Kate Bush / Manchester 1979 / 1DVD

Kate Bush / Manchester 1979 / 1DVD / Wardour
Live at Mancheste Apollo, Manchester, UK 10th April 1979 PRO-SHOT(UPGRADE)

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Full pro shot of “The Tour of Life” all over the world] Suddenly “MANCHESTER APOLLO 2019” has been started on the premise, but who may have been missed last week may be “?” First of all, I will start from the basics. If you know Uxbridge label board, please skip it.
This picture is an incident on human music history without appreciable price. It is a super best pro shot that captures the whole story of that “The Tour of Life”. Speaking of “The Tour of Life,” the 1979 tour by the diva Kate Bush. This is a concert tour that Kate, who had only stood on stage since she debuted, went through two of “THE KICK INSIDE” and “LIONHEART” for the first time, and her tour has already been a long time ago (2014 “Before the Dawn” was a concert residency that was repeated in one place). The film was covered with the official work “LIVE AT HAMMER SMITH ODEON” and its full version bootleg, but this work is a completely separate performance. It is a multi-camera pro shot that includes “April 10, 1979, Manchester performance”. First, let’s check the show position in the one-off tour schedule.

・ April 2-13: UK # 1 (11 performances) ★ ★ Coco ★
・ April 16-20: UK # 2 (London 5 performances)
・ April 24-May 10: Europe (10 shows)
・ May 12th-14th: UK # 3 (London 3 performances) ※ ※ Official video

Above, all 29 performances. While the official video was the last tour of May, Manchester in this film is the beginning. It was a concert that hit the eighth performance. This show was filmed by Granada TV in the UK, but for some reason remains unrecorded. The full version sound board was excavated in 2012 and called for shock, but this work is the image version.
It’s a great place to be valuable, even if it’s so valuable, it’s a video that’s glaringly degraded, but this work is completely different! The picture beauty is super-superior. Is it totally official official class …… say, or a truly beautiful official work “LIVE AT HAMMER SMITH ODEON” is much more beautiful than. It is completely different from the official video that was intentionally blurred to produce a sense of fantasy, and the color and contour are super vivid. Moreover, the master freshness is also different. I think that it is a professional master because there is a time counter at the edge of the screen (it’s small in the upper right so it doesn’t get in the way at all), but the beauty of the image is the original film itself … rather than the filmed film itself It is a beauty that seems to have been digitized directly from.
Even the word “shock” is overwhelmed by the show drawn with tepid visual beauty. Theatrical stage that boldly introduced many dancers and pantomimes is a musical rather than a concert. As for the set, all songs other than “Oh to Be in Love” are shown from “THE KICK INSIDE” and “LIONHEART”, and “Egypt” and “Violin” to be included in “NEVER FOR EVER” are also featured You Those who thought “that?” Are sharp here. Yes, it is not played at the Hammersmith performance, “LIVE AT HAMMER SMITH ODEON” and “Fullhouse” that could not even be seen in its full version is also shown. Official figure … Kate, who sits on the piano, sings in awe-inspiring manner, and bewitchingly, looks like a pro shot beyond that.

[Full repair of the momentary sound loss that was the only fault] It is a shocking image that the words of the description are also complete, but there was also a defect in the excavation master. If you experience the Uxbridge board, you’ll see it, but it was very fine (approximately every 22 seconds), with very fine sound drops. Each one was extremely fine, and it was a “pout” that did not reach less than 0.1 seconds, and it was also a gap feeling that does not make noise. However, it will reach about 400 places when it comes to the whole train periodically. Normally, it is a level that you can appreciate as it is, but the content of this work is too important. Therefore we carry out complete restoration with all spirit mastering that exceeds all power. Change the processing method according to the appearance of different deterioration depending on the part, carefully correct the noise and discomfort. We succeeded in repairing all the deterioration of more than 400. (It is a confusing story that this is not an experience of Uxbridge again, but the sound between the curtains is left as it is. This is a record rather than master deterioration Because it is also the truth of 1979).
Another point is dual layer DVD. Uxbridge was packed 2 hours and 9 minutes of video into a single layer DVD, but the excavated digital master had a dual layer capacity. This work has recorded the beauty of the image without any compression. There is also no digital block noise (though this is also slight) felt on the Uxbridge board.
The work that has been polished out is exactly the “ultimate form” and the “perfect form”. The lustrous sound that is appropriate for that extraordinary video beauty flows incessantly and constantly. And the content is “The Tour of Life”, a cultural heritage of rock history. From Kate’s voice, which warms up at the darkening before the show, to curtain call’s stage greetings, it can be enjoyed with zero discomfort.

Forty years from the scene of the legendary “The Tour of Life”, it is a multi-camera pro shot where you can witness the full stage with beautiful images that transcend official works. It is the ultimate video that perfectly restored the voice deterioration that was slight. A world heritage site of music history that literally becomes an “once in 40 years” incident. Enjoy anytime, anywhere with Dual Layer Permanent Save Press DVD.

★ Fixed missing sound in 400 places. Image is master quality

★ It is the release with dual layer DVD of single side dual layer in order to realize the best image quality

【全世界震撼の“The Tour of Life”のフル・プロショット】
いきなり『MANCHESTER APOLLO 2019』前提で始めてしまいましたが、先週見逃されてしまった方には「?」かも知れません。まずは、基本から始めさせていただきます。Uxbridgeレーベル盤をご存じの方は読み飛ばしてください。
この映像は、掛け値なく人類音楽史上の事件。あの“The Tour of Life”の一部始終を捉えた超極上プロショットです。“The Tour of Life”と言えば、歌姫ケイト・ブッシュによる1979年のツアー。デビュー以降数えるほどしかステージに立ってこなかったケイトが『THE KICK INSIDE』『LIONHEART』の2枚を経て初めて行ったコンサート・ツアーであり、後にも先にも彼女のツアーはこれきり(2014年の“Before the Dawn”は1カ所で公演を重ねるコンサート・レジデンシーでした)。その映像はオフィシャル作品『LIVE AT HAMMERSMITH ODEON』やその完全版ブートレッグでもうかがえましたが、本作ははまったくの別公演。「1979年4月10日マンチェスター公演」を完全収録したマルチカメラ・プロショットなのです。まずは、一度きりのツアー日程の中でショウのポジションを確かめておきましょう。


これだけ貴重となるとグシャグシャな劣化まみれの映像でもありがたいところなのですが、本作はまったく違う! その映像美は超・極上。まるっきりオフィシャル級……と言いますか、正真正銘の公式作品『LIVE AT HAMMERSMITH ODEON』よりも遙かに美しい。幻想感を演出するためか意図的に滲ませていた公式映像とはまったく異なり、発色も輪郭も超ビビッド。しかも、マスター鮮度も異様。画面端にタイム・カウンターもある(右上に小さく入るのでまったく邪魔になりません)ために業務用マスターだと思うのですが、その映像美は大元マスターそのもの……と言うより、撮影フィルムそのものから直接デジタル化したような美しさなのです。
もはや「衝撃」という言葉でさえ生ぬるい映像美で描かれるショウこそが圧倒的。大勢のダンサーやパントマイムを大胆に導入した演劇的なステージは、コンサートと言うよりはミュージカル。セットは『THE KICK INSIDE』『LIONHEART』の2枚から「Oh to Be in Love」以外の全曲が披露され、『NEVER FOR EVER』に収録されることになる「Egypt」「Violin」も取り上げられています。ここで「あれ?」と思われた方は鋭い。そう、ハマースミス公演では演奏されず、『LIVE AT HAMMERSMITH ODEON』やその完全版でも観る事のできなかった「Fullhouse」も披露されている。ピアノに腰掛けて物憂げに、そして妖艶に歌うケイトの姿がオフィシャル級……いえ、それ以上のプロショットで見つめられるのです。

そうして磨き抜かれた本作は、まさに「究極形」であり「完全形」。あの超絶なる映像美に相応しい艶やかな音声が淀みなく、絶え間なく流れる。そして、その中身はロック史の文化遺産である“The Tour of Life”。それを開演前の暗転時にウォームアップするケイトの歌声からカーテン・コールの舞台挨拶に至るまで、違和感ゼロで楽しめるのです。

伝説の“The Tour of Life”の現場から40年、オフィシャル作品を遙かに超越する映像美でフル・ステージを目撃できるマルチカメラ・プロショットです。わずかにあった音声劣化も完璧に修復した究極映像です。文字どおり「40年に一度」の事件となる音楽史の世界遺産。デュアル・レイヤーの永久保存プレスDVDで、いつでも、いつまでもお楽しみください。




1. Pre-show / Backstage Ambience
2. Moving
3. The Saxophone Song
4. Room for the Life
5. Them Heavy People
6. The Man With the Child in His Eyes
7. Egypt
8. L’amour Looks Something Like You
9. Violin
10. Spoken Word: John Carder Bush
11. The Kick Inside
12. Interval Ambience
13. In the Warm Room
14. Fullhouse
15. Strange Phenomena
16. Hammer Horror
17. Intro
18. Kashka from Baghdad
19. Don’t Push Your Foot on the Heartbrake
20. Interval / Backstage Vocal Warm-Up
21. Wow
22. Coffee Homeground
23. In Search of Peter Pan
24. Symphony in Blue
25. Feel It
26. Kite
27. James and the Cold Gun
28. Spoken Word: John Carder Bush
29. Oh England My Lionheart
30. Wuthering Heights
31. Curtain Call

Kate Bush: Vocals / Piano / Keyboards

Alan Murphy: Electric Guitar / Whistles
Ben Barson: Synthesizer / Acoustic Guitar
Brian Bath: Electric Guitar / Acoustic Mandolin / Background Vocals
Del Palmer: Bass Guitar
Glenys Groves: Background Vocals
John Carder Bush: Spoken Word
Kevin McAlea: Piano / Keyboards / Saxophone / 12-String Guitar
Liz Pearson: Background Vocals
Paddy Bush: Mandolin / Background Vocals
Preston Heyman: Drums / Percussion



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