Aerosmith / Rocks Session / 1CD

Aerosmith / Rocks Session / 1CD / Zodiac
Unreleased studio session for “Rocks” album (without Steve Tyler)

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A reprint of the legendary demo album that once captivated AEROSMITH collectors around the world. It is a press CD that permanently preserves the natural sound of the original master.
Engraved on this work is the masterpiece “ROCKS”, which is said to be AEROSMITH’s masterpiece of the 70’s. It is a demo recording that engraves its original appearance. This sound source is a sound board recording excavated from our own route in 2014. It was introduced as an “incident” in a specialized magazine at the time, and it was a shocking studio work that even the members of AEROSMITH were surprised to get their hands on.
The term “demo” is used in a variety of ways, from memo recordings at the composition stage to temporary mixes that are indistinguishable from the finished product, but in the case of this work, it is the same as the “backing rough mix”. All eight songs other than “Sick As A Dog” are recorded, and all of them are completed as songs, but before Steven Tyler’s song.
However, it’s not just a “karaoke track” either. Although the arrangement is complete, many of the performance takes are different from the final version, and there are no effects or overdubs. The conversations and counts in the studio, and the live feeling of live performances are also exposed, and a vivid groove is injected into the brain.
In any case, it’s best to introduce the demo album song by song. Let’s introduce each one individually.

● 1. Nobody’s Fault (formally B-2)
This work contains 8 songs, excluding “Sick As A Dog”, one take each, but the order of the songs is completely different from the final album, starting with “Nobody’s Fault”. Moreover, the start of the song is completely different from the official version. There is no intro section, and it starts with the singing part (there is no vocal itself). Although the song itself is complete, there are differences in the final official version, such as obbligato and break timing. The ending is especially worth listening to. In the official version, the guitar solo ends with a fade-out, but in this work, the heavy riff is used to finish off the song.

● 2. Rats In The Cellar (Officially A-3)
A really cool take that brings out the umami of the groove. First of all, the mood is full from the intro voice count, and the riff that runs fast from there is cool! The perfection of the riffs and performances is the same as the final official version, but the bare guitar sounds without overdubs or effects are the most vivid and full of grooves. Also, it is a point that the second is played twice as long as the riff, and the ending before the break is also long. The ending after the break is also recorded for about 30 seconds, and you can see that there was “after that”.

● 3. Home Tonight (officially B-5)
Officially, it’s the famous ballad that closed the album. It is also the only number in this work that has never been played live, and it is extremely valuable just to say that it is a soundboard take that is different from the album. Moreover, it is a long version that is about 30 seconds longer than the official version while being an instrument. It starts with a fresh count from the opening, and the intro is also long. And the biggest thing to listen to is the guitar solo, which is completely different from the official version! There is no solo in the ending part yet, but the end is also a long arrangement.

● 4. Last Child (officially A-2)
A major representative song of the album along with “Back In The Saddle”. This is also different from the official, such as the length of the A melody and the development before entering the guitar solo. The ending with a fade-out is the same as the finished version, but the timing of the disappearance is different, and it is even longer. You can enjoy “after that” for a long time.

● 5. Back In The Saddle (officially A-1)
At the halfway point of this work, there is a famous song that will silence a crying child, and is a symbolic song of “ROCKS”. First of all, I was impressed by the intro count and conversation voice. After that, the 4-piece live performance is tight and wonderful. The live feeling that is completely different from the official version decorated with various overdubs is overwhelming. Also, this song is exceptionally short in the belly of this work. It doesn’t cut off in the middle, but the ending is also short. It is a take that you can see that the official track was created in the style of adding various gimmicks and arrangements based on the basic version of this work.

● 6. Combination (officially A-4)
A take close to the final official version of this work. Although it is an instrument without Stephen’s vocals, the arrangement is almost the same. However, it is also a long version with an ending longer than 30 seconds.

● 7. Get The Lead Out (formally B-3)
An arrangement in which the length of each part is mainly different. It’s 5 seconds short as a whole, but it doesn’t mean that something is broken, and the balance of each place is different. Although it differs from the length of the intro riff, the A melody is long and the ending is short. The number of riffs before deployment is also different. It may have been arranged while thinking about the balance with the vocal.

●8. Lick And A Promise (Officially B-4)
“Lick And A Promise”, which decorates the end of this work, is also a long version that is about 25 seconds long. Officially, the drum intro came in with a fade-in, but this work is recorded from the first shot, and it’s really cool! The ending is long but faded out, but at this stage the riff of “Train Kept A Rollin'” is not included.

That’s all for “another ROCKS” with 8 songs. The degree of perfection is high enough to listen as a music work, and on the other hand, it is refreshing to listen to it and feel that it is different from the official one. And the more detailed the research, the more you can see the scene of the production process “on the verge” of making the final arrangement. It is another version of a historical masterpiece that is interesting no matter how you listen to it. A detailed reprint of the legendary board that pulled out the heart of the whole world. Please enjoy the press CD that never loses its shine anytime, forever.

★A demo album that engraves the original appearance of Daimyo board “ROCKS”. A total of eight songs other than “Sick As A Dog” are recorded, and you can enjoy Steven Tyler’s singing stage with the highest official quality. Although it is not just a karaoke track and the arrangement is complete, many of the performance takes are different from the final version, and there are no effects or overdubs. The conversations and counts in the studio, and the live feeling of live performances are also exposed, and it is “another ROCKS” that injects a vivid groove into the brain.

ひと口に「デモ」と言っても作曲段階のメモ録音から完成品と区別が付かない仮ミックスまで様々ですが、本作の場合は「バッキング・ラフミックス」という同じ。「Sick As A Dog」以外の全8曲が収録されており、そのすべてが楽曲として完成しているわけですが、スティーヴン・タイラーの歌入れ前なのです。

●1. Nobody’s Fault(公式ではB-2)
本作は「Sick As A Dog」以外の全8曲が1テイクずつ収録されていますが、曲順は最終アルバムとはまるっきり異なり、「Nobody’s Fault」からスタートします。しかも、曲のスタートも公式版とはまるで違う。イントロ・セクションがなく、歌い出しパートから始まる(ヴォーカル自体はないです)。曲自体は完成しているものの、オブリガートやブレイクのタイミング等、最終オフィシャル版の違いもそこここにあります。特に聴きどころなのはエンディング。オフィシャルではギターソロがフェードアウトして終わりますが、本作ではヘヴィなリフでトドメを刺すようにド迫力に〆ます。

●2. Rats In The Cellar(公式ではA-3)
グルーヴのうま味が前面展開される最高に格好いいテイク。まずはイントロの肉声カウントからムードたっぷりですし、そこから快走するリフのなんてカッコイイ事! リフや演奏の完成度は最終オフィシャル版にも通じますが、オーバーダブやエフェクトのない丸出しのギター音が最高に生々しく、グルーヴの塊なのです。また、二番がリフ2回分長く演奏されているのもポイントですし、ブレイク前のエンディングも長い。ブレイク後のエンディングも約30秒に渡って収録されており、「あの後」があった事が分かるのです。

●3. Home Tonight(公式ではB-5)
オフィシャルではアルバムの最後を〆た名バラード。本作で唯一、ライヴで一度も演奏された事がないナンバーでもあり、アルバムとは異なるサウンドボード・テイクというだけでも極めて貴重です。しかも、インストながら公式版より約30秒長いロング・バージョン。オープニングから生々しいカウントで始まり、イントロもじっくり長め。そして最大の聴きどころは、公式版とはまったく異なるギターソロ! まだエンディング・パートにソロはありませんが、最後も長尺アレンジになっています。

●4. Last Child(公式ではA-2)
「Back In The Saddle」と並ぶアルバムの大代表曲。これもAメロの長さやギターソロに入る前の展開など、オフィシャルとは異なる点が散見。フェードアウトで終わるのは完成版と同じですが、その消えてゆくタイミングが異なり、さらに長尺。「あの後」も長めに楽しめるわけです。

●5. Back In The Saddle(公式ではA-1)

●6. Combination(公式ではA-4)

●7. Get The Lead Out(公式ではB-3)

●8. Lick And A Promise(公式ではB-4)
本作のラストを飾る「Lick And A Promise」も25秒ほど長い長尺バージョン。オフィシャルではドラム・イントロがフェイドインで入ってきましたが、本作は一発目からキッチリと収録されており、えらく格好いい! エンディングは長尺ながらフェードアウト処理になっていますが、この段階では「Train Kept A Rollin’」のリフは入っていません。


★大名盤『ROCKS』の原初の姿を刻み込んだデモ・アルバム。「Sick As A Dog」以外の全8曲が収録されており、スティーヴン・タイラーの歌入れ段階をオフィシャル級の極上クオリティで楽しめる。単なるカラオケ・トラックでもなく、アレンジは完成しているとは言え、演奏テイクは最終版と異なるものも多く、エフェクトやオーバーダブの類もない。スタジオ内の会話やカウント、生演奏のライヴ感覚も丸出しで、生々しいグルーヴが脳髄に注入される「もう1つのROCKS」です。

1. Nobody’s Fault
2. Rats In The Cellar
3. Home Tonight
4. Last Child
5. Back In The Saddle
6. Combination
7. Get The Lead Out
8. Lick And A Promise


Joe Perry – Guitar
Brad Whitford – Guitar
Tom Hamilton – Bass
Joey Kramer – Drums


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