Band / Wembley Stadium 1974 Master Tapes / 1CD +1Bonus DVDR

Band / Wembley Stadium 1974: Master Tapes / 1CD +1Bonus DVDR / Zion
Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK 14th September 1974 plus Bonus DVDR “WEMBLEY STADIUM 1974: PRO-SHOT VIDEO”

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

The Band, who appeared earlier than CSNY and Joni Mitchell at Wembley Stadium on September 14, 1974. The BBC has already turned the video camera from their stage, and the pro shot video has leaked like CSNY. However, although the sound of the video is a sound board, there is a tendency to be too direct, and in addition the presence is weak. In addition, there were many scenes where the sound was not well-balanced, coupled with the fact that it was the turn at the beginning of the event.
In that respect, the audience recording on the same day conveys the band’s performance and the excitement of the venue on the day of the stadium in a more realistic way. Of course, it has been around among traders for a long time, but like Joni, which was released at the same time this time, a master cassette that boasts a completely different dimension of sound quality was provided.
As you can see from the audio of the video I mentioned at the beginning, The Band, who appeared in the first half of the event, had a weaker sound output at the venue compared to CSNY and Joni, and the conventional sound sources had a distant sound image and the recording itself. The impression that it was lacking in the clearness of. However, the audience recording this time has a much better sound quality. The sound image is closer than the conventional sound source, and it is as easy to hear as CSNY and Joni. In addition to that, the freshness is also wonderful, and if you listen with headphones, you can even feel the air of September 14, 1974.
You may be surprised that such an easy-to-hear audience recording has never been circulated among traders. In addition, the presence of the audience is perfect, and the excitement of the day can be felt incomparably with the audio of the video image. In addition, as a support act, the audience at Wembley is also very excited in front of the easy-to-understand composition that repeats representative songs from the beginning.

Originally, The Band did their support act many times on the CSNY 74 year tour, but every day it started with the R & B cover “Hard Times (The Slop)” featuring Garth Hudson’s saxophone, and there We introduced an opening pattern only for this period of medleying from “Just Another Whistle Stop”. This sets the tone for the opening of the afternoon’s stadium show. Moreover, on this day, the tension of Rick Danko was very high among the members, and as you can see from the video, it was captured that he was singing very violently around “Stage Fright”.
In addition, the offensive composition in which “The Weight”, the representative song of The Band, is performed smoothly at the beginning of the live is reflected in a fresh way. In fact, the same song played here has a faster tempo and an unusually aggressive impression. Speaking of The Band of this year, the pattern of the tour with Bob Dylan that took place at the beginning of the year was released with “Great Resurrection”, but the atmosphere is completely different from that time. Unlike the tour with Dylan, who was also in the spotlight, the summer CSNY tour is the opening act. It has been successful, and the relaxed performance that seems to be The Band shines throughout the whole story.
Also, their latest album at that time was the cover collection “MOONDOG MATINEE”, so “Mystery Train” from the same album was performed on the twin drums of Levon Helm and Richard Manuel on this day (this is also really The stadium shines), but it is a forcible arrangement to move from there to the organ improvisation “Genetic Method” introduced to “Chest Fever” by Garth Hudson. This unique development was a valuable pattern that was confirmed only for a few days even in the opening stage of the CSNY tour.

And since their stage at Wembley was a set list that fits on a single CD, the cassette cut point is only the ending of “Smoke Signal”, which is an excellent recording condition. Of course, it is compensated using the conventional audience recording, but if you listen to this part, you will be able to realize how excellent the sound quality of this sound source is. It is said that the difference in sound quality is so wide.
Furthermore, the fact that such a good audience recording was discovered from the live sound source of The Band in 1974, which was the only tour with Dylan, is also a high point, and I think it will surprise maniacs all over the world. In the first place, there was no audience with such good sound quality with the sound source that captured the undercard stage of the CSNY tour. A precious audience master of such a precious time was contained in a limited press CD!

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(remastered memo)

★ This is also a raw master stereo audience provided by collectors.

★ Freshness is good with Raw Master. There is some distortion like losing the microphone.
There is also a part with a tight midrange (around 4-6khz), but from the band distribution in the quiet part between songs,
Since it is not possible to forcibly lower this point, it is assumed that this is the original texture.

★ Compensation for one missing place with another source Aud sound source on the day

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元々ザ・バンドはCSNY74年ツアーにおいて何度も彼らのサポート・アクトをこなしていたのですが、どの日でもガース・ハドソンのサックスをフィーチャーしたR&Bカバー「Hard Times (The Slop)」から始まり、そこから「Just Another Whistle Stop」へメドレーするというこの時期だけのオープニング・パターンを導入していました。これが午後のスタジアム・ショーの幕開けにぴったりな雰囲気を漂わせています。しかもこの日はメンバーの中でもリック・ダンコのテンションが非常に高く、映像を見ても解るように「Stage Fright」辺りでは非常に激しく歌っている様子が捉えられていました。
さらにザ・バンドの代表曲である「The Weight」をライブの序盤でサラッと披露してしまう攻めの構成も新鮮に映る。実際ここで演奏される同曲はテンポも速めでいつになくアグレッシブな印象。この年のザ・バンドと言えば年頭に行われたボブ・ディランとのツアーの模様が「偉大なる復活」でリリースされていますが、その時とはまるで雰囲気が違う。自分たちも脚光を浴びたディランとのツアーの時と違い、夏のCSNYツアーは前座という位置。それが功を奏してザ・バンドらしいのびのびとした演奏が全編を通して輝きを放っているのです。
また当時の彼らの最新アルバムはカバー集「MOONDOG MATINEE」でしたので、この日も同アルバムから「Mystery Train」がリヴォン・ヘルムとリチャード・マニュエルのツイン・ドラムにて披露されている(これがまた実にスタジアム映えする)のですが、そこからガース・ハドソンによる「Chest Fever」への導入オルガン・インプロゼーション「Genetic Method」へと移行するのが何とも強引なアレンジ。このユニークな展開はCSNYツアーの前座ステージの中においても数日しか確認されていない貴重なパターンでした。

そしてウェンブリーにおける彼らのステージはCD一枚に収まるサイズのセットリストであったことから、カセットのカットポイントが「Smoke Signal」のエンディングだけという優秀な録音状態。そこはもちろん従来のオーディエンス録音を用いて補填しているですが、この個所を聞いてもらえば今回の音源がいかに秀でた音質であるかを実感してもらえることでしょう。それほど音質の差が開いているという。




★こちらもコレクター提供の、Raw Masterで鮮度抜群のステレオ・オーディエンス。

★Raw Masterで鮮度ヨシ。多少マイク負けのような歪みありこれは仕方なし。



CD (75:45)
01. Introduction
02. Hard Times (The Slop)
03. Just Another Whistle Stop
04. Stage Fright
05. The Weight
06. The Shape I’m In
07. Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever
08. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
09. Across The Great Divide
10. Endless Highway
11. Smoke Signal ★5:45-6:01 別のAudソースにて補填
12. I Shall Be Released
13. The W.S. Walcott Medicine Show
14. Mystery Train
15. The Genetic Method / Chest Fever
16. Up On Cripple Creek

Levon Helm – drums, vocals, mandolin, guitar, percussion
Robbie Robertson – guitars, vocals
Garth Hudson – organ, keyboards, accordion, saxophones
Rick Danko – bass, vocals, guitar, fiddle
Richard Manuel – piano, drums, organ, vocals



BAND / Wembley Stadium 1974 Pro-Shot Video / 1DVDR / Non Label
Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK 14th September 1974 PRO-SHOT


Click Image To Enlarge

When The Band opened for CSNY at Wembley Stadium, it was filmed by a BBC video camera just like them. Despite this, it was not released at all, but it finally saw the light of day on the 2005 “A MUSICAL HYSTORY” box DVD.
Only the opening “Hard Times (The Slop) / Just Another Whistle Stop” medley and the final stage of the live “Chest Fever” were recorded there, but even those alone are enough to be seen as live footage all over the world. It made maniacs go crazy.
The band’s Wembley video was probably leaked when this box was released, and a full-length version is now appearing on YouTube.
However, there are traces that dropouts were intentionally added at the time of the outflow, and in fact even the opening “Hard Times (The Slop) / Just Another Whistle Stop” is a screen drop that was not at all on the DVD of “A MUSICAL HYSTORY”. Out frequently. I have to say that this point is for enthusiasts, even though it is a valuable professional shot video.
Also, it is speculated that this is a problem at the time of recording, but from the middle stage of the live “Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever” to “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down”, there is a lack of sound that the recording cable has come off It is occurring until
And there are places where the presence of the voice of the video itself is weak and the sound balance is bad everywhere, and ironically, it is a good one that makes you realize how good the audience recording is “WEMBLEY STADIUM 1974: Master Tapes”. It will be a document.

However, it is also true that the wonderful scenes unique to professional shots are captured, and the climax is “Mystery Train” played on twin drums by Levon Helm and Richard Manuel. Actually, it was the same organization in the movie “THE LAST WALTZ”, but the twin drums could not be confirmed at all because the lighting was too dark.
In that respect, Wembley is a sunny afternoon stage, so Richard playing the drums is perfectly captured. On the contrary, what are you trying to capture him in the main? It’s an excellent angle that makes you think, and when the performance starts, the sound of his drums is huge! (smile).
Fortunately, this song has almost no problem dropouts, and you can enjoy the precious twin drum performance scene all the more. A live video of the scene where Richard hits the drum, which has become likely until now. This alone is worth a visit if you are a maniac of The Band!

★ザ・バンド「WEMBLEY STADIUM 1974: MASTER TAPES」の初回限定ナンバー・ステッカー付きに限り、当日のマルチカメラ・プロショット映像でコンサートを完全収録した「WEMBLEY STADIUM 1974: PRO-SHOT VIDEO」が特別に付属致します。

Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK 14th September 1974 PRO-SHOT

ザ・バンドがウェンブリー・スタジアムでCSNYの前座を務めた時の模様は彼らと同様BBCのビデオカメラによって撮影されています。にもかかわらず一切公開されていなかったのですが、2005年の「A MUSICAL HYSTORY」ボックスのDVDにて遂に日の目を見ました。
そこに収録されていたのはオープニングの「Hard Times (The Slop) / Just Another Whistle Stop」メドレーとライブ終盤「Chest Fever」だけでしたが、それらだけでも十分に見応えのあるライブ映像として世界中のマニアを狂喜させたものです。
とはいえ流出に際して故意にドロップアウトが加えられた痕跡があり、実際オープニングの「Hard Times (The Slop) / Just Another Whistle Stop」だけでも「A MUSICAL HYSTORY」のDVDには一切なかった画面のドロップアウトが頻発。この点はいくら貴重なプロショット映像だとは言えマニア向けだと言わざるを得ません。
またこちらは収録時の問題だと推測されるのですが、ライブ中盤「Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever」から「The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down」にかけては録音ケーブルが抜けてしまったような音声の欠落まで生じているのです。
そしてビデオの音声自体の臨場感が希薄でサウンドのバランスが悪いところも随所にあり、皮肉にも「WEMBLEY STADIUM 1974: Master Tapes」がどれだけ優れたオーディエンス録音であるかを実感させてくれる格好の資料となることでしょう。

とはいえプロショットならではの素晴らしい場面が捉えられているのも事実で、その極めつけがリヴォン・ヘルムとリチャード・マニュエルのツイン・ドラムで演奏される「Mystery Train」。実のところ映画「THE LAST WALTZ」でも同じ編成だったのですが、照明が暗すぎた演出のせいでツイン・ドラムがまるで確認できなかった。

01. Introduction
02. Hard Times (The Slop)
03. Just Another Whistle Stop
04. Stage Fright
05. The Weight
06. The Shape I’m In
07. Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever
08. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
09. Across The Great Divide
10. Endless Highway
11. Smoke Signal
12. I Shall Be Released
13. The W.S. Walcott Medicine Show
14. Mystery Train
15. The Genetic Method / Chest Fever
16. Up On Cripple Creek

Levon Helm – drums, vocals, mandolin, guitar, percussion
Robbie Robertson – guitars, vocals
Garth Hudson – organ, keyboards, accordion, saxophones
Rick Danko – bass, vocals, guitar, fiddle
Richard Manuel – piano, drums, organ, vocals


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