclosed in a CD in a state that makes you want to call it this god transfer … It sounds incredibly wonderful. The sound is different from the 2009 remaster so that you can understand it at a glance. If there was a restoration of an old painting that revived the luster of yesteryear, Nimbus is the painting itself. Or if the remaster is a “organized and beautiful sound”, then Nimbus is a “real and vivid sound”.
Unlike “ABBEY ROAD”, which had greatly evolved from the original recording technology, “Sergeant” is an album created by packing as much sound as possible into 4 tracks. Therefore, there is a tendency for the sound to become muddy due to differences in press and remastering. In that respect, Nimbus is natural, yet it has the clarity and sound spread that makes you feel like you are opening in front of you. This overwhelming sound resolution is at a level that easily surpasses even Mobile’s Ultra Box.
For example, in “Getting Better”, the sound of each instrument is really natural, and the sound can be heard in every corner. In that respect, the remastered version is organized and easy to hear, but it does not have the freshness and clearness of Nimbus. Indeed, since such a high-quality “Sergeant” was released in a limited edition, it is natural that it will be popular.

What is this saying, even if you are lucky enough to get the LP of Oomoto Nimbus Press, can you watch it in a clearer state than the version enclosed in this CD? It was a much more modern release than the original UK version, but it’s still nearly 30 years old. Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to obtain a Nimbus press that can be regenerated in an extremely clean state.
Scratch noise is inevitable if the performance is delicate and quiet, such as “Within You Without You”. However, in this God Transfer, there is no such noise, and even George’s count in the song can be clearly heard. Besides, there is no deterioration of the circumference at the end of each side. In addition, at the time of this release, the loop of “Inner Groove”, which was not recorded in Nimbus, was additionally recorded from the UK original LP to ensure the content. The ultimate CD version that allows you to easily enjoy the mega-rare Nimbus Press “Sergeant” in this extremely clean state. Please enjoy it with a roaring sound!

★ In 1984, it was a direct transfer from the extremely rare UK version “Nimbus Supercut”, which was released by mail order for readers of the audio magazines “Practical Hi-Fi” and “Hi-Fi Today” for the UK. The Nimbus Supercut board has become a legend among audiophiles as a high-quality sound board that surpasses Mobile Fidelity. It has been digitized from the LP, which is owned by an overseas enthusiast and is in the best condition.

Matrix numbers:
 Side 1: YEX 637-A1 y3 JWK 3 MPT v JH NIMBUS ENGLAND
 Side 2: YEX 638-B2 y3 JWK 3 MPT v JH NIMBUS ENGLAND
 長い間「ビートルズの最高傑作」あるいは「60年代を代表する名盤」と言われてきた「SGT. PEPPER’S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND」も21世紀に入ってからは人気が「REVOLVER」やホワイト・アルバムこと「THE BEATLES」に押されつつある感が否めません。それでも彼らがコンサート活動を停止してレコーディングに没頭して作り上げた魅力にあふれた名作であることに変わりなく、それだけにマニアは可能な限り高音質で聞きたいと探求し続けてきた一枚でしょう。
 以前は「SGT. PEPPER’S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND」(以降“サージェント”と称します)を高音質で聞くのなら!ともてはやされてきたのはモービル・フィデリティのウルトラ・ボックスでしたが、ここ10年で大きな地殻変動が生じています。まず高音質でありながら、それでいて比較的入手の容易なドイツ盤ゴールド・パーロフォン(故に「金パロ」と親しまれています)が「まずはコレから」という一枚となり、上級者向けハイクラス・アイテムがニンバス・プレスの“サージェント”。
 このメガレアなバージョンの“サージェント”LPがどうして生み出されたのかと言うと1984年にイギリスのオーディオ専門誌「PRACTICAL HI-FI」「HI-FI TODAY」が名盤を当時の最高技術でリリースする企画を推進、そこでニンバス・レコードという小さいが技術のあるレーベルが「スーパーカット」という独自の技術と上質なビニールを駆使して高品位なプレスを実現、その上で1000枚限定(おまけに読者へ向けた通販のみ)リリースしたというもの。その中の一つが“サージェント”でした。
 元々の録音技術からして大きく進化していた「ABBEY ROAD」と違い“サージェント”は4トラックの中にできる限りの音を詰め込んで作り上げたアルバム。それ故にプレスやリマスターの差によって音が濁りやすいきらいがある。その点ニンバスはナチュラルでありながら、しかも目の前がパッと開けたようなクリアーさと音の広がりを兼ね備えている。この圧倒的な音の解像度はモービルのウルトラ・ボックスをも軽く凌ぐレベル。
 例えば「Getting Better」などは各楽器の鳴りが実に自然であり、しかも音が隅々まで聞こえてくる。その点リマスター盤は整理されていて聞きやすいが、ニンバスのような鮮度とクリアネスは持ち合わせていない。なるほど、これほど上質な“サージェント”が限定でリリースされていたのだから、人気を呼ぶのも当然のこと。
 例えば「Within You Without You」のような繊細で静かな演奏になればスクラッチノイズは免れない。しかし今回の神トランスファーではそうしたノイズが一切なく、曲中におけるジョージのカウントまで明瞭に聞き取れる。それに各面の終盤における円周の劣化も皆無。また今回のリリースに際してはニンバスにおいて未収録であった「Inner Groove」のループをUKオリジナルLPから追加収録して内容面においても万全を期しています。この極めつけのクリーンな状態でメガレアなニンバス・プレスの“サージェント”が手軽に楽しめてしまう究極のCDバージョン。ぜひ爆音でお楽しみください!
★1984年、イギリス国内向けのオーディオ誌『Practical Hi-Fi』『Hi-Fi Today』の読者向け通信販売で約1000枚のみリリースされた激レアUK盤「Nimbus Supercut」からダイレクトトランスファーしたものです。Nimbus Supercut盤は、Mobile Fidelityを超える高音質盤としてオーディオマニアの間では伝説的な存在となっています。海外のマニア所有のこれ以上ない極美品コンディションのLPからデジタル化されています。
1. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band
2. With A Little Help From My Friends
3. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
4. Getting Better
5. Fixing A Hole
6. She’s Leaving Home
7. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
8. Within Without You
9. When I’m Sixty-Four
10. Lovely Rita
11. Good Morning, Good Morning
12. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band (Reprise)
13. A Day In The Life

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