Rolling Stones / Perth 1973 Soundboard / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Perth 1973 Soundboard / 1CD / Non Label
Live at Western Australia Cricket Ground, Perth, Australia 24th February 1973 *UPGRADE

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As I mentioned while continuing to release items from the Rolling Stones 1973 Winter Tour, the tour has PA-out soundboard recordings on the last three stages. The concept that this kind of sound source will be released is not entirely, it is just recorded as a check or a recording of a tour. In addition, due to the recording path, it is easy to fall into the dilemma that the presence is thin and monaural, and the skeleton of the performance is too direct, but the fact that these three performances in Australia were recorded in stereo is another PA. It will be a point that sets it apart from the out-sound board. Thanks to this, the rough and direct texture of this sound source has improved, and Stones is addicted to the rough performance unique to this period. Rather, there is no objection to the fact that it is a sound board sound source that is responsive.
The first excavated in these series of stereo PA sound boards was Perth on February 24th. Strangely, the first recorded show appeared, but unfortunately the recording time is shorter than the recording of the remaining two days. This is also a state that tends to occur in PA sound boards that are not premised on release, and it is clear that not all songs have been recorded because the missing parts have not been excavated until now. Nevertheless, what makes this day so popular is that it was a sound source that recorded the stage of a special day called the birthday of Nicky Hopkins, a famous session pianist who was a support member of Stones at that time.
Sure enough, the LP that first released this sound source was released with an unforgettable title “HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY”, so most of the items that recorded this sound source will appear under that name after that.

After all, because it is a stereo soundboard, it became a prey to the items of CD Genesis, and even if items based on LP were released several times, it was still popular because it was a single stereo soundboard recording business. That’s how it was. At this point, I had already wanted the name of the standard sound source in the 1973 winter tour, but the nostalgic label OH BOY! Released the first non-LP drop version under the name of “HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY”. In addition, the fact that the sound source of the 26th, which is the second sound board of this tour, was also coupled, made the position of the definitive edition unwavering.
However, regarding Perth, the original tape source did not appear after that, and as a result, the OH BOY! Board continued to be original, and subsequent releases were basically based on this title. When Nicky Hopkins came to Japan in his later years, he revealed in an interview that he owns the master of the day, of course, but soon after he died, the master went missing. The guess that it became is also valid … It’s just a guess. Of course, this time as well, Graf Zeppelin will brush up with the utmost care based on such an OH BOY! Board.
This sound source has a symptom that the sound source copied at the time of such a rare opportunity of outflow from his master has a symptom that the sound is doubled after the song order is changed, and the DAC board “HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY” which was regarded as the best in recent years. There was a feeling that this part could not be completely fixed. In the first analog, the three songs from the beginning of the live were recorded at the end of the B side, and in the order of “Gimme Shelter”, “Rocks Off” and “Happy”, but since the CD era, It was released in the same order as the previous and next shows, and at that time, the subtle duplication between songs like the one above was seen. Adjust that as much as possible this time.
And the sound quality has been adjusted to a clean texture this time. This is obvious if you compare it with the DAC board around “Midnight Rambler”. Furthermore, the left-right balance and pitch, which tend to be disturbed due to rough recording, are finely adjusted for each song.

The unique sound quality and stereo feeling conveys the sharp performance centered on Mick. Mick from 1972 to 1973 has a high tension as a whole, but this day is the most blown out of the last three times in Australia that can be heard on the sound board. That would be another popular secret. Among them, Mick seems to be quite gokigen, and this is approaching as if it hits the listener’s brain directly with the direct feeling unique to PA out. Keith and Mick Taylor’s guitars support it from the left and right … Rather, it’s stereo, so their sound is terrific.
Because of that, the turmoil in the intro of the famous “Gimme Shelter” is too vivid. I don’t see this confusion on the other two stages, and I don’t see it in any other song, so I wonder why Keith and Charlie didn’t get together so much in this song that I was used to playing only on this day. It was a mysterious happening.
However, such a turbulence subsided in a blink of an eye, and the momentum unique to this day reached its peak in “Midnight Rambler”, and it is said that Mick’s breathing when blowing the blues harp still sounds vivid and a sharp performance is heard. Is really attractive.
And Nicky’s birthday celebration that happens with a peaceful introduction of members, turning from a runaway performance. He will be the last to introduce the members, and Mick will lead and the happy birthday will be sung. Unlike other days, there was no audience recording, and there were many mysterious parts such as songs that could not be stored here, but that is why a stereo PA sound board full of charm was left. I’m just lucky. The latest version of the Stones Mania Mandatory 73 Soundboard, which can be used with “Nicky” as well as “Eddie” of ZEP, is finally here!

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★ Arrangement of related sound sources

a) OH BOY board … Original release released around 1990. Left and right ch reverse ★ Main source of this time
b) LIVE IN PERTH AUSTRALIA (Rockawhile) ・ ・ Released around 1989 before OH BOY. Left and right ok ・ Mixed with 26th.
Also, it is not a copy of OH BOY, but the sound is slightly inferior.
c) EXLE AFTERNOON (Rockawhile) ・ ・ In the 1991 release, the PERTH part is a copy of OH BOY (possible) + ’72 DALLAS rehearsal.
d) DAC … Probably a copy of a and b. Brown Sugar Intro It seems to be a copy of the moment and the whole Honky from b.

★ Remastered based on the OH BOY board, which seems to be the best at the moment.

This OH BOY board itself has some hiss noise reduction from the beginning.
In the quiet part, the reverberation sound is added to the tape noise such as “click”.
It is a noise reduction that is common in 90’s CDs, but at present this board is judged to be better.

★ For mastering, we flip the channels of the OH BOY board left and right, correct the intervals between songs, correct the pitch and phase, and patch the missing parts.

The patch for the missing part is from LIVE IN PERTH AUSTRALIA (Rockawhile), and there are two places, the Brown Sugar intro moment and the Honky intro.

★ In addition, regarding the part between songs from Bitch’s ass to before happy, it seems that a mysterious duplicate fake editing has been done from the beginning, and there is duplication between songs even on the DAC board.

There is duplication this time as well, but it is slightly different from the DAC board.
It seems like changing the song order of Rocks off and Gimmie, but the truth is unknown unless it is excavated even with Aud source.


案の定、本音源を最初にリリースしたLPが「HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY」という忘れ難いタイトルでリリースされたことから、その後この音源を収録したアイテムのほとんどがその名の下で登場することになるのでした。

何しろステレオでサウンドボードという事からCD創世記のアイテムの餌食となり、何度かLPを元にしたアイテムがリリースされてもなお好評を博したのは、一重にステレオ・サウンドボード録音の成せる業だったのです。この時点で既に73年ウインター・ツアーにおける定番音源の名をほしいままにしていたのですが、懐かしのレーベルOH BOY!が初めてLP落としでないバージョンをやはり「HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY」の名でリリース。おまけに本ツアー二つ目のサウンドボードである26日の音源もカップリングしてみせたことが決定版の地位を揺るぎないものとしたのでした。
ただしパースに関しては元になったテープ・ソースがその後出回らず、結果としてOH BOY!盤がオリジナルであり続け、以降のリリースも本タイトルをベースにしたものが基本となっていたのです。ニッキー・ホプキンスが晩年に来日した際、インタビューにてこの日のマスターはもちろん自分が持っている…と明かしてくれていたのですが、間もなくして彼が亡くなられたことでマスターが行方知らずになったという推測も成り立つのでは…あくまで推測ですが。もちろん今回もそんなOH BOY!盤をベースとしてGraf Zeppelinが細心の注意を払ってブラッシュアップを敢行。
本音源はそんな彼のマスターからの数少ない流出の機会の際にコピーされた音源は曲順変わった挙句に音のダブりも生じるといった症状がみられ、近年のベストとされたDAC盤「HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY」においてもこの個所は直し切れてない感があった。そもそも最初に登場したアナログではライブ序盤の三曲がB面の終盤、なおかつ「Gimme Shelter」、「Rocks Off」そして「Happy」という順番で収められていたのですが、CD時代になってからは前後のショーと同じ順番に直されてリリースされるようになり、その際に先のような曲間の微妙なダブりが見られるようになったのです。そこを今回は可能な限りアジャスト。
そして音質も今回はすっきりとした質感に整えました。これは「Midnight Rambler」辺りでDAC盤と聞き比べてもらえれば一目瞭然。さらにラフな録音故に乱れがちな左右のバランスやピッチも曲単位で緻密に調整しています。

そんな調子ですので、有名な「Gimme Shelter」のイントロにおける大混乱がまたあまりに生々しい。残り二回のステージでこうした混乱はみられず、また他の曲でもみられないことから、どうしてこの日に限って弾きなれたこの曲でキースとチャーリーがこれほどまでに噛み合わなかったのか、本当に不思議なハプニングでした。
もっともそんな乱れはあっという間に収まり、この日ならではの勢いが頂点を迎えるのが「Midnight Rambler」で、ミックがブルースハープを吹く際の息遣いまでも生々しく聞こえ、しかもキレッキレな演奏が聞かれるというのが本当に魅力的。



a) OH BOY盤・・’90年頃リリースで、オリジナルリリース。左右ch逆★今回のメインソース
b) LIVE IN PERTH AUSTRALIA (Rockawhile)・・OH BOYより前の89年頃リリース。左右ok・26日との混合。
またOH BOYのコピーではないが、音が若干劣る ★今回Brown Sugarイントロ一瞬とHonkyイントロを引用
c) EXLE AFTERNOON (Rockawhile)・・91年リリースでPERTHの部分はOH BOYのコピー(の可能性)+’72 DALLASリハ。左右逆
d) DAC・・恐らくaとbのコピー。Brown Sugarイントロ一瞬とHonky丸ごとをbからコピーと思われる

★現状ベストと思われるOH BOY盤をベースにリマスター。

このOH BOY盤自体、元々からヒスノイズ・リダクションがいくらか掛かっており、

★マスタリングは、OH BOY盤のチャンネルの左右反転、曲間の修正、ピッチ・位相修正のうえ、欠落部のパッチ等を行っております。

欠落部のパッチはLIVE IN PERTH AUSTRALIA (Rockawhile)からで、Brown Sugarイントロ一瞬とHonkyイントロの2箇所


Rocks offとGimmieの曲順を変えるとしっくりくるのですが、この辺りはAudソースでも発掘されない限り真相は不明



01. Brown Sugar ★0:00-0:04 OH BOY盤よりパッチ
02. Bitch
03. Rocks Off
04. Gimme Shelter
05. Happy
06. Tumbling Dice
07. Honky Tonk Women ★0:00-0:03 OH BOY盤よりパッチ
08. All Down The Line
09. Midnight Rambler
10. Band Introductions / Happy Birthday Nicky
11. Little Queenie

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