Winger / Tokyo 2023 / 4CDR

Winger / Tokyo 2023 / 4CDR / Shades

Shibuya Stream Hall, Tokyo, Japan 5th September 2023

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9年ぶりの新作『SEVEN』を引っさげ、“LOUD PARK 17”以来の来日を果たしたWINGER。完遂されたばかりのジャパン・ツアーをコンプリートできるオリジナル録音の2連作が同時リリース決定です。
本作は2連作の第二弾。2公演「2023年9月5日:渋谷STREAM HALL/9月6日:EX THEATER ROPPONGI」の極上オーディエンス録音セットです。彼らの近況は同時リリースとなる『OSAKA 2023(Shades 1839)』の解説に譲るとして、ここでは来日3公演と2連作の関係を確認しておきましょう。

・9月4日『OSAKA 2023』
・9月5日:渋谷STREAM HALL ←★本作DISC 1-2★

そんな本作は超強力な剛力オーディエンス録音。実のところ、本作の東京2公演は会場が異なるだけでなく、録音家も違う。まず「渋谷録音(DISC 1-2)」ですが、これは新進気鋭の名手の作。様々な名作が話題を呼んでいますが、ハードロック系ですとDEEP PURPLEのプレス名盤『HIROSHIMA 2023: DEFINITIVE MASTER(Darker Than Blue 321/322)』やQUEEN+アダム・ランバートの『SAITAMA SUPER ARENA 2020 2ND NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER(Uxbridge 1988)』が大評判となりました。本作DISC 1-2もその衝撃を引き継ぐもので、極太な芯が完全ゼロ距離で轟く。あまりのダイレクト感にビビリ寸前になったりもしますが、その強烈な鮮やか感とパワーはオーディエンス録音とは思えない次元。それこそ「実はIEMs傍受」と言われた方がしっくり来るくらい(現実には純度100%オーディエンス)です。
代わっての「六本木録音(DISC 3-4)」は、実績豊富な匠の作品。この方は本当に膨大なコレクションをご紹介してきたのですが、近年の作品ですとALCATRAZZの『DEFINITIVE TOKYO 2019 FINAL NIGHT(Zodiac 338)』やSTINGの『MAKUHARI 2019 2ND NIGHT(Wardour-378)』、さらには今や伝説と化しているGUNS N’ ROSESの『SAITAMA SUPER ARENA 2017 2ND NIGHT(Zodiac 231)』等々など。本当に枚挙に暇がありません。パンデミック以降は作品数も減っていたのですが、ここに来て録音活動も活発になってきたようです。そして、本作DISC 3-4もまた極上。ゼロ距離感覚な芯も細やかなディテールも鮮やかなセパレート感も「まるでサウンドボード」を地で行く。さらに現場の出音が良かったのか、前日よりも艶やかで均整の美までも感じさせるのです。
そんな極上2録音で描かれるのは、大阪を上回る東京2公演。初日の『OSAKA 2023』も海外より曲数アップされていましたが、東京はさらに増量。東京2公演内では同じセレクト(一部の曲順は異なります)ですので、ここでまとめて整理しておきましょう。

・ウィンガー:Seventeen/Hungry/Time To Surrender/Headed For A Heartbreak/Madalaine
・イン・ザ・ハート・オブ・ザ・ヤング:Can’t Get Enuff/Miles Away/Rainbow In The Rose/Easy Come Easy Go
・プル:Down Incognito/Junkyard Dog (Tears On Stone)(★)/Who’s The One(★)/Blind Revolution Mad(★)
・カーマ:Deal With the Devil(★)/Pull Me Under
・セヴン:Stick The Knife In And Twist/Proud Desperado
・その他:Black Magic
※注:「★」印は同時リリースの『OSAKA 2023』で聴けなかった曲。

……と、このようになっています。大阪は「Pull Me Under」でフィニッシュしていましたが、東京ではさらに「Deal With the Devil」も導入。近年の曲で締める辺り、攻めの姿勢が強烈な現役感も醸しています。
3公演が3公演とも別録音家の作でありつつ、鎬を削るような極上録音ばかりとなった今回の来日公演。その東京2公演をフル収録したビッグな4枚組です。大阪では聴けなかった「Deal With the Devil」まで上乗せされた決定盤セット。どうぞ、お腹いっぱいお楽しみください!

★「2023年9月5日:渋谷STREAM HALL/9月6日:EX THEATER ROPPONGI」の極上オーディエンス録音セット。どちらも名作を連発している達人テーパーによる録音で、極太・ゼロ距離のド迫力サウンド。同時リリースの『OSAKA 2023(Shades 1839)』では聴けない「Deal With the Devil」も美味しいフルショウを2公演丸ごと楽しめる超・決定盤です。

WINGER made their first visit to Japan since “LOUD PARK 17” with their first new album “SEVEN” in nine years. A double series of original recordings that will complete the just-completed Japan tour will be released at the same time.
This work is the second in a series of two works. This is a superb audience recording set of 2 performances “September 5, 2023: Shibuya STREAM HALL / September 6, 2023: EX THEATER ROPPONGI”. We will leave their recent status to the explanation of “OSAKA 2023 (Shades 1839)” which will be released at the same time, but here we will check the relationship between the three performances in Japan and the two series.

・September 4th “OSAKA 2023”
・September 5th: Shibuya STREAM HALL ←★This work DISC 1-2★
・September 6th: EX THEATER ROPPONGI ←★This work DISC 3-4★

All three performances above. The two performances in Tokyo are held at different venues, and this work is a 4-disc set with 2 full recordings of each.
This work is a super powerful audience recording. In fact, the two Tokyo performances of this work not only have different venues, but also different recording artists. First of all, “Shibuya Recording (DISC 1-2)” is the work of an up-and-coming master. Various masterpieces are attracting attention, but in the hard rock genre, DEEP PURPLE’s press masterpiece “HIROSHIMA 2023: DEFINITIVE MASTER (Darker Than Blue 321/322)” and QUEEN + Adam Lambert’s “SAITAMA SUPER ARENA 2020 2ND” NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER (Uxbridge 1988)” became a huge hit. DISC 1-2 of this work also inherits that impact, with the extremely thick core roaring at a completely zero distance. The direct feeling may be on the verge of freaking out, but its intense vividness and power are at a level that you wouldn’t expect from an audience recording. That’s why it would be more appropriate to say, “Actually, IEMs were intercepted” (in reality, it was a 100% pure audience).
The replacement “Roppongi Recording (DISC 3-4)” is the work of an experienced master craftsman. This person has introduced a really huge collection, but recent works include ALCATRAZZ’s “DEFINITIVE TOKYO 2019 FINAL NIGHT (Zodiac 338)”, STING’s “MAKUHARI 2019 2ND NIGHT (Wardour-378)”, and even GUNS N’ ROSES’s “SAITAMA SUPER ARENA 2017 2ND NIGHT (Zodiac 231)” which has now become a legend, etc. I really don’t have time to list them all. Since the pandemic, the number of his works has decreased, but it seems that his recording activities have become more active now. And this work DISC 3-4 is also the best. The core that feels like zero distance, the fine details, and the vivid sense of separation all make it feel like a “soundboard.” Furthermore, perhaps because the sound output from the scene was good, it feels more glossy and even beautiful than the day before.
The two best recordings depict two performances in Tokyo that exceed Osaka. The number of songs for “OSAKA 2023” on the first day was increased from overseas, but the number for Tokyo was increased even more. The selections are the same for the two Tokyo performances (some of the songs are in different order), so let’s organize them here.

・Winger: Seventeen/Hungry/Time To Surrender/Headed For A Heartbreak/Madalaine
・In the Heart of the Young: Can’t Get Enuff/Miles Away/Rainbow In The Rose/Easy Come Easy Go
・Pull: Down Incognito/Junkyard Dog (Tears On Stone) (★)/Who’s The One (★)/Blind Revolution Mad (★)
・Karma: Deal With the Devil (★)/Pull Me Under
・Seven: Stick The Knife In And Twist/Proud Desperado
・Others: Black Magic
*Note: Songs marked with “★” were not available on “OSAKA 2023”, which was released at the same time.

…and it looks like this. Osaka finished with “Pull Me Under,” but Tokyo also introduced “Deal With the Devil.” The song concludes with songs from recent years, and its aggressive attitude gives off a strong sense of active work.
And even more than that, the performance itself is very active. This visit to Japan marks the 35th anniversary of their debut, with both Kip Winger and Reb Beach entering their 60s. However, the ensemble that flows from this work is so sharp that it is hard to believe that it is a show that is over 60 years old. What’s more, this time, Howie Simon will be accompanying him for support. He is a guitarist who was in ALCATRAZZ from 2006 to 2014. Although he has left few official works, he was known for his skill as “a great player who could play anything with ease,” even on ALCATRAZZ, which was full of difficult pieces. Although he still does not understand his own musical style, his skill shines through in this work.
Although all three performances were made by different recording artists, this performance in Japan featured only the finest recordings. This is a big 4-disc set that fully records the two performances in Tokyo. A definitive set that includes “Deal With the Devil,” which was not heard in Osaka. Please enjoy to your heart’s content!

★Excellent audience recording set of “September 5, 2023: Shibuya STREAM HALL/September 6: EX THEATER ROPPONGI”. Both were recorded by master tapers who have produced many masterpieces, and the sound is extremely thick and has zero distance. “Deal With the Devil”, which cannot be heard on the simultaneously released “OSAKA 2023 (Shades 1839)”, is also a super definitive edition where you can enjoy two delicious full shows.

SHIBUYA STREAM Hall, Tokyo, Japan 5th September 2023
Disc:1 (52:34)
1. Intro
2. Stick the Knife In and Twist
3. Seventeen
4. Can’t Get Enuff
5. Hungry
6. Down Incognito
7. Guitar Solo (Howie Simon)
8. Proud Desperado (with Katsuki from Saiseiga on bass)
9. Junkyard Dog (Tears on Stone)
10. Miles Away
11. Rainbow in the Rose
12. Guitar Solo (Reb Beach)
13. Black Magic (Reb Beach song)

Disc:2 (47:38)
1. Who’s the One (Kip on acoustic guitar)
2. Time to Surrender
3. Blind Revolution Mad
4. Drum Solo
5. Headed for a Heartbreak
6. Easy Come Easy Go
7. Madalaine
8. Saint Jam
10. Deal With the Devil
11. Pull Me Under

EX THEATER ROPPONGI, Tokyo, Japan 6th September 2023
Disc:3 (53:56)
1. Intro
2. Stick the Knife In and Twist
3. Seventeen
4. Can’t Get Enuff
5. Hungry
6. Down Incognito
7. Guitar Solo (Howie Simon)
8. Proud Desperado (with Katsuki from Saiseiga on bass)
9. Junkyard Dog (Tears on Stone)
10. Miles Away
11. Rainbow in the Rose
12. Guitar Solo (Reb Beach)
13. Black Magic (Reb Beach song)

Disc:4 (45:11)
1. Who’s the One (Kip on acoustic guitar)
2. Time to Surrender
3. Blind Revolution Mad
4. Drum Solo
5. Headed for a Heartbreak
6. Easy Come Easy Go
7. Madalaine
8. Saint Jam
9. Pull Me Under
10. Deal With the Devil

Kip Winger – lead vocals, bass
Reb Beach – guitar
Howie Simon – guitar,bass
Rod Morgenstein – drums, percussion
Paul Taylor – keyboards,guitar



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