Rolling Stones / Sheffield 1999: Definitive Master / 2CD

The Rolling Stones / Sheffield 1999: Definitive Master / 2CD / Non Label
Don Valley Stadium, Sheffield, UK 6th June 1999

Play sample :

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The 1999 edition of the UK Babylon tour, which makes you feel even the impression full of nostalgia after more than 20 years have passed. Although it was called the Babylon Tour because it was postponed for a year due to tax issues, it was influenced by the No Security Tour that was held immediately before, and it is clear that the same Babylon Tour was in 1997 or 1998. It was a tour with a different composition, rather a unique atmosphere.
This tour had a small number of performances, so most of the days were released, but regarding Sheffield on June 6th, the title of VGP’s “BEYOND THE VALLEY” is the only one and famous among maniacs. One piece. Because the impact of the audience recording that captured Keith’s sound with a balance that was too big was great, and even if it was not for everyone, it was a sufficiently attractive sound image for maniacs.
On the other hand, the overall sound quality is centered around the midrange, the main part of the live is leaning to the right, the B stage is extremely left leaning, and the sound quality has a crisp feel that reflects the time when it was released in 2000. Is it true that it was a sound source with a habit as a whole?

In 2023, even though it is a staple of such maniacs, the Babylon UK tour itself has not been touched over time. Another recording of this day was obtained by an original route that does not go through the net. Since it is Sheffield 99 now, at first I was thinking that it would be around the non-icola version of the same sound source as “BEYOND THE VALLEY” (hereinafter referred to as “existing board”), but when I played it, it was completely Another audience recording.
It is not a sound image where Keith’s sound was outstanding as much as the already released board, but a more balanced state of the whole performance. Still, Keith’s sound is loud (laughs). It is possible that it was recorded in an area close to the existing board. In any case, the good balance of listening as music is clearly the overwhelming victory this time.
Also, it is clear that it was recorded in front of the venue, whether it was an already released board or this new sound source, especially in the first half of the live, it is common to pick up the excitement of the surroundings, but it is also already released It’s less noisy than the board. For example, in the opening “Jumping Jack Flash”, there were even singing fellows on the already released board, but this is centered on the excitement of clapping.
And after all, the sound source this time is very clear and natural listening. Compared to that crisp early 2000 sound quality, it has a refreshing impression. And there is clearly little change in sound quality in the B stage. In this way, if it comes with a better balance and more natural than the already released board, it is only possible that another recording will be released on a limited press CD now.

Even so, Keith’s guitar is still prominent, and when I listen to the dynamics in Sheffield more than 20 years ago, I can guarantee that he will be enchanted by how he played so much. Above all, the sound source of the already-released board had a tendency to hear Keith’s playing too loudly, but when I listened to the sound source this time, which was excellent in balance, I felt the coolness of the performance and it was fresh. as much as it is reflected. Come to think of it, it’s the third year of the Babylon tour, and in addition, it’s been doing the No Security Tour, so it’s only natural that the vigorous performance and Keith’s playing here stand out.
“Live With Me” is the best example of this, and this Stones-like roughness is more vivid than the previous year and 1997. As for the B stage, it has a memento-like composition of the No Security Tour, and Keith of “Route 66”, who plays the phrase that shows his true strength, is also brilliant.
Surprisingly, even though it was a Babylon tour, the frequency of performances dropped significantly, and in 1999, “You Don’t Have To Mean It”, which became a rather rare existence, was sung. I have. In this way, a new audience recording of Sheffield released with full advantage with the already released board. In the first place, more than 20 years have passed since the release of the already released board, so please enjoy this masterpiece with a new, well-balanced and easy-to-hear new sound source!

★ Recorder provided Surprisingly high sound quality, different sound source from VGP “Beyond The Valley”

このツアーは公演数が少なかったこともあってほとんどの日がリリースされていたのですが、6月6日のシェフィールドに関してはVGPの『BEYOND THE VALLEY』というタイトルが唯一かつマニアの間で有名な一枚でしょう。というのもキースの音をデカすぎるくらいのバランスで捉えたオーディエンス録音のインパクトが大きく、それが万人向けでなくともマニアには十分に魅力的な音像であったから。

そんなマニアの定番でありながら、バビロンUKツアー自体が時の経過とともに触れられることもなくなった2023年。この日の別録音がネットを介さない独自ルートにて入手いたしました。今になってのシェフィールド99ですので、当初は『BEYOND THE VALLEY』(以下“既発盤”と称します)と同じ音源のノンイコラ版辺りかと踏んでいたのですが、いざ再生してみれば全くの別オーディエンス録音。
また既発盤にしろ今回の新音源にしろ会場の前方で録音されたのは明白な訳で、特にライブ前半は周囲の盛り上がりを拾っている点も共通するのですが、それもまた既発盤よりは騒がしくない。例えばオープニングの「Jumping Jack Flash」では歌う輩までいたのが既発盤だったのに対し、こちらは手拍子の盛り上がりが中心となっています。

「Live With Me」などはその最たる例ですし、このストーンズらしい荒々しさは前年や97年よりも鮮烈。Bステージに至っては、それこそノー・セキュリティー・ツアーの忘れ形見的な構成となっていて、ここぞとばかりに本領発揮のフレーズを弾きまくる「Route 66」のキースがまた鮮烈。
意外なところではバビロン・ツアーなのに演奏頻度がめっきり落ち、99年にはむしろレアな存在となってしまった「You Don’t Have To Mean It」が歌われるなど、やはりキースのトピックが多い音源でもあります。こうして既発盤とのアドバンテージ満載でリリースされるシェフィールドの新たなオーディエンス録音。そもそも既発盤のリリースからも20年以上の歳月が経過しています、是非この名演を新たな、しかもバランスが良くて聞きやすい新音源にてお楽しみください!

★録音者提供 驚きの高音質、VGP「Beyond The Valley」とは別音源

Disc:1 (63:20)
1. Intro
2. Jumping Jack Flash
3. You Got Me Rocking
4. Live With Me
5. Respectable
6. Gimme Shelter
7. Ruby Tuesday
8. Honky Tonk Women (with Sheryl Crow)
9. Saint of Me
10. Out of Control
11. Paint It Black
12. Band Introductions
13. Before They Make Me Run
14. You Don’t Have to Mean It

Disc 2 (60:34)
1. B-Stage S.E.
2. Route 66
3. Like a Rolling Stone
4. Midnight Rambler
5. Sympathy for the Devil
6. Tumbling Dice
7. It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll
8. Start Me Up
9. Brown Sugar
10. Satisfaction

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