Emerson Lake & Palmer / Nagoya 1992 / 2CD

Emerson Lake & Palmer / Nagoya 1992 / 2CD / Virtuoso

Live at Nagoya-shi Kokaido, Nagoya, Japan 12th September 1992

Play sample :

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EL & P of 1992 that played the miracle revisited Japan for 20 years from Koshien Stadium of great riot. The world’s first published master of shock that tells the scene is a new excavation. It is appearance in permanent preservation press 2CD.
This work is just an impact. It is a new excavated cassette that is not sent out directly from the recording person himself, but there is still a completely unreleased new recording in 2019, when the date of 27 years has passed since the revisited Japan which has shaken Japan. It was ……… The performance of “September 12, 1992: Nagoya City Public Hall” was recorded in the new excavation master. In our shop, this tour has been archived with many masterpieces. First, let’s check the show’s position on the schedule at that time, along with the collection.

・ September 10: Kawasaki Cultural Center
・ September 11: Tokyo Welfare Pension Hall
・ September 12: Nagoya City Public Hall [This work] ・ September 14 “BLACK MOON IN OSAKA”
・ September 16 “EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL (Hitomi Memorial Hall)”
・ September 17: Shibuya Public Hall
・ September 18 “BLACK MOON IN TOKYO”
・ September 19 “BLACK MOON IN TOKYO”

Above, all 8 performances. Three quarters were biased to the Kanto area, and the great recordings so far were concentrated in the second half. Among them, Nagoya performance of this work is the third performance that hits the first half. Along with Osaka, it is one of the few non-Kanto live albums.
It is surprising just to say that the new excavation that 27 years ago comes back, but the real shock is its contents. This is a terrific name recording. In the first place, this Nagoya performance was not the most blessed of recordings in the revisiting of Japan in 1992, and the recordings of the base bursting among core collectors were on the verge of being secretly distributed. Of course, this work is completely different from such a thing and clears violently. There is no close contact with the feeling of distance zero, and the evidence of audience recording is engraved on the tone of the snare or bass drum. However, to put it in the opposite direction, the customer record is just that level, and the core that penetrates the clear crystal clear air feels powerful and shines to the detail. Even if the synth sounds soberly, it will not cause cloudiness or turbidity, and the outline of the bass and drums will remain clean. “Black Moon” opening and waiting for encore There is also a contact sound of the microphone and a change in balance, so I can not say 100% perfection, but I just close my eyes and just notice them as I analyze them with headphones. Things. It is one of the best recordings of the 1992 Japan Tour as a whole.
The show drawn with such a sound is a scene where the scene that comes to revisit after 20 years is fiercely realistic. The set is very similar to other performances, especially identical to “BLACK MOON IN OSAKA (Virtuoso 282/283)” in Osaka. “Honky Tonk Train Blues” I heard in Tokyo has not done yet. However, the enthusiasm of the scene is hotter than any other show. Of course, once the performance starts, you will be surrounded by the concentration and silence that you will not miss a single note, but when you finish one song, one big song will fly and you will be delighted with the intro of the next song Will explode. Nagoya, which is known to be greatly invigorated even in major cities in Japan, is a reaction that is comparable to that in the West. Especially abolished is encore. The medley with “America” ​​and “Rondo” bursts, but the hand clapping with blick continues to support three people endlessly, and the call of “Hey! Hey!” Matches the phrase of the texture. jump. And the frightening joy is raging towards the rampaging Keith. The performances of the three people are also hot, whether they have been motivated by having witnessed the heat. It’s a medley that always gets hot, but the performance on this day is how the scorching heat of the 70’s burns. As a matter of fact, the voices of Greg Lake can be heard wildly because of the high sound quality so much, but you can actually experience the impetuousness with a fierce, clear sound.

In any case, the impact of new excavations. It will be a full experience with the best sound of EL & P’s first Nagoya performance that I had never known before. The testimony of the history that the one sound one sound, even the word and word of MC are valuable. And the site was engulfed by the heat that pulled out the true spirit of EL & P. A two-disc set of miracle that tastes such a night in Nagoya as crystal clear. Please enjoy with the press 2CD which leaves this shock forever.


・9月12日:名古屋市公会堂 【本作】
・9月16日『EXPLOSIVE MATERIAL(人見記念講堂)』

27年前が甦る新発掘というだけでも驚きですが、本当の衝撃はその中身。これが凄まじい名録音なのです。そもそも、この名古屋公演は1992年の再来日の中では最も録音に恵まれておらず、コアなコレクター間でベースが爆裂した録音が密かに出回っている程度でした。もちろん、本作はそんな物とはまったく異なるもので猛烈にクリア。距離感ゼロと言うほど密着はしていませんし、スネアやバスドラの音色にオーディエンス録音の証は刻まれている。しかし、逆に言えば客録らしさはその程度で、クリスタル・クリアに透き通った空気感を貫く芯は力強く、ディテールまでキラキラと輝いている。シンセが荘厳に響き渡っても曇りや濁りを起こさず、ベースやドラムの輪郭もキリッとしたまま。「Black Moon」冒頭やアンコール待ちでマイクの接触音やバランスの変化もあるので100%完全無欠とは申せませんが、それも目を閉じ、ヘッドフォンで分析するように耳を澄ませてやっと気づく程度のもの。1992年ジャパン・ツアー全体で見ても屈指の名録音なのです。
そんなサウンドで描かれるショウは、20年ぶりの再訪に湧く現場が猛烈にリアル。セットは他公演と酷似しており、特に大阪公演の『BLACK MOON IN OSAKA(Virtuoso 282/283)』と同一。東京で聴けた「Honky Tonk Train Blues」はまだやっていません。しかし、現場の熱狂は他のどのショウよりも熱い。もちろん基本的には演奏が始まれば、1音も聞き逃すまいという集中力と静寂に包まれるわけですが、1曲1曲を終えた際には盛大な喝采が飛び、次曲のイントロに歓喜が爆発する。日本の主要都市でも大いに盛り上がる事で知られる名古屋ですが、本作はそれこそ欧米にも負けない反応。特に凄絶なのはアンコール。「America」や「Rondo」を交えてのメドレーが炸裂するわけですが、そこではビシッと揃った手拍子が延々と3人を支え続け、キメのフレーズにあわせて「Hey! hey!」のコールが飛ぶ。そして、暴れるキースに向かって凄まじい歓喜が荒れ狂うのです。その熱気を目の当たりにした事でやる気を掻き立てられたのか、3人の演奏も熱い熱い。常に熱演になるメドレーですが、この日の演奏はそれこそ70年代もかくやという灼熱の燃え上がり方。実のところ、あまりの高音質ゆえにグレッグ・レイクの声が荒れ気味なのもクッキリ聞こえてしまうのですが、それをものともしない勢いを猛烈クリアなサウンドで実体験できるのです。


Disc 1 (64:56)
1. Karn Evil 9 2. Tarkus 3. Knife Edge 4. Paper Blood 5. Black Moon
6. Close To Home 7. Creole Dance 8. From The Beginning 9. Still You Turn Me On
10. Lucky Man 11. Romeo And Juliet 12. Pirates

Disc 2 (36:11)
1. Promenade 2. The Gnome 3. Promenade 4. The Hut Of Baba Yaga 5. Drum Solo
6. The Hut Of Baba Yaga 7. The Great Gates Of Kiev
8. Fanfare For The Common Man/America/Rondo 9. Finale

Virtuoso 408/409

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