Brand X / Shibuya 1997 / 2CDR+1DVDR

Brand X / Shibuya 1997 / 2CDR+1DVDR / Amity
Live at Shibuya Club Quattro, Tokyo, Japan 3rd April 1997

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The prestigious BRAND X of jazz rock who made his first miracle visit to Japan in 1997. Introducing a live set that lets you experience the scene of the one-off event.
“April 3, 1997: Shibuya CLUB QUATTRO performance” is included in this work. This is a 3-disc set with the full audience recording on DISC 1-2 and the related shots on DISC 3. The two records are out of the question of value and quality, but the rarest thing is the fact that they came to Japan. First, let’s look back on that schedule.

・ March 30: Nagoya CLUB QUATTRO
・ March 31: Shinsaibashi CLUB QUATTRO
・ April 2: ON AIR WEST
・ April 3: Shibuya CLUB QUATTRO ← ★ This work ★
・ April 4: Sendai MACANA

Above, all 5 performances. At that time, it was just after the release (February) of the final work “MANIFEST DESTINY”, but member Mark Wagner / Frank Katz refused to travel and left. In a hurry, the Japan tour with the participation of Pierre Moerlen and Chris Shobling was realized. Two performances will be held in Tokyo, and this work will be the second day.
The quality of this work that conveys such a show is also excellent. First of all, the main full live album (DISC 1-2), but this is the original recording only for this work, which will be released for the first time in Japan. Moreover, “SHIBUYA 1998 2ND NIGHT (Amity 634)” and “TOKYO 2003 2ND NIGHT (Amity 635)” of YES are very popular in the collection of recorders that have been talked about recently. David Sylvian and Bryan Ferry, which will be released at the same time this week, are also works of this person. And this work is a beautiful recording that makes me happy with the neat freshness of the collection. It’s different from the feeling of close contact that you might mistake for a sound board, but the feeling of a closed room is perfect because it’s a club. The essential performance sound has a slight sense of distance, but the core that reaches straight through the air is powerful and the details are delicate. John Goodsal’s fast playing is also clear to each note, and the nuances of choking and vibrato can be felt clearly. Of course, the bass of Percy Jones also has a brittle attack sound, and the groove feeling that the grains create in a row is captured beautifully.
Even more vivid is the video version of DISC 3. This is a one-camera shot taken from behind the audience seats with the front of the stage in the middle, but apparently this is due to the people involved. The field of view that passes over the audience’s head and directly shoots the stage, the sense of stability that uses a tripod in a dignified manner, and the zoom that approaches the audience as if they knew the highlights in advance are first of all unpleasant for the audience. Furthermore, the voice is the sound board. Although it is not as good as DISC 1-2 in terms of overall score because it contains noise in some places, it has a great feeling of close contact with each other. After all, because it is BRAND X, the ensemble and the delicacy of the technique are more important than the atmosphere and heat. You can fully enjoy it.
It is a miracle scene that is drawn with such two materials. Unfortunately, the video version is not full, so let’s organize the set together here.

● 70’s Classics
・ Abnormal behavior: Born Ugly
・ Moroccan Roll: Disco Suicide
・ Masks: The Poke
・ Product: … And So to F …
● Other
・ Manifest Destiny: Manifest Destiny / Stellerator / Virus (▼) / True to the Clik (▼)
・ Cover: Lila’s Dance (▼) / Birds Of Fire (MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA)
* Note: “▼” mark is for full live album (DISC 1-2) only.

… And it looks like this. A composition in which representative songs are selected one by one from four works of the 70’s, and the new songs of “MANIFEST DESTINY” and two covers of MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA are sprinkled on them. To be honest, I don’t know if it was the real thing because of the rapid increase in the lineup, but the presence of the phrases of Goodsal & Jones, which is not anyone else, is intensely BRAND X. It is unbelievable that it was really shown in Japan even when I actually listened to it and watched it in the video. And it is Pierre of the drum that has a presence that is comparable to the two leading characters. A legend who has been exercising his skills with many historical masterpieces such as GONG’s “ANGEL’S EGG” and “YOU” and Mike Oldfield’s “OMMADAWN”. Takumi’s stick judgment is about rice cake theory, and the feeling that “Pierre is right there” in the video edition is dazzling.
BRAND X will leave Percy after a while from this arrival in Japan and will follow a more complicated history. It is a valuable 3-disc set where you can fully enjoy the miracle live in Japan that was realized on the verge of collapse with excellent recordings and shots of the people involved. BRAND X on-site experience that you can never hope for again. Please enjoy it carefully.

★ A live set of the miracle’s first visit to Japan “April 3, 1997: Shibuya CLUB QUATTRO performance”. This is a 3-disc set with full audience recordings on DISC 1-2 and related shots on DISC 3. The main full recording (DISC 1-2) is the original master that will be released for the first time in Japan, and is a neat and fresh beauty recording. Because it is a club, the feeling of a closed room is wonderful, the core that reaches straight through the atmosphere is powerful, and the details are delicate. And even more vivid is the video version of DISC 3. A shot of a one-camera person involved from behind the audience seats, with a zero-obstruction view, a sense of stability using a tripod, and a great sound board sound. GONG Legend: You can thoroughly experience the miracle ensemble with Pierre Moerlen.

1997年に奇跡の初来日を果たしたジャズロックの名門BRAND X。その千載一遇の現場を体験させてくれるライヴセットが登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは「1997年4月3日:渋谷CLUB QUATTRO公演」。そのフル・オーディエンス録音をDISC 1-2に、関係者ショットをDISC 3に配した3枚組です。2つの記録は貴重度もクオリティもズバ抜けているのですが、何よりレアなのは来日した事実そのもの。まずは、そのスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。

・3月30日:名古屋CLUB QUATTRO
・3月31日:心斎橋CLUB QUATTRO
・4月3日:渋谷CLUB QUATTRO ←★本作★

以上、全5公演。当時は最終作『MANIFEST DESTINY』のリリース(2月)直後だったわけですが、メンバーだったマーク・ワグノン/フランク・カッツが渡航を拒絶して離脱。急遽、ピエール・ムーランとクリス・ショブリングが参加してのジャパンツアーが実現しました。東京では2公演が行われ、本作はその2日目にあたります。
そんなショウを伝える本作は、クオリティも絶品。まずメインとなるフル・ライヴアルバム(DISC 1-2)ですが、これは本邦初公開となる本作だけのオリジナル録音。しかも、最近話題の録音家コレクションでして、プログレ系ですとYESの『SHIBUYA 1998 2ND NIGHT(Amity 634)』や『TOKYO 2003 2ND NIGHT(Amity 635)』が大好評。今週同時リリースとなるデヴィッド・シルヴィアンやブライアン・フェリーもこの人物の作品です。そして、本作はそのコレクションでも端正な瑞々しさが嬉しい美録音。サウンドボードと間違えるようなド密着感とは違いますが、クラブだからこその密室感は満点。肝心要の演奏音には若干の距離感もありつつ、空気感を貫いて真っ直ぐに届く芯は力強く、ディテールも繊細。ジョン・グッドサルの速弾きも1音1音までくっきりとしており、チョーキングやヴィヴラートのニュアンスも克明に感じられる。もちろん、パーシー・ジョーンズのベースもブリブリとしたアタック音が浮き立ち、その粒が連なって醸すグルーヴ感も綺麗に捉えられているのです。
さらに鮮やかなのは映像編のDISC 3。ステージ正面を真ん中に据えた客席後方から捉えたワンカメ・ショットなのですが、どうやらこれは関係者によるもの。観客の頭上を素通りしてステージを直写する視界も、堂々と三脚を使用している安定感も、見どころを事前に知っているかのようにグイグイと迫るズームも、観客にはまずムリ。さらに言いますと音声がサウンドボード。ところどころでチリチリしたノイズも入るので総合点ではDISC 1-2に及ばないものの、綺麗にセパレートしたド密着感は絶大。何しろBRAND Xですから、雰囲気や熱気よりもアンサンブルや技の妙味こそが最重要。それを存分に味わえるのです。

・異常行為:Born Ugly
・モロッカン・ロール:Disco Suicide
・マスクス:The Poke
・プロダクト:…And So to F…
・マニフェスト・デスティニー:Manifest Destiny/Stellerator/Virus(▼)/True to the Clik(▼)
・カバー:Lila’s Dance(▼)/Birds Of Fire(MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA)
※注:「▼」印はフル・ライヴアルバム(DISC 1-2)のみ。

……と、このようになっています。70年代の4作品から代表曲を1つずつセレクトし、そこに『MANIFEST DESTINY』の新曲群とMAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRAのカバー2曲をまぶした構成。正直なところ、急増ラインナップという事もあって本領発揮だったのかどうかは分かりませんが、他の誰でもないグッドサル&ジョーンズのフレーズが絡み合う存在感は強烈なまでにBRAND X。実際に聴き、映像で観ても本当に日本で披露されていたというのが信じられないほどです。そして、主役2人にも負けない存在感を放っているのがドラムのピエール。GONGの『ANGEL’S EGG』『YOU』やマイク・オールドフィールドの『OMMADAWN』など、歴史的大名盤の数々で腕を振るってきたレジェンド。匠のスティックさばきは餅論のこと、映像編での「すぐそこにピエールがいる」感が眩しいのです。
この来日からしばらくしてパーシーが離脱し、さらに複雑な歴史を辿っていくことになるBRAND X。その崩壊寸前に実現した奇跡のライヴ・イン・ジャパンを絶品録音と関係者ショットでたっぷり味わえる貴重な3枚組です。もう二度とは望めないであろう、BRAND Xの現場体験。どうぞ、じっくりとお楽しみください。

★奇跡の初来日「1997年4月3日:渋谷CLUB QUATTRO公演」のライヴセット。フル・オーディエンス録音をDISC 1-2に、関係者ショットをDISC 3に配した3枚組です。メインとなるフル録音(DISC 1-2)は本邦初公開となるオリジナル・マスターで、端正で瑞々しい美録音。クラブだからこその密室感が素晴らしく、空気感を貫いて真っ直ぐに届く芯は力強く、ディテールも繊細です。そして、さらに鮮やかなのは映像編のDISC 3。客席後方から捉えたワンカメの関係者ショットで、遮蔽物ゼロの視界も三脚を使用した安定感もサウンドボード音声も絶大。GONGのレジェンド:ピエール・ムーランも交えた奇跡のアンサンブルをじっくり現場体験できます。

Disc 1(61:09)
1. Intro.
2. Disco Suicide
3. Manifest Destiny
4. Stellerator
5. Virus
6. The Poke
7. Percy Jones & Pierre Moerlen Solo
8. …And So to F…

Disc 2(62:13)
1. MC
2. John Goodsall Acoustic Guitar Solo (Healing Dream & Concierto De Aranjuez)
3. Lila’s Dance
4. Birds Of Fire
5. True to the Clik
6. Born Ugly

1. Disco Suicide
2. Manifest Destiny
3. Stellerator
4. The Poke
5. Percy Jones & Pierre Moerlen Solo
6. …And So to F…
7. Birds Of Fire
8. Born Ugly


John Goodsall – guitar, keyboards
Percy Jones – bass
Kris Sjobring – keyboards
Pierre Moerlen – drums, percussion

Amity 638

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