Rolling Stones / Fort Worth 1972 Late Show / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Fort Worth 1972 Late Show / 1CD / Non label

Live at Tarrant County Convention Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA 24th June 1972 Late Show STEREO SBD(UPGRADE)

Play sample :

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The Rolling Stones 1972 American tour culminated in a sharp sound full of speed, described by enthusiasts as “rock and roll dynamite.” Nowadays, you can easily see the movie “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN”, which can be called the biggest souvenir produced from here, and in the underground world, there is even a huge item called “PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL”. However, all of them were put together based on multiple performances, and it was a surprising pitfall that it was not possible to enjoy a single performance. If you are a maniac, it is natural to think that you can enjoy one performance with the highest sound quality.
It was the second show in Fort Worth on June 24th that fulfilled the wishes of these enthusiasts. On this day, the shooting for the previous movie and the multitrack recording for the live album that has been stored as a result are recorded respectively. However, the movie mainly recorded the first show and the take of Houston the next day, and the live album mainly adopted Philadelphia in July. Therefore, the current situation was that Fort Worth’s second show sound source was sold off.

However, at the end of the century, a long version of the multitrack recording rough mix of Fort Worth and the second show leaked. Although the fact that “Happy” and “All Down The Line” were not recorded was a problem, many items were produced because it was a stereo sound board recording that can be enjoyed without any price. Among them, the VGP label “FORT WORTH EXPRESS” became the definitive edition, and the title “TARRANT COUNTY 1972” appeared and was distributed among enthusiasts as it became a literal bestseller. I did.
Although this sound source was originally a stereo multitrack recording, it was a leaked sound source. There was a dilemma that the roughness was as if it had been dubbed several times, and it tended to be equalized to alleviate it. In that respect, the one that stood out was the previous “TARRANT COUNTY 1972”, but the masterpiece with the same quality and modern treatment was “FORT WORTH 1972 2ND SHOW”. .. While using the monaural audience recording of the same day from the scene before the opening “Brown Sugar” to the beginning of the song, the finish that was connected extremely smoothly was highly evaluated. In addition, the fact that the MC issued by Mick after the end of “Tumbling Dice”, which was a missing point on the sound board, was recorded up to “Thank you ve …” was also a factor that received high praise.
And the analog sound quality that makes you feel warmy is also the same, and as a result of the above elements overlapping, the 350 pieces released at the time of 2016 will be sold out in a blink of an eye. After all the standard is strong! At the same time, it was the result of the sound source that had room for improvement.

This re-release for the first time in 6 years has also been supervised by Graf Zeppelin, but the plan to supplement the two songs that were not recorded from the audience will exceed the capacity of one CD. Excluded from. Rather, Graf Zeppelin removes the occasional low-frequency noise. This was especially noticeable in the quiet areas, but even if this was suppressed, the roughness remaining in the original sound source seems to have subsided.
Although it was a bigger problem than that, what had been completely overlooked until now was the sound sway that occurred in the middle of “Midnight Rambler”. Apparently, this is a trouble that has occurred since the recording of the multi-track, and it is a phenomenon that was seen not only in the existing boards mentioned so far, but also in “PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL” that adopted this take. On the contrary, in the movie “COOK SUCKER BLUES”, wasn’t it trying to produce a thrilling scene by adopting the sound fluctuation of the problem as it is? I can think of it.
However, there is no doubt that it is a very unpleasant phenomenon to hear, and it is finally unpleasant that the phrase Taylor played is shaking at just 8 minutes starting from the latter half of 6 minutes. Graf Zeppelin finally embarks on this big problem. It has achieved a sense of stability that is different from that of the existing board. It can be said that it is a problem that can be fixed only now in 2021 when technology has evolved.
The performer is a well-established and unbeatable performance, and in “Gimme Shelter” and “Love In Vain”, Mick Taylor will tell you a fascinating phrase. In addition, you can enjoy the special cover “Don’t You Lie To Me” with the best sound quality. Nevertheless, compared to the first show and Philadelphia, the full-length version of the second show, which was treated unfavorably as a small staff of each official, is an evergreen item that can be enjoyed with a wonderful stereo sound board recording. A re-release that doubles as the latest version upgrade will be realized!


(Remaster memo)
★ Phase correction. Vocals that were slightly to the left have been corrected to the center.
★ Adjust the volume in places.
★ Low frequency noise (hum noise) removal.
The low-frequency sound of boon that I was worried about in some places has decreased considerably and it is refreshing.

★ Midnight Rambler Corrects the sound twist (irregular pitch disorder) that occurs frequently in the middle interaction part.
The sober but unpleasant twist has been resolved considerably. It is definitely easier to hear than the previous one.

マニアの間で「ロックンロール・ダイナマイト」と形容されるスピード感に溢れた鋭いサウンドが頂点を迎えたローリング・ストーンズ1972年のアメリカ・ツアー。今ではここから生み出された最大の置き土産と呼べる映画「LADIES AND GENTLEMEN」を簡単に見られる訳ですし、アンダーグラウンド界では「PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL」という絶大なアイテムまで存在している。ところが、それらはどれも複数の公演をベースにしてまとめ上げたものであり、単一公演を楽しめるものでなかったというのが意外な落とし穴。マニアであれば一公演を最高音質で楽しめたら…と考えてしまうのも当然のことかと。

ところが世紀末になってフォート・ワース、セカンド・ショーのマルチトラック録音ラフミックスのロングバージョンが流出。「Happy」と「All Down The Line」が未収録という点が玉に瑕ではあったものの、それでも掛け値なしに楽しめるステレオ・サウンドボード録音であったことから多くのアイテムを輩出。それらの中ではVGPレーベルの「FORT WORTH EXPRESS」が決定版となり、文字通りのベストセラーと化したところを「TARRANT COUNTY 1972」というタイトルが登場してその座を奪うといった展開でマニアの間に流通していました。
この音源、元がステレオのマルチトラック録音だとは言えども、そこは流出音源。何度かダビングを経たような粗さがあり、それを緩和するようなイコライズが施されがちというジレンマを抱えていました。その点において頭一つ抜きんでた存在となったのが先の「TARRANT COUNTY 1972」だった訳ですが、それと同等のクオリティでなおかつ現代流のトリートメントを施した名盤が「FORT WORTH 1972 2ND SHOW」。オープニング「Brown Sugar」演奏前の場面から同曲の冒頭までに同日のモノラル・オーディエンス録音を使用しつつ、そこが極めてなめらかに繋げていた仕上がりが高く評価されたもの。またサウンドボードにおける既発の欠落ポイントであった「Tumbling Dice」終了後にミックが発したMCを「Thank you ve…」まで収録していた事も高い評価を受けた要因でした。

それから6年ぶりとなる今回の再リリースはこちらもGraf Zeppelinの監修を仰いでいますが、まず未収録であった二曲をオーディエンスから補填するというプランはCD一枚のキャパを超えてしまうことから除外。むしろGraf Zeppelinは時折気になった低周波ノイズを除去。特に静音部などでそれが顕著だったのですが、これが抑えられただけでも元の音源に残る粗さがだいぶ収まった感があります。
それ以上に大きな問題でありながら、今まで完全に見過ごされてしまっていたのが「Midnight Rambler」中間で生じていた音揺れ。どうやらこれはマルチトラックの収録時から生じてしまっていたトラブルだと思われ、ここまで挙げてきた既発盤はもとより、本テイクを採用していた「PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL」でも見られていた現象。それどころか映画「COOKSUCKER BLUES」に至っては問題の音揺れをそのまま採用することでスリリングな場面を演出しようとしていたのではないか?と思えるほど。
とはいえ聞いていて非常に気持ち悪い現象であることは間違いなく、6分後半から始まって8分ちょうどのところでテイラーが弾いたフレーズが揺れまくる状態はいよいよ気持ち悪い。この大きな問題をGraf Zeppelinが遂に着手。既発盤とは別次元の安定感を実現させたのです。テクノロジーが進化した2021年の今だからこそ修正できた問題だとも言えましょう。
演奏の方は以前から定評の高い掛け値なしの名演であり、「Gimme Shelter」や「Love In Vain」ではミック・テイラーがうっとりするほどのフレーズを聞かせてくれる。おまけに「Don’t You Lie To Me」というスペシャルなカバーも最高の音質で楽しめる。にもかかわらずファースト・ショーやフィラデルフィアと比べ、各オフィシャルの小出し要員という不遇な扱いを受けていたセカンド・ショーの全長版が素晴らしいステレオ・サウンドボード録音で楽しめるエバーグリーンアイテム。その最新バージョンアップを兼ねた再リリースが実現します!



★Midnight Rambler中間の掛け合いパートで頻発する音ヨレ(ピッチの不規則な乱れ)を補正。

1. Introduction
2. Brown Sugar
3. Bitch
4. Rocks Off
5. Gimme Shelter
6. Don’t You Lie To Me
7. Love In Vain
8. Sweet Virginia
9. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
10. Tumbling Dice
11. Midnight Rambler
12. Band Introductions
13. Bye Bye Johnny
14. Rip This Joint
15. Jumping Jack Flash
16. Street Fighting Man



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