Rolling Stones / Torino 1982 Day 1 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Torino 1982 Day 1 / 2CD / Non label
Live at Stadio Comunale, Torino, Italy 11th July 1982

Play sample :

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The LP “MUNDIAL ITO ’82” has been loved by enthusiasts as a masterpiece that captures the full opening of the engine when the Rolling Stones 1982 European Tour approached the second half. In the same 1982 tour, it seems that “ONE MORE TIME” or “NEVER STOP!” From Gothenburg in June was more popular in terms of sound quality and binding, but the performance content is 7 The “MUNDIAL ITO ’82” that passed the month was much more fulfilling. For that reason, the release of the CD version was eagerly awaited, but although the VGP board that first appeared used the tape that was the source of the LP, it was regrettable that it was in a state of being considerably lost.
After that, after all, LP is better for the “MUNDIAL ITO ’82” sound source … From the viewpoint, the limited press version released from the non-label about 10 years ago. The sound quality was certainly better than the VGP board, but a few years later, the DAC board appeared. At this point, the original tape was finally made into a CD from the low-gene version. After all, more than 30 years after the release of LP, it seemed like a satisfying CD version finally appeared. And all these items have been released under the name of “MUNDIAL ITO ’82” artwork & design.

However, recently, the cassette master of the July 11th performance in Turin, which was the source of them, finally appeared on the net. As expected, the upper feeling unique to the state of being a master rather than a low gene is wonderful, and the difference is clear when comparing this version with the DAC board that was the best already released. The veil that was there was removed, and the natural feeling was greatly improved.
After all, since the original is the master, I haven’t added any tricks to suppress hiss noise. Therefore, the natural and warm texture that surpasses even the DAC board is overwhelming. I think you can clearly feel it from the rich and natural spread of the clapping that occurs when the opening “Under My Thumb” begins. Do you really realize the power of the master?
On the other hand, it became clear that the pitch of this sound source was high from the time the LP was released, and it was high from the time of the master who appeared this time in the first place. Therefore, when making this limited press CD, it was adjusted exactly. Of course, this time as well, there is still the noise that the taper accidentally hits the microphone in “Time Is On My Side”, but the sound quality is so wonderful that it doesn’t even bother me.

When I listen to the performance of “MUNDIAL ITO ’82” in Turin, which was finally recorded by the master, I feel overwhelmed by the wonderfulness of the performance. More than a week has passed since that masterpiece “FRANK FURT 1982”, and the band’s performance boasts perfect speed and perfection. Among them, Mick is so salty that he is blowing up, and around “Shattered” and “Neighbours”, he immediately pulls the band around. On the other hand, the Big Bopper cover “Chantilly Lace”, which was originally a symbol of the 1982 tour, disappeared because the tour passed July, and on the contrary, even “Let It Bleed” was dropped from the set list. ..
However, it is an unprecedented situation that even Keith’s “Little T & A” is omitted only on this day. Thanks to that, what was performed following the usual member introduction was the “Angie” electric version introduced from Madrid on the 7th, which is rather rare and interesting. On the contrary, I don’t feel that the Stones are cutting corners (at all!), But rather, the hyper-performances after “She’s So Cold” that Mick started to flutter are the essence of the 1982 European tour. It’s so wonderful that you can call it. Yes, this fulfillment was also the secret that has been loved since the LP era.
Such “MUNDIAL ITO ’82” Turin performance, the release of the best version from the long-awaited master will be realized, so this time I dare not use the LP title and artwork, but treat the Mick of the day and make the title stoic I decided “TORINO 1982 DAY 1”. The unique and rich sense of presence is fully reproduced from the master, and above all, please enjoy the best performance of the 1982 European tour in the best version to your heart’s content!

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(Remaster memo))
★ Fixed a pitch that is a little less than 50% lower than 35 to 50% of semitones.

★ Since the left-right balance changes frequently, I adjusted it with ease.

★ The sound quality is clearly higher than that of the already released “Mundialito ’82” (LP wake up), and this edition is richer and has a better impression than the already released tape source. Furthermore, the end of Disc1 is about 2 seconds longer. His 6:53 pause in Jumping Jack Flash has already been crossfade, but the recording time is about 10 seconds shorter than this time. The end of this edition is about 3 seconds longer.

LP「MUNDIALITO’82」はローリング・ストーンズ1982年ヨーロッパ・ツアーが後半に差し掛かった時点のエンジン全開ぶりを捉えた名盤としてマニアに愛されてきた一枚。同じ82年ツアーなら音質面や装丁面で6月のヨーテボリからの「ONE MORE TIME」あるいは「NEVER STOP!」辺りの方が人気を博していたように思えるのですが、演奏内容に関しては7月を過ぎた「MUNDIALITO ’82」の方がはるかに充実していたものです。それだけにCDバージョンのリリースが渇望されていましたが、最初に登場したVGP盤はLPの元になったテープを使用してはいたものの、かなりジェネ落ちした状態だったのが悔やまれました。
その後、結局「MUNDIALITO ’82」音源に関してはLPの方が良いのではないか…という観点から10年ほど前にノンレーベルよりリリースされた限定プレス盤バージョン。こちらは確かにVGP盤よりも音質が良かったのですが、その数年後に今度はDAC盤が登場。ここで遂に元テープのロージェネ版からのCD化が実現しました。結局LPのリリースから30年以上の歳月を経て、ようやく満足いくCDバージョンが現れたかのように思えたものです。そしてこれらのアイテムはすべて「MUNDIALITO ’82」のアートワーク&デザインの名の下でリリースされてきました。

何しろ元がマスターということもあり、ヒスノイズを抑えるような小細工も加えていません。それ故にDAC盤をも凌ぐナチュラルでウォーミーな質感は圧倒的。それはもう、オープニングの「Under My Thumb」が始まって沸き起こる手拍子の豊かで自然な広がりからしてはっきりと実感してもらえるのではないでしょうか。正にマスターの威力を思い知らされるかと。
一方、本音源はLPがリリースされた時点からピッチが高めであり、そもそも今回登場したマスターの時点から高かったことが明らかとなりました。そこで今回の限定プレスCD化に際してそこはきっちりとアジャスト。もちろん今回も「Time Is On My Side」でテーパーがうっかりマイクをぶつけてしまったようなノイズが入るのは変わりませんが、それすら気にならなくなるほど見事な音質。

こうして、ようやくマスターからの収録が実現した「MUNDIALITO ’82」ことトリノ公演を聞いてみると、その演奏の素晴らしさに打ちのめされる思いがします。あの名盤「FRANKFURT 1982」からも一週間以上が経過し、バンドの演奏は完全無欠のスピード感と完成度を誇っている。中でもミックはしょっぱなから吹き上がっていて、「Shattered」や「Neighbours」辺りではさっそくバンドをグイグイと引っぱりまくり。その反面ツアーが7月を過ぎたという事で当初82年ツアーの象徴だったビッグ・ボッパーのカバー「Chantilly Lace」はとうに姿を消し、それどころか「Let It Bleed」すらセットリストから落とされてしまった。
ところがこの日に限ってキースの「Little T & A」までも省かれるという前代未聞の事態。おかげでいつものメンバー紹介に続いて演奏されたのは7日のマドリードから導入された「Angie」エレクトリック・バージョンというレアすぎる展開がかえって面白いことに。それどころかストーンズが手を抜いている的な様子は(まったく!)感じられず、むしろミックが煽りまくって始まった「She’s So Cold」以降のハイパーな演奏の数々は、これぞ82年ヨーロッパ・ツアーの神髄と呼べるほど素晴らしい。そう、この充実ぶりこそがLP時代から愛されてきた秘訣でもあったのです。
そんな「MUNDIALITO’82」ことトリノ公演、待ちに待ったマスターからのベスト・バージョンのリリースが実現という事から、今回は敢えてLPのタイトルやアートワークを使わず、当日のミックをあしらってタイトルもストイックに「TORINO 1982 DAY 1」と決めました。独自の豊かな臨場感もマスターから余すことなく再現され、何より82年ヨーロッパ・ツアー最高の名演をベスト・バージョンにて心ゆくまでお楽しみください!




★既発「Mundialito ’82」(LP起こし)より明らかに高音質、そしてテープソース既発より、今回盤の方がふくよかで印象は良い。更に、Disc1の最後が2秒程長い。Jumping Jack Flashの 6:53の一時停止は既発はクロスフェードで繋げてあるが、収録時間は今回盤より10秒程度短くなっている。終演は今回盤の方は3秒程長い。



Disc 1 (60:09)
1. Take The A Train
2. Under My Thumb
3. When The Whip Comes Down
4. Let’s Spend The Night Together
5. Shattered
6. Neighbours
7. Black Limousine
8. Just My Imagination
9. Twenty Flight Rock
10. Going To A Go-Go
11. Let Me Go
12. Time Is On My Side
13. Beast Of Burden

Disc 2 (63:56)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Band Introductions
3. Angie
4. Tumbling Dice
5. She’s So Cold
6. Hang Fire
7. Miss You
8. Honky Tonk Women
9. Brown Sugar
10. Start Me Up
11. Jumping Jack Flash
12. Satisfaction
13. 1812 Overture

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