Rolling Stones / Orlando 1981 Day 2 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Orlando 1981 Day 2 / 2CD / Non Label
Live at Tangerine Bowl, Orlando, Florida, USA 25th October 1981

Play sample :

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Speaking of the Rolling Stones’ 1981 American tour, a large amount of PA-out soundboard recordings leaked in the 2000s, and a large amount of rough mixes of multitrack recordings for radio broadcasting were released on the “CONCERT VAULT” site in the 2010s. It was delivered. Regarding the latter sound source, a re-release project under the supervision of GRAF ZEPPELIN is still underway, but if these are combined, the tour can be covered almost entirely by the sound board. It is in a blessed sound source environment.
However, the sound board has not been excavated even in such a luxurious situation, and on the contrary, it has not even been recorded. There are still more live concerts that are presumed to be. If it’s a long-term tour from September to December, it’s no wonder that there was a day when neither PA nor multi recording was done. In the first place, the multi-track recorder was used for radio broadcasting and live album “STILL LIFE” from November.

That is why there were abundant PA out sound sources in October, but it is presumed that neither recording was realized in the valley of the PA sound board rush and the multitrack rush in November at the end of October. Is a tangerine bowl. Two performances were held at the same venue, but it is unlikely that they will be recorded on the sound board. If even one of them exists, the story is different, but the truth increases in the place where the sound source of that kind does not appear from either.
Audience recording is the one that can help in such a situation. Items have been released several times for Bill Wyman’s birthday performance at the Tangerine Bowl on October 24th, and the next day, although the sound source was on the market at the trader level, it was on the net. It turns into an unknown day because it didn’t reach the top. However, it finally appeared on the net in the latter half of 2013, and it was released in haste in 2014 “ORLANDO 1981 2ND NIGHT”.

As I said at the beginning, a tour that is blessed with a sound board. Audience recording buried in the valley is a level for enthusiasts in terms of quality. It has a hard texture that seems to be recorded at an outdoor stadium, and the sound image is not at the level that can be described as a “sound board.” However, the sound of Keith’s guitar is captured in a big balance and it is full of power. Mick’s enthusiastic singing that screams with super high tension is attractive with a ring on it. In other words, it is a wonderful balance that “Keith and Mick have a great presence”.
At the time of the release of “ORLANDO 1981 2ND NIGHT”, what attracted a great deal of attention among enthusiasts was the intense performance content and the enthusiastic excitement of the audience. Mick’s tension, which I mentioned earlier, is really awesome, and he seems to be a different person from his singing style that saved his throat after November. Mick from mid-October when the Stones engine was fully opened to this area has become the strongest shouter, for example, as soon as he changed the way of singing, the season as a repertoire passed “All Down” Is “The Line” etc. the best version of the 1981 tour on this day? It’s so wonderful.
In addition, “Street Fighting Man”, which had been performing unreliably at the beginning of the tour, has evolved into a wild performance that seems to be the completed version of the 1981 version. In addition, Keith’s guitar sounds loud, so its power is tremendous. The song was initially treated as a daily change with “Satisfaction”, so the Orlando people were lucky.

Because the way the audience was excited on this day was really awesome, for example, just hearing the big cheers escalating after “Let’s Spend The Night Together” started, I realized how exciting it was. You should be able to get it. It is also a big attraction that you can experience the vivid excitement in a stereo with a unique sense of presence that spreads to the left and right.
In front of such excitement, Mick also praised “You are the best audience!”, And it is a hot scene to hear the spectacular excitement repeated in the latest hit “Start Me Up” at that time. It truly conveys the realism of being excited by the latest hits of active bands. I wonder if the enthusiastic excitement that made the Stones “feel” led to the reward of showing both “Street Fighting Man” and “Satisfaction”, which had been only on the first day of the tour.
Therefore, even if the sound quality is not the highest level, the recording state that makes full use of the advantages unique to the audience, which is something that can never be experienced with a PA-out sound board if it is a multi-track. Such a fulfilling content was well received, and “ORLANDO 1981 2ND NIGHT” was sold out in a short period of time.

For that reason, the demand for re-release is increasing among maniacs. Therefore, this time, under the supervision of GRAF ZEPPELIN, the coarseness of the sound scattered in the previous release is finely adjusted. We have upgraded the version to a total and easy-to-listen finish. And the Tangerine Bowl, which was the stage, was actually called the Citrus Bowl from 1983 to 2016.
Yes, the Ano venue, which was well-received for the audience recording that boasted exceptionally high quality even in the 2015 “ZIP CODE” tour. It has now been renamed to “Camping World Stadium”, which is not interesting (bitter smile), but the first famous performance that Stones produced at such a famous venue was October 25, 1981. The famous sound source that made mania scream is finally back!

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★ Phase correction * However, there is almost no change

★ Volume balance adjustment * The sound of the previous board was small overall and there were some large parts, so I smoothed it so that it didn’t feel strange.

★ EQ adjustment slightly * However, no major processing is done.

★ Disc change position is adjusted (duplicate recording so that MC does not divide)

★ Corrects the sound sway that is scattered in places within the range that does not make you feel uncomfortable.

★ Crossfade to the extent that you do not overdo several cuts between songs. * The parts where MC etc. are scraped are not crossed.

ローリング・ストーンズの1981年アメリカ・ツアーといえば2000年代にPAアウトのサウンドボード録音が大量に流出し、さらに2010年代にはラジオ放送用マルチトラック録音のラフミックスが「CONCERT VAULT」サイトにて大量に配信されました。後者の音源に関しては現在もGRAF ZEPPELINの監修による再リリース・プロジェクトが進行中な訳ですが、これらを合わせればツアーがほとんどサウンドボードで網羅出来てしまうのではないか?と思えるほど恵まれた音源環境にあります。
ところがどっこい、そうした贅沢な状況の合間でもサウンドボードが発掘されていない、それどころか録音すら行われていないのでは?と推測されるライブがまだまだ残されている。9月から12月までという長期に及んだツアーであれば、PA or マルチどちらでの収録が行われなかった日というのがあったとしても何ら不思議ではない。そもそもラジオ放送やライブアルバム「STILL LIFE」用にマルチトラック・レコーダーが使われたのは11月からのこと。

そんな状況に救いの手を差し伸べてくれるのはやっぱりオーディエンス録音。ビル・ワイマンの誕生日に行われたタンジェリン・ボウル10月24日の公演に関しては何度かアイテムがリリースされてきましたが、翌日に関してはトレーダーレベルで音源が出回ってはいたものの、それがネット上に現れるまでに至らなかったせいで知られざる一日と化してしまう。ところが2013年の後半になってようやくネット上に出現、それを速攻でリリースしたのが2014年の「ORLANDO 1981 2ND NIGHT」。

「ORLANDO 1981 2ND NIGHT」のリリース時、マニアの間で大きな話題を呼んだのは激アツな演奏内容と観客の熱狂的な盛り上がり。先にも触れたミックのテンションの高さは本当に凄まじく、11月以降の喉をセーブした歌い方の彼とはまるで別人のよう。ストーンズのエンジンが全開となった10月中旬からこの辺りまでのミックというのは最強シャウターと化していて、例えば彼が歌い方を変えた途端にレパートリーとしての旬を過ぎてしまった「All Down The Line」などはこの日こそ81年ツアーのベスト・バージョンでは?と思えるほど素晴らしい。
またツアー序盤では何とも頼りない演奏を披露していた「Street Fighting Man」も81年バージョンの完成形と思わせるようなワイルドな演奏へと進化。おまけにキースのギターの音が大きいものだから、その迫力も凄まじい。同曲は当初「Satisfaction」との日替わり扱いでしたのでオーランドの人たちはラッキーでした。

というのもこの日は観客の盛り上がり方というのがまた本当に凄まじく、例えば「Let’s Spend The Night Together」が始まった後でエスカレートする大歓声を聞いただけでも如何に別格の盛り上がりを見せていたのかを実感してもらえるはず。その鮮やかな盛り上がりを左右に広がる独特の臨場感のあるステレオで体感できるのも大きな魅力。
こうした盛り上がりを前にミックも「君たちは最高の観客だ!」と褒めたたえており、当時の最新ヒットたる「Start Me Up」で繰り返された壮絶な盛り上がりも聞いていてアツくなる場面。正に現役バンドの最新ヒットで盛り上がる臨場感をリアルに伝えてくれるのです。なるほどストーンズを「その気」にさせるほど熱狂的な盛り上がりがそれまでツアー初日だけだった「Street Fighting Man」と「Satisfaction」の両方を披露というパターンのご褒美につながったのかと。
よって決して極上レベルの音質でなくとも、オーディエンスならではの長所がたっぷりと活かされた録音状態、これはマルチトラックならまだしもPAアウトのサウンドボードでは絶対に味わえないもの。そんな充実の内容が評判を呼び「ORLANDO 1981 2ND NIGHT」は短期間で売り切れてしまったのでした。

それだけに再リリースの要望はマニアの間で高まる一方。そこで今回はGRAF ZEPPELINの監修によって前回のリリースで散見された音の粗を緻密にアジャスト。トータルで聞きやすい仕上がりへとバージョンアップさせました。そして舞台となったタンジェリン・ボウルですが、実のところ1983年から2016年まではシトラス・ボウルという会場名だったのです。
そう、2015年「ZIP CODE」ツアーの中でも別格のハイクオリティを誇ったオーディエンス録音が評判となったアノ会場。今や「キャンピング・ワールド・スタジアム」という面白みのない名称に変更されてしまいましたが(苦笑)そんな名会場でストーンズが最初に生み出した名演が1981年の10月25日。マニアを唸らせた名音源が遂に復活です!



★位相修正 *但し殆ど変化なし








Disc 1 (60:15)
1. Under My Thumb
2. When The Whip Comes Down
3. Let’s Spend The Night Together
4. Shattered
5. Neighbours
6. Black Limousine
7. Just My Imagination
8. Twenty Flight Rock
9. Let Me Go
10. Time Is On My Side
11. Beast Of Burden
12. Waiting On A Friend
13. Let It Bleed

Disc 2 (64:15)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Band Introductions
3. Little T & A
4. Tumbling Dice
5. She’s So Cold
6. All Down The Line
7. Hang Fire
8. Miss You
9. Start Me Up
10. Honky Tonk Women
11. Brown Sugar
12. Street Fighting Man
13. Jumping Jack Flash
14. Satisfaction ★最後フェード処理なし

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