Uriah Heep / Milton Keynes 2014 / 2CDR

Uriah Heep / Milton Keynes 2014 / 2CDR / Non Label
Live at Stables Theatre, Milton Keynes, UK 4th February 2014

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This board is an audience recording that includes “February 4, 2014 Milton Keynes Performance”, and is a work by a recording artist living in the UK. He is a recorder who is particular about keeping warmth and clearness by DAT recording, and he has many fans in our shop. Even if it’s a band that doesn’t even check the audience’s recordings, there are repeat customers who say, “If it’s a master’s work”.
This work is one that meets the expectations of such a “master brand.” The “Stables Theatre,” which was the site, is a venue with about 400 seats, but this is the garden of a master. Up to now, hyper recording has been mono in every band, and URIAH HEEP’s 2010 live albums “RETURN TO THE WILD (Uxbridge 423)” and “THE WILD BACK IN MILTON KEYNES (Uxbridge 481)” have been published as “official.” The sound quality was as high as that of a boot leg. The recording of URIAH HEEP almost every time tells us that the master loves this band, but the sound of this work is also fully familiar with the venue and the individuality of URIAH HEEP. In particular, the intimacy of the small venue space is wonderful. It’s not just a “sound board” type, but the liveliness of musical sounds, or more specifically, the reality that “URIAH HEEP is there now” is amazing. Of course, not only can you clearly hear all the instruments, the singing voice of the Bernie Shaw and the chorus harmony, but the reality that you can even see the walls and floors of the venue from the music. Indeed, because it is audience recording, it is the sound that feels like it is because it is a master recording.
URIAH HEEP of 2014 spelled in such a real recording. At this performance in Japan, he showed a lot of his work, but this work is more than that. From the opening, the curtain opens from “Against the Odds” of the masterpiece “SEA OF LIGHT” of the 90’s, and with the repertoire of the 70’s, we mix the numbers of recent works such as “SONIC ORIGAMI”, “WAKE THE SLEEPER” and “INTO THE WILD”. .. Six years ago, the “devil and wizard” was completely reproduced, and this time the theme was “anti-nuclear”, but in recent years Japan has had a strong project color, but this work is “usual URIAH HEEP” , The “current URIAH HEEP” feeling is rich.
However, of course, I can’t forget my 70’s number. In addition to the familiar number, “Traveller In Time” and “Free’n’ Easy” will also be shown. In particular, the disc 2 is a big hit song of “Korezo!” in the 45-year history of URIA HEEP! Because we are solidifying a new song in the middle stage, the venue rush will get hot without humming at the end of the rush. Not only is the performance alive, but the performance of the show is extremely skillful. It’s easy to forget in Japan, where only studio releases are noticed, but URIAH HEEP has been on the stage continuously since its debut (actually, the live record can only be found in 1981). Exactly, the feeling of liveness that only 45 years continues will overflow. There are many bands that have long been in the history of rock music, but other than URIAH HEEP, is there a band that boasts such a rich live career?

One that keeps rocking for 45 years and does not follow the fashion, but the feeling of “current band” spills out. It is a live recording that only the current URIAH HEEP can do, and it is a famous recording that the master in his native country captured it. A pure British live album for you.

本作は、そんな“巨匠ブランド”への期待に応える1本。現場となった“Stables Theatre”は、約400席の会場なのですが、ここはまさに巨匠の庭。今まであらゆるバンドでハイパー録音をモノにしており、URIAH HEEPの2010年代のライヴ盤「RETURN TO THE WILD(Uxbridge 423)」「THE WILD BACK IN MILTON KEYNES(Uxbridge 481)」が専門誌から「オフィシャル・ブートレグに肉薄するぐらいの高音質」と絶賛されたほど。毎回のようにURIAH HEEPを録音していることからも、巨匠がこのバンドをこよなく愛していることが伝わりますが、本作のサウンドも会場とURIAH HEEPの個性を十二分に熟知したもの。特に、こぢんまりとした会場空間の親密感が素晴らしい。「まるでサウンドボード」といったタイプでこそありませんが、楽音の生っぽさ、もっと言えば、“今、そこにURIAH HEEPがいる”という現実感が凄い。もちろん、すべての楽器、バーニー・ショウの歌声やコーラスハーモニーがクッキリと聞こえるのはもちろんのこと、音楽から会場の壁や床さえも見えてきそうな現実感。まさに、オーディエンス録音だからこそ、巨匠録音だからこその手触り感覚のサウンドなのです。
そんなリアル録音で綴られる2014年のURIAH HEEP。今回の来日公演でも現役感をたっぷり見せつけてくれましたが、本作はそれ以上。オープニングから90年代の名作「SEA OF LIGHT」の「Against the Odds」から幕を開け、70年代レパートリーと共に「SONIC ORIGAMI」「WAKE THE SLEEPER」や「INTO THE WILD」といった近作のナンバーを織り交ぜていく。6年前は「悪魔と魔法使い」の完全再現、今回は「対自核」をテーマにするなど、近年の日本では企画色が強いライヴが続きましたが、本作は“いつものURIAH HEEP”、“今のURIAH HEEP”感覚が濃厚なのです。
とは言え、もちろん70年代ナンバーを忘れるわけもない。お馴染みのナンバーに加え、「Traveller In Time」や「Free ‘n’ Easy」も披露する。特にディスク2は、45年のURIAH HEEP史でも“コレぞ!”な大代表曲の一気呵成! 中盤に新しめの曲を固めているからこそ、終盤ラッシュで会場中がハンパなく熱くなっていく。演奏に現役感が溢れているだけでなく、極めて熟練したショウ運び。スタジオ作のリリースだけが注目される日本では忘れられがちですが、URIAH HEEPはデビュー以来、絶え間なくステージに立ち続けてきた(実際、ライヴ記録が見つからないのは1981年だけです)。まさに、45年の継続こそが生み出すライヴ感が溢れ出す。長いロック史に古くから続くバンドは数多くありますが、URIAH HEEP以外にこれほど濃厚なライヴキャリアを誇るバンドがいるでしょうか。

45年の長きにわたってロックし続け、流行を追うわけでもないのに“今のバンド”感覚がこぼれ出す1本。現在のURIAH HEEPにしかできないライヴ、それを母国の巨匠が捉えきった名録音です。純英国ライヴアルバム、ぜひあなたに。

Disc 1(41:48)
1. Intro.
2. Against The Odds
3. Overload
4. Traveller in Time
5. Sunrise
6. Stealin’
7. I’m Ready
8. Between Two Worlds

Disc 2(55:40)
1. Nail On The Head
2. Into The Wild
3. Gypsy
4. Look At Yourself
5. July Morning
6. Lady in Black
7. Free ‘n’ Easy
8. Easy Livin’
9. Outro. (Land Of Hope And Glory)

Bernie Shaw – lead vocals Mick Box – lead guitars, backing vocals
Phil Lanzon – keyboards, backing vocals Russell Gilbrook – drums, percussion
Davey Rimmer – bass

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